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JNA API 4.4.0

Interface Wincon

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface Wincon
    Ported from Wincon.h.
    • Method Detail

      • AllocConsole

        boolean AllocConsole()
        Allocates a new console for the calling process.
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        AllocConsole documentation
      • FreeConsole

        boolean FreeConsole()
        Detaches the calling process from its console
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        FreeConsole documentation
      • AttachConsole

        boolean AttachConsole(int dwProcessId)
        Attaches the calling process to the console of the specified process
        dwProcessId - The identifier of the process whose console is to be used. Can be either the process ID or the special ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS value to indicate the console of the parent of the current process.
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        AttachConsole documentation
      • FlushConsoleInputBuffer

        boolean FlushConsoleInputBuffer(WinNT.HANDLE hConsoleInput)
        Flushes the console input buffer. All input records currently in the input buffer are discarded.
        hConsoleInput - A handle to the console input buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_WRITE access right.
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        FlushConsoleInputBuffer documentation
      • GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent

        boolean GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(int dwCtrlEvent,
                                         int dwProcessGroupId)
        Sends a specified signal to a console process group that shares the console associated with the calling process.
        dwCtrlEvent - The type of signal to be generated.
        dwProcessGroupId - The identifier of the process group to receive the signal
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent documentation
      • GetConsoleCP

        int GetConsoleCP()
        Code that identifies the code page
        See Also:
        Code page identifiers
      • SetConsoleCP

        boolean SetConsoleCP(int wCodePageID)
        wCodePageID - The identifier of the code page to be set
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        SetConsoleCP documentation
      • GetConsoleOutputCP

        int GetConsoleOutputCP()
        Retrieves the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process.
        See Also:
        Code page identifiers
      • SetConsoleOutputCP

        boolean SetConsoleOutputCP(int wCodePageID)
        wCodePageID - The output code page used by the console associated with the calling process.
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        SetConsoleOutputCP documentation
      • GetConsoleWindow

        WinDef.HWND GetConsoleWindow()
        The window handle used by the console associated with the calling process
      • GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents

        boolean GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(WinNT.HANDLE hConsoleInput,
                                              IntByReference lpcNumberOfEvents)
        hConsoleInput - A handle to the console input buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_READ access right
        lpcNumberOfEvents - A pointer to a variable that receives the number of unread input records in the console's input buffer
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents documentation
      • GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons

        boolean GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons(IntByReference lpNumberOfMouseButtons)
        lpNumberOfMouseButtons - A pointer to a variable that receives the number of mouse buttons
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons documentation
      • GetStdHandle

        WinNT.HANDLE GetStdHandle(int nStdHandle)
        nStdHandle - The standard device identifier
        A handle to the specified standard device (standard input, output, or error)
      • SetStdHandle

        boolean SetStdHandle(int nStdHandle,
                             WinNT.HANDLE hHandle)
        nStdHandle - The standard device identifier
        hHandle - The handle for the standard device
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        SetStdHandle documentation
      • GetConsoleDisplayMode

        boolean GetConsoleDisplayMode(IntByReference lpModeFlags)
        Retrieves the display mode of the current console
        lpModeFlags - The display mode of the console
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        GetConsoleDisplayMode documentation
      • GetConsoleMode

        boolean GetConsoleMode(WinNT.HANDLE hConsoleHandle,
                               IntByReference lpMode)
        hConsoleHandle - A handle to the console input buffer or the console screen buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_READ access right
        lpMode - A pointer to a variable that receives the current mode of the specified buffer
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        GetConsoleMode documentation
      • SetConsoleMode

        boolean SetConsoleMode(WinNT.HANDLE hConsoleHandle,
                               int dwMode)
        hConsoleHandle - A handle to the console input buffer or a console screen buffer. The handle must have the GENERIC_READ access right
        dwMode - The input or output mode mask to be set
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        SetConsoleMode documentation
      • GetConsoleTitle

        int GetConsoleTitle(char[] lpConsoleTitle,
                            int nSize)
        lpConsoleTitle - A pointer to a buffer that receives a null-terminated string containing the title. If the buffer is too small to store the title, the function stores as many characters of the title as will fit in the buffer, ending with a null terminator. Note: use Native.toString(char[]) to convert it to a String value
        nSize - The size of the buffer pointed to by the lpConsoleTitle parameter, in characters.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is the length of the console window's title, in characters. If the function fails, the return value is zero and GetLastError returns the error code.
        See Also:
        GetConsoleTitle documentation
      • GetConsoleOriginalTitle

        int GetConsoleOriginalTitle(char[] lpConsoleTitle,
                                    int nSize)
        lpConsoleTitle - A pointer to a buffer that receives a null-terminated string containing the original title. Note: use Native.toString(char[]) to convert it to a String value
        nSize - The size of the lpConsoleTitle buffer, in characters
        If the function succeeds, the return value is the length of the string copied to the buffer, in characters. If the buffer is not large enough to store the title, the return value is zero and GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is zero and GetLastError returns the error code.
        See Also:
        GetConsoleOriginalTitle documentation
      • SetConsoleTitle

        boolean SetConsoleTitle(String lpConsoleTitle)
        lpConsoleTitle - The string to be displayed in the title bar of the console window. The total size must be less than MAX_CONSOLE_TITLE_LENGTH.
        true if successful - if false then use GetLastError() to get extended error information
        See Also:
        SetConsoleTitle documentation
JNA API 4.4.0

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