9 Managing Oracle ASM With ASMCA

Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) provides utilities for managing Oracle ASM.

Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) supports installing and configuring Oracle ASM instances, Oracle ASM disk groups, Oracle ASM Dynamic Volume Manager (Oracle ADVM) volumes, and Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) file systems. In addition, you can use the ASMCA command-line interface.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

For information about managing Oracle ACFS and Oracle ADVM with ASMCA, refer to Managing Oracle ACFS and Oracle ADVM With ASMCA.


Some ASMCA functionality and menu options are only available in specific environments, such as an Oracle RAC configuration. For details about a specific ASMCA page, access the online help provided with the Help button.

Getting Started With the ASMCA GUI Tool

To start ASMCA, enter asmca at a command prompt inside the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home. For example:

$ asmca

The GUI tool displays and attempts to connect to the Oracle ASM instance identified with the Oracle system identifier (SID) set to +ASM.

If ASMCA detects an Oracle ASM instance that is not running, then ASMCA prompts whether you want to start the instance.

To start the command-line ASMCA, see ASMCA Command-Line Interface.


Some ASMCA functionality and menu options are only available in specific environments, such as an Oracle RAC configuration. For details about a specific ASMCA page, access the online help provided with the Help button.

Managing Instances and Disk Groups With ASMCA

This section contains the following topics:


Some ASMCA functionality and menu options are only available in specific environments, such as an Oracle RAC configuration. For details about a specific ASMCA page, access the online help provided with the Help button.

Creating Oracle ASM Instances with ASMCA

Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant enables you to create an Oracle ASM instance if the Oracle ASM instance is not found on the host.

On the Create ASM page, you enter the SYS password for the administrator of the Oracle ASM instance and the password for the ASMSNMP user that can monitor this Oracle ASM instance. ASMSNMP is a less privileged user that is primarily used to monitor Oracle ASM instances.

You can select the listener with which to register this Oracle ASM instance. Click ASM Parameters to update the initialization parameters for the Oracle ASM instance.

When you can click ASM Parameters in the Create ASM page, you can update initialization parameters for an Oracle ASM instance on the Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant page.

See Also:

Managing Disk Groups with ASMCA

Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant enables you to configure or create Oracle ASM disk groups with the Configure ASM Disk Groups tab.

The disk group tab displays selected details about the disk group, such as name, size, free space, usable space, redundancy level, and state of the disk group.

You can right click a selected disk group in the screen to display the configuration options menu. The menu options enable you to:

  • Add disks to and drop disks from the disk group

  • Add, drop, and list quota groups.

  • Add, drop, and move file groups.

  • Edit the disk group attributes

  • Manage templates for the disk group

  • Create an Oracle ACFS file system on the disk group for database use

  • Mount and dismount the disk group

  • Drop the disk group

  • Drop and clear Oracle ASM Filter Driver labels.

There are additional options for creating a disk group, mounting all disk groups, and dismounting all disk groups.

Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant enables you to create an Oracle ASM disk group by clicking Create on the Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant disk group page.

On the Create Disk Group page, you can enter a name for the disk group, select the redundancy level, change the disk discovery path to locate disks in a different directory, identify the disks to be in the disk group, enter a name for a failure group, and specify if the failure group is a quorum type.

A quorum failure group is a special type of failure group and disks in these failure groups do not contain user data and a quorum failure group is not considered when determining redundancy requirements with respect to user storage. However, a quorum failure group counts when mounting a disk group.

If Oracle ASM Filter Driver has been configured for your system, you can add Oracle ASM Filter Driver labels to disks or clear Oracle ASM Filter Driver labels from disks.

You can choose to show advanced options when creating a disk group. The advanced options section enables you to set additional options, such as disk group compatibility settings and allocation unit (AU) size. When you are finished with the create disk group specifications, click OK.


The disk group compatibility settings can only be advanced. You cannot revert to a lower compatibility setting after you advance the disk group compatibility settings.


The values for Free (GB) and Usable (GB) space are 0 if the disk group type is FLEX or EXTEND. The 0 value in this case means no value is given, not a zero amount in for Free (GB) and Usable (GB) space.

See Also:

ASMCA Command-Line Interface

The ASMCA command-line interface provides non-GUI support for configuring Oracle ASM instances, Oracle ASM disk groups, volumes, and Oracle ACFS.

Running ASMCA Command-Line

The syntax for running the ASMCA command-line tool is:

asmca -silent command_name [options] 

Table 9-1 contains the options available with the asmca command-line tool.

Table 9-1 Options for the ASMCA command-line tool

Option Description


Specifies to run asmca in command-line mode.


Specifies the command to run. The command can be any of the following:

  • -configureASM
  • -configureParameter
  • -deleteASM
  • -createDiskGroup
  • -editDiskGroupAttributes
  • -addDisk
  • —createLabel
  • -dropLabel
  • -createFileGroups
  • -dropFileGroups
  • —createQuotaGroups
  • -dropQuotaGroups
  • -createVolume
  • -createACFS
  • -createACFSSnapshot
  • -dropACFSSnapshot

See ASMCA Commands for Instances and Disk Groups.


Specifies the options to run for a command. The options vary by command. See the individual commands described in ASMCA Commands for Instances and Disk Groups for the available options.

The following list describes the options that are common for multiple commands.

  • -help

    Displays help for running ASMCA in silent mode.

  • -asmsnmpPassword asmsnmp_password

    The Oracle ASM monitor user (ASMSNMP) password. This is optional and only required when creating and migrating an Oracle ASM instance.

  • -sysAsmPassword sysasm_password

    The SYSASM password for Oracle ASM instance. This option is required.

The following is an example of the -help option.

$ asmca -help
asmca [-silent] [-sysAsmPassword <SYS user password>] [-asmsnmpPassword <ASMSNMP password>] {<command> <options>}
Please refer to the manual for details.
You can enter one of the following commands:

ASMCA Commands for Instances and Disk Groups

This section describes the commands that can be run with ASMCA command-line to manage Oracle ASM objects.

Configure an Oracle ASM Instance

-configureASM configures or creates an Oracle ASM instance.


asmca -silent
       [-sysAsmPassword sysasm_password ]
       [ -asmsnmpPassword asm_monitor_password ] 
       [ { -param paramname=paramvalue , ... } ]
       [ { -diskString discovery_path
        { -diskGroupName diskgroup
         { -disk disk_path [-diskName disk]  |
          -diskList disk_list 
              [-diskSize disk_size_MB] 
              [-failuregroup failure_group] 
              [-quorum|-noquorum]  }
       [ -redundancy { HIGH | NORMAL | EXTERNAL } ] } ]
       [-au_size value]
       [-compatible.asm value ]
       [-compatible.rdbms value ]
       [-compatible.advm value ] }

Table 9-2 contains the options available with the -configureASM command.

Table 9-2 Options for the -configureASM command

Option Description

-param paramname=paramvalue , ...

Specifies a list of initialization parameters with values for the Oracle ASM instance.

-diskString discovery_path

Specifies the Oracle ASM discovery string for locating disks.

-diskGroupName diskgroup

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group to create.

-disk disk_path

Specifies the full path of the disk device.

-diskName disk

Specifies a user-supplied disk name.

-diskList disk_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of disk names to be added to the disk group.

-diskSize disk_size_MB

Specifies the size of the disk to use for Oracle ASM storage.

-failuregroup failure_group

Specifies the failure group name.

-force | -noforce

Specifies where to force the use of the disk.

-quorum | -noquorum

Specifies a quorum or standard failure group.

-redundancy { HIGH | NORMAL | EXTERNAL}

Specifies the redundancy setting for the Oracle ASM disk group.


Specifies the allocation unit size (1,2,4,8,16,32,64)


Specifies the attribute setting.


Specifies the attribute setting.


Specifies the attribute setting.

For additional options that are common to multiple commands, see Table 9-1.


To configure an Oracle ASM instance:

Example 9-1 Using asmca -silent -configureASM

asmca -silent
          -diskString '/devices/disk*'
          –sysAsmPassword my_sysasm_password
          -asmsnmpPassword my_asmsnmp_passwd
Configure Parameters for a Specified Instance

-configureParameter modifies the parameters of the specified target instance.


asmca -silent
          -configureParameter [-target {ASM|IOS|APX|ALL} ] 
          [{-param paramname=paramvalue , ... }]
          [-sysAsmPassword sysasm_password ]

Table 9-3 contains the options available with the -configureParameter command.

Table 9-3 Options for the -configureParameter command

Option Description

-target {ASM|IOS|APX|ALL}

Specifies the target instance of the command. If no target is specified, the default is the Oracle ASM instance.

-param paramname=paramvalue , ...

Specifies a list of initialization parameters with values for the Oracle ASM instance.

For additional options that are common to multiple commands, see Table 9-1.


To configure parameters for a specified target instance:

Example 9-2 Using asmca -silent -configureParameter

asmca -silent
        –sysAsmPassword my_sysasm_password
Delete Oracle ASM Instances

-deleteASM deletes all the Oracle ASM instances that are present. The operation stops and an error is raised if there is a database using the Oracle ASM instance.


asmca -silent
          [-sysAsmPassword sysasm_password ]

Table 9-4 contains the options available with the -deleteASM command.

Table 9-4 Options for the -deleteASM command

Option Description


Forces the deletion of an Oracle ASM instance.


Drops the disk groups on this instance.

For additional options that are common to multiple commands, see Table 9-1.


To delete an Oracle ASM instance:

Example 9-3 Using asmca -silent -deleteASM

asmca -silent
          –sysAsmPassword my_sysasm_password
Create a Disk Group

-createDiskGroup creates disk groups in an Oracle ASM instance.


asmca -silent
       [ -diskString discovery_path ]
       { -diskGroupName diskgroup
         { -disk disk_path [-diskName disk]  |
          -diskList disk_list 
              [-diskSize disk_size_MB] 
              [-failuregroup failure_group] 
              [-quorum|-noquorum]  }
       [ -redundancy { HIGH | NORMAL | EXTERNAL } ] } ]
       [-au_size value]
       [-compatible.asm value ]
       [-compatible.rdbms value ]
       [-compatible.advm value ] }
       [-sysAsmPassword sysasm_password ]

Table 9-5 contains the options available with the -createDiskGroup command.

Table 9-5 Options for the -createDiskGroup command

Option Description

-diskString discovery_path

Specifies the Oracle ASM discovery string for locating disks.

-diskGroupName diskgroup

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group to create.

-disk disk_path

Specifies the full path of the disk device.

-diskName disk

Specifies a user-supplied disk name.

-diskList disk_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of disk names to be added to the disk group.

-diskSize disk_size_MB

Specifies the size of the disk to use for Oracle ASM storage.

-failuregroup failure_group

Specifies the failure group name.

-force | -noforce

Specifies where to force the use of the disk.

-quorum | -noquorum

Specifies a quorum or standard failure group.

-redundancy { HIGH | NORMAL | EXTERNAL}

Specifies the redundancy setting for the Oracle ASM disk group.


Specifies the allocation unit size (1,2,4,8,16,32,64)


Specifies the attribute setting.


Specifies the attribute setting.


Specifies the attribute setting.

For additional options that are common to multiple commands, see Table 9-1.

For information about disk group compatibility attributes, see Disk Group Compatibility.


To create disk groups in an Oracle ASM instance:

Example 9-4 Using asmca -silent -createDiskGroup

$ asmca -silent -createDiskGroup
       -diskGroupName mynewdg
           -disk '/devices/diske*'
           -disk '/devices/diskk*'
       -redundancy NORMAL
       -au_size 64
       -compatible.asm ''
       -compatible.rdbms ''
       -compatible.advm ''

DiskGroup mynewdg created successfully.
Add a Disk to a Disk Group

-addDisk add disks to an existing disk group in an Oracle ASM instance.


asmca -silent 
         [ -diskString discovery_path ]
           {-diskGroupName diskgroup
            {-disk disk_path [-diskName disk]  |
             -diskList disk_list 
                [-diskSize disk_size_MB] 
                [-failuregroup failure_group] 
                [-quorum|-noquorum]  }
         [-sysAsmPassword sysasm_password ]

Table 9-6 contains the options available with the -addDisk command.

Table 9-6 Options for the -addDisk command

Option Description

-diskString discovery_path

Specifies the Oracle ASM discovery string for locating disks.

-diskGroupName diskgroup

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group to update.

-diskList disk_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of disk names to be added to the disk group.

-diskSize disk_size_MB

Specifies the size of the disk to use for Oracle ASM storage.

-failuregroup failure_group

Specifies the failure group name.

-force | -noforce

Specifies where to force the use of the disk.

-quorum | -noquorum

Specifies a quorum or standard failure group.

For additional options that are common to multiple commands, see Table 9-1.


To add disks to an existing disk group:

Example 9-5 Using asmca -silent -addDisk

asmca -silent
          -diskGroupName mynewdg 
             -disk '/devices/diskl1'
             -disk '/devices/diskl2'

Disks added successfully to diskgroup mynewdg.
Edit Oracle ASM Disk Group Attributes

-editDiskGroupAttributes updates the Oracle ASM disk group attributes.

Syntax and Description

      (-diskGroupName disk_group)
      (-attribute value)

The following table contains the options available with the —editDiskGroupAttributes command.

Table 9-7 Options for the -editDiskGroupAttributes command

Option Description

-diskGroupName diskgroup

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group to create.

-attribute value

Specifies the name and assigned value of an attribute.

Create Oracle ASM Filter Driver Labels

—createLabel creates Oracle ASM filter driver labels.

Syntax and Description

       -diskList  disk_list 
       -labelList label_list | -labelPrefix label_prefix 

The following table contains the options available with the —createLabel command.

Table 9-8 Options for the —createLabel command

Option Description

-diskList disk_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of disk names to be labeled.

-labelList label_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of label names.

-labelPrefix label_prefix

Specifies the label prefix to be used to create labels. If label list is specified, label prefix is ignored.

Drop Oracle ASM Filter Driver Labels

-dropLabel drops Oracle ASM filter driver labels.

Syntax and Description

      -labelList label_list

The following table contains the options available with the —dropLabel command.

Table 9-9 Options for the —dropLabel command

Option Description

-labelList label_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of label names.

Create Oracle ASM File Groups

-createFileGroups creates Oracle ASM file groups.

Syntax and Description

     (-diskGroupName disk_group)
     (-fileGroupNames file_group_name_list)
     (-fileGroupUsages file_group_usages_list)
     (-fileGroupUsageIDs file_group_usagesID_list)

The following table contains the options available with the —createFileGroups command.

Table 9-10 Options for the -createFileGroups command

Option Description

-diskGroupName disk_group

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group.

-fileGroupNames file_group_name_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of file group names to be added to the disk group.

-fileGroupUsages file_group_usages_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of file group usage strings to be processed.

-fileGroupUsagesIDs file_group_usagesID_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of file group usage IDs to be processed.

Drop Oracle ASM File Groups

-dropFileGroups drops Oracle ASM file groups.

Syntax and Description

      (-diskGroupName disk_group)
      (-fileGroupNames file_group_name_list)

The following table contains the options available with the —dropFileGroups command.

Table 9-11 Options for the -dropFileGroups command

Option Description

-diskGroupName disk_group

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group to create.

-fileGroupNames file_group_name_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of file group names to be dropped.

Create Oracle ASM Quota Groups

—createQuotaGroups creates Oracle ASM quota groups.

Syntax and Description

      (-diskGroupName disk_group)
      (-quotaGroupNames quota_group_name_list)
      (-quotaGroupSizes quota_group_size_list)

The following table contains the options available with the —createQuotaGroups command.

Table 9-12 Options for the -createQuotaGroups command

Option Description

-diskGroupName disk_group

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group.

-quotaGroupNames quota_group_name_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of quota group names to be added to the disk group.

-quotaGroupSizes quota_group_size_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of quota group sizes to be processed.

Drop Oracle ASM Quota Groups

-dropQuotaGroups drops Oracle ASM quota groups.

Syntax and Description

      (-diskGroupName disk_group)
      (-quotaGroupNames quota_group_names_list) 

The following table contains the options available with the —dropQuotaGroups command.

Table 9-13 Options for the -dropQuotaGroups command

Option Description

-diskGroupName disk_group

Specifies the name of the Oracle ASM disk group.

-quotaGroupNames quota_group_name_list

Specifies a comma-delimited list of quota group names to be dropped.