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Our in-depth guides focus on specific areas of the framework, such as Views, the Core framework, and Third-party Extensions.
Struts 2 processes requests using three core types: interceptors, actions, and results. Each may be configured via XML or annotations.
The framework offers a flexible view layer that supports multiple view technologies, including JSP, FreeMaker, and Velocity.
Apache Struts 2 provides a simple plugin architecture so that developers can extend the framework just by adding a JAR to the application's classpath. Since plugins are contained in a JAR, they are easy to share with others. Several plugins are bundled with the framework, and others are available from third-party sources.
For a complete list of bundled and third-party plugins, visit the Plugin Registry..
Getting here from there.
How are Struts 1 and Struts 2 alike? How are they different? | |
Various issues (and hopefully their solutions!) encountered during migrations to Struts 2. | |
Steps and overall strategies for migrating Struts 1 applications to Struts 2. | |
Development tools to help aid the migration process. |
A three-part series by Ian Roughley (Sep 2006) |
What's in store for Struts 2? | |
Don Brown's summary of events |
What has been removed or changed from WebWork 2.2 to Struts 2 | |
Steps and overall strategies for migrating WebWork 2 applications to Struts 2. |