35.2 Installing the Data Mining Sample Programs

Learn how to install Data Mining sample programs.

The data mining sample programs require:

  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition with the Advanced Analytics option

  • Oracle Database sample schemas

  • Oracle Database Examples

  • A data mining user account

  • Execution of dmshgrants.sql by a system administrator

  • Execution of dmsh.sql by the data mining user

Follow these steps to install the data mining sample programs:

  1. Install or obtain access to Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition with the Advanced Analytics option. To install the Database, see the installation instructions for your platform at Oracle Database 18c Release.

  2. Ensure that the sample schemas are installed in the database. The sample schemas are installed by default with Oracle Database. See Oracle Database Sample Schemasfor details about the sample schemas.

  3. Verify that Oracle Database Examples has been installed with the database, or install it locally. Oracle Database Examples loads the Database sample programs into the rdbms/demo directory under Oracle home. See Oracle Database Examples Installation Guide for installation instructions.

  4. Verify that a data mining user account has been created, or create it yourself if you have administrative privileges. See "Creating a Data Mining User".

  5. Ask your system administrator to run dmshgrants.sql, or run it yourself if you have administrative privileges. dmshgrants grants the privileges that are required for running the sample programs. These include SELECT access to tables in the SH schema as described in "The Data Mining Sample Data" and the system privileges listed in the following table.

    Pass the name of the data mining user to dmshgrants.

    SQL> CONNECT sys / as sysdba
    Enter password: sys_password
    SQL> @ $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/dmshgrants dmuser

    Table 35-1 System Privileges Granted by dmshgrants.sql to the Data Mining User

    Privilege Allows the data mining user to


    log in to a database session


    create tables, such as the settings tables for CREATE_MODEL


    create views, such as the views of tables in the SH schema


    create data mining models

    EXECUTE ON ctxsys.ctx_ddl

    execute procedures in the ctxsys.ctx_ddl PL/SQL package; required for text mining

  6. Connect to the database as the data mining user and run dmsh.sql. This script creates views of the sample data in the schema of the data mining user.

    SQL> CONNECT dmuser
    Enter password: dmuser_password
    SQL> @ $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/demo/dmsh