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JNA API 4.4.0

Class Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2
    extends Structure
    The PRINTER_INFO_2 structure specifies detailed printer information.
    Ivan Ridao Freitas, Padrus
    See Also:
    PRINTER_INFO_2 structure
    • Field Detail

      • pServerName

        public String pServerName
        A pointer to a null-terminated string identifying the server that controls the printer. If this string is NULL, the printer is controlled locally.
      • pPrinterName

        public String pPrinterName
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the printer.
      • pShareName

        public String pShareName
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that identifies the share point for the printer. (This string is used only if the PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED constant was set for the Attributes member.)
      • pPortName

        public String pPortName
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that identifies the port(s) used to transmit data to the printer. If a printer is connected to more than one port, the names of each port must be separated by commas (for example, "LPT1:,LPT2:,LPT3:").
      • pDriverName

        public String pDriverName
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the printer driver.
      • pComment

        public String pComment
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that provides a brief description of the printer.
      • pLocation

        public String pLocation
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the physical location of the printer (for example, "Bldg. 38, Room 1164").
      • pDevMode

        public WinDef.INT_PTR pDevMode
        A pointer to a DEVMODE structure that defines default printer data such as the paper orientation and the resolution.
      • pSepFile

        public String pSepFile
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file used to create the separator page. This page is used to separate print jobs sent to the printer.
      • pPrintProcessor

        public String pPrintProcessor
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the print processor used by the printer. You can use the EnumPrintProcessors function to obtain a list of print processors installed on a server.
      • pDatatype

        public String pDatatype
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the data type used to record the print job. You can use the EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes function to obtain a list of data types supported by a specific print processor.
      • pParameters

        public String pParameters
        A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the default print-processor parameters.
      • pSecurityDescriptor

        public WinDef.INT_PTR pSecurityDescriptor
        A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure for the printer. This member may be NULL.
      • Attributes

        public int Attributes
        The printer attributes. This member can be any reasonable combination of the values PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_XXX.
      • Priority

        public int Priority
        A priority value that the spooler uses to route print jobs.
      • DefaultPriority

        public int DefaultPriority
        The default priority value assigned to each print job.
      • StartTime

        public int StartTime
        The earliest time at which the printer will print a job. This value is expressed as minutes elapsed since 12:00 AM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
      • UntilTime

        public int UntilTime
        The latest time at which the printer will print a job. This value is expressed as minutes elapsed since 12:00 AM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
      • Status

        public int Status
        The printer status. This member can be any reasonable combination of the values PRINTER_STATUS_XXX.
      • cJobs

        public int cJobs
        The number of print jobs that have been queued for the printer.
      • AveragePPM

        public int AveragePPM
        The average number of pages per minute that have been printed on the printer.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PRINTER_INFO_2

        public PRINTER_INFO_2()
      • PRINTER_INFO_2

        public PRINTER_INFO_2(int size)
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldOrder

        protected List<String> getFieldOrder()
        Description copied from class: Structure
        Return this Structure's field names in their proper order. For example,
         protected List getFieldOrder() {
             return Arrays.asList(new String[] { ... });
        IMPORTANT When deriving from an existing Structure subclass, ensure that you augment the list provided by the superclass, e.g.
         protected List getFieldOrder() {
             List fields = new ArrayList(super.getFieldOrder());
             fields.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { ... }));
             return fields;
        Field order must be explicitly indicated, since the field order as returned by Class.getFields() is not guaranteed to be predictable.
        Specified by:
        getFieldOrder in class Structure
        ordered list of field names
      • hasAttribute

        public boolean hasAttribute(int value)
        Checks if the printer attributes have one of the values PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_XXX.
JNA API 4.4.0

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