Upgrading Multitenant Container Databases In Parallel

Use this technique to upgrade CDB$ROOT, PDB$SEED, and all PDBS in the CDB in one upgrade operation.

Oracle recommends that you use this approach if you can schedule downtime, because it provides a direct procedure for upgrades and simplicity of maintenance. Using this procedure upgrades in parallel all the PDBs in the multitenant architecture container database, depending on your server’s available processors (CPUs).


When you upgrade the entire container using the In Parallel upgrade method, all the PDBs must be down. Perform the upgrade in a scheduled upgrade window so that you can bring all the PDBs down.


  • Always create a backup of existing databases before starting any configuration change.

  • You cannot downgrade a database after you have set the compatible initialization parameter.

  • Oracle strongly recommends that you upgrade your source and target databases to the most recent bundle patch or patch set update (BP or PSU) before starting an upgrade, and to the most recent release update before starting a downgrade.

  1. Ensure that you have a proper backup strategy in place.
  2. Open all PDBs.

    For example:

    SQL> alter pluggable database all open;
  3. Run the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (preupgrade.jar), using the following syntax:
    /java -jar $New_release_Oracle_home/rdbms/admin/preupgrade.jar [TERMINAL|FILE|DIR outputdir] [TEXT|XML] [-c InclusionListOfPDBs] [-C ExclusionListOfPDBs]

    Use space-delimitation for lists. On Linux and UNIX, define the list by placing the list inside single quotes: '. On Windows systems, define the list by placing the list inside double quotes ".

    For example, run the following command to run the Pre-Upgrade Information tool on PDBs PDB1 through PDB25, where you have set up an environment variable $ORACLE_HOME_12.2 for your Oracle Database Oracle home in /u01/app/ oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/, and you have set up an environment variable $ORACLE_HOME_19.1 for your new Oracle Database Oracle home in /u01/app/oracle/product/19.1.0/dbhome_1/:

    Linux and UNIX:

    java -jar $ORACLE_HOME_19.1/rdbms/admin/preupgrade.jar \
    -c 'pdb1 pdb2 pdb3 pdb4 pdb5 pdb6 pdb7 pdb8 pdb9 pdb10 pdb11 pdb12 pdb13\
    pdb14 pdb15 pdb16 pdb17 pdb18 pdb19 pdb20 pdb21 pdb22 pdb23 pdb24 pdb25'


    java -jar %ORACLE_HOME_19.1%/rdbms/admin/preupgrade.jar \
    -c "pdb1 pdb2 pdb3 pdb4 pdb5 pdb6 pdb7 pdb8 pdb9 pdb10 pdb11 pdb12 pdb13\
    pdb14 pdb15 pdb16 pdb17 pdb18 pdb19 pdb20 pdb21 pdb22 pdb23 pdb24 pdb25"


    You must use Java 1.5 or later to run the Pre-Upgrade Information tool. By default, the Java releases in Oracle Database releases that you can upgrade directly support the tool.

  4. Review any generated fixup scripts and log files.

    By default, if ORACLE_BASE is defined, then the fixup files are placed in one of the following paths:

    • Linux and UNIX:


    • Windows


    If ORACLE_BASE is not defined, then fixup files are placed in one of the following paths:

    • Linux and UNIX:


    • Windows:


    On multitenant architecture Oracle Databases, the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool also creates a consolidated preupgrade_fixups.sql script. You can run the consolidated fixup script by using catcon.pl. The consolidated fixup script runs on every container that was open at the time that you ran the preupgrade.jar command.

  5. Run the preupgrade_fixups script, or individual PDB scripts. The preupgrade_fixups SQL scripts resolve some of the issues reported by the preupgrade script.

    On multitenant environment Oracle Database deployments, you can run preupgrade_fixupspdb-name.sql scripts on the source database, where pdb-name is the PDB name. If you generate fixup scripts for PDBs, then the PDB name is added to the fixup filename.

    In addition to the individual PDB fixup scripts, you can use catcon.pl to run the consolidated preupgrade_fixups.sql script. The consolidated script runs on every container that was open at the time that you ran preupgrade.jar.


    Because $ is a reserved symbol on operating systems, the fixup script for PDB$SEED is preupgrade_fixups_pdb_seed.sql.

    Complete any other preupgrade tasks that the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool identifies.

  6. (Conditional) for Oracle RAC databases, set the cluster database initialization parameter to false:

    For example;

    ALTER SYSTEM SET cluster_database=FALSE SCOPE=spfile;
  7. Shut down the database in the old Oracle home.

    For example, where db_unique_name is your database name:

    $ srvctl stop database -d db_unique_name
  8. Copy the PFILE or SPFILE from the old Oracle home to the new Oracle home
  9. Connect with SQL*Plus:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
  10. Bring the CDB$ROOT instance into upgrade mode:
  11. Bring all PDBs into upgrade mode:
  12. Check the status of PDBs to confirm that they are ready to upgrade:
    For all PDBs, ensure that the status is set to MIGRATE.
  13. Exit from SQL*Plus, and change directory to the new Oracle home $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin:
    $ ORACLE_HOME/bin 
  14. Start the upgrade using the Parallel Upgrade Utility (catctl.pl, using the shell command dbupgrade), where -d specifies the location of the directory:
    dbupgrade -d $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin

    If you do not specify any parameters, then the Parallel Upgrade Utility runs the upgrade in parallel on the number of PDBs equivalent to the number of CPUs divided by 2. On a server with 64 CPUs, 64 divided by 2 equals 32 PDBs upgraded in parallel, carried out with two SQL processors for each PDB. CDB$ROOT remains in NORMAL mode for the duration of the upgrade.

  15. Confirm that the upgrade was successful by reviewing the upg_summary.log If necessary, review other logs.
  16. Open all PDBs, so that you can recompile the databases:
  17. Exit from SQL*Plus, and change directory to the new Oracle home path $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin:
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
  18. Run the catcon.pl script and the postupgrade_fixups.sql script that is supplied with the new release Oracle Database.

    The following example shows the command strings for running catcon.pl, using the -n parameter to specify one parallel processor for each PDB, using the -d parameter to specify the path where the preupgrade script that you want to run is located, using the -l parameter to specify the location where you want the scripts to place log files, and using the -b flag to specify the log file prefixes for the postupgrade_fixups.sql script:

    $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catcon.pl -n 1 -d \
    $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/cdbupgr/preupgrade -l /home/oracle/upgrdDBA -b \
    postupgrade_fixups postupgrade_fixups.sql
  19. Run postupgrade_fixups.sql.

    Non- CDB:

    SQL> @rdbms/admin/postupgrade_fixups.sql


    $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl catcon.pl -n 1 -e -b postupgradefixups -d '''.''' postupgradefixups.sql
  20. Run utlusts.sql to verify that there are no upgrade issues.


    SQL> @rdbms/admin/utlusts.sql


    $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl catcon.pl -n 1 -e -b utlu122s -d '''.''' utlusts.sql

    When you use catcon.pl to run utlusts.sql, the log file utlu122s0.log is generated. The log file provides the upgrade results. You can also review the upgrade report, upg_summary.log.

    To see information about the state of the database, run utlusts.sql as many times as you want, at any time after the upgrade is completed. If the utlusts.sql script returns errors, or shows components that do not have the status VALID, or if the version listed for the component is not the most recent release, then perform troubleshooting.

  21. (Conditional) For Oracle RAC environments only, enter the following commands to set the initialization parameter value for CLUSTER_DATABASE to TRUE, and to start the Oracle RAC database, where dbname is the name of the Oracle RAC database:
    srvctl start database -db db_unique_name

    Your database is now upgraded.


    If you retain the old Oracle software, then never start the upgraded database with the old software. Only start Oracle Database using the start command in the new Oracle Database home.

    Before you remove the old Oracle environment, relocate any data files in that environment to the new Oracle Database environment.

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for information about relocating data files