Interface | Description |
IAerospikeClient |
This interface's sole purpose is to allow mock frameworks to operate on
AerospikeClient without being constrained by final methods.
Log.Callback |
An object implementing this interface may be passed in to
setCallback() ,
so the caller can channel Aerospike client logs as desired. |
ScanCallback |
An object implementing this interface is passed in
scan() calls, so the caller can
be notified with scan results. |
Class | Description |
AerospikeClient |
Instantiate an
AerospikeClient object to access an Aerospike
database cluster and perform database operations. |
BatchRead |
Key and bin names used in batch read commands where variables bins are needed for each key.
Bin |
Column name/value pair.
Host |
Host name/port of database server.
Info |
Access server's info monitoring protocol.
Key |
Unique record identifier.
Log |
Aerospike client logging facility.
Operation |
Database operation definition.
Record |
Container object for records.
ResultCode |
Database operation error codes.
Value |
Polymorphic value classes used to efficiently serialize objects into the wire protocol.
Value.BlobValue |
Blob value.
Value.BooleanValue |
Boolean value.
Value.ByteSegmentValue |
Byte segment value.
Value.BytesValue |
Byte array value.
Value.ByteValue |
Byte value.
Value.DoubleValue |
Double value.
Value.FloatValue |
Float value.
Value.GeoJSONValue |
GeoJSON value.
Value.IntegerValue |
Integer value.
Value.ListValue |
List value.
Value.LongValue |
Long value.
Value.MapValue |
Map value.
Value.NullValue |
Empty value.
Value.StringValue |
String value.
Value.ValueArray |
Value array.
Enum | Description |
Language |
User defined function languages.
Log.Level |
Log escalation level.
Operation.Type |
Exception | Description |
AerospikeException |
Aerospike exceptions that can be thrown from the client.
AerospikeException.AsyncQueueFull |
Exception thrown when async command was rejected because the
async delay queue is full.
AerospikeException.Connection |
Exception thrown when client can't connect to the server.
AerospikeException.InvalidNode |
Exception thrown when chosen node is not active.
AerospikeException.Parse |
Exception thrown when client can't parse data returned from server.
AerospikeException.QueryTerminated |
Exception thrown when query was terminated prematurely.
AerospikeException.ScanTerminated |
Exception thrown when scan was terminated prematurely.
AerospikeException.Serialize |
Exception thrown when Java serialization error occurs.
AerospikeException.Timeout |
Exception thrown when database request expires before completing.
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