
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z  


  • access control list (ACL) 1
  • ACL
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • action entry points
    • defined 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • action scripts 1
    • actions 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • add nodes to a cluster 1
  • addresses, configuring manually 1
  • administrative tools
    • overview and concepts 1
  • ADR 1
    • directory structure 1
  • ADR home 1
  • agent
    • defined 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • agent framework
    • defined 1
  • agent programs 1
  • agents 1
    • appagent 1, 2
    • appagent.exe 1, 2
    • scriptagent 1, 2
    • scriptagent.exe 1, 2
    • resource attribute 1
  • alert messages
    • CRSD 1
  • APIs
    • agent framework
      • clsagfw_add_type() 1
      • clsagfw_check_resource() 1
      • clsagfw_create_attr_iterator() 1
      • clsagfw_delete_cookie() 1
      • clsagfw_exit2() 1
      • clsagfw_get_attr_from_iterator() 1
      • clsagfw_get_attrvalue() 1
      • clsagfw_get_check_type() 1
      • clsagfw_get_cmdid() 1
      • clsagfw_get_cookie() 1
      • clsagfw_get_request_action_name() 1
      • clsagfw_get_resource_id() 1
      • clsagfw_get_resource_name() 1
      • clsagfw_get_retry_count() 1
      • clsagfw_get_type_name() 1
      • clsagfw_init() 1
      • clsagfw_is_cmd_timedout() 1
      • clsagfw_log() 1
      • clsagfw_reset_attr_iterator() 1
      • clsagfw_send_status2() 1
      • clsagfw_set_cookie() 1
      • clsagfw_set_entrypoint() 1
      • clsagfw_set_exitcb() 1
      • clsagfw_set_resource_state_label() 1
      • clsagfw_startup() 1
    • clscrs_stat2 1
    • command evaluation
      • clscrs_whatif_add_server 1
      • clscrs_whatif_delete_server 1
      • clscrs_whatif_register_serverpool 1
      • clscrs_whatif_set_activepolicy 1
      • clscrs_whatif_unregister_serverpool 1
    • miscellaneous
      • clscrs_get_error_details 1
      • clscrs_request_action 1
      • clscrs_restart_resource 1
      • clscrs_start_resource_in_pools 1
      • clscrs_stat3 1
      • clscrs_stop_resource_in_pools 1
    • server categorization
      • clscrs_get_server_by_category 1
      • clscrs_register_server 1
      • clscrs_register_servercategory 1
      • clscrs_servercategory_create 1
      • clscrs_servercategory_destroy 1
      • clscrs_unregister_servercategory 1
    • What-If
      • clscrs_whatif_fail_resource 1
      • clscrs_whatif_register_resource 1
      • clscrs_whatif_relocate_resource 1
      • clscrs_whatif_relocate_server 1
      • clscrs_whatif_start_resource 1
      • clscrs_whatif_stop_resource 1
  • application agent 1, 2
  • Application Member Cluster 1
  • application resources
    • starting 1
    • stopping 1
  • applications
    • defining a VIP address 1
    • highly available 1
    • managing with CLSCRS commands 1
    • placement policies 1
    • registering as a resource 1
    • relocating 1
  • application VIP
    • deleting 1
  • appvipcfg create 1
  • attraction start dependency 1
    • modifiers 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • autoconfig 1, 2
  • automatic address configuration 1
  • automatic cluster address configuration 1
  • Automatic Diagnostic Repository
    • See: ADR


  • background processes 1
  • Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)
    • See: Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)
  • black-box virtual machine 1
  • block-by-block checksum operation 1
  • built-in agents 1


  • Cache Fusion
    • communication 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource group attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource group attribute 1
  • changing a network interface
    • network interface
      • changing 1
  • changing interface names, consequences 1
  • changing the cluster mode 1
  • changing VIP addresses 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • checksum operation
    • block-by-block 1
  • CHM
    • See: Cluster Health Monitor (CHM)
  • cipher suites 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • client cluster 1
  • Client Data File
    • Using to configure shared GNS 1
  • client-side diagnosability infrastructure (CRSD)
    • alerts 1
  • cloning
    • Oracle Clusterware 1
    • Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1
  • cloning, overview for clusterware 1
    • command evaluation APIs 1
      • described 1
    • reasoned command evaluation APIs 1
      • described 1
  • clscrs_crsentity 1
  • clscrs_crsentitylist 1
  • clscrs_entity_type 1
  • clscrs_sp 1
  • clscrs_splist 1
    • callback mechanism 1
    • data structures 1
      • clscrs_crsentity 1
      • clscrs_crsentitylist 1
      • clscrs_entity_type 1
      • clscrs_sp 1
      • clscrs_splist 1
    • deprecated 1
    • error handling and tracing 1
    • filters 1, 2
      • comparison filter 1
      • expression filter 1
    • initialization and persistence 1
    • interactive 1
    • memory management 1
    • non-interactive 1
    • overview 1
    • threading support 1
  • CLSCRS commands
    • overview 1
  • CLSD-1009 message
    • resolving 1
  • CLSD-1011 message
    • resolving 1
  • cluster
    • adding a node 1
    • converting to GNS client cluster 1
    • specifying with OIFCFG 1
  • CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS initialization parameter 1
  • cluster_resource 1
  • cluster-aware resource 1
  • cluster configuration policy 1
  • Cluster Health Monitor (CHM) 1
  • Cluster Health Monitor (CRF)
    • debugging 1
  • cluster interconnect
    • Cache Fusion communication 1
    • changing private network addresses 1
  • cluster mode
    • changing 1
  • cluster nodes
    • adding and deleting 1
    • deleting from Windows systems 1
  • Cluster Ready Services (CRS)
    • debugging 1
    • defined 1
  • cluster resource 1
  • cluster resource activity log 1
  • cluster resource failures
    • monitoring 1
  • clusters
    • administrator-managed 1
    • converting 1
    • converting to an Oracle Flex Cluster 1
    • policy-managed 1
  • cluster storage
    • recording with OCR 1
  • Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) 1
    • debugging 1
    • defined 1
  • cluster time management 1
  • Cluster Time Synchronization Service (CTSS) 1
    • debugging 1
  • Cluster Verification Utility 1
    • See also: CVU, cluvfy
    • Cluster Verification Utility 1
      • See also: CVU
    • deprecated and desupported commands 1
  • Cluster Verification Utility (CVU)
    • See: CVU
  • clusterware, cloning overview 1
  • cluvfy
    • See: CVU
  • comma-delimited lists with SRVCTL 1
  • command evaluation APIs
    • sequence ID 1
  • compatibility
    • Oracle Clusterware, Oracle ASM, and database 1
  • configurations
    • reinitializing OCR 1
  • Configuration Wizard
    • configuring multiple nodes 1
  • configuring
    • voting files 1
  • converting clusters 1
    • resource group attribute 1
  • cross-cluster dependency proxies 1
  • CRS
    • See: Cluster Ready Services (CRS)
    • checking the Oracle Clusterware status 1
    • command evaluation 1
    • commands
      • add category 1
      • add cluster site 1
      • add crs administrator 1
      • add policy 1
      • add resource 1
      • add resourcegroup 1
      • add resourcegrouptype 1
      • add serverpool 1
      • add type 1
      • add wallet 1
      • check cluster 1
      • check crs 1
      • check css 1
      • check ctss 1
      • check evm 1
      • check has 1
      • check resource 1
      • check resourcegroup 1
      • config crs 1
      • config has 1
      • create member_cluster_configuration 1
      • create policyset 1
      • delete category 1
      • delete cluster site 1
      • delete crs administrator 1
      • delete css votedisk 1
      • delete member_cluster_configuration 1
      • delete node 1
      • delete policy 1
      • delete resource 1
      • delete resourcegroup 1
      • delete resourcegrouptype 1
      • delete serverpool 1
      • delete type 1
      • delete wallet 1
      • disable crs 1
      • disable has 1
      • discover dhcp 1
      • enable crs 1
      • enable has 1
      • eval activate policy 1
      • eval add resource 1
      • eval add resourcegroup 1
      • eval add server 1
      • eval add serverpool 1
      • eval delete server 1
      • eval delete serverpool 1
      • eval fail resource 1
      • eval fail resourcegroup 1
      • eval modify resource 1
      • eval modify serverpool 1
      • eval relocate resource 1
      • eval relocate resourcegroup 1
      • eval relocate server 1
      • eval start resource 1
      • eval start resourcegroup 1
      • eval stop resource 1
      • eval stop resourcegroup 1
      • export resourcegroup 1
      • get calog maxsize 1
      • get calog retentiontime 1
      • get clientid dhcp 1
      • get cluster class 1, 2
      • get cluster configuration 1
      • get cluster extended 1
      • get cluster hubsize 1
      • get cluster mode 1
      • get cluster name 1
      • get cluster tlsciphersuite 1
      • get cluster type 1
      • get cpu equivalency 1
      • get css 1
      • get css ipmiaddr 1
      • get hostname 1
      • get nodename 1
      • get node role 1
      • getperm resource 1
      • getperm serverpool 1
      • getperm type 1
      • get resource use 1
      • get server css_critical 1
      • get server label 1
      • get tracefileopts 1
      • lsmodules 1
      • modify category 1
      • modify cluster site 1
      • modify policy 1
      • modify policyset 1
      • modify resource 1
      • modify resourcegroup 1
      • modify resourcegrouptype 1
      • modify server 1
      • modify serverpool 1
      • modify type 1
      • modify wallet 1
      • pin css 1
      • query calog 1
      • query cluster site 1
      • query crs activeversion 1
      • query crs administrator 1
      • query crs autostart 1
      • query crs releasepatch 1
      • query crs releaseversion 1
      • query crs site 1
      • query crs softwarepatch 1
      • query crs softwareversion 1
      • query css ipmiconfig 1
      • query css ipmidevice 1
      • query css votedisk 1
      • query dns 1
      • query has releaseversion 1
      • query has softwareversion 1
      • query member_cluster_configuration 1
      • query socket udp 1
      • query wallet 1
      • release dhcp 1
      • relocate resource 1, 2
      • relocate resourcegroup 1
      • relocate server 1
      • replace discoverystring 1
      • replace votedisk 1
      • request action 1
      • request dhcp 1
      • restart resource 1
      • restart resourcegroup 1
      • set calog maxsize 1
      • set calog retentiontime 1
      • set cluster disabledtlsciphersuite 1
      • set cluster hubsize 1
      • set cluster mode 1
      • set cluster type 1
      • set cpu equivalency 1
      • set crs autostart 1
      • set css 1
      • set css ipmiaddr 1
      • set css ipmiadmin 1
      • set css noautorestart 1
      • set log 1
      • setperm resource 1
      • setperm serverpool 1
      • setperm type 1
      • set resource use 1
      • set server css_critical 1
      • set server label 1
      • set tracefileopts 1
      • start cluster 1
      • start crs 1
      • start has 1
      • start ip 1
      • start resource 1
      • start resourcegroup 1
      • start rollingpatch 1
      • start rollingupgrade 1
      • start testdns 1
      • status category 1
      • status ip 1
      • status policy 1
      • status policyset 1
      • status resource 1
      • status resourcegroup 1
      • status server 1
      • status serverpool 1
      • status testdns 1
      • status type 1
      • stop cluster 1
      • stop crs 1
      • stop has 1
      • stop ip 1
      • stop resource 1
      • stop resourcegroup 1
      • stop rollingpatch 1
      • stop testdns 1
      • unpin css 1
      • unset css 1
      • unset css ipmiconfig 1
    • dual environment commands 1
    • Oracle RAC environment commands 1
    • Oracle Restart environment commands 1
  • CRSCTL commands
    • cluster aware 1
    • debug log 1
    • lsmodules 1
    • module_name parameter 1
    • overview 1
    • resource_name parameter 1
    • set log 1
  • crsctl set log 1
  • crsctl set trace 1
  • CRSD background process
    • alert messages 1
  • CSS
    • See: Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS)
  • CVU
    • about 1
    • baseline creation 1
    • commands
      • cluvfy comp acfs 1
      • cluvfy comp admprv 1
      • cluvfy comp asm 1
      • cluvfy comp baseline 1
      • cluvfy comp clocksync 1
      • cluvfy comp clumgr 1
      • cluvfy comp crs 1
      • cluvfy comp DHCP 1
      • cluvfy comp dns 1
      • cluvfy comp freespace 1
      • cluvfy comp gns 1
      • cluvfy comp gpnp 1
      • cluvfy comp ha 1
      • cluvfy comp healthcheck 1
      • cluvfy comp nodeapp 1
      • cluvfy comp nodecon 1, 2
      • cluvfy comp nodereach 1
      • cluvfy comp ocr 1
      • cluvfy comp ohasd 1
      • cluvfy comp olr 1
      • cluvfy comp peer 1
      • cluvfy comp scan 1
      • cluvfy comp software 1
      • cluvfy comp space 1
      • cluvfy comp ssa 1
      • cluvfy comp sys 1
      • cluvfy comp vdisk 1
      • cluvfy stage -post acfscfg 1
      • cluvfy stage -post appcluster 1
      • cluvfy stage -post cfs 1
      • cluvfy stage -post crsinst 1
      • cluvfy stage -post hacfg 1
      • cluvfy stage -post hwos 1
      • cluvfy stage -post nodeadd 1
      • cluvfy stage -post nodedel 1
      • cluvfy stage -pre acfscfg 1
      • cluvfy stage -pre cfs 1
      • cluvfy stage -pre crsinst 1
      • cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg 1
      • cluvfy stage -pre dbinst 1
      • cluvfy stage -pre hacfg 1
      • cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd 1
    • component verifications
      • checking Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Database installations 1
      • Cluster Manager subcomponent 1
      • connectivity between cluster nodes 1
      • CTSS integrity 1
      • Domain Name Service (DNS) 1
      • existence of DHCP 1
      • free space 1
      • Grid Naming Service (GNS) 1
      • Grid Plug and Play service and profile 1
      • integrity of high availability 1
      • integrity of OCR 1
      • integrity of ohasd 1
      • integrity of OLR 1
      • integrity of Oracle ACFS 1
      • integrity of Oracle ASM 1
      • integrity of voting files 1
      • node applications 1
      • node comparison 1
      • Oracle Clusterware component 1
      • reachability of nodes 1
      • SCAN configuration 1
      • software distribution across nodes 1
      • storage 1
      • system requirements 1
      • user and permissions 1
    • difference between and cluvfy 1
    • installation requirements 1
    • installation verifications
      • application clusters 1
    • known issues 1
    • node list shortcuts 1
    • online Help system 1
    • overview and concepts 1
    • performing verifications 1
    • 1
    • stage verifications
      • database configuration 1
      • high availability installation 1
      • network and storage on all nodes 1
      • node deletion 1
      • node installation 1
      • Oracle ACFS 1
      • Oracle ACFS configuration 1
      • Oracle Clusterware installation 1
      • Oracle RAC installation 1
    • UNKNOWN output 1
    • verbose mode 1


  • database home
    • provisioning a working copy of 1
  • Database Management Repository 1
  • Database Member Cluster 1
  • debugging
    • CRS, CSS, and EVM modules 1
    • Oracle Clusterware resources 1
  • default application VIP
    • creating
      • appvipcfg create 1
  • defining network interfaces
    • OIFCFG command-line interface 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • delif command
    • OIFCFG command-line interface 1
  • deployment scheme
    • deciding 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • DHCP configuration 1
  • 1
  • diagnostic directories
    • alert 1
    • core 1
    • incident 1
    • output 1
    • trace 1
  • diagnostics collection script 1
  • disk group redundancy 1
    • external 1
    • high 1
    • normal 1
  • dispersion start dependency 1
    • modifiers 1
  • DNS, entries example for GNS and SCAN 1
  • Domain Services Cluster 1
    • diagnostic record unique ID 1
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 1


    • resource attribute 1
  • enabling debugging for Oracle Clusterware resources 1
  • enabling debugging for the CRS, CSS, and EVM modules 1
  • entry points
    • ABORT 1
    • ACTION 1
    • CHECK 1
      • CLSAGFW_FAILED state 1
      • CLSAGFW_ONLINE state 1
      • CLSAGFW_PARTIAL state 1
      • CLSAGFW_UNKNOWN state 1
    • CLEAN 1
    • defined 1
    • DELETE 1
    • MODIFY 1
    • monitor 1
    • START 1
    • STOP 1
  • Event Management (EVM)
    • defined 1
  • Event Manager (EVM)
    • debugging 1
  • EVM
    • See: Event Management (EVM)
    • overview 1
  • exclusion start dependency 1
    • modifiers 1
  • extending Oracle database home
    • on non-shared storage 1
    • on shared storage
      • network-attached storage 1
      • Oracle ACFS 1


    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • failure groups 1
    • quorum 1
  • failure isolation
    • configuring IPMI for 1
  • Fast Application Notification (FAN) 1
  • Fleet Patching and Provisioning 1, 2, 3
    • adding cluster nodes with 1
    • architecture 1
    • components
      • Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 1
      • Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 1
      • Fleet Patching and Provisioning targets 1
      • NFS home client 1
    • creating databases on a working copy 1
    • features 1
    • gold image distribution 1
    • images 1
    • image series 1
    • image state 1
    • image type 1
    • job scheduler 1
    • managing Clients 1
    • moving databases between working copies 1
    • notifications 1
    • Oracle Database software management 1
    • patching Oracle Exadata software 1
    • patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure (non-rolling) 1
    • patching Oracle Grid Infrastructure (rolling) 1
    • persistent home path 1
    • provisioned software
      • storage options 1
    • provisioning a working copy of a database home 1
    • provisioning for a different user 1
    • roles 1
      • basic built-in 1
      • composite built-in 1
    • troubleshooting 1
    • upgrading Oracle Database software 1
    • user actions
      • creating web server 1
    • user-defined actions 1
    • user groups management 1
  • Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 1
    • assigning roles to users 1
    • creating 1
    • creating users 1
    • enabling and disabling 1
    • managing 1
    • managing the password 1
    • troubleshooting incompatible 1
  • Fleet Patching and Provisioning commands
    • See: RHPCTL
  • Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 1
    • creating 1
    • Oracle Grid Infrastructure software management 1
    • propagating images between 1
  • Free server pool 1
    • described 1


  • generic_application 1
    • resource type
      • creating resources of 1
  • generic server pool
    • described 1
  • Generic server pool 1
  • getif command
    • OIFCFG command-line interface 1
  • global interface
    • network interface stored as 1
  • GNS 1
    • See: Grid Naming Service (GNS)
    • administering 1
    • changing the subdomain 1
    • converting non-GNS cluster to GNS cluster 1
    • highly available
      • removing secondary GNS instances 1
    • highly-available 1
      • configuring 1
      • removing primary GNS instances 1
    • primary GNS instance 1
    • secondary GNS instance 1
    • starting 1
    • stopping 1
    • zone data 1
    • zone transfer 1
  • GNS, GNS VIP 1
  • GNS daemon
    • and GNS VIP 1
    • port number for 1
  • gold image 1
  • gold images
    • adding 1
    • adding to Fleet Patching and Provisioning server 1
  • Grid Infrastructure Management Repository 1
    • attributes and requirements 1
  • Grid Interprocess Communication (gipc)
    • debugging 1
  • Grid Interprocess Communication (GIPC) 1
  • Grid Naming Service (GNS)
    • defined 1
    • See GNS 1
  • Grid Plug and Play (gpnp)
    • debugging 1
  • Grid Plug and Play (GPNPD) 1
    • using to add nodes 1


  • HAIP
    • highly available IP address 1
  • hard start dependency 1
    • modifiers 1
  • hard stop dependency 1
    • modifiers 1
  • hardware requirements 1
  • high availability
    • and Oracle Clusterware 1
    • application programming interface 1
    • framework 1
  • highly-available GNS 1
    • configuring 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • Hub Node 1


  • iflist command
    • OIFCFG command-line interface 1
  • importing
    • OCR 1
  • incident trace files 1
  • independent automaton 1, 2
  • initialization parameters
  • installation
    • introduction 1
  • installations
    • configuring voting files 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • Intelligent Management Platform Interface (IPMI) 1, 2
    • configuring for failure isolation 1
    • removing IPMI configuration 1
  • Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)
    • CRSCTL commands
      • get css ipmiaddr 1
      • query css ipmiconfig 1
      • query css ipmidevice 1
      • set css ipmiaddr 1
      • set css ipmiadmin 1
      • unset css ipmiconfig 1
  • interface names, consequences of changing 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • IPMI
    • See: Intelligent Management Platform Interface (IPMI)
    • modifying administrator 1
    • obtaining IP address 1
    • storing IP address 1
  • IPv4 1
    • changing to a static IPv6 address 1
    • changing to dynamic IPv6 addresses 1
    • network configuration
      • adding an IPv6 network to 1
    • networks
      • transitioning to IPv6 networks 1
  • IPv6 1
    • name resolution 1
  • IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration Protocol 1


  • job scheduler
    • Fleet Patching and Provisioning 1


    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • listeners
    • in OCR 1
  • LOAD
    • resource attribute 1
  • load-aware resource placement 1, 2
  • local_resource 1
  • local resource 1
  • log levels
    • setting for Oracle Clusterware 1
  • lsmodules parameter
    • with the CRSCTL command 1


  • managing applications
    • CLSCRS commands 1
  • managing Oracle Clusterware
    • with CRSCTL 1
  • manual address configuration 1
  • mDNS
    • See: Multicast Domain Name Service (mDNS)
  • mDNSResponder
    • purpose 1
  • memory pressure 1
  • mirroring
    • OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry) 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • modifying IPMI configuration 1
  • module_name parameter
    • supplying to CRSCTL commands 1
  • modules
    • debugging
      • CRF 1
      • CRS 1
      • CSS 1
      • CTSS 1
      • EVM 1
      • gipc 1
      • gpnp 1
  • Multicast Domain Name Service (mDNS)
    • defined 1


  • NAME
    • resource attribute 1
  • network file system
    • See: NFS
  • network interface
    • configuration 1
    • global 1
    • node-specific 1
    • OIFCFG syntax 1
  • network interface card 1
  • network interfaces
    • defining with OIFCFG 1
    • types 1
    • updating subnet classification 1
  • networks
    • creating 1
    • for Oracle Flex Clusters 1
  • NFS home client 1
  • nodes
    • adding to a cluster
      • on Linux or UNIX 1
      • on Windows 1, 2
    • configuring multiple 1
    • deleting from a cluster
      • on Linux or UNIX 1
    • VIP address 1
  • node-specific interface
    • network interface stored as 1
  • non-default application VIP
    • creating 1


  • ocr.loc file 1
  • OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry)
    • adding 1, 2
    • automatic backups 1
    • backing up 1
    • changing backup file location 1
    • contents 1
    • diagnosing problems with OCRDUMP 1
    • downgrading 1
    • exporting 1
    • importing
      • on Windows systems 1
    • importing content
      • on Linux and UNIX systems 1
    • listing backup files 1
    • managing 1
    • manual backups 1
    • migrating from Oracle ASM 1
    • migrating to Oracle ASM 1
    • ocr.loc file 1
    • OCRDUMP utility command examples 1
    • overriding data loss protection mechanism 1
    • recording cluster configuration information 1
    • recording cluster storage 1
    • removing 1, 2
    • repairing 1, 2
    • replacing 1, 2
    • restoring 1
      • in Oracle Restart 1
      • on Linux and UNIX systems 1
      • on Windows systems 1
      • using automatically generated OCR backups 1
    • troubleshooting 1, 2
    • upgrading 1
    • viewing content with OCRDUMP 1
    • commands
      • -config 1
      • -local 1
  • OCRCHECK utility
    • check status of OLR 1
    • diagnosing OCR problems with 1
    • log files 1
    • sample output 1
  • OCR configuration tool
    • See: OCRCONFIG utility
  • OCRCONFIG utility
    • administering OLR 1
    • commands
      • -add 1
      • -backuploc 1
      • -copy 1
      • -delete 1
      • -downgrade 1
      • -export 1
      • -import 1, 2
      • -manualbackup 1
      • -overwrite 1
      • -repair 1
      • -replace 1
      • -restore 1
      • -showbackup 1
      • -showbackuploc 1
      • -upgrade 1
    • log files 1
    • overview and concepts 1
    • syntax 1
  • OCRDUMP utility
    • changing the amount of logging 1
    • command examples 1
    • commands 1
      • backup 1
    • diagnosing OCR problems with 1, 2
    • dump content of OLR 1
    • log files 1
    • sample output 1
    • syntax and options 1
    • SYSTEM.language key output 1
    • SYSTEM.version key output 1
  • ocrlog.ini file
    • editing 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • OIFCFG command-line interface
    • commands 1
    • interface types 1
    • invoking 1
    • overview and concepts 1, 2
    • syntax 1
  • OLR (Oracle Local Registry)
    • administering 1
    • backing up 1
    • check status of 1
    • defined 1
    • dump content of 1
    • exporting to a file 1
    • importing a file 1
    • restoring 1
    • viewing backup files 1
    • viewing content with OCRDUMP 1
  • OLSNODES command
    • reference 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • ONS
    • See: Oracle Notification Service (ONS)
  • operating systems
    • requirements for Oracle Clusterware 1
  • oraagent
    • defined 1, 2
  • Oracle agent 1, 2
  • Oracle ASM
    • disk groups
      • redundancy 1
    • failure group 1
    • migrating OCR locations to 1
  • Oracle Cluster Registry
    • See: OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry)
  • Oracle Clusterware
    • adding a home to a new node 1
    • alert log 1
    • background processes
      • on Windows 1
    • debugging
      • component level 1
      • dynamic 1
    • defined 1
    • OCR
      • migrating from Oracle ASM 1
      • migrating to Oracle ASM 1
    • overview of administration 1
    • processes
      • Cluster Ready Services (CRS) 1
      • Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) 1
      • Event Management (EVM) 1
      • Grid Interprocess Communication (GIPC) 1
      • Grid Naming Service (GNS) 1
      • Multicast Domain Name Service (mDNS) 1
      • oraagent 1, 2
      • Oracle Notification Service (ONS) 1
      • orarootagent 1, 2
    • upgrade
      • out-of-place 1
  • Oracle Clusterware Control (CRSCTL)
    • See: CRSCTL
  • Oracle Clusterware home
    • adding 1, 2
    • deleting manually 1
  • Oracle Database
    • creating on a working copy 1
    • fault diagnosability infrastructure 1
    • moving between working copies 1
    • patching 1, 2, 3
    • scaling 1
    • upgrading 1
  • Oracle Database QoS Management 1
  • Oracle Database Quality of Service Management
    • See: Oracle Database QoS Management
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • adding resources with 1
    • adding VIPs with 1
    • overview and concepts 1
  • Oracle Exadata
    • patching 1
  • Oracle Extended Clusters 1
    • configuring 1
    • storage split in 1
  • Oracle Flex Clusters 1
    • and Oracle Flex ASM cluster 1
    • changing from Oracle Clusterware standard Clusters to 1
    • CRSCTL commands
      • get cluster hubsize 1
      • get cluster mode 1
      • set cluster hubsize 1
      • set cluster mode 1
    • Hub Node 1
    • managing 1
    • reader nodes 1
  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure
    • cloning 1
    • cloning Oracle Clusterware in 1
    • creating 1
    • Grid Setup Wizard 1
    • in batches 1
    • patching 1, 2, 3
    • patching using Fleet Patching and Provisioning 1, 2
    • patching using the non-rolling method 1
    • patching using the rolling method 1
    • provisiong 1
    • upgrading 1
    • upgrading using Fleet Patching and Provisioning 1
    • using installer to add nodes 1
    • zero-downtime patching 1
  • Oracle Interface Configuration tool
    • see OIFCFG 1
  • Oracle Layered File System 1
  • Oracle Local Registry
    • See: OLR (Oracle Local Registry)
  • Oracle Notification Service (ONS)
    • defined 1
  • Oracle RAC
    • desupported on Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 (SE2) 1
  • Oracle Restart
    • patching, upgrading 1
    • restoring OCR 1
  • Oracle root agent 1, 2
  • Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
    • creating the OraMTS service 1
  • Oracle Universal Installer
    • Client Data File for shared GNS clients 1
    • Oracle Clusterware installation 1
  • OraMTS
    • See: Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
  • orarootagent
    • defined 1, 2
  • out-of-place upgrade 1


  • patching
    • automated recovery options 1
    • combined Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database 1
    • error prevention 1
  • patching software
    • Fleet Patching and Provisioning-defined 1
    • in batches 1
    • user-defined 1
  • persistent home path 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • pluggable database
    • provisioning 1
  • policy-based management 1
    • adding resources to server pools 1
  • primary GNS instance 1
    • configuring 1
    • removing 1
  • private network address
    • changing 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • provisioning software 1
  • public interface
    • specifying with OIFCFG 1
  • pullup start dependency 1
    • modifiers 1


  • quorum failure groups 1


  • Rapid Home Provisioning
    • See: Fleet Patching and Provisioning
  • reader nodes 1
  • reasoned command evaluation 1
  • reasoned command evaluation APIs
    • sequence ID 1
  • recording cluster configuration information 1
  • recording node membership information
    • voting file 1
  • redundancy
    • voting file 1
  • Redundant Interconnect Usage 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource group attribute 1
  • resource_name parameter
    • supplying to CRSCTL commands 1
  • resource attributes
    • ACL 1
    • ACTIONS 1
    • AUTO_START 1
    • ENABLED 1
    • LOAD 1
    • NAME 1
    • TARGET 1
    • TYPE 1
  • resource dependencies
    • defined 1
    • start dependencies 1
      • attraction 1, 2
      • dispersion 1, 2
      • exclusion 1, 2
      • hard 1, 2
      • pullup 1, 2
      • weak 1, 2
    • stop dependencies 1
      • hard 1, 2
  • resource group 1
  • resource group attributes
  • resource groups
    • about 1
    • adding resources to 1
    • automatic resource groups 1
    • cluster resource group type 1
    • creating 1
    • dependencies 1
    • local resource group type 1
    • privileges 1
    • resource group types 1
  • resource permissions
    • changing 1
  • resources
    • action scripts 1
    • adding 1
      • with Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
    • adding to a server pool 1
    • adding using a server-specific deployment 1
    • creating with the generic_application resource type 1
    • critical 1
    • defined 1
    • non-critical 1
    • placement 1
    • registering 1, 2
    • registering an application as 1
    • relocating 1
    • resource group 1
  • resource type
    • cluster_resource 1
    • defined 1
    • generic_application 1
    • local_resource 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • restarts
    • managing automatic 1
  • restoring
    • OCR 1
  • restricting service registration 1
    • authentication options 1
    • collect osconfig 1
    • commands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
      • add client 1
      • add credentials 1
      • add database 1
      • add image 1
      • add imagetype 1
      • addnode database 1
      • addnode gihome 1
      • addnode workingcopy 1
      • addpdb database 1
      • add role 1
      • add series 1
      • add useraction 1
      • add workingcopy 1
      • allow image 1
      • allow imagetype 1
      • delete audit 1
      • delete client 1
      • delete credentials 1
      • delete database 1
      • delete image 1
      • deleteimage series 1
      • delete imagetype 1
      • delete job 1
      • deletenode database 1
      • deletenode gihome 1
      • deletepdb database 1
      • delete role 1
      • delete series 1
      • delete user 1
      • delete useraction 1
      • delete workingcopy 1
      • deploy image 1
      • disallow image 1
      • disallow imagetype 1
      • discover client 1
      • export client 1
      • grant role 1
      • import image 1
      • insertimage series 1
      • instantiate image 1
      • modify audit 1
      • modify client 1
      • modify image 1
      • modify imagetype 1
      • modify user 1
      • modify useraction 1
      • move database 1
      • move gihome 1
      • movepdb database 1
      • promote image 1
      • query audit 1
      • query client 1
      • query image 1
      • query imagetype 1
      • query job 1
      • query role 1
      • query series 1
      • query server 1
      • query useraction 1
      • query workingcopy 1
      • register user 1, 2
      • revoke role 1
      • subscribe series 1
      • uninstantiate image 1
      • unsubscribe series 1
      • update client 1
      • update workingcopy 1
      • upgrade database 1
      • upgrade gihome 1
      • verify client 1
      • zdtupgrade database 1
    • command syntax 1
    • compare osconfig 1
    • disable osconfig 1
    • enable osconfig 1
    • export server 1
    • help 1
    • query osconfig 1
    • query peerserver 1
    • register server 1
    • unregister server 1
  • role-separated management 1
    • configuring 1
    • horizontal implementation 1
    • vertical implementation 1
  • 1


  • scalability
    • adding nodes and instances, quick-start format 1
  • SCAN 1
    • See: single client access names (SCAN)
    • about 1
  • SCAN listeners 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • secondary GNS instance 1
    • configuring 1
    • removing 1
  • sequence ID 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • server categorization 1
    • using attributes to create 1
  • server category attributes 1
  • server-centric resource 1
  • server cluster 1
  • Server Control Utility (SRVCTL) 1
    • See: SRVCTL
  • server pools
    • attributes 1
    • creating 1
    • described 1
    • Free 1
    • Generic 1
  • servers
    • described 1
    • how Oracle Clusterware assigns 1
    • Oracle Clusterware requirements 1
    • states 1
  • servers weight-based node eviction 1
  • services
    • restricting registration with listeners 1
  • setif command
    • OIFCFG command-line interface 1
  • shared GNS 1, 2
    • See also: GNS
    • administering 1
    • generating Client Data file for configuring 1
    • starting 1
    • stopping 1
  • shared single client access names (SCAN)
    • about 1
    • configuring on dedicated cluster 1
  • Single Client Access Name (SCAN)
    • See: SCAN
  • single client access names (SCAN), shared
    • about 1
    • configuring on dedicated cluster 1
  • singleton 1
  • slew time synchronization 1
  • software requirements 1
    • command feedback 1
    • commands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
      • add asm 1
      • add asmnetwork 1
      • add cdp 1
      • add cdpproxy 1
      • add cvu 1, 2
      • add exportfs 1
      • add filesystem 1
      • add gns 1
      • add havip 1
      • add ioserver 1
      • add mgmtdb 1
      • add mgmtlsnr 1
      • add mountfs 1
      • add ovmm 1
      • add qosmserver 1
      • add rhpclient 1
      • add rhpserver 1
      • add vm 1
      • check vm 1
      • config asm 1
      • config asmnetwork 1
      • config cdpproxy 1
      • config cvu 1
      • config exportfs 1
      • config filesystem 1
      • config gns 1
      • config havip 1
      • config mgmtdb 1
      • config mgmtlsnr 1
      • config mountfs 1
      • config rhpclient 1
      • config rhpserver 1
      • disable asm 1
      • disable cdp 1
      • disable cdpproxy 1
      • disable cvu 1
      • disable exportfs 1
      • disable filesystem 1
      • disable gns 1
      • disable havip 1
      • disable ioserver 1
      • disable mgmtdb 1
      • disable mgmtlsnr 1
      • disable mountfs 1
      • disable qosmserver 1
      • disable rhpclient 1
      • disable rhpserver 1
      • enable asm 1
      • enable cdp 1
      • enable cdpproxy 1
      • enable cvu 1
      • enable exportfs 1
      • enable filesystem 1
      • enable gns 1
      • enable havip 1
      • enable ioserver 1
      • enable mgmtdb 1
      • enable mgmtlsnr 1
      • enable mountfs 1
      • enable qosmserver 1
      • enable rhpclient 1
      • enable rhpserver 1
      • -eval parameter 1
      • export gns 1
      • getenv asm 1
      • getenv ioserver 1
      • getenv mgmtdb 1
      • getenv mgmtlsnr 1
      • help 1
      • modify asm 1
      • modify asmnetwork 1
      • modify cdp 1
      • modify cdpproxy 1
      • modify cvu 1
      • modify exportfs 1
      • modify filesystem 1
      • modify gns 1
      • modify havip 1
      • modify ioserver 1
      • modify mgmtdb 1
      • modify mgmtlsnr 1
      • modify mountfs 1
      • modify qosmserver 1
      • modify rhpclient 1
      • modify rhpserver 1
      • predict asm 1
      • predict filesystem 1
      • predict qosmserver 1
      • relocate asm 1
      • relocate cdp 1
      • relocate cdpproxy 1
      • relocate cvu 1
      • relocate gns 1
      • relocate havip 1
      • relocate ioserver 1
      • relocate mgmtdb 1
      • relocate qosmserver 1
      • relocate rhpclient 1
      • relocate rhpserver 1
      • remove asm 1
      • remove asmnetwork 1
      • remove cdp 1
      • remove cdpproxy 1
      • remove exportfs 1
      • remove filesystem 1
      • remove gns 1
      • remove havip 1
      • remove ioserver 1
      • remove mgmtdb 1
      • remove mgmtlsnr 1
      • remove mountfs 1
      • remove qosmserver 1
      • remove rhpclient 1
      • remove rhpserver 1
      • setenv asm 1
      • setenv ioserver 1
      • setenv mgmtdb 1
      • setenv mgmtlsnr 1
      • start asm 1
      • start cdp 1
      • start cdpproxy 1, 2
      • start cvu 1
      • start exportfs 1
      • start filesystem 1
      • start gns 1
      • start havip 1
      • start ioserver 1
      • start mgmtdb 1, 2
      • start mountfs 1
      • start qosmserver 1
      • start rhpclient 1
      • start rhpserver 1
      • status asm 1
      • status cdp 1
      • status cdpproxy 1
      • status cvu 1
      • status exportfs 1
      • status filesystem 1
      • status gns 1
      • status havip 1
      • status ioserver 1
      • status mgmtdb 1
      • status mgmtlsnr 1
      • status mountfs 1
      • status qosmserver 1
      • status rhpclient 1
      • status rhpserver 1
      • stop asm 1
      • stop cdp 1
      • stop cvu 1
      • stop database 1
      • stop exportfs 1
      • stop filesystem 1
      • stop gns 1
      • stop havip 1
      • stop ioserver 1
      • stop mgmtlsnr 1
      • stop mountfs 1
      • stop qosmserver 1
      • stop rhpclient 1
      • stop rhpserver 1
      • unsetenv asm 1
      • unsetenv ioserver 1
      • unsetenv mgmtdb 1
      • unsetenv mgmtlsnr 1
      • update gns 1
    • concurrent commands 1
    • config ioserver 1
    • config ovmm 1
    • config qosmserver 1
    • config vm 1
    • deprecated commands and options 1
    • deprecated commands and parameters 1
    • difference between SRVCTL and CRSCTL 1
    • disable vm 1
    • enable vm 1
    • modify ovmm 1
    • modify vm 1
    • overview and concepts 1
    • relocate vm 1
    • remove ovmm 1
    • remove vm 1
    • single-character parameters 1
    • specifying a continuation of command line entries 1
    • start vm 1
    • status vm 1
    • stopping active commands 1
    • stop vm 1
    • using comma-delimited lists 1
  • SRVCTL command reference 1
  • srvctl stop nodeapps command 1
  • standard operating environment 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • start effort evaluation
    • described 1
  • starting the OIFCFG interface 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • Stateless Address Autoconfiguration Protocol
    • See: autoconfig
  • step time synchronization 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • subnet
    • changing 1
    • configuring for VIP address 1
  • syntax
    • OCRDUMP utility 1
  • SYSRAC administrative privilege 1
  • SYSTEM.language key
    • output 1
  • SYSTEM.version key
    • output 1


    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
  • thread safety 1
  • trace files 1
  • tracing
    • enabling for Oracle Clusterware 1
  • transport layer security 1
  • troubleshooting
    • OCR 1
  • TYPE
    • resource attribute 1


  • uniform 1
  • upgrade
    • migrating storage after 1, 2
    • out-of-place 1
  • upgrades
    • and SCANs 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1
    • resource attribute 1


  • valid node checking 1
  • versions
    • compatibility for Oracle Clusterware, Oracle ASM, and Oracle Database software 1
  • VIP 1, 2
    • adding
      • with Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
    • address
      • changing 1
      • defining for applications 1
      • requirements 1
  • virtual internet protocol address (VIP) 1
  • virtual IP
    • See: VIP
  • virtual machine 1
    • black-box 1
    • manager 1
    • server 1
  • voting file location
    • locating 1
  • voting files 1
    • adding 1
    • adding to non-Oracle ASM storage 1
    • adding to Oracle ASM 1
    • administering 1
    • backing up 1
    • deleting 1, 2
    • file universal identifier (FUID)
      • obtaining 1, 2
    • managing 1
    • migrating 1
    • migrating to Oracle ASM 1, 2
    • modifying not stored on Oracle ASM 1
    • modifying stored on Oracle ASM 1
    • replacing in non-Oracle ASM storage 1
    • restoring 1
    • storing on Oracle ASM 1


  • weak start dependency 1
    • modifiers 1
  • What-If APIs
    • See: command evaluation APIs
  • Why-If APIs
    • See: reasoned command evaluation APIs
  • Windows systems
    • services for clusterware 1
  • working copy
    • creating on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning client 1
    • creating on the Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 1


  • zero-downtime database upgrade 1
  • zero-downtime upgrade 1
    • customizing 1
    • running with Oracle Data Guard 1
    • running with Oracle GoldenGate 1