
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z  


  • accessing a LOB
    • using the LOB APIs 1
  • accessing external LOBs 1
  • accessing LOBs 1
  • access statistics for LOBs 1
  • administrative APIs 1
  • Advanced LOB compression 1
  • Advanced LOB Deduplication 1
  • ALTER TABLE parameters for SecureFiles LOBs 1
  • amount 1
  • amount parameter
    • used with BFILEs 1
  • appending
    • writing to the end of a LOB 1
  • array read 1
  • array write 1
  • assigning OCILobLocator pointers 1
  • ASSM tablespace 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • available LOB methods 1


    • LOB storage parameter 1
  • BasicFiles LOBs and SecureFiles LOBs 1
  • BasicFiles LOB Storage 1
  • BFILE class, See JDBC 1
  • BFILENAME function 1, 2
  • BFILEs 1
    • accessing 1
    • converting to CLOB or NCLOB 1
    • creating an object in object cache 1
    • DBMS_LOB, offset and amount parameters in bytes 1
    • DBMS_LOB read-only procedures 1
    • locators 1
    • maximum number of open 1, 2
    • maximum size 1
    • multithreaded server mode 1, 2
    • not affected by LOB storage properties 1
    • OCI functions to read/examine values 1, 2
    • OCI read-only functions 1, 2
    • opening and closing using JDBC 1
    • Pro*C/C++ precompiler statements 1
    • Pro*COBOL precompiler embedded SQL statements 1
    • reading with DBMS_LOB 1
    • security 1
    • storage devices 1
    • streaming APIs 1
    • using JDBC to read/examine 1
    • using Pro*C/C++ precompiler to open and close 1
  • BFILE-streaming, See JDBC 1
  • binds
    • See also INSERT statements and UPDATE statements 1
  • bind variables, used with LOB locators in OCI 1
  • BLOBs
    • class 1, 2
    • DBMS_LOB, offset and amount parameters in bytes 1
    • maximum size 1
    • modify using DBMS_LOB 1
    • using JDBC to modify 1
    • using JDBC to read/examine BLOB values 1
    • using oracle.sql.BLOB methods to modify 1
  • BLOB-streaming, See JDBC 1
  • body.sql script 1
  • built-in functions, remote 1


  • C, See OCI 1
  • C++, See Pro*C/C++ precompiler 1
  • caches
    • object cache 1
  • callback 1, 2, 3
  • capi.sql script 1
  • catalog views
    • v$temporary_lobs 1
  • character data
    • varying width 1
  • character set ID 1, 2
    • See CSID parameter 1
  • character set ID, getting
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • charactersets
    • multibyte, LONG and LOB datatypes 1
  • CHUNK 1, 2
  • chunk size 1
    • and LOB storage properties 1
    • multiple of, to improve performance 1
  • CLOB
    • session collation settings 1
  • CLOBs
    • class, See JDBC 1
    • columns
      • varying- width character data 1
    • datatype
      • varying-width columns 1
    • DBMS_LOB, offset and amount parameters in characters 1
    • modify using DBMS_LOB 1
    • opening and closing using JDBC 1
    • reading/examining with JDBC 1
    • using JDBC to modify 1
  • CLOB-streaminng, See JDBC 1
  • closing
    • all open BFILEs 1
    • BFILEs with CLOSE 1
    • BFILEs with FILECLOSE 1
  • clustered tables 1
  • COBOL, See Pro*COBOL precompiler 1
  • codepoint semantics 1
  • comparing
    • all or parts of two BFILEs 1
  • comparing, all or part of two LOBs
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • COMPRESS 1, 2
  • compression
    • Advanced LOB 1
  • content store
    • listing 1
    • looking up 1
    • registering 1
    • unmounting 1
  • conventional path load 1
  • conversion
    • explicit functions for PL/SQL 1
  • conversion, implicit from CLOB to character type 1
  • conversions
    • character set 1
    • from binary data to character set 1
    • implicit, between CLOB and VARCHAR2 1
  • converting
    • to CLOB 1
  • copying
    • directories 1
    • files 1
    • LOB locator
      • persistent LOBs 1
    • LOB locator for BFILE 1
  • copying, all or part of a LOB to another LOB
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • copy semantics 1
    • internal LOBs 1
  • CREATE TABLE and SecureFiles LOB features 1
  • CREATE TABLE parameters for SecureFiles LOBs 1
  • CREATE TABLE syntax and notes 1
  • creating
    • a directory 1
    • partitioned file system 1
  • creating a non-partitioned file system 1
  • creating SecureFiles File System Store 1
  • CSID parameter
    • setting OCILobRead and OCILobWrite to OCI_UCS2ID 1


  • database file system links 1
  • data interface for persistent LOBs 1, 2
    • multibyte charactersets 1
  • data interface for remote LOBs 1
  • data interface in Java 1
  • Data Pump 1
    • SecureFiles LOBs 1
  • Data Pumping
    • transferring LOB data 1
  • db_securefile init.ora parameter 1
  • DBFS
    • administration 1
    • backing up 1
    • body.sql script 1
    • caching 1
    • capi.sql script 1
    • client 1
    • command-Line interface 1
    • Content SPI (Store Provider Interface) 1
    • content store 1
    • creating a custom provider 1
    • creating a custom provider, mechanics 1
    • creating SecureFiles File System Store 1
    • custom provider sample installation and setup 1
    • DBFS Server 1
    • diagnostics 1
    • example store provider 1
    • FTP access 1
    • hierachical store, setting up 1
    • hierarchical store, dropping 1
    • hierarchical store, setting up 1
    • hierarchical store, using 1
    • hierarchical store, using compression 1
    • hierarchical store, using tape 1
    • Hierarchical Store Package, DBMS_DBFS_HS 1
    • HS store wallet, setting up 1
    • HTTP access to 1
    • internet access 1
    • managing client failover 1
    • Online Filesystem Reorganization 1
    • overview 1
    • RAC cluster 1
    • reorganizing file systemsDBFS
      • online redefinition 1
    • SecureFiles LOB advanced features 1
    • SecureFiles Store
      • setting up 1
    • SecureFiles Store File Systems, dropping 1
    • SecureFiles Store File Systems, initializing 1
    • sharing 1
    • shrinking file systems 1
    • small file performance 1
    • spec.sql script 1
    • store creation 1
    • TaBleFileSystem Store Provider ("tbfs") 1
    • TBFS.SQL script 1
    • TBL.SQL script 1
    • using a SecureFiles Store File System 1
    • using Oracle Wallet 1
    • XDB internet access 1
  • DBFS Content API
    • abstract operations 1
    • access checks 1
    • and stores 1
    • content IDs 1
    • creation operations 1
    • deletion operations 1
    • directory listings 1
    • exceptions 1
    • get operations 1
    • getting started 1
    • interface versioning 1
    • locking operations 1
    • lock types 1
    • move operations 1
    • navigation 1
    • optional properties 1
    • overview 1
    • path names 1
    • path name types 1
    • path normalization 1
    • path properties 1
    • property access flags 1
    • property bundles 1
    • put operations 1
    • rename operations 1
    • role 1
    • search 1
    • session defaults 1
    • space usage 1
    • standard properties 1
    • statistics support 1
    • store descriptors 1
    • store features 1
    • structure, properties 1
    • tracing support 1
    • types and constants 1
    • user-defined properties 1
    • using 1
  • DBFS content store path
    • creating 1
  • DBFS file system
    • accessing 1
    • client prerequisites 1
    • creating 1
      • creating a DBFS file system 1
    • dropping 1
    • partitioned versus non-partitioned 1
  • DBFS installation 1
  • DBFS links 1
  • DBFS mounting interface
    • Linux and Solaris 1
  • DBFS Mounting Interface (Linux Only) 1
  • DBFS SecureFiles Store
    • setting up permissions 1
  • DBFS SecureFiles Store Package, DBMS_DBFS_SFS 1
  • DBFS Store
    • mounting 1
  • DBMS_DBFS_HS package 1
    • methods 1
    • views 1
    • updating LOB with bind variable 1
  • DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH return value 1
    • passing hexadecimal string to 1
  • DBMS_LOB functions on a NULL LOB restriction 1
  • DBMS_LOB package
    • available LOB procedures/functions 1
    • for temporary LOBs 1
    • functions/procedures to modify BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB 1
    • functions/procedures to read/examine internal and external LOBs 1
    • multithreaded server 1
    • multithreaded server mode 1
    • offset and amount parameter guidelines 1
    • open and close, JDBC replacements for 1
    • opening/closing internal and external LOBs 1
    • provide LOB locator before invoking 1
    • read-only functions/procedures for BFILEs 1
    • to work with LOBs, using 1
    • using with SecureFiles and DBFS 1
    • WRITE()
      • guidelines 1
  • DBMS_SPACE package 1
  • DECRYPT 1, 2
  • deduplication
    • Advanced LOB 1
  • diagnostics
    • DBFS 1
  • directories
    • catalog views 1
    • creating 1
    • guidelines for usage 1
    • listing 1
    • ownership and privileges 1
  • DIRECTORY object 1
    • catalog views 1
    • getting the alias and filename 1
    • guidelines for usage 1
    • names on Windows platforms 1
    • name specification 1
    • READ permission on object not individual files 1
    • rules for using 1
    • symbolic links, and 1
  • direct-path load 1
  • displaying
    • LOB data for persistent LOBs 1
  • domain indexing on LOB columns 1


  • embedded SQL statements, See Pro*C/C++ precompiler and Pro*COBOL precompiler 1
  • EMPTY_BLOB() and EMPTY_CLOB, LOB storage properties for 1
    • to initialize internal LOB 1
  • empty LOBs
    • creating using JDBC 1
    • JDBC 1
  • ENCRYPT 1, 2
  • encryption
    • SecureFiles 1
  • equal, one LOB locator to another
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • erasing, part of LOB
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • examples
    • repercussions of mixing SQL DML with DBMS_LOB 1
    • updated LOB locators 1
    • updating a LOB with a PL/SQL variable 1
  • examples, LOB access statistics 1
  • existence
    • check for BFILE 1
  • extensible indexes 1
  • external LOBs (BFILEs) 1
    • See BFILEs 1
  • external LOBs (BFILEs), See BFILEs 1


  • file system
    • links 1
    • security model 1
    • LOB storage parameter 1
  • FOR UPDATE clause
    • LOB locator 1
  • FTP
    • access to DBFS 1
  • function-based indexes 1
    • on LOB columns 1
  • FUSE
    • installing 1


  • getting started with DBFS Content API 1
  • getting started with DBMS_DBFS_CONTENT 1


  • hexadecimal string
    • passing to DBMS_LOB.WRITE() 1
  • hierarchical store
    • dropping 1
    • setting up 1
    • using 1
    • using compression 1
    • using tape 1
  • Hierarchical Store Package, DBMS_DBFS_HS 1
  • HS store wallet 1
  • HTTP
    • access to DBFS 1
  • HTTP access to DBFS 1


  • implicit assignment and parameter passing for LOB columns 1
  • implicit conversion of CLOB to character type 1
  • improved LOB usability 1
  • indexes
    • function-based 1
    • rebuilding after LONG-to-LOB migration 1
    • restrictions 1
  • indexes on LOB columns
    • bitmap index not supported 1
    • B-tree index not supported 1
    • domain indexing 1
    • restriction 1
  • index-organized tables, restrictions for LOB columns 1
  • Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) 1
  • init.ora parameter db_securefile 1
  • INITFS 1
  • initialization parameters for SecureFiles LOBs 1
  • initializing
    • during CREATE TABLE or INSERT 1
    • using EMPTY_CLOB(), EMPTY_BLOB() 1
  • initializing a LOB column to a non-NULLvalue 1
  • inline storage 1
    • maximum size 1
  • inserting
    • a row by initializing a LOB locator
      • internal persistent LOBs 1
    • a row by initializing BFILE locator 1
  • INSERT statements
    • binds of greater than 4000 bytes 1
  • installing
    • DBFS 1
    • FUSE 1
    • Oracle Database 1
  • interfaces for LOBs, see programmatic environments 1
  • ioctl 1
  • IS NULL return value for LOBs 1
  • ISNULL usage with LOBs 1
  • IS NULL usage with LOBs 1


  • Java, See JDBC 1
  • JDBC
    • available LOB methods/properties 1
    • BFILE class 1
    • BFILE-streaming 1
    • BFILE streaming APIs 1
    • BLOB and CLOB classes 1
    • calling DBMS_LOB package 1
    • checking if BLOB is temporary 1
    • CLOB streaming APIs 1
    • empty LOBs 1
    • encapsulating locators 1
    • methods/properties for BLOB-streaming 1
    • methods/properties for CLOBs
      • streaming 1
    • modifying BLOB values 1
    • modifying CLOB values 1
    • modifyng internal LOBs with Java using oracle.sql.BLOB/CLOB 1
    • 1
    • opening and closing BFILEs 1
    • opening and closing CLOBs 1
    • opening and closing LOBs 1
    • reading/examining BLOB values 1
    • reading/examining CLOB values 1
    • reading/examining external LOB (BFILE) values 1
    • reading internal LOBs and external LOBs (BFILEs) with Java 1
    • referencing LOBs 1
    • streaming APIs for LOBs 1
    • syntax references 1
    • trimming LOBs 1
    • using OracleResultSet to reference LOBs 1
    • using OUT parameter from OraclePreparedStatement to reference LOBs 1
    • writing to empty LOBs 1
  • JDBC 3.0 1
  • JDBC and Empty LOBs 1




  • length
    • getting BFILE 1
    • persistent LOB 1
  • LENGTH return value for LOBs 1
  • libaio
    • asynchronous I/O through 1
  • Linux
    • DBFS mounting interface 1
  • listing
    • a directory 1
  • loading
    • a LOB with BFILE data 1
    • LOB with data from a BFILE 1
  • loading BEFILEs
    • using SQL*Loader 1
  • loading data into LOBs
    • utilities 1
  • LOB column cells
    • accessing 1
  • LOB columns
    • initializing to contain locator 1
    • initializing to NULL or Empty 1
  • LOB column states 1
  • LOB locator
    • copy semantics 1
    • external LOBs (BFILEs) 1
    • internal LOBs 1
    • out-bind variables in OCI 1
    • reference semantics 1
  • LOB locators 1
  • LOB locators, always stored in row 1
  • LOB prefetching
    • JDBC 1
  • LOB reads 1
  • LOB restrictions 1
  • LOBs
    • accesing with SQL 1
    • accessing 1
    • accessing using the data interface 1
    • accessing using the locator interface 1
    • attributes and object cache 1
    • changing default tablespace storage 1
    • data types versus LONG 1
    • external (BFILEs) 1
    • interfaces, See programmatic environments 1
    • internal
      • creating an object in object cache 1
    • internal LOBs
      • CACHE / NOCACHE 1
      • CHUNK 1
      • initializing 1
      • introduced 1
      • locators 1
      • locking before updating 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
      • PCTVERSION 1
      • setting to empty 1
      • tablespace and LOB index 1
      • tablespace and storage characteristics 1
      • transactions 1
    • in the object cache 1
    • loading data into, using SQL*Loader 1
    • locator 1
    • locators 1, 2
    • locking rows 1
    • maximum sizes allowed 1
    • object cache 1
    • piecewise operations 1
    • read-consistent locators 1
    • reason for using 1
    • setting to contain a locator 1
    • setting to NULL 1
    • tables
      • creating indexes 1
      • moving partitions 1
      • splitting partitions 1
    • unstructured data 1
    • updated LOB locators 1
    • value 1
    • varying-width character data 1
  • LOBS
    • opening and closing 1
  • LOBs, data interface for remote 1
  • LOBs, data interface in Java 1
  • LOB storage
    • format of varying width character data 1
    • inline and out-of-line storage properties 1
  • LOB streaming
    • BLOB-streaming with JDBC 1
  • LOB writes 1
  • LOB writes unaligned 1
  • locators 1
    • BFILE guidelines 1
    • BFILEs 1
    • BFILEs, two rows can refer to the same file 1
    • external LOBs (BFILEs) 1
    • LOB 1
    • LOB, cannot span transactions 1
    • multiple 1
    • OCI functions 1, 2
    • Pro*COBOL precompiler statements 1
    • providing in Pro*COBOL precompiler 1
    • read-consistent 1, 3, 4
    • read consistent, updating 1
    • reading and writing to a LOB using 1
    • selecting within a transaction 1
    • selecting without current transaction 1
    • setting column to contain 1
    • transaction boundaries 1
    • updated 1, 2
    • updating 1
  • locators, see if LOB locator is initialized
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • locking 1
  • locking a row containing a LOB 1
    • LOB storage parameter 1
    • migrating LONG-to-LOBs 1
  • LONG-to-LOB migration
    • benefits and concepts 1
    • clustered tables 1
    • LOGGING 1
    • NULLs 1
    • rebuilding indexes 1
    • triggers 1
  • LONG versus LOB data types 1


  • migrating
    • LONG-to-LOBs, constraints maintained 1
    • LONG-to-LOBs, indexing 1
    • LONG to LOBs, see LONG-to-LOB 1
    • LONG-to-LOB using ALTER TABLE 1
  • migrating to SecureFiles LOBs 1, 2
  • migration of LONG to LOB in parallel 1
  • mounted file systems
    • restrictions 1
  • mounting
    • DBFS through fstab for Linux 1
    • DBFS through fstab for Solaris 1
    • the DBFS store 1
  • mount points
    • listing 1
  • multibyte character sets, using with the data interface for LOBs 1
  • multithreaded server
    • BFILEs 1, 2


    • session collation settings 1
  • NCLOBs
    • DBMS_LOB, offset and amount parameters in characters 1
    • modify using DBMS_LOB 1
  • 1
  • NOCOPY, using to pass temporary LOB parameters by reference 1
    • LOB storage parameter 1
  • non-partitioned file system
    • creating 1
  • NULL LOB, restrictions calling OCI and DBMS_LOB functions 1
  • NULL LOB value, LOB storage for 1
  • NULL LOB values, LOB storage properties for 1


  • object cache 1
    • creating an object in 1
    • LOBs 1
  • OCCI
    • compared to other interfaces 1
    • LOB functionality 1
  • OCCI Blob class
    • read 1
    • write 1
  • OCCI Clob class
    • read 1
    • write 1
  • OCI
    • available LOB functions 1
    • character set rules, fixed-width and varying-width 1
    • functions for BFILEs 1, 2
    • functions for temporary LOBs 1, 2
    • functions to modify internal LOB values 1, 2
    • functions to open/close internal and external LOBs 1, 2
    • functions to read or examine internal and external LOB values 1, 2
    • LOB locator functions 1, 2
    • NCLOB parameters 1, 2
    • OCILobFileGetLength
      • CLOB and NCLOB input and output length 1
    • OCILobRead2()
      • varying-width CLOB and NCLOB input and amount amounts 1
    • OCILobWrite2()
      • varying-width CLOB and NCLOB input and amount amounts 1, 2
    • offset and amount parameter rules
      • fixed-width character sets 1
    • setting OCILobRead2(), OCILobWrite2() to OCI_UCS2ID 1
    • using to work LOBs 1
  • OCI functions on a NULL LOB restriction 1
  • OCILobArrayRead() 1
  • OCILobArrayWrite() 1
  • OCILobGetChunkSize() 1
  • OCILobLocator, out-bind variables 1
  • OCILobLocator in assignment "=" operations 1
  • ODP.NET 1
  • offset parameter, in DBMS_LOB operations 1
  • OLEDB 1
  • Online Filesystem Reorganization 1
  • online redefinition
    • DBFS 1
  • open
    • checking for open BFILEs with FILEISOPEN() 1
    • checking if BFILE is open with ISOPEN 1
  • open, determining whether a LOB is open 1
  • example 1
  • opening
    • BFILEs using FILEOPEN 1
    • BFILEs with OPEN 1
  • opening and closing LOBs 1
    • using JDBC 1
  • ORA-17098
    • empty LOBs and JDBC 1
  • ORA-22992 1
  • oracle.sql.BFILE
    • BFILE-streaming 1
    • JDBC methods to read/examine BFILEs 1
  • oracle.sql.BLOB
    • for modifying BLOB values 1
    • reading/examining BLOB values 1
    • See JDBC 1
  • oracle.sql.BLOBs
    • BLOB-streaming 1
  • oracle.sql.CLOB
    • CLOBs
      • streaming 1
    • JDBC methods to read/examine CLOB values 1
    • modifying CLOB values 1
  • oracle.sql.CLOBs
    • See JDBC 1
  • Oracle Call Interface, See OCI 1
  • Oracle Database Installation 1
  • OraclePreparedStatement, See JDBC 1
  • OracleResultSet, See JDBC 1
  • OraOLEDB 1
  • out-of-line storage 1


  • parallel DML support 1
  • parallel LONG-to-LOB migration 1
  • Parallel Online Redefinition 1
  • partitioned DBFS file system
    • versus non-partitioned 1
  • partitioned file system
    • creating 1
  • partitioned index-organized tables
    • restrictions for LOB columns 1
  • pattern
    • check if it exists in BFILE using instr 1
  • pattern, if it exists IN LOB using (instr)
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • performance
    • guidelines
      • reading/writing large data chunks, temporary LOBs 1
  • performance guidelines 1
    • reading/writing large data chunks 1
  • persistent LOBs 1, 2
  • pipes 1
  • PL/SQL 1
    • and LOBs, semantics changes 1
    • changing locator-data linkage 1
    • CLOBs passed in like VARCHAR2s 1
    • CLOB variables in 1
    • CLOB variables in PL/SQL 1
    • defining a CLOB Variable on a VARCHAR 1
    • freeing temporary LOBs automatically and manually 1
  • PL/SQL functions, remote 1, 2
  • PL/SQL packages for SecureFiles LOB 1
  • PM schema 1
  • polling 1, 2, 3
  • prefetching data 1
  • prerequisites
    • DBFS file system client 1
  • print_media creation 1
  • print_media table definition 1
  • privileges
    • to create DBFS file system 1
  • Pro*C/C++ precompiler
    • available LOB functions 1
    • locators 1
    • modifying internal LOB values 1
    • opening and closing internal LOBs and external LOBs (BFILEs) 1
    • providing an allocated input locator pointer 1
    • reading or examining internal and external LOB values 1
    • statements for BFILEs 1
    • statements for temporary LOBs 1
  • Pro*COBOL precompiler
    • available LOB functions 1
    • locators 1
    • modifying internal LOB values 1
    • providing an allocated input locator 1
    • reading or examining internal and external LOBs 1
    • statements for BFILEs 1
    • temporary LOBs 1
  • programmatic environments
    • available functions 1
    • compared 1
  • programmatic environments for LOBs 1


  • Query APIs 1


  • read consistency
    • LOBs 1
  • read-consistent locators 1, 2, 3, 4
  • reading
    • large data chunks 1
    • large data chunks, temporary LOBs 1
    • portion of BFILE data using substr 1
  • reading, data from a LOB
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • reading, portion of LOB using substr
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • reference semantics 1
    • BFILEs enables multiple BFILE columns for each record 1
  • registered store
    • mounting 1
    • unregistering 1
  • remote built-in functions 1
  • remote LOBs 1
  • remote PL/SQL functions 1, 2
  • removing
    • directories 1
    • files 1
  • restrictions
    • binds of more than 4000 bytes 1
    • cannot call OCI or DBMS_LOB functions on a NULL LOB 1
    • clustered tables 1
    • indexes 1
    • index-organized tables and LOBs 1
    • LOBs 1
    • triggers 1
  • restrictions on mounted file systems 1
  • restrictions on remote LOBs 1
  • RETENTION 1, 2
  • RETENTION ignored in an MSSM tablespace 1
  • retrieving LOB access statistics 1
  • RETURNING clause, using with INSERT to initialize a LOB 1


  • Samba 1
  • sample schema for examples 1
    • ALTER TABLE parameters 1
    • LOB storage parameter 1
  • SecureFiles Encryption 1
  • SecureFiles LOB
    • CREATE TABLE parameter 1
    • PL/SQL 1
  • SecureFiles LOBs
    • initialization parameters 1
  • SecureFiles LOBs and BasicFiles LOBs 1
  • SecureFiles LOB Storage 1
  • SecureFiles Store
    • setting up 1
  • security
    • BFILEs 1
    • BFILEs using SQL DDL 1
    • BFILEs using SQL DML 1
  • SELECT statement
    • read consistency 1
  • semantics
    • copy-based for internal LOBs 1
    • copying and referencing 1
    • for internal and external LOBs 1
    • reference based for BFILEs 1
  • semistructured data 1
  • SESSION_MAX_OPEN_FILES parameter 1
  • session collation settings
    • CLOB and NCLOB 1
  • setting
    • internal LOBs to empty 1
    • LOBs to NULL 1
    • overrides for NLS_LANG variable 1
  • simple structured data, complex structured data 1
  • Solaris
    • mounting interface 1
    • Solaris-Specific privileges 1
  • Solaris 11 SRU7
    • installing FUSE 1
  • spec.sql script 1
  • SQL
    • character functions, improved 1
    • features where LOBs cannot be used 1
  • SQL*Loader 1
    • conventional path load 1
    • direct-path load 1
    • LOBs
      • loading data into 1
    • BFILE security 1
    • BFILE security 1
  • SQL functions on LOBs
    • return type 1
    • return value 1
    • temporary LOBs returned 1
  • SQL semantics and LOBs 1
  • SQL semantics supported for use with LOBs 1
  • statistics, access 1
  • streaming
    • write 1
  • streaming APIs
    • 1
    • using JDBC and BFILEs 1
    • using JDBC and CLOBs 1
    • using JDBC and LOBs 1
  • symbolic links, rules with DIRECTORY objects and BFILEs 1
  • system owned object, See DIRECTORY object 1


  • TaBleFileSystem Store Provider ("tbfs") 1
  • tablespace storage
    • changing 1
  • TBFS.SQL script 1
  • TBL.SQL script 1
  • TDE 1
  • temporary BLOB
    • checking if temporary using JDBC 1
  • temporary LOBs 1
    • checking if LOB is temporary 1
    • DBMS_LOB available functions/procedures 1
    • OCI functions 1, 2
    • Pro*C/C++ precompiler embedded SQL statements 1
    • Pro*COBOL precompiler statements 1
    • returned from SQL functions 1
  • TO_CLOB()
    • converting VARCHAR2,NVARCHAR2,NCLOB to CLOB 1
  • TO_NCLOB() 1
  • transaction boundaries
    • LOB locators 1
  • transaction IDs 1
  • transactions
    • external LOBs do not participate in 1
    • IDs of locators 1
    • internal LOBs participate in database transactions 1
    • LOB locators cannot span 1
    • locators with non-serializable 1
    • locators with serializable 1
  • transferring LOB data 1
  • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) 1
  • transparent read 1
  • triggers
    • LONG-to-LOB migration 1
  • trimming LOB data
    • persistent LOBs 1
  • trimming LOBs using JDBC 1


  • UCS2 Unicode character set
    • varying width character data 1
    • VARCHAR2 and CLOBs support 1
  • unmounting
    • a file system 1
  • unstructured data 1, 2
  • updated locators 1, 2
  • UPDATE statements
    • binds of greater than 4000 bytes 1
  • updating
    • avoid the LOB with different locators 1
    • LOBs using SQL and DBMS_LOB 1
    • LOB values, read consistent locators 1
    • LOB values using one locator 1
    • LOB with PL/SQL bind variable 1
    • locators 1
    • locking before 1
    • locking prior to 1, 2, 3
  • using SQL character functions 1


    • accessing CLOB data when treated as 1
    • also RAW, applied to CLOBs and BLOBs 1
    • defining CLOB variable on 1
  • VARCHAR2, using SQL functions and operators with LOBs 1
    • LOB restriction 1
    • stored as LOBs 1
  • varying-width character data 1
  • views on DIRECTORY object 1


  • wallet
    • HS store wallet 1
  • Wallet,Oracle 1
  • WebDAV
    • access to DBFS 1
  • WHERE Clause Usage with LOBs 1
  • writing
    • data to a LOB 1
    • large data chunks, temporary LOBs 1
    • singly or piecewise 1


  • Zero-copy Input/Output for SecureFiles LOBs 1