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Oracle® Database Utilities
Release 2 (11.2)
Part Number E22490-04
Book List
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List of Tables
1-1 Data Pump Exit Codes
2-1 Supported Activities in Data Pump Export's Interactive-Command Mode
3-1 Valid Object Types For the Data Pump Import TRANSFORM Parameter
3-2 Supported Activities in Data Pump Import's Interactive-Command Mode
4-1 How Data Pump Export Handles Original Export Parameters
4-2 How Data Pump Import Handles Original Import Parameters
6-1 Valid Job States in Which DBMS_DATAPUMP Procedures Can Be Executed
7-1 Case Studies and Their Related Files
8-1 Exit Codes for SQL*Loader
9-1 Parameters for the INFILE Keyword
9-2 Parameters for the CONTINUEIF Clause
9-3 Fixed-Length Fields
9-4 Nongraphic Fields
9-5 Graphic Fields
9-6 Variable-Length Fields
10-1 Parameters for the Position Specification Clause
10-2 Datatype Conversions for Datetime and Interval Datatypes
10-3 Parameters Used for Specifying Delimiters
10-4 Parameters for the Field Condition Clause
10-5 Behavior Summary for Trimming Whitespace
10-6 Parameters Used for Column Specification
16-1 ADRCI Command Line Parameters for Batch Operation
16-2 List of ADRCI commands
16-3 IPS Command Set
16-4 Arguments of IPS ADD command
16-5 Arguments of IPS CREATE PACKAGE command
16-6 Arguments of IPS PACK command
16-7 Arguments of IPS REMOVE command
16-8 IPS Configuration Parameters
16-9 Flags for the PURGE command
16-10 Flags for the SELECT command
16-11 ADRCI Utility Functions for the SELECT Command
16-12 Flags for the SHOW ALERT command
16-13 Alert Fields for SHOW ALERT
16-14 Fields for Health Monitor Runs
16-15 Flags for SHOW INCIDENT command
16-16 Incident Fields for SHOW INCIDENT
16-17 Flags for SHOW PROBLEM command
16-18 Problem Fields for SHOW PROBLEM
16-19 Arguments for SHOW TRACEFILE Command
16-20 Flags for SHOW TRACEFILE Command
18-1 Parameters for the DBNEWID Utility
20-1 DBMS_METADATA Procedures Used for Retrieving Multiple Objects
20-2 DBMS_METADATA Procedures Used for the Browsing Interface
20-3 DBMS_METADATA Procedures and Functions for Submitting XML Data
20-4 DBMS_METADATA_DIFF Procedures and Functions
21-1 Objects Exported in Each Mode
21-2 Sequence of Events During Updates by Two Users
21-3 Maximum Size for Dump Files
21-4 Exit Codes for Export
21-5 Using Different Releases of Export and Import
22-1 Privileges Required to Import Objects into Your Own Schema
22-2 Privileges Required to Import Grants
22-3 Objects Imported in Each Mode
22-4 Exit Codes for Import
22-5 Using Different Releases of Export and Import
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