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JNA API 4.4.0

Interface DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList

    • Method Detail

      • queryNextServer

        DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection queryNextServer(DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection prevConnection)
        Retrieves the next conversation handle in the specified conversation list.
        prevConnection - A handle to the conversation handle previously returned by this function. If this parameter is NULL, the function returns the first conversation handle in the list.
        If the list contains any more conversation handles, the return value is the next conversation IDdeConnection in the list; otherwise it is NULL.
      • close

        void close()
        Destroys the specified conversation list and terminates all conversations associated with the list.

        If the function fails a DdeException is raised with the appropriate errorCode:


        Note: This wraps DdeDisconnectList to align with Closeable wording.

        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
JNA API 4.4.0

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