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Oracle® Database 2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E17516-08
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6 Extending an Oracle Streams Replication Environment

This chapter describes extending an Oracle Streams replication environment by adding database objects or databases.

This chapter contains the following sections:

See Also:


About Extending an Oracle Streams Replication Environment

Sometimes it is necessary to extend an Oracle Streams replication environment when the needs of your organization change. You can extend an Oracle Streams replication environment by adding database objects or databases.

There are two ways to extend an Oracle Streams replication environment:

TDPII275Use the Setup Streams Replication Wizard or a Single Configuration Procedure

You can extend an Oracle Streams Replication environment using one of the following methods if the environment satisfies certain conditions:

To use the wizard or one of the procedures to extend an Oracle Streams replication environment, the environment must satisfy the following conditions:

If your replication environment meets these conditions, then you can use the Setup Streams Replication Wizard or a single procedure to extend the environment.

The following are additional requirements for cases in which the replicated database objects exist at an intended destination database before you run the wizard or procedure:

For instructions about adding to a replication environment using the wizard, see the following topics:

For instructions about adding to a replication environment using a single procedure, see Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide.

TDPII276Add the Oracle Streams Components Individually in Multiple Steps

If you cannot extend the Oracle Streams replication environment by using the Setup Streams Replication Wizard or a configuration procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package, then you must complete the configuration steps manually. These steps include adding the necessary rules and Oracle Streams components to the environment, and other configuration steps.

If you must extend the Oracle Streams replication environment manually, then see the instructions in Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide.


Tutorial: Adding Database Objects to a Replication Environment

This topic includes an example that uses the Setup Streams Replication Wizard in Oracle Enterprise Manager to add tables to an existing hub-and-spoke replication environment. When the example is complete, the Oracle Streams replication environment replicates the changes made to the added tables at the databases in the environment.

Specifically, the example in this topic extends the replication environment configured in "Tutorial: Configuring Hub-and-Spoke Replication with Local Capture Processes". That configuration has the following characteristics:

This example adds the following tables to the environment:

This example uses the tables in the oe sample schema. The oe sample schema is installed by default with Oracle Database.


Before you use the Setup Streams Replication Wizard to extend an Oracle Streams replication environment, ensure that the environment meets the conditions described in "About Extending an Oracle Streams Replication Environment".

To add database objects to an Oracle Streams replication environment: 

  1. Stop the capture process at the hub database in the hub-and-spoke environment.

    In this example, stop the capture process at the database. The replicated database objects can remain open to changes while the capture process is stopped. These changes will be captured when the capture process is restarted.

    1. In Oracle Enterprise Manager, log in to the hub database as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    2. Go to the Database Home page.

    3. Under High Availability, click the number link in Streams Components.

      The Manage Replication page appears, showing the Overview subpage.

    4. Click Streams to open the Streams subpage.

      Description of tdpii_strrms_strms.gif follows
      Description of the illustration tdpii_strrms_strms.gif

    5. Select the capture process to stop. If necessary, use the search tool to find the capture process, and then select it.

    6. Select Disable in Action.

    7. Click Go.

    8. Click Yes on the confirmation page to stop the capture process.


    You can also use the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.STOP_CAPTURE procedure to stop a capture process.
  2. While still connected to the hub database as the Oracle Streams administrator in Oracle Enterprise Manager, go to the Database Home page for the database instance.

  3. Click Data Movement to open the Data Movement subpage.

  4. Click Setup in the Streams section.

    The Streams page appears, showing the setup options.

  5. Select Replicate Tables in Setup Streams Replication.

  6. In the Host Credentials section, enter the username and password for an administrative user on the host computer system.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. On the Object Selection page, click Add to open the Select Table page.

  9. Use the search tools to display the oe.orders and oe.order_items tables, and select these tables.

    For example, to display these tables, enter oe in the Schema field and click Go.

  10. Click Select. The Object Selection page displays the oe.orders and oe.order_items tables.

  11. Click Next.

  12. On the Destination Options page, identify the spoke database by specifying its host name, port, SID or service name, and Oracle Streams administrator credentials.

    (When you configure replication with the database, identify

  13. Click Next.

  14. Complete the Replication Options page:

    1. In the Directory Path section, leave the directory paths for the source and destination database unchanged if the host user you specified in Step 6 can read from and write to the directories and the directories have enough space for a Data Pump export dump file. Otherwise, specify different directory paths, or create directory objects that meet these requirements and specify those.

    2. Expand Advanced Options.

    3. In the Options section, ensure that Capture, Propagate and Apply data manipulation language (DML) changes is selected.

    4. If you do not want to replicate DDL changes, then deselect Capture, Propagate and Apply data definition language (DDL) changes.

    5. Select Setup Bi-directional replication.

    6. In the Capture Process section, enter capture_hns in Capture Name.

    7. In the Propagation Process section, enter propagation_spoke1 in Propagation Name. (When you configure replication with the database, enter propagation_spoke2.)

    8. In the Apply Process section, enter apply_spoke1 in Apply Name. (When you configure replication with the database, enter apply_spoke2.)

  15. Click Next.

  16. On the Schedule Job page, either select Immediately or specify a time for the job to run later.

  17. Click Next.

  18. On the Review page, review the configuration information and click Submit.

  19. On the Confirmation page, optionally click the job link to monitor the job.

    When the job is running, information about its progress is recorded in the following data dictionary views: DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS, and DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS. If the job stops because it encounters an error, then see Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for instructions about using the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to recover from these errors.

  20. While still connected as the Oracle Streams administrator to the hub database, complete Steps 1 to 19 again. However, in Step 12, on the Destination Options page, identify the spoke database by specifying its host name, port, SID or service name, and Oracle Streams administrator credentials.

    Also, in Step 14g, enter propagation_spoke2 in Propagation Name, and in Step 14h, enter apply_spoke2 in Apply Name

  21. Set the instantiation SCN for the replicated tables at the spoke databases:


    This step is required in this example because the replicated tables existed at the spoke databases before the wizard was run. If the replicated tables did not exist at the spoke databases before the wizard was run, then the wizard sets the instantiation SCN for the replicated tables, and this step is not required. Ensure that the data in the shared table is consistent at the source and destination databases when the instantiation SCN is set and that no changes are made to the table at the source database until after the SCN that is used for the instantiation SCN.
    1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the database as the Oracle Streams administrator.

      See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

    2. Set the instantiation SCN for the oe.orders table at the database:

        iscn  NUMBER;    -- Variable to hold instantiation SCN value
          source_object_name    => 'oe.orders',
          source_database_name  => '',
          instantiation_scn     => iscn);
    3. Set the instantiation SCN for the oe.order_items table at the database:

        iscn  NUMBER;    -- Variable to hold instantiation SCN value
          source_object_name    => 'oe.order_items',
          source_database_name  => '',
          instantiation_scn     => iscn);
    4. Set the instantiation SCN for the oe.orders table at the database:

        iscn  NUMBER;    -- Variable to hold instantiation SCN value
          source_object_name    => 'oe.orders',
          source_database_name  => '',
          instantiation_scn     => iscn);
    5. Set the instantiation SCN for the oe.order_items table at the database:

        iscn  NUMBER;    -- Variable to hold instantiation SCN value
          source_object_name    => 'oe.order_items',
          source_database_name  => '',
          instantiation_scn     => iscn);
  22. Configure latest time conflict resolution for the orders and order_items tables in the oe schema at the,, and databases. See "Tutorial: Configuring Latest Time Conflict Resolution for a Table" for instructions.


Tutorial: Adding Databases to a Replication Environment

This topic includes an example that uses the Setup Streams Replication Wizard in Oracle Enterprise Manager to add a new spoke database to an existing hub-and-spoke replication environment. When the example is complete, the Oracle Streams replication environment replicates the changes made to the schema with the new database.

Specifically, the example in this topic extends the replication environment configured in "Tutorial: Configuring Hub-and-Spoke Replication with Local Capture Processes". That configuration has the following characteristics:

This example adds the database to the environment.


Before you use the Setup Streams Replication Wizard to extend an Oracle Streams replication environment, ensure that the environment meets the conditions described in "About Extending an Oracle Streams Replication Environment".

To add a database to an existing Oracle Streams replication environment: 

  1. Complete the following tasks to prepare the environment for the new database:

    1. Configure network connectivity so that the hub database can communicate with the new spoke database. In this example, configure network connectivity so that the database and the databases can communicate with each other.

      See Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for information about configuring network connectivity between databases.

    2. Configure an Oracle Streams administrator at the new spoke database. In this example, configure an Oracle Streams administrator at the database. See "Tutorial: Configuring an Oracle Streams Administrator" for instructions. This example assumes that the Oracle Streams administrator is strmadmin.

    3. Set initialization parameters properly at the new spoke database. In this example, set initialization parameters properly at the database. See "Preparing for Oracle Streams Replication" for instructions.

    4. Configure the new spoke database to run in ARCHIVELOG mode. For a capture process to capture changes generated at a source database, the source database must be running in ARCHIVELOG mode. In this example, configure the database to run in ARCHIVELOG mode. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about configuring a database to run in ARCHIVELOG mode.

  2. Stop the capture process at the hub database in the hub-and-spoke environment.

    In this example, stop the capture process at the database. The replicated database objects can remain open to changes while the capture process is stopped. These changes will be captured when the capture process is restarted.

    1. In Oracle Enterprise Manager, log in to the hub database as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    2. Go to the Database Home page.

    3. Under High Availability, click the number link in Streams Components.

      The Manage Replication page appears, showing the Overview subpage.

    4. Click Streams to open the Streams subpage.

      Description of tdpii_strrms_strms.gif follows
      Description of the illustration tdpii_strrms_strms.gif

    5. Select the capture process to stop. If necessary, use the search tool to find the capture process, and then select it.

    6. Select Disable in Action.

    7. Click Go.

    8. Click Yes on the confirmation page to stop the capture process.


    You can also use the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.STOP_CAPTURE procedure to stop a capture process.
  3. While still connected to the hub database as the Oracle Streams administrator in Oracle Enterprise Manager, go to the Database Home page for the database instance.

  4. Click Data Movement to open the Data Movement subpage.

  5. Click Setup in the Streams section.

    The Streams page appears, showing the setup options.

  6. Select Replicate Schemas in Setup Streams Replication.

  7. In the Host Credentials section, enter the username and password for an administrative user on the host computer system.

  8. Click Continue.

  9. On the Object Selection page, select HR and click Next.

  10. On the Destination Options page, identify the spoke database by specifying its host name, port, SID or service name, and Oracle Streams administrator credentials.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Complete the Replication Options page:

    1. In the Directory Path section, leave the directory paths for the source and destination database unchanged if the host user you specified in Step 7 can read from and write to the directories and the directories have enough space for a Data Pump export dump file. Otherwise, specify different directory paths, or create directory objects that meet these requirements and specify those.

    2. Expand Advanced Options.

    3. In the Options section, ensure that Capture, Propagate and Apply data manipulation language (DML) changes is selected.

    4. If you do not want to replicate DDL changes, then deselect Capture, Propagate and Apply data definition language (DDL) changes.

    5. Select Setup Bi-directional replication.

    6. In the Capture Process section, enter capture_hns in Capture Name.

    7. In the Propagation Process section, enter propagation_spoke3 in Propagation Name.

    8. In the Apply Process section, enter apply_spoke3 in Apply Name.

  13. Click Next.

  14. On the Schedule Job page, either select Immediately or specify a time for the job to run later.

  15. Click Next.

  16. On the Review page, review the configuration information and click Submit.

  17. On the Confirmation page, optionally click the job link to monitor the job.

    When the job is running, information about its progress is recorded in the following data dictionary views: DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS, and DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS. If the job stops because it encounters an error, then see Oracle Streams Replication Administrator's Guide for instructions about using the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to recover from these errors.

  18. Configure latest time conflict resolution for all of the tables in the hr schema at the database. This schema includes the countries, departments, employees, jobs, job_history, locations, and regions tables. "Tutorial: Configuring Latest Time Conflict Resolution for a Table" for instructions.

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