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The JavaServer Faces CDI Sample Application

This sample application demonstrates how to use CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) with JavaServer Faces.


This sample application gives you 10 attempts to guess a number between 1 an 100. After each attempt, the application tells you whether your guess was too high or too low.

The example consists of two qualifiers, an application scopped bean, and a session-scoped bean:

Building, Deploying, and Running the Application

Perform the following steps to build, deploy, and run the application:

  1. Set up your build environment and configure the application server with which the build system has to work by following the common build instructions.
  2. app_dir is the sample application base directory: samples_install_dir/javaee7/cdi/cdi-guess.
  3. Change directory to app_dir.
  4. Build, deploy, and run the sample application using the run outcome.

    mvn clean verify cargo:run

  5. Use the clean outcome to undeploy the sample application and to remove the temporary directories such as build and dist.

    mvn clean


If you have problems when running the application, refer to the troubleshooting document.

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