AbstractGraph |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of Graph .
AbstractNetwork |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of Network .
AbstractValueGraph |
This class provides a skeletal implementation of ValueGraph .
ElementOrder |
Used to represent the order of elements in a data structure that supports different options for
iteration order guarantees.
ElementOrder.Type |
The type of ordering that this object specifies.
EndpointPair |
An immutable pair representing the two endpoints of an edge in a graph.
Graph |
An interface for graph-structured data,
whose edges are anonymous entities with no identity or information of their own.
GraphBuilder |
ImmutableGraph |
A Graph whose elements and structural relationships will never change.
ImmutableGraph.Builder |
A builder for creating ImmutableGraph instances, especially static final
ImmutableNetwork |
A Network whose elements and structural relationships will never change.
ImmutableNetwork.Builder |
A builder for creating ImmutableNetwork instances, especially static final
ImmutableValueGraph |
A ValueGraph whose elements and structural relationships will never change.
ImmutableValueGraph.Builder |
MutableGraph |
A subinterface of Graph which adds mutation methods.
MutableNetwork |
A subinterface of Network which adds mutation methods.
MutableValueGraph |
A subinterface of ValueGraph which adds mutation methods.
Network |
An interface for graph-structured data,
whose edges are unique objects.
NetworkBuilder |
PredecessorsFunction |
A functional interface for graph-structured data.
SuccessorsFunction |
A functional interface for graph-structured data.
Traverser |
An object that can traverse the nodes that are reachable from a specified (set of) start node(s)
using a specified SuccessorsFunction .
ValueGraph |
An interface for graph-structured data,
whose edges have associated non-unique values.
ValueGraphBuilder |