DBMS_XMLSCHEMA package provides procedures to manage XML schemas.

It is created by script dbmsxsch.sql during Oracle database installation.

This chapter contains the following topics:

202.1 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Overview

The DBMS_XMLSCHEMA package uses subprograms to manage XML schemas.

These subprograms provide the following XML schema management::

  • Register an XML schema

  • Delete a previously registered XML schema

  • Re-compile a previously registered XML schema

  • Generate an XML schema

  • Evolves an XML schema

202.2 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Security Model

Owned by XDB, the DBMS_XMLSCHEMA package must be created by SYS or XDB. The EXECUTE privilege is granted to PUBLIC. Subprograms in this package are executed using the privileges of the current user.

202.3 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Constants

The DBMS_XMLSCHEMA package defines several constants to use when specifying parameter values.

These constants are shown in following tables.

Table 202-1 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Constants - Delete Option

Constant Type Value Description




Deletion of an XML schema fails if there are any tables or XML schemas that depend on it




Deletion of an XML schema does not fail if there are tables or XML schemas that depend on it. All dependent tables and schemas are invalidated.




Deletion of an XML schema also drops all SQL types and default tables associated with it. SQL types are dropped only if gentypes argument was set to TRUE during registration of the XML schema. However, deletion of the XML schema fails if there are any instance documents conforming to the schema or any dependent XML schemas.




This option is similar to DELETE_CASCADE except that it does not check for any stored instance documents conforming to the schema or any dependent XML schemas. Also, it ignores any errors.

Table 202-2 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Constants - Enable Hierarchy

Constant Type Value Description




The ENABLE_HIERARCHY procedure of the DBMS_XDBZ package will not be called on any tables created while registering that schema




The ENABLE_HIERARCHY procedure of the DBMS_XDBZ package will be called for all tables created during schema registration with hierarchy_type as DBMS_XDBZ.ENABLE_CONTENTS




The ENABLE_HIERARCHY procedure of the DBMS_XDBZ package will be called on all tables created during schema registration with hierarchy_type as DBMS_XDBZ.ENABLE_RESMETADATA. Users should pass in DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.ENABLE_RESMETADATA for schemas they intend to use as resource metadata tables.

Table 202-3 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Constants - Register CSID

Constant Type Value Description




If a schema is registered for metadata use (using the value ENABLE_HIER_RESMETADATA for parameter enablehierarchy during registration), a column named DOCID is added to all tables created during schema registration. This constant can be used in the options argument of REGISTERSCHEMA to prevent the creation of this column if the user wishes to optimize on storage




If user wishes to not specify the character set of the input schema document when invoking REGISTERSCHEMA, this value can be used for the csid parameter


This table lists the views used by the DBMS_XMLSCHEMA package

The columns of these views are described in detail in the Oracle Database Reference

Table 202-4 Summary of Views used by DBMS_XMLSCHEMA

Schema Description


All registered XML Schemas owned by the user


All registered XML Schemas usable by the current user


All registered XML Schemas in the database


All XMLType tables in the system


All XMLType tables owned by the current user


All XMLType tables usable by the current user


All XMLType table columns in the system


All XMLType table columns in tables owned by the current user


All XMLType table columns in tables usable by the current user


All XMLType views in the system


All XMlType views owned by the current user


All XMLType views usable by the current user


All XMLType view columns in the system


All XMLType view columns in views owned by the current user


All XMLType view columns in views usable by the current user

202.5 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Operational Notes

There are guidelines for using in-place XML schema evolution.

Before you perform an in-place XML-schema evolution, you should follow these preparatory steps:

  1. Back up all existing data (instance documents) for the XML schema that will be evolved.

  2. Perform a dry run using trace only, that is, without actually evolving the XML schema or updating any instance documents, to produce a trace of the update operations that would be performed during evolution. To do this, set the flag parameter value to only INPLACE_TRACE. Do not also use INPLACE_EVOLVE. After performing the dry run, examine the trace file, verifying that the listed DDL operations are in fact those that you intend.

202.6 Summary of DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Subprograms

This table lists the DBMS_XMLSCHEMA subprograms and briefly describes them.

Table 202-5 DBMS_XMLSCHEMA Package Subprograms

Method Description


Used to re-compile an already registered XML schema. This is useful for bringing a schema in an invalid state to a valid state.


Evolves registered schemas so that existing XML instances remain valid


Removes the schema from the database


Evolves registered schemas by propagating schema changes to object types and tables


Removes the XML schema


Registers the specified schema for use by Oracle. This schema can then be used to store documents conforming to this.


Registers an XML schema specified by a URI name

202.6.1 COMPILESCHEMA Procedure

This procedure can be used to re-compile an already registered XML schema. This is useful for bringing a schema in an invalid state to a valid state. Can result in a ORA-31001 exception: invalid resource handle or path name.


   schemaurl IN VARCHAR2);


Table 202-6 COMPILESCHEMA Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


URL identifying the schema

202.6.2 COPYEVOLVE Procedure

This procedure evolves registered schemas so that existing XML instances remain valid.

This procedure is accomplished in according to the following basic scenario (alternative actions are controlled by the procedure's parameters):

  • copies data in schema based XMLType tables to temporary table storage

  • drops old tables

  • deletes old schemas

  • registers new schemas

  • creates new XMLType tables

  • Populates new tables with data in temporary storage; auxiliary structures (constraints, triggers, indexes, and others) are not preserved

  • drops temporary tables

    See Also:


   schemaurls       IN  XDB$STRUBG_LIST_T,
   newschemas       IN  XMLSequenceType,
   transforms       IN  XMLSequenceType :=NULL,
   preserveolddocs  IN  BOOLEAN :=FALSE,
   maptablename     IN  VARCHAR2 :=NULL,
   generatetables   IN  BOOLEAN :=TRUE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN :=FALSE,
   schemaowners     IN  XDB$STRING_LIST_T :=NULL
   parallelDegree   IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);


Table 202-7 COPYEVOLVE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


VARRAY of URLs of all schemas to be evolved. Should include the dependent schemas. Unless the FORCE parameter is TRUE, URLs should be in the order of dependency.


VARRAY of new schema documents. Should be specified in same order as the corresponding URLs.


VARRAY of transforming XSL documents to be applied to schema-based documents. Should be specified in same order as the corresponding URLs. Optional if no transformations are required.


Default is FALSE, and temporary tables with old data are dropped. If TRUE, these table are still available after schema evolution is complete.


Specifies the name of the table mapping permanent to temporary tables during the evolution process. Valid columns are:

  • SCHEMA_URL - VARCHAR2(700) - URL of schema to which this table conforms

  • SCHEMA_OWNER -VARCHAR2(30) - Owner of the schema

  • ELEMENT_NAME - VARCHAR2(256)- Element to which this table conforms

  • TAB_NAME - VARCHAR2(65) - Qualified table name: <owner_name>.<table_name>

  • COL_NAME - VARCHAR2(4000) - Name of the column (NULL for XMLType tables)

  • TEMP_TABNAME - VARCHAR2(30) - Name of temporary tables which holds data for this table.


Default is TRUE, and new tables will be generated.


  • new tables will not be generated after registration of new schemas

  • preserveolddocs must be TRUE

  • maptablename must be non-NULL


Default is FALSE.

If TRUE, ignores errors generated during schema evolution. Used when there are circular dependencies among schemas to ensure that all schemas are stored despite possible errors in registration.


VARRAY of names of schema owners. Should be specified in same order as the corresponding URLs. Default is NULL, assuming that all schemas are owned by the current user.


Specifies the degree of parallelism to be used in a PARALLEL hint during the data copy stage of the evolution. If this is 0 (default), the PARALLEL hint will not be given in the data copy statements.


Currently, the only supported option is COPYEVOLVE_BINARY_XML which lets you register the new schemas for binary XML and create the new tables/columns with binary XML as the storage type.

Usage Notes

You should back up all schemas and documents prior to invocation because COPYEVOLVE Procedure deletes all conforming documents prior to implementing the schema evolution.

202.6.3 DELETESCHEMA Procedure

This procedure deletes the XML Schema specified by the URL.


   schemaurl      IN  VARCHAR2,
   delete_option  IN  PLS_INTEGER := DELETE_RESTRICT);

See Also:

"XMLSCHEMA Storage and Query: Basic" chapter of the Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide


Table 202-8 DELETESCHEMA Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


URL identifying the schema to be deleted


Delete options:

  • DELETE_RESTRICT - Schema deletion fails if there are any tables or schemas that depend on this schema

  • DELETE_INVALIDATE - Schema deletion does not fail if there are any dependencies. Instead, it simply invalidates all dependent objects.

  • DELETE_CASCADE - Schema deletion will also drop all default SQL types and default tables. However the deletion fails if there are any stored instances conforming to this schema.

  • DELETE_CASCADE_FORCE - Similar to DELETE_CASCADE except that it does not check for any stored instances conforming to this schema. Also, it ignores any errors.


Table 202-9 DELETESCHEMA Procedure Exceptions

Exception Description


Invalid resource handle or path name

202.6.4 INPLACEEVOLVE Procedure

This procedure evolves registered schemas by propagating schema changes to object types and tables.


   schemaURL    IN   VARCHAR2, 
   diffXML      IN   XMLType, 
   flags        IN   NUMBER);


Table 202-10 INPLACEEVOLVE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


URL of the schema to evolve


Changes to be applied to the schema. This is an XML document conforming to the XDIFF schema and specifies what changes need to be applied and the locations in the schema document where the changes are to be applied.


The following bits may be set in this parameter to control the behavior of this procedure:

  • INPLACE_EVOLVE (value 1, meaning that bit 1 is on) – Perform in-place XML schema evolution: construct a new XML schema and validate it (against the XML schema for XML schemas); construct the DDL statements needed to evolve the instance-document disk structures, execute the DDL statements, and replace the old XML schema with the new.

  • INPLACE_TRACE (value 2, meaning that bit 2 is on) – Perform all steps necessary for in-place evolution, except executing the DDL statements and overwriting the old XML schema with the new, then write both the DDL statements and the new XML schema to a trace file.

That is, each of the bits constructs the new XML schema, validates it, and determines the steps needed to evolve the disk structures underlying the instance documents. In addition:

  • Bit INPLACE_EVOLVE carries out those evolution steps and replaces the old XML schema with the new.

  • Bit INPLACE_TRACE saves the evolution steps and the new XML schema in a trace file (it does not carry out the evolution steps)


The procedure raises exceptions in the following cases:

  • An error will be raised for invalid XPATH expressions and for XDIFF documents that do not conform to the xdiff schema.

  • Path expressions that are syntactically correct but result in an invalid node in the schema document will result in an error.

  • If the schema change makes the schema an ill-formed XML document or an invalid XML schema, this will raise an error.

  • Any errors resulting from CREATE TYPE, ALTER TYPE and like commands will generate error messages.

Usage Notes

  • Users are required to backup all their data before attempting in-place evolution, as there is no rollback with this operation.

  • A user must register their new XML schema with the database using the REGISTERSCHEMA Procedures and the REGISTERURI Procedure at a schema URL that is different from that of the one to be evolved. If the new schema registers successfully and is usable, only then should the user attempt to evolve the existing schema to the new schema by means of this subprogram. If the registration of the new schema is successful, then the user must delete this schema (and all its dependent objects) before attempting to evolve the schema at the old schema URL.

202.6.5 PURGESCHEMA Procedure

This procedure removes the XML schema.

See Also:

"XMLSCHEMA Storage and Query: Advanced" chapter of the Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide


   schemaid   IN  RAW);


Table 202-11 PURGESCHEMA Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


ID of the schema to be purged

Usage Notes

  • The schema should have been originally registered for binary encoding and should have been deleted in the HIDE mode.

  • Once a schema has been deleted in HIDE mode, it continues to exist in the XML DB dictionary and is used for decoding already encoded documents. The user invokes this interface when there are no stored instances encoded with this schema.

  • Once the schema is purged, any space used by that schema will be reclaimed and documents encoded using the schema will raise an error if an attempt is made to decode them.

  • The Schema ID can be obtained from the catalog views.

202.6.6 REGISTERSCHEMA Procedures

This procedure registers the specified schema for use by the database.

The procedure is overloaded. The different functionality of each form of syntax is presented along with the definition.


As of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) the genbean parameter is deprecated. Oracle recommends that you do not use this parameter in new applications. Support for this feature is for backward compatibility only.

See Also:

"XMLSCHEMA Storage and Query: Basic" chapter of the Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide


Registers a schema specified as a VARCHAR2:

    schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2,
    schemadoc        IN  VARCHAR2,
    local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
    gentypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
    genbean          IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
    gentables        IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
    force            IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
    owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL,
    options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);

Registers the schema specified as a BFILE. The contents of the schema document must be in the database character set:

   schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2,
   schemadoc        IN  BFILE,
   local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   gentypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   genbean          IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);

Registers the schema specified as a BFILE and identifies the character set id of the schema document:

   schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2, 
   schemadoc        IN  BFILE, 
   local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   gentypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   genbean          IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   gentables        IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := '',
   csid             IN  NUMBER,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);

Registers the schema specified as a BLOB. The contents of the schema document must be in the database character set:

   schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2, 
   schemadoc        IN  BLOB, 
   local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   genTypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   genBean          IN  BOOLEAN := FASLE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);

Registers the schema specified as a BLOB and identifies the character set id of the schema document:

   schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2, 
   schemadoc        IN  BLOB, 
   local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   gentypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   genbean          IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   gentables        IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := '',
   csid             IN  NUMBER,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);

Registers the schema specified as a CLOB

   schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2, 
   schemadoc        IN  CLOB, 
   local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   gentypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   genbean          IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);

Registers the schema specified as an XMLTYPE.

   schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2, 
   schemadoc        IN  SYS.XMLTYPE, 
   local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   gentypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   genbean          IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);

Registers the schema specified as a BLOB. The contents of the schema document must be in the database character set:

   schemaurl        IN  VARCHAR2, 
   schemadoc        IN  SYS.URIType, 
   local            IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   gentypes         IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE, 
   genbean          IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   force            IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   owner            IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL,
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);


Table 202-12 REGSITERSCHEMA Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


URL that uniquely identifies the schema document. This value is used to derive the path name of the schema document within the database hierarchy. Can be used inside schemalocation attribute of XML Schema import element.


A valid XML schema document


Is this a local or global schema?

  • By default, all schemas are registered as local schemas, under /sys/schemas/<username>/...

  • If a schema is registered as global, it is added under /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/...

You need write privileges on the directory to be able to register a schema as global.


Determines whether the schema compiler generates object types. By default, TRUE. If you use binary XML, you must be set gentypes to FALSE.


Determines whether the schema compiler generates Java beans. By default, FALSE. Oracle recommends that this parameter always be set to FALSE.


Determines whether the schema compiler generates default tables. By default, TRUE


If this parameter is set to TRUE, the schema registration will not raise errors. Instead, it creates an invalid XML schema object in case of any errors. By default, the value of this parameter is FALSE.


This parameter specifies the name of the database user owning the XML schema object. By default, the user registering the schema owns the XML schema object. This parameter can be used to register a XML schema to be owned by a different database user.


Identifies the character set of the input schema document. If this value is 0, the schema document's encoding is determined by the current rule for "text/xml" MIME type.


  • ENABLE_HIERARCHY_NONE - enable hierarchy will not be called on any tables created while registering that schema

  • ENABLE_HIERARCHY_CONTENTS - enable hierarchy will be called for all tables created during schema registration with hierarchy_type as DBMS_XDBZ.ENABLE_CONTENTS. This is the default.

  • ENABLE_HIERARCHY_RESMETADATA - enable hierarchy will be called on all tables created during schema registration with hierarchy_type as DBMS_XDBZ.ENABLE_RESMETADATA. Users should pass in DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.ENABLE_RESMETADATA for schemas they intend to use as resource metadata tables.


Additional options to specify how the schema should be registered. The various options are represented as bits of an integer and the options parameter should be constructed by doing a BITOR of the desired bits. Possible bits:

  • REGISTER_NODOCID - this will suppress the creation of the DOCID column for out of line tables. This is a storage optimization which might be desirable when we do not need to join back to the document table (for example if we do not care about rewriting certain queries that could be rewritten by making use of the DOCID column)

  • REGISTER_BINARYXML - Register the schema for Binary XML

  • REGISTER_NT_AS_IOT - Store nested tables created during schema registration as index organized tables. The default is to store nested tables as heap tables

202.6.7 REGISTERURI Procedure

This procedure registers an XML Schema specified by a URI name.


As of Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) the genbean parameter is deprecated. Oracle recommends that you do not use this parameter in new applications. Support for this feature is for backward compatibility only.


   schemaurl      IN  VARCHAR2,
   schemadocuri   IN  VARCHAR2,
   local          IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   gentypes       IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   genbean        IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   gentables      IN  BOOLEAN := TRUE,
   force          IN  BOOLEAN := FALSE,
   owner          IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL, 
   options          IN  PLS_INTEGER := 0);


Table 202-13 REGISTERURI Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


Uniquely identifies the schema document. Can be used inside schemaLocation attribute of XML Schema import element.


Pathname (URI) corresponding to the physical location of the schema document. The URI path could be based on HTTP, FTP, DB or Oracle XML DB protocols. This function constructs a URIType instance using the urifactory, and invokes the REGISTERSCHEMA Procedures.


Determines whether this is a local or global schema. By default, all schemas are registered as local schemas, under /sys/schemas/ <username>/... If a schema is registered as global, it is added under /sys/schemas/PUBLIC/... The user needs write privileges on the directory to register a global schema.


Determines whether the compiler generate object types. By default, TRUE.


Determines whether the compiler generate Java beans. By default, FALSE.


Determines whether the compiler generate default tables. TRUE by default.


TRUE: schema registration will not raise errors. Instead, it creates an invalid XML schema object in case of any errors. By default, the value of this parameter is FALSE.


This parameter specifies the name of the database user owning the XML schema object. By default, the user registering the schema owns the XML schema object. This parameter can be used to register a XML schema to be owned by a different database user.


Additional options to specify how the schema should be registered. The various options are represented as bits of an integer and the options parameter should be constructed by doing a BITOR of the desired bits. Possible bits:

  • REGISTER_NODOCID - this will suppress the creation of the DOCID column for out of line tables. This is a storage optimization which might be desirable when we do not need to join back to the document table (for example if we do not care about rewriting certain queries that could be rewritten by making use of the DOCID column)