The Java EE 7 Tutorial


30.1 Overview of the Client API

The JAX-RS Client API provides a high-level API for accessing any REST resources, not just JAX-RS services. The Client API is defined in the package.

30.1.1 Creating a Basic Client Request Using the Client API

The following steps are needed to access a REST resource using the Client API.

  1. Obtain an instance of the interface.

  2. Configure the Client instance with a target.

  3. Create a request based on the target.

  4. Invoke the request.

The Client API is designed to be fluent, with method invocations chained together to configure and submit a request to a REST resource in only a few lines of code.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
String name ="")

In this example, the client instance is first created by calling the method. Then, the request is configured and invoked by chaining method calls together in one line of code. The method sets the target based on a URI. The method sets the media type for the returned entity. The method invokes the service using an HTTP GET request, setting the type of the returned entity to String. Obtaining the Client Instance

The Client interface defines the actions and infrastructure a REST client requires to consume a RESTful web service. Instances of Client are obtained by calling the ClientBuilder.newClient method.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();

Use the close method to close Client instances after all the invocations for the target resource have been performed:

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();

Client instances are heavyweight objects. For performance reasons, limit the number of Client instances in your application, as the initialization and destruction of these instances may be expensive in your runtime environment. Setting the Client Target

The target of a client, the REST resource at a particular URI, is represented by an instance of the interface. You obtain a WebTarget instance by calling the method and passing in the URI of the target REST resource.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget myResource ="");

For complex REST resources, it may be beneficial to create several instances of WebTarget. In the following example, a base target is used to construct several other targets that represent different services provided by a REST resource.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget base ="");
// WebTarget at
WebTarget read = base.path("read");
// WebTarget at
WebTarget write = base.path("write");

The WebTarget.path method creates a new WebTarget instance by appending the current target URI with the path that was passed in. Setting Path Parameters in Targets

Path parameters in client requests can be specified as URI template parameters, similar to the template parameters used when defining a resource URI in a JAX-RS service. Template parameters are specified by surrounding the template variable with braces ({}). Call the resolveTemplate method to substitute the {username}, and then call the queryParam method to add another variable to pass.

WebTarget myResource ="")
        .resolveTemplate("userName", "janedoe")        .queryParam("chapter", "1");// response = myResource.request(...)        .get(); Invoking the Request

After setting and applying any configuration options to the target, call one of the WebTarget.request methods to begin creating the request. This is usually accomplished by passing to WebTarget.request the accepted media response type for the request either as a string of the MIME type or using one of the constants in The WebTarget.request method returns an instance of, a helper object that provides methods for preparing the client request.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget myResource ="");
Invocation.Builder builder = myResource.request(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);

Using a MediaType constant is equivalent to using the string defining the MIME type.

Invocation.Builder builder = myResource.request("text/plain");

After setting the media type, invoke the request by calling one of the methods of the Invocation.Builder instance that corresponds to the type of HTTP request the target REST resource expects. These methods are:

  • get()

  • post()

  • delete()

  • put()

  • head()

  • options()

For example, if the target REST resource is for an HTTP GET request, call the Invocation.Builder.get method. The return type should correspond to the entity returned by the target REST resource.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget myResource ="");
String response = myResource.request(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)

If the target REST resource is expecting an HTTP POST request, call the method.

Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
StoreOrder order = new StoreOrder(...);
WebTarget myResource ="");
TrackingNumber trackingNumber = myResource.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)
                                   .post(Entity.xml(order), TrackingNumber.class);

In the preceding example, the return type is a custom class and is retrieved by setting the type in the<?> entity, Class<T> responseType) method as a parameter.

If the return type is a collection, use<T> as the response type parameter, where T is the collection type:

List<StoreOrder> orders ="")
        .get(new GenericType<List<StoreOrder>>() {});

This preceding example shows how methods are chained together in the Client API to simplify how requests are configured and invoked.
