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Oracle® Streams Replication Administrator's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10705-09
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12 Managing Oracle Streams Replication

This chapter contains instructions for managing an Oracle Streams replication environment.

This chapter contains these topics:


About Managing Oracle Streams

After an Oracle Streams replication environment is in place, you can manage the Oracle Streams components at each database. Management includes administering the components. For example, you can set capture process parameters to modify the behavior of a capture process. Management also includes monitoring the Oracle Streams components and troubleshooting them if there are problems.

The following documentation provides instructions for managing Oracle Streams:


Tracking LCRs Through a Stream

A logical change record (LCR) typically flows through a stream in the following way:

  1. A database change is captured, formatted into an LCR, and enqueued. A capture process or a synchronous capture can capture database changes implicitly. An application or user can construct and enqueue LCRs to capture database changes explicitly.

  2. One or more propagations send the LCR to other databases in the Oracle Streams environment.

  3. One or more apply processes dequeue the LCR and process it.

You can track an LCR through a stream using one of the following methods:

LCR tracking is useful if LCRs are not being applied as expected by one or more apply processes. When this happens, you can use LCR tracking to determine where the LCRs are stopping in the stream and address the problem at that location.

After using one of these methods to track LCRs, use the V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING view to monitor the progress of LCRs through a stream. By tracking an LCR through the stream, you can determine where the LCR is blocked. After LCR tracking is started, each LCR includes a tracking label.

When LCR tracking is started using the message_tracking_frequency capture process parameter, the tracking label is capture_process_name:AUTOTRACK, where capture_process_name is the name of the capture process. Only the first 20 bytes of the capture process name are used; the rest is truncated if it exceeds 20 bytes.

The SET_MESSAGE_TRACKING procedure enables you to specify a tracking label that becomes part of each LCR generated by the current session. Using this tracking label, you can query the V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING view to track the LCRs through the stream and see how they were processed by each Oracle Streams client. When you use the SET_MESSAGE_TRACKING procedure, the following LCRs are tracked:

To track LCRs through a stream, complete the following steps:

  1. Start LCR tracking.

    You can start LCR tracking in one of the following ways:

    1. In SQL*Plus, start a session. To use a tracking label for database changes captured by a capture process or synchronous capture, connect to the source database for the capture process or synchronous capture.

    2. Begin message tracking:

          tracking_label => 'TRACK_LCRS');

      You can use any label you choose to track LCRs. This example uses the TRACK_LCRS label.

      Information about the LCRs is tracked in memory, and the V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING dynamic performance view is populated with information about the LCRs.

    3. Optionally, to ensure that message tracking is set in the session, query the tracking label:


      This query should return the tracking label you specified in Step b:

  2. Make changes to the source database that will be captured by the capture process or synchronous capture that starts the stream, or construct and enqueue the LCRs you want to track. Typically, these LCRs are for testing purposes only. For example, you can insert several dummy rows into a table and then modify these rows. When the testing is complete, you can delete the rows.

  3. Monitor the entire Oracle Streams environment to track the LCRs. To do so, query the V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING view at each database that processes the LCRs.

    For example, run the following query at each database:


    Ensure that you specify the correct tracking label in the WHERE clause.

    These queries will show how the LCRs were processed at each database. If the LCRs are not being applied at destination databases, then these queries will show where in the stream the LCRs are stopping.

    For example, the output at a source database with a synchronous capture is similar to the following:

    Component  Component                Source     Object Object     Command
    Name       Type         Action      Database   Owner  Name       Type
    ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ------ ---------- -------
               CAPTURE                  E.COM
               CAPTURE      tion        E.COM
               CAPTURE                  E.COM

    The output at a destination database with an apply process is similar to the following:

    Component  Component                Source     Object Object     Command
    Name       Type         Action      Database   Owner  Name       Type
    ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ------ ---------- -------
    _CAP                                E.COM
    _CAP                                E.COM
    _CAP                                E.COM

    You can query additional columns in the V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING view to display more information. For example, the ACTION_DETAILS column provides detailed information about each action.

  4. Stop message tracking. Complete one of the following actions based your choice in Step 1:

    • If you set the message_tracking_frequency capture process parameter in Step 1, then set this parameter back to its default value. The default is to track every two-millionth message.

      To set this capture process parameter back to its default value, connect to database running the capture process and set the message_tracking_frequency capture process parameter to NULL.

      See Oracle Database 2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide or Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for information about setting capture process parameters.

    • If you started message tracking in the current session, then stop message tracking in the session.

      To stop message tracking in the current session, set the tracking_label parameter to NULL in the SET_MESSAGE_TRACKING procedure:

          tracking_label => NULL,
          actions        => DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.ACTION_MEMORY);

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for information about the message_tracking_frequency capture process parameter

Splitting and Merging an Oracle Streams Destination

The following sections describe how to split and merge streams and provide examples that do so:


About Splitting and Merging Oracle Streams

Splitting and merging an Oracle Streams destination is useful under the following conditions:

  • A single capture process captures changes that are sent to two or more apply processes.

  • An apply process stops accepting changes captured by the capture process. The apply process might stop accepting changes if, for example, the apply process is disabled, the database that contains the apply process goes down, there is a network problem, the computer system running the database that contains the apply process goes down, or for some other reason.

When these conditions are met, it is best to split the problem destination off from the other destinations. The reason to split the destination off depends on whether the configuration uses the combined capture and apply optimization:

  • If the apply process at the problem destination is part of a combined capture and apply optimization and the destination is not split off, then performance will suffer when the destination becomes available again. In this case, the capture process must capture the changes that must now be applied at the destination previously split off. The other destinations will not receive more recent changes until the problem destination has caught up. However, if the problem destination is split off, then it can catch up to the other destinations independently, without affecting the other destinations.

  • If the apply process at the destination is not part of a combined capture and apply optimization, then captured changes that cannot be sent to the problem destination queue remain in the source queue, causing the source queue size to increase. Eventually, the source queue will spill captured logical change records (LCRs) to hard disk, and the performance of the Oracle Streams replication environment will suffer.

Split and merge operations are possible in the following types of Oracle Streams replication environments:

  • Changes captured by a single capture process are sent to multiple remote destinations using propagations and are applied by apply processes at the remote destinations.

  • Changes captured by a single capture process are applied locally by multiple apply processes on the same database that is running the capture process.

  • Changes captured by a single capture process are sent to one or more remote destinations using propagations and are applied locally by one or more apply processes on the same database that is running the capture process.

For environment with local capture and apply, split and merge operations are possible when the capture process and apply processes share the same queue, and when a propagation sends changes from the capture process's queue to an apply process's queue within the one database.

Figure 12-1 shows an Oracle Streams replication environment that uses propagations to send changes to multiple destinations. In this example, destination database A is down.

STREP435Figure 12-1 Problem Destination in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment

Description of Figure 12-1 follows
Description of "Figure 12-1 Problem Destination in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment"

You can use the following data dictionary views to determine when there is a problem with a stream:

  • Query the V$BUFFERED_QUEUES view to identify how many messages are in a buffered queue and how many of these messages have spilled to hard disk.

  • When propagations are used, query the DBA_PROPAGATION and V$PROPAGATION_SENDER views to show the propagations in a database and the status of each propagation

To avoid degraded performance in this situation, split the stream that flows to the problem database off from the other streams flowing from the capture process. When the problem is corrected, merge the stream back into the other streams flowing from the capture process.

You can configure capture process parameters to split and merge a problem stream automatically, or you can split and merge a problem stream manually. Either way, the SPLIT_STREAMS, MERGE_STREAMS_JOB, and MERGE_STREAMS procedures in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package are used. The SPLIT_STREAMS procedure splits off the stream for the problem destination from all of the other streams flowing from a capture process to other destinations. The SPLIT_STREAMS procedure always clones the capture process and the queue. The SPLIT_STREAMS procedure also clones the propagation in an environment that sends changes to remote destination databases. The cloned versions of these components are used by the stream that is split off. While the problem stream is split off, the streams to other destinations proceed as usual.

Figure 12-2 shows the cloned stream created by the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

When the problem destination becomes available again, the cloned stream begins to send captured changes to the destination database again.

Figure 12-3 shows a destination database A that is up and running and a cloned capture process that is enabled at the capture database. The cloned stream begins to flow and starts to catch up to the original streams.

STREP437Figure 12-3 Cloned Stream Begins Flowing and Starts to Catch Up to One Original Stream

Description of Figure 12-3 follows
Description of "Figure 12-3 Cloned Stream Begins Flowing and Starts to Catch Up to One Original Stream"

When the cloned stream catches up to one of the original streams, one of the following procedures merges the streams:

  • The MERGE_STREAMS procedure merges the stream that was split off back into the other streams flowing from the original capture process.

  • The MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure determines whether the streams are within the user-specified merge threshold. If they are, then the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure runs the MERGE_STREAMS procedure. If the streams are not within the merge threshold, then the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure does nothing.

Typically, it is best to run the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure instead of running the MERGE_STREAMS procedure directly, because the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure automatically determines whether the streams are ready to merge before merging them.

Figure 12-4 shows the results of running the MERGE_STREAMS procedure. The Oracle Streams replication environment has its original components, and all of the streams are flowing normally.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for information about combined capture and apply

Split and Merge Options

The following split and merge options are available:


Automatic Split and Merge

You can set two capture process parameters, split_threshold and merge_theshold, so that Oracle Streams performs split and merge operations automatically. When these parameters are set to specify automatic split and merge, an Oracle Scheduler job monitors the streams flowing from the capture process. When an Oracle Scheduler job identifies a problem with a stream, the job splits the problem stream off from the other streams flowing from the capture process. When a split operation is complete, a new Oracle Scheduler merge job monitors the split stream. When the problem is corrected, this job merges the stream back with the other streams.

When the split_threshold capture process parameter is set to INFINITE, automatic splitting is disabled. When the split_threshold parameter is not set to INFINITE, automatic splitting is enabled. Automatic splitting only occurs when communication with an apply process has been lost for the number of seconds specified in the split_threshold parameter. For example, communication with an apply process is lost when an apply process becomes disabled or a destination database goes down. Automatic splitting does not occur when one stream is processing changes slower than other streams.

When a stream is split, a cloned capture process is created. The cloned capture process might be enabled or disabled after the split depending on whether the configuration uses the combined capture and apply optimization:

  • If the apply process is part of a combined capture and apply optimization, then the cloned capture process is enabled. The cloned capture process does not capture any changes until the apply process is enabled and communication is established with the apply process.

  • If the apply process is not part of a combined capture and apply optimization, then the cloned capture process is disabled so that LCRs do not build up in a queue. When the apply process is enabled and the cloned stream can flow, you can start the cloned capture process manually.

The split stream is merged back with the original streams automatically when the difference, in seconds, between CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE view of the cloned capture process and the original capture process is less than or equal to the value specified for the merge_threshold capture process parameter. The CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME records the time when a captured change was recorded in the redo log. If the difference is greater than the value specified by this capture process parameter, then automatic merge does not begin, and the value is recorded in the LAG column of the DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE view.

When the capture process and the apply process for a stream run in different database instances, automatic split and merge is always possible for the stream. When a capture process and apply process for a stream run on the same database instance, automatic split and merge is possible only when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The capture process and apply process use the same queue.

  • The apply process has no errors in its error queue.

  • The apply process is not an XStream outbound server.

  • The apply process is stopped.

  • No messages have spilled from the buffered queue to the hard disk.

See Also:


Manual Split and Automatic Merge

When you split streams manually with the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure, the auto_merge_threshold procedure parameter gives you the option of automatically merging the stream back to the original capture process when the problem at the destination is corrected. After the apply process for the problem stream is accepting changes, you can start the cloned capture process and wait for the cloned capture process to catch up to the original capture process. When the cloned capture process nearly catches up, the auto_merge_threshold parameter setting determines whether the split stream is merged automatically or manually:

  • When auto_merge_threshold is set to a positive number, the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure creates an Oracle Scheduler job with a schedule. The job runs the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure and specifies a merge threshold equal to the value specified in the auto_merge_threshold parameter. You can modify the schedule for a job after it is created.

    In this case, the split stream is merged back with the original streams automatically when the difference, in seconds, between CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE view of the cloned capture process and the original capture process is less than or equal to the value specified for the auto_merge_threshold parameter. The CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME records the time when a captured change was recorded in the redo log.

  • When auto_merge_threshold is set to NULL or 0 (zero), the split stream is not merged back with the original streams automatically. To merge the split stream with the original streams, run the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB or MERGE_STREAMS procedure manually.


Manual Split and Merge With Generated Scripts

The SPLIT_STREAMS and MERGE_STREAMS procedures can perform actions directly or generate a script that performs the actions when the script is run. Using a procedure to perform actions directly is simpler than running a script, and the split or merge operation is performed immediately. However, you might choose to generate a script for the following reasons:

  • You want to review the actions performed by the procedure before splitting or merging streams.

  • You want to modify the script to customize its actions.

For example, you might choose to modify the script if you want to change the rules in the rule set for the cloned capture process. In some Oracle Streams replication environments, only a subset of the changes made to the source database are sent to each destination database, and each destination database might receive a different subset of the changes. In such an environment, you can modify the rule set for the cloned capture process so that it only captures changes that are propagated by the cloned propagation.

The perform_actions parameter in each procedure controls whether the procedure performs actions directly:

  • To split or merge streams directly when you run one of these procedures, set the perform_actions parameter to TRUE. The default value for this parameter is TRUE.

  • To generate a script when you run one of these procedures, set the perform_actions parameter to FALSE, and use the script_name and script_directory_object parameters to specify the name and location of the script.


Examples That Split and Merge Oracle Streams

The following sections provide instructions for splitting and merging streams:

These examples make the following assumptions about the Oracle Streams replication environment:

  • A single capture process named strms_capture captures changes that are sent to three destination databases.

  • The propagations that send these changes to the destination queues at the destination databases are the following:

    • strms_prop_a

    • strms_prop_b

    • strms_prop_c

  • A queue named streams_queue is the source queue for all three propagations.

  • There is a problem at the destination for the strms_prop_a propagation. This propagation cannot send messages to the destination queue.

  • The other two propagations (strms_prop_b and strms_prop_c) are propagating messages normally.


Splitting and Merging an Oracle Streams Destination Automatically

Before reviewing this example, see the following sections:

Complete the following steps to split and merge a stream automatically:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Oracle Streams administrator to the database with the capture process.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for instructions about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  2. Ensure that the following parameters are set properly for the strms_capture capture process to enable automatic split and merge:

    • split_threshold: Ensure that this parameter is not set to INFINITE. The default setting for this parameter is 1800 seconds.

    • merge_threshold: Ensure that this parameter is not set to a negative value. The default setting for this parameter is 60 seconds.

    To check the settings for these parameters, query the DBA_CAPTURE_PARAMETERS view. See Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for instructions.

  3. If you must reset one or both of the capture process parameters described in Step 2, then use Oracle Enterprise Manager or the SET_PARAMETER procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to reset the parameters. See Oracle Database 2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide for instructions about using Oracle Enterprise Manager. See Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for instructions about using the SET_PARAMETER procedure.

  4. Monitor the DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE view periodically to check whether an automatic split and merge operation is in process.

    When an automatic split occurs, certain components, such as the capture process, queue, and propagation, are cloned, and each is given a system-generated name. The DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE view contains the name of each cloned component, and other information about the split and merge operation.

    Query the DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE view to determine whether a stream has been split off from the original capture process:


    If a stream has been split off from the original capture process, then your output looks similar to the following:

    Original           Status
    Capture    Action  Update                           Next Job
    Process    Type    Time            Status           Run Date
    ---------- ------- --------------- ---------------- --------------------
    DB$CAP     MERGE   01-APR-09 06.49 NOTHING TO MERGE 01-APR-09
                       .29.204804 AM                    00000 AM -07:00
    DB$CAP     SPLIT   01-APR-09 06.49 SPLIT DONE       01-APR-09
                       .17.389146 AM                    00000 AM -07:00

    This output shows that an automatic split was performed. The merge job was run at 01-APR-09 AM, but the status shows NOTHING TO MERGE because the split stream is not ready to merge yet. The SPLIT DONE status indicates that the stream was split off at the following date and time: 01-APR-09 AM.

  5. After an automatic split is performed, correct the problem with the destination. The problem is corrected when the apply process at the destination database can accept changes from the cloned capture process. An Oracle Scheduler job performs an automatic merge when the problem is corrected.

  6. If the cloned capture process is disabled, then start the cloned capture process. The cloned capture process is disabled only if the stream is not a combined capture and apply optimization. See Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for instructions for starting a capture process.

The cloned capture process captures changes that satisfy its rule sets. These changes are sent to the apply process.

During this time, an Oracle Scheduler job runs the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure according to its schedule. The MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure queries the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE view. When the difference between CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the cloned capture process and the original capture process is less than or equal to the value of the merge_threshold capture process parameter, the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure determines that the streams are ready to merge. The MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure runs the MERGE_STREAMS procedure automatically to merge the streams back together.

The LAG column in the DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE view tracks the time in seconds that the cloned capture process lags behind the original capture process. The following query displays the lag time:

COLUMN LAG HEADING 'Lag' FORMAT 999999999999999

Your output looks similar to the following:

Original Capture Process  Cloned Capture Process                 Lag
------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------
DB$CAP                    CLONED$_DB$CAP_5                      2048

This output shows that there is a lag of 2,048 seconds between the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME values for the original capture process and the cloned capture process. When the cloned capture process is within the threshold, the merge job can start the MERGE_STREAMS procedure. By default, the merge threshold is 60 seconds.

The MERGE_STREAMS procedure performs the following actions:

  • Stops the cloned capture process.

  • Re-creates the original propagation called strms_prop_a.

  • Drops the cloned propagation.

  • Drops the cloned capture process.

  • Drops the cloned queue.

Repeat the query in Step 4 periodically to monitor the split and merge operation. After the merge operation is complete, the output for this query is similar to the following:

Original           Status
Capture    Action  Update                           Next Job
Process    Type    Time            Status           Run Date
---------- ------- --------------- ---------------- --------------------
DB$CAP     MERGE   01-APR-09 07.32 NOTHING TO MERGE 01-APR-09
                   .04.820795 AM                    00000 AM -07:00
DB$CAP     MONITOR 01-APR-09 07.32 MERGE DONE       01-APR-09
                   .04.434925 AM                    00000 AM -07:00
DB$CAP     SPLIT   01-APR-09 06.49 SPLIT DONE       01-APR-09
                   .17.389146 AM                    00000 AM -07:00

This output shows that the split stream was merged back into the original capture process at the following date an time: 01-APR-09 AM. The next status shows NOTHING TO MERGE because there are no remaining split streams.

After the streams are merged, the Oracle Streams replication environment has the same components as it had before the split and merge operation. Information about the completed split and merge operation is stored in the DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE_HIST for future reference.

See Also:

Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for information about monitoring automatic split and merge operations

Splitting an Oracle Streams Destination Manually and Merging It Automatically

Before reviewing this example, see the following sections:

The example in this section splits the stream manually and merges it automatically. That is, the perform_actions parameter is set to TRUE in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. Also, the example merges the streams automatically at the appropriate time because the auto_merge_threshold parameter is to set a positive number (60) in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

Complete the following steps to split streams directly and merge streams automatically:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Oracle Streams administrator to the database with the capture process.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for instructions about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  2. Run the following procedure to split the stream flowing through propagation strms_prop_a from the other propagations flowing from the strms_capture capture process:

        schedule_name  VARCHAR2(30);
        job_name       VARCHAR2(30);
        schedule_name := 'merge_job1_schedule';
        job_name      := 'merge_job1';
        propagation_name        => 'strms_prop_a',
        cloned_propagation_name => 'cloned_prop_a',
        cloned_queue_name       => 'cloned_queue',
        cloned_capture_name     => 'cloned_capture',
        perform_actions         => TRUE,
        auto_merge_threshold    => 60,
        schedule_name           => schedule_name,
        merge_job_name          => job_name);

    Running this procedure performs the following actions:

    • Creates a new queue called cloned_queue.

    • Creates a new propagation called cloned_prop_a that propagates messages from the cloned_queue queue to the existing destination queue used by the strms_prop_a propagation. The cloned propagation cloned_prop_a uses the same rule set as the original propagation strms_prop_a.

    • Stops the capture process strms_capture.

    • Queries the acknowledge SCN for the original propagation strms_prop_a. The acknowledged SCN is the last SCN acknowledged by the apply process that applies the changes sent by the propagation. The ACKED_SCN value in the DBA_PROPAGATION view shows the acknowledged SCN for a propagation.

    • Creates a new capture process called cloned_capture. The start SCN for cloned_capture is set to the value of the acknowledged SCN for the strms_prop_a propagation. The cloned capture process cloned_capture uses the same rule set as the original capture process strms_capture.

    • Drops the original propagation strms_prop_a.

    • Starts the original capture process strms_capture with the start SCN set to the value of the acknowledged SCN for the strms_prop_a propagation.

    • Creates an Oracle Scheduler job named merge_job1 with a schedule named merge_job1_schedule. Both the job and the schedule are owned by the user who ran the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. The schedule starts to run when the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure completes. The system defines the initial schedule, but you can modify it in the same way that you would modify any Oracle Scheduler job. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for instructions.

  3. Correct the problem with the destination of cloned_prop_a. The problem is corrected when the apply process at the destination database can accept changes from the cloned capture process.

  4. While connected as the Oracle Streams administrator, start the cloned capture process by running the following procedure:

    exec DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.START_CAPTURE('cloned_capture');

After the cloned capture process cloned_capture starts running, it captures changes that satisfy its rule sets from the acknowledged SCN forward. These changes are propagated by the cloned_prop_a propagation and processed by the apply process at the destination database.

During this time, the Oracle Scheduler job runs the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure according to its schedule. The MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure queries the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE view. When the difference between CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the cloned capture process cloned_capture and the original capture process strms_capture is less than or equal 60 seconds, the MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure determines that the streams are ready to merge. The MERGE_STREAMS_JOB procedure runs the MERGE_STREAMS procedure automatically to merge the streams back together.

The following query displays the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME for the original capture process and cloned capture process:


Your output looks similar to the following:

Capture                                Last Message
Name              State                Create Time
----------------- -------------------- -----------------
DB$CAP            CAPTURING CHANGES    07:22:55 04/01/09
CLONED$_DB$CAP_5  CAPTURING CHANGES    06:50:39 04/01/09

This output shows that there is more than a 30 minute difference between the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME values for the original capture process and the cloned capture process. When the cloned capture process is within the threshold, the merge job can start the MERGE_STREAMS procedure. By default, the merge threshold is 60 seconds.

The MERGE_STREAMS procedure performs the following actions:

  • Stops the cloned capture process cloned_capture.

  • Re-creates the propagation called strms_prop_a.

  • Drops the cloned propagation cloned_prop_a.

  • Drops the cloned capture process cloned_capture.

  • Drops the cloned queue cloned_queue.

After the streams are merged, the Oracle Streams replication environment has the same components as it had before the split and merge operation. Information about the completed split and merge operation is stored in the DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE_HIST for future reference.


Splitting and Merging an Oracle Streams Destination Manually With Scripts

Before reviewing this example, see the following sections:

The example in this section splits and merges streams by generating and running scripts. That is, the perform_actions parameter is set to FALSE in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure. Also, the example merges the streams manually at the appropriate time because the auto_merge_threshold parameter is set to NULL in the SPLIT_STREAMS procedure.

Complete the following steps to use scripts to split and merge streams:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect as the Oracle Streams administrator to the database with the capture process.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for instructions about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  2. If it does not already exist, then create a directory object named db_dir to hold the scripts generated by the procedures:

    CREATE DIRECTORY db_dir AS '/usr/db_files';
  3. Run the following procedure to generate a script to split the streams:

        schedule_name  VARCHAR2(30);
        job_name       VARCHAR2(30);
        propagation_name        => 'strms_prop_a',
        cloned_propagation_name => 'cloned_prop_a',
        cloned_queue_name       => 'cloned_queue',
        cloned_capture_name     => 'cloned_capture',
        perform_actions         => FALSE,
        script_name             => 'split.sql',
        script_directory_object => 'db_dir',
        auto_merge_threshold    => NULL,
        schedule_name           => schedule_name,
        merge_job_name          => job_name);

    Running this procedure generates the split.sql script. The script contains the actions that will split the stream flowing through propagation strms_prop_a from the other propagations flowing from the strms_capture capture process.

  4. Go to the directory used by the db_dir directory object, and open the split.sql script with a text editor.

  5. Examine the script and make modifications, if necessary.

  6. Save and close the script.

  7. While connected as the Oracle Streams administrator in SQL*Plus, run the script:


    Running the script performs the following actions:

    • Runs the SET_UP_QUEUE procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to create a queue called cloned_queue.

    • Runs the CREATE_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package to create a propagation called cloned_prop_a. This new propagation propagates messages from the cloned_queue queue to the existing destination queue used by the strms_prop_a propagation. The cloned propagation cloned_prop_a uses the same rule set as the original propagation strms_prop_a.

      The CREATE_PROPAGATION procedure sets the original_propagation_name parameter to strms_prop_a and the auto_merge_threshold parameter to NULL.

    • Runs the STOP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to stop the capture process strms_capture.

    • Queries the acknowledge SCN for the original propagation strms_prop_a. The acknowledged SCN is the last SCN acknowledged by the apply process that applies the changes sent by the propagation. The ACKED_SCN value in the DBA_PROPAGATION view shows the acknowledged SCN for a propagation.

    • Runs the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to create a capture process called cloned_capture. The start SCN for cloned_capture is set to the value of the acknowledged SCN for the strms_prop_a propagation. The cloned capture process cloned_capture uses the same rule set as the original capture process strms_capture.

    • Runs the DROP_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package to drop the original propagation strms_prop_a.

    • Runs the START_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to start the original capture process strms_capture with the start SCN set to the value of the acknowledged SCN for the strms_prop_a propagation.

  8. Correct the problem with the destination of cloned_prop_a. The problem is corrected when the apply process at the destination database can accept changes from the cloned capture process.

  9. While connected as the Oracle Streams administrator, start the cloned capture process by running the following procedure:

    exec DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM.START_CAPTURE('cloned_capture');
  10. Monitor the Oracle Streams replication environment until the cloned capture process catches up to, or nearly catches up to, the original capture process. Specifically, query the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATION_TIME column in the GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE view for each capture process.

    Run the following query to check the CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME for each capture process periodically:


    Do not move on to the next step until the difference between CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME of the cloned capture process cloned_capture and the original capture process strms_capture is relatively small.

  11. Run the following procedure to generate a script to merge the streams:

        cloned_propagation_name => 'cloned_prop_a',
        perform_actions         => FALSE,
        script_name             => 'merge.sql',
        script_directory_object => 'db_dir');

    Running this procedure generates the merge.sql script. The script contains the actions that will merge the stream flowing through propagation cloned_prop_a with the other propagations flowing from the strms_capture capture process.

  12. Go to the directory used by the db_dir directory object, and open the merge.sql script with a text editor.

  13. Examine the script and make modifications, if necessary.

  14. Save and close the script.

  15. While connected as the Oracle Streams administrator in SQL*Plus, run the script:


    Running the script performs the following actions:

    • Runs the STOP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to stop the cloned capture process cloned_capture.

    • Runs the STOP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to stop the original capture process strms_capture.

    • Runs the CREATE_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package to re-create the propagation called strms_prop_a.

    • Starts the original capture process strms_capture from the lower SCN value of these two SCN values:

      • The acknowledged SCN of the cloned propagation cloned_prop_a.

      • The lowest acknowledged SCN of the other propagations that propagate changes captured by the original capture process (propagations strms_prop_b and strms_prop_c in this example).

      When the strms_capture capture process is started, it might recapture changes that it already captured, or it might capture changes that were already captured by the cloned capture process cloned_capture. In either case, the relevant apply processes will discard any duplicate changes they receive.

    • Runs the DROP_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package to drop the cloned propagation cloned_prop_a.

    • Runs the DROP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to drop the cloned capture process cloned_capture.

    • Runs the REMOVE_QUEUE procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to drop the cloned queue cloned_queue.

After the script runs successfully, the streams are merged, and the Oracle Streams replication environment has the same components as it had before the split and merge operation. Information about the completed split and merge operation is stored in the DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE_HIST for future reference.


Changing the DBID or Global Name of a Source Database

Typically, database administrators change the DBID and global name of a database when it is a clone of another database. You can view the DBID of a database by querying the DBID column in the V$DATABASE dynamic performance view, and you can view the global name of a database by querying the GLOBAL_NAME static data dictionary view. When you change the DBID or global name of a source database, any existing capture processes that capture changes originating at this source database become unusable. The capture processes can be local capture processes or downstream capture processes that capture changes that originated at the source database. Also, any existing apply processes that apply changes from the source database become unusable. However, existing synchronous captures and propagations do not need to be re-created, although modifications to propagation rules might be necessary.

If a capture process or synchronous capture is capturing changes to a source database for which you have changed the DBID or global name, then complete the following steps:

  1. Shut down the source database.

  2. Restart the source database with RESTRICTED SESSION enabled using STARTUP RESTRICT.

  3. Drop the capture process using the DROP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package. The capture process can be a local capture process at the source database or a downstream capture process at a remote database. Synchronous captures do not need to be dropped.

  4. At the source database, run the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statement on the database.

  5. If any changes have been captured from the source database, then manually resynchronize the data at all destination databases that apply changes originating at this source database. If the database never captured any changes, then this step is not necessary.

  6. Modify any rules that use the source database name as a condition. The source database name should be changed to the new global name of the source database where appropriate in these rules. You might need to modify capture process rules, propagation rules, and apply process rules at the local database and at remote databases in the environment. Typically, synchronous capture rules do not contain a condition for the source database.

  7. Drop the apply processes that apply changes from the capture process that you dropped in Step 3. Use the DROP_APPLY procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package to drop an apply process. Apply processes that apply changes captured by synchronous capture do not need to be dropped.

  8. At each destination database that applies changes from the source database, re-create the apply processes you dropped in Step 7. You might want to associate the each apply process with the same rule sets it used before it was dropped. See Chapter 7, "Configuring Implicit Apply" for instructions.

  9. Re-create the capture process you dropped in Step 3, if necessary. You might want to associate the capture process with the same rule sets used by the capture process you dropped in Step 3. See "Configuring a Capture Process" for instructions.

  10. At the source database, prepare database objects whose changes will be captured by the re-created capture process for instantiation. See "Preparing Database Objects for Instantiation at a Source Database".

  11. At each destination database that applies changes from the source database, set the instantiation SCN for all databases objects to which changes from the source database will be applied. See "Setting Instantiation SCNs at a Destination Database" for instructions.

  12. Disable the restricted session using the ALTER SYSTEM DISABLE RESTRICTED SESSION statement.

  13. At each destination database that applies changes from the source database, start the apply processes you created in Step 8.

  14. At the source database, start the capture process you created in Step 9.

See Also:

Oracle Database Utilities for more information about changing the DBID of a database using the DBNEWID utility

Resynchronizing a Source Database in a Multiple-Source Environment

A multiple-source environment is one in which there is more than one source database for any of the shared data. If a source database in a multiple-source environment cannot be recovered to the current point in time, then you can use the method described in this section to resynchronize the source database with the other source databases in the environment. Some reasons why a database cannot be recovered to the current point in time include corrupted archived redo logs or the media failure of an online redo log group.

For example, a bidirectional Oracle Streams environment is one in which exactly two databases share the replicated database objects and data. In this example, assume that database A is the database that must be resynchronized and that database B is the other source database in the environment. To resynchronize database A in this bidirectional Oracle Streams environment, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that database B has applied all of the changes sent from database A. You can query the V$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS data dictionary view at database B to determine whether the apply process that applies these changes has any unapplied changes in its queue. See the example on viewing propagations dequeuing LCRs from each buffered queue in Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for an example of such a query. Do not continue until all of these changes have been applied.

  2. Remove the Oracle Streams configuration from database A by running the REMOVE_STREAMS_CONFIGURATION procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package. See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information about this procedure.

  3. At database B, drop the apply process that applies changes from database A. Do not drop the rule sets used by this apply process because you will re-create the apply process in a subsequent step.

  4. Complete the steps in "Adding a New Database to an Existing Multiple-Source Environment" to add database A back into the Oracle Streams environment.


Performing Database Point-in-Time Recovery in an Oracle Streams Environment

Point-in-time recovery is the recovery of a database to a specified noncurrent time, SCN, or log sequence number. The following sections discuss performing point-in-time recovery in an Oracle Streams replication environment:

See Also:

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for more information about point-in-time recovery

Performing Point-in-Time Recovery on the Source in a Single-Source Environment

A single-source Oracle Streams replication environment is one in which there is only one source database for shared data. If database point-in-time recovery is required at the source database in a single-source Oracle Streams environment, and any capture processes that capture changes generated at a source database are running, then you must stop these capture processes before you perform the recovery operation. Both local and downstream capture process that capture changes generated at the source database must be stopped. Typically, database administrators reset the log sequence number of a database during point-in-time recovery. The ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS statement is an example of a statement that resets the log sequence number.

The instructions in this section assume that the single-source replication environment has the following characteristics:

  • Only one capture process named strm01_capture, which can be a local or downstream capture process

  • Only one destination database with the global name

  • Only one apply process named strm01_apply at the destination database

If point-in-time recovery must be performed on the source database, then you can follow these instructions to recover as many transactions as possible at the source database by using transactions applied at the destination database. These instructions assume that you can identify the transactions applied at the destination database after the source point-in-time SCN and execute these transactions at the source database.


Oracle recommends that you set the apply process parameter commit_serialization to FULL when performing point-in-time recovery in a single-source Oracle Streams replication environment.

Complete the following steps to perform point-in-time recovery on the source database in a single-source Oracle Streams replication environment:

  1. Perform point-in-time recovery on the source database if you have not already done so. Note the point-in-time recovery SCN because it is needed in subsequent steps.

  2. Ensure that the source database is in restricted mode.

  3. Connect to the database running the capture process and list the rule sets used by the capture process.

    To list the rule sets used by the capture process, run the following query:


    Make a note of the rule sets used by the capture process. You will need to specify these rule sets for the new capture process in Step 12.

  4. Connect to the destination database and list the rule sets used by the apply process.

    To list the rule sets used by the capture process, run the following query:


    Make a note of the rule sets used by the apply process. You will need to specify these rule sets for the new apply process in Step k.

  5. Stop the capture process using the STOP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

  6. At the source database, perform a data dictionary build:

      scn  NUMBER;
        first_scn => scn);
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('First SCN Value = ' || scn);

    Note the SCN value returned because it is needed in Step 12.

  7. At the destination database, wait until all of the transactions from the source database in the apply process's queue have been applied. The apply processes should become idle when these transactions have been applied. You can query the STATE column in both the V$STREAMS_APPLY_READER and V$STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER. The state should be IDLE for the apply process in both views before you continue.

  8. Perform a query at the destination database to determine the highest SCN for a transaction that was applied.

    If the apply process is running, then perform the following query:


    If the apply process is disabled, then perform the following query:


    Note the highest apply SCN returned by the query because it is needed in subsequent steps.

  9. If the highest apply SCN obtained in Step 8 is less than the point-in-time recovery SCN noted in Step 1, then proceed to Step 10. Otherwise, if the highest apply SCN obtained in Step 8 is greater than or equal to the point-in-time recovery SCN noted in Step 1, then the apply process has applied some transactions from the source database after point-in-time recovery SCN, and you must complete the following steps:

    1. Manually execute the transactions that were applied after the point-in-time SCN at the source database. When you execute these transactions at the source database, ensure that you set an Oracle Streams tag in the session so that the transactions will not be captured by the capture process. If no such Oracle Streams session tag is set, then these changes can be cycled back to the destination database. See "Managing Oracle Streams Tags for the Current Session" for instructions.

    2. Disable the restricted session at the source database.

    3. Proceed to Step 11. Do not complete Step 10.

  10. If the highest apply SCN obtained in Step 8 is less than the point-in-time recovery SCN noted in Step 1, then the apply process has not applied any transactions from the source database after point-in-time recovery SCN, and you must complete the following steps:

    1. Disable the restricted session at the source database.

    2. Ensure that the apply process is running at the destination database.

    3. Set the maximum_scn capture process parameter of the original capture process to the point-in-time recovery SCN using the SET_PARAMETER procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

    4. Set the start SCN of the original capture process to the oldest SCN of the apply process. You can determine the oldest SCN of a running apply process by querying the OLDEST_SCN_NUM column in the V$STREAMS_APPLY_READER dynamic performance view at the destination database. To set the start SCN of the capture process, specify the start_scn parameter when you run the ALTER_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

    5. Ensure that the capture process writes information to the alert log by running the following procedure:

          capture_name => 'strm01_capture',
          parameter    => 'write_alert_log', 
          value        => 'Y');
    6. Start the original capture process using the START_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

    7. Ensure that the original capture process has captured all changes up to the maximum_scn setting by querying the CAPTURED_SCN column in the DBA_CAPTURE data dictionary view. When the value returned by the query is equal to or greater than the maximum_scn value, the capture process should stop automatically. When the capture process is stopped, proceed to the next step.

    8. Find the value of the LAST_ENQUEUE_MESSAGE_NUMBER in the alert log. Note this value because it is needed in subsequent steps.

    9. At the destination database, wait until all the changes are applied. You can monitor the applied changes for the apply process strm01_apply by running the following queries at the destination database:

              DEQUEUED_MESSAGE_NUMBER = last_enqueue_message_number;

      Substitute the LAST_ENQUEUE_MESSAGE_NUMBER found in the alert log in Step h for last_enqueue_message_number on the last line of the query. When this query returns a row, all of the changes from the capture database have been applied at the destination database.

      Also, ensure that the state of the apply process reader server and each apply server is IDLE. For example, run the following queries for an apply process named strm01_apply:


      When both of these queries return IDLE, move on to the next step.

    10. At the destination database, drop the apply process using the DROP_APPLY procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package.

    11. At the destination database, create a new apply process. The new apply process should use the same queue and rule sets used by the original apply process.

    12. At the destination database, start the new apply process using the START_APPLY procedure in the DBMS_APPLY_ADM package.

  11. Drop the original capture process using the DROP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

  12. Create a new capture process using the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package to replace the capture process you dropped in Step 11. Specify the SCN returned by the data dictionary build in Step 6 for both the first_scn and start_scn parameters. The new capture process should use the same queue and rule sets as the original capture process.

  13. Start the new capture process using the START_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.


Performing Point-in-Time Recovery in a Multiple-Source Environment

A multiple-source environment is one in which there is more than one source database for any of the shared data. If database point-in-time recovery is required at a source database in a multiple-source Oracle Streams environment, then you can use another source database in the environment to recapture the changes made to the recovered source database after the point-in-time recovery.

For example, in a multiple-source Oracle Streams environment, one source database can become unavailable at time T2 and undergo point in time recovery to an earlier time T1. After recovery to T1, transactions performed at the recovered database between T1 and T2 are lost at the recovered database. However, before the recovered database became unavailable, assume that these transactions were propagated to another source database and applied. In this case, you can use this other source database to restore the lost changes to the recovered database.

Specifically, to restore changes made to the recovered database after the point-in-time recovery, you configure a capture process to recapture these changes from the redo logs at the other source database, a propagation to propagate these changes from the database where changes are recaptured to the recovered database, and an apply process at the recovered database to apply these changes.

Changes originating at the other source database that were applied at the recovered database between T1 and T2 also have been lost and must be recovered. To accomplish this, alter the capture process at the other source database to start capturing changes at an earlier SCN. This SCN is the oldest SCN for the apply process at the recovered database.

The following SCN values are required to restore lost changes to the recovered database:

  • Point-in-time SCN: The SCN for the point-in-time recovery at the recovered database.

  • Instantiation SCN: The SCN value to which the instantiation SCN must be set for each database object involved in the recovery at the recovered database while changes are being reapplied. At the other source database, this SCN value corresponds to one less than the commit SCN of the first transaction that was applied at the other source database and lost at the recovered database.

  • Start SCN: The SCN value to which the start SCN is set for the capture process created to recapture changes at the other source database. This SCN value corresponds to the earliest SCN at which the apply process at the other source database started applying a transaction that was lost at the recovered database. This capture process can be a local or downstream capture process that uses the other source database for its source database.

  • Maximum SCN: The SCN value to which the maximum_scn parameter for the capture process created to recapture lost changes should be set. The capture process stops capturing changes when it reaches this SCN value. The current SCN for the other source database is used for this value.

You should record the point-in-time SCN when you perform point-in-time recovery on the recovered database. You can use the GET_SCN_MAPPING procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to determine the other necessary SCN values.

See Also:

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for more information about the GET_SCN_MAPPING procedure

Performing Point-in-Time Recovery on a Destination Database

If database point-in-time recovery is required at a destination database in an Oracle Streams environment, then you must reapply the captured changes that had already been applied after the point-in-time recovery.

For each relevant capture process, you can choose either of the following methods to perform point-in-time recovery at a destination database in an Oracle Streams environment:

  • Reset the start SCN for the existing capture process that captures the changes that are applied at the destination database.

  • Create a new capture process to capture the changes that must be reapplied at the destination database.

Resetting the start SCN for the capture process is simpler than creating a new capture process. However, if the capture process captures changes that are applied at multiple destination databases, then the changes are resent to all the destination databases, including the ones that did not perform point-in-time recovery. If a change is already applied at a destination database, then it is discarded by the apply process, but you might not want to use the network and computer resources required to resend the changes to multiple destination databases. In this case, you can create and temporarily use a new capture process and a new propagation that propagates changes only to the destination database that was recovered.

The following sections provide instructions for each task:

If there are multiple apply processes at the destination database where you performed point-in-time recovery, then complete one of the tasks in this section for each apply process.

Neither of these methods should be used if any of the following conditions are true regarding the destination database you are recovering:

  • A propagation propagates persistent LCRs to the destination database. Both of these methods reapply only captured LCRs at the destination database, not persistent LCRs.

  • In a directed networks configuration, the destination database is used to propagate LCRs from a capture process to other databases, but the destination database does not apply LCRs from this capture process.

  • The oldest message number for an apply process at the destination database is lower than the first SCN of a capture process that captures changes for this apply process. The following query at a destination database lists the oldest message number (oldest SCN) for each apply process:


    The following query at a source database lists the first SCN for each capture process:

  • The archived log files that contain the intended start SCN are no longer available.

If any of these conditions are true in your environment, then you cannot use the methods described in this section. Instead, you must manually resynchronize the data at all destination databases.


If you are using combined capture and apply in a single-source replication environment, and the destination database has undergone point-in-time recovery, then the Oracle Streams capture process automatically detects where to capture changes upon restart, and no extra steps are required for it. See Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information.

Resetting the Start SCN for the Existing Capture Process to Perform Recovery

If you decide to reset the start SCN for the existing capture process to perform point-in-time recovery, then complete the following steps:

  1. If the destination database is also a source database in a multiple-source Oracle Streams environment, then complete the actions described in "Performing Point-in-Time Recovery in a Multiple-Source Environment".

  2. Drop the propagation that propagates changes from the source queue at the source database to the destination queue at the destination database. Use the DROP_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package to drop the propagation.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then drop the propagation at each intermediate database in the path to the destination database, including the propagation at the source database.

    Do not drop the rule sets used by the propagations you drop.

    If the existing capture process is a downstream capture process that is configured at the destination database, then the downstream capture process is recovered to the same point-in-time as the destination database when you perform point-in-time recovery in Step 3. In this case, the remaining steps in this section after Step 3 are not required. Ensure that the required redo log files are available to the capture process.


    You must drop the appropriate propagation(s). Disabling them is not sufficient. You will re-create the propagation(s) in Step 7, and dropping them now ensures that only LCRs created after resetting the start SCN for the capture process are propagated.

    See Also:

    Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about directed networks
  3. Perform the point-in-time recovery at the destination database.

  4. Query for the oldest message number (oldest SCN) from the source database for the apply process at the destination database. Make a note of the results of the query. The oldest message number is the earliest system change number (SCN) that might need to be applied.

    The following query at a destination database lists the oldest message number for each apply process:

  5. Stop the existing capture process using the STOP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

  6. Reset the start SCN of the existing capture process.

    To reset the start SCN for an existing capture process, run the ALTER_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package and set the start_scn parameter to the value you recorded from the query in Step 4. For example, to reset the start SCN for a capture process named strm01_capture to the value 829381993, run the following ALTER_CAPTURE procedure:

        capture_name  =>  'strm01_capture',
        start_scn     =>  829381993);
  7. If you are not using directed networks between the source database and destination database, then create a new propagation to propagate changes from the source queue to the destination queue using the CREATE_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package. Specify any rule sets used by the original propagation when you create the propagation.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then create a new propagation at each intermediate database in the path to the destination database, including the propagation at the source database.

  8. Start the existing capture process using the START_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.


Creating a New Capture Process to Perform Recovery

If you decide to create a capture process to perform point-in-time recovery, then complete the following steps:

  1. If the destination database is also a source database in a multiple-source Oracle Streams environment, then complete the actions described in "Performing Point-in-Time Recovery in a Multiple-Source Environment".

  2. If you are not using directed networks between the source database and destination database, then drop the propagation that propagates changes from the source queue at the source database to the destination queue at the destination database. Use the DROP_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package to drop the propagation.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then drop the propagation that propagates LCRs between the last intermediate database and the destination database. You do not need to drop the propagations at the other intermediate databases nor at the source database.


    You must drop the appropriate propagation. Disabling it is not sufficient.

    See Also:

    Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for more information about directed networks
  3. Perform the point-in-time recovery at the destination database.

  4. Query for the oldest message number (oldest SCN) from the source database for the apply process at the destination database. Make a note of the results of the query. The oldest message number is the earliest system change number (SCN) that might need to be applied.

    The following query at a destination database lists the oldest message number for each apply process:

  5. Create a queue at the source database to be used by the capture process using the SET_UP_QUEUE procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then create a queue at each intermediate database in the path to the destination database, including the new queue at the source database. Do not create a new queue at the destination database.

  6. If you are not using directed networks between the source database and destination database, then create a new propagation to propagate changes from the source queue created in Step 5 to the destination queue using the CREATE_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package. Specify any rule sets used by the original propagation when you create the propagation.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then create a propagation at each intermediate database in the path to the destination database, including the propagation from the source database to the first intermediate database. These propagations propagate changes captured by the capture process you will create in Step 7 between the queues created in Step 5.

  7. Create a new capture process at the source database using the CREATE_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package. Set the source_queue parameter to the local queue you created in Step 5 and the start_scn parameter to the value you recorded from the query in Step 4. Also, specify any rule sets used by the original capture process. If the rule sets used by the original capture process instruct the capture process to capture changes that should not be sent to the destination database that was recovered, then you can create and use smaller, customized rule sets that share some rules with the original rule sets.

  8. Start the capture process you created in Step 7 using the START_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

  9. When the oldest message number of the apply process at the recovered database is approaching the capture number of the original capture process at the source database, stop the original capture process using the STOP_CAPTURE procedure in the DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM package.

    At the destination database, you can use the following query to determine the oldest message number from the source database for the apply process:


    At the source database, you can use the following query to determine the capture number of the original capture process:

  10. When the oldest message number of the apply process at the recovered database is beyond the capture number of the original capture process at the source database, drop the new capture process created in Step 7.

  11. If you are not using directed networks between the source database and destination database, then drop the new propagation created in Step 6.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then drop the new propagation at each intermediate database in the path to the destination database, including the new propagation at the source database.

  12. If you are not using directed networks between the source database and destination database, then remove the queue created in Step 5.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then drop the new queue at each intermediate database in the path to the destination database, including the new queue at the source database. Do not drop the queue at the destination database.

  13. If you are not using directed networks between the source database and destination database, then create a propagation that propagates changes from the original source queue at the source database to the destination queue at the destination database. Use the CREATE_PROPAGATION procedure in the DBMS_PROPAGATION_ADM package to create the propagation. Specify any rule sets used by the original propagation when you create the propagation.

    If you are using directed networks, and there are intermediate databases between the source database and destination database, then re-create the propagation from the last intermediate database to the destination database. You dropped this propagation in Step 2.

  14. Start the capture process you stopped in Step 9.

All of the steps after Step 8 can be deferred to a later time, or they can be done as soon as the condition described in Step 9 is met.


Running Flashback Queries in an Oracle Streams Replication Environment

Oracle Flashback Query enables you to view and repair historical data. You can perform queries on a database as of a certain clock time or system change number (SCN). In an Oracle Streams single-source replication environment, you can use Flashback Query at the source database and a destination database at a past time when the replicated database objects should be identical.

You can run the queries at corresponding SCNS at the source and destination databases to determine whether all of the changes to the replicated objects performed at the source database have been applied at the destination database. If there are apply errors at the destination database, then such a Flashback Query can show how the replicated objects looked at the time when the error was raised. This information could be useful in determining the cause of the error and the best way to correct the error.

Running a Flashback Query at each database can also check whether tables have certain rows at the corresponding SCNs. If the table data does not match at the corresponding SCNs, then there is a problem with the replication environment.

To run queries, the Oracle Streams replication environment must have the following characteristics:

Because Oracle Streams replication is asynchronous, you cannot use a past time in the Flashback Query. However, you can use the GET_SCN_MAPPING procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to determine the SCN at the destination database that corresponds to an SCN at the source database.

These instructions assume that you know the SCN for the Flashback Query at the source database. Using this SCN, you can determine the corresponding SCN for the Flashback Query at the destination database. To run these queries, complete the following steps:

  1. At the destination database, ensure that the archived redo log file for the approximate time of the Flashback Query is available to the database. The GET_SCN_MAPPING procedure requires that this redo log file be available.

  2. In SQL*Plus, connect to the destination database as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for instructions about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  3. Run the GET_SCN_MAPPING procedure. In this example, assume that the SCN for the source database is 52073983 and that the name of the apply process that applies changes from the source database is strm01_apply:

      dest_scn   NUMBER;
      start_scn  NUMBER;
      dest_skip  DBMS_UTILITY.NAME_ARRAY;
        apply_name             => 'strm01_apply',
        src_pit_scn            => '52073983',
        dest_instantiation_scn => dest_scn,
        dest_start_scn         => start_scn,
        dest_skip_txn_ids      => dest_skip);
      IF dest_skip.count = 0 THEN
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No Skipped Transactions');
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Destination SCN: ' || dest_scn);
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Destination SCN invalid for Flashback Query.');
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('At least one transaction was skipped.');
      END IF;

    If a valid destination SCN is returned, then proceed to Step 4.

    If the destination SCN was not valid for Flashback Query because one or more transactions were skipped by the apply process, then the apply process parameter commit_serialization was set to DEPENDENT_TRANSACTIONS, and nondependent transactions have been applied out of order. There is at least one transaction with a source commit SCN less than src_pit_scn that was committed at the destination database after the returned dest_instantiation_scn. Therefore, tables might not be the same at the source and destination databases for the specified source SCN. You can choose a different source SCN and restart at Step 1.

  4. Run the Flashback Query at the source database using the source SCN.

  5. Run the Flashback Query at the destination database using the SCN returned in Step 3.

  6. Compare the results of the queries in Steps 4 and 5 and take any necessary action.

See Also:


Recovering from Operation Errors

You can recover from the following operations using the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package:

Information about the operation is stored in the following data dictionary views when the operation is in process:


If the perform_actions parameter is set to FALSE when one of the configuration procedures is run, and a script is used to configure the Oracle Streams replication environment, then these data dictionary views are not populated, and the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure cannot be used for the operation.

When the operation completes successfully, metadata about the operation is moved from the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT view to the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_HIST view. The other views, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS, DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS, and DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS, retain information about the operation until it is purged automatically after 30 days.

When the operation encounters an error, you can use the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure in the DBMS_STREAMS_ADM package to either roll the operation forward, roll the operation back, or purge the metadata about the operation. Specifically, the operation_mode parameter in the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure provides the following options:

When a recovery operation is complete, information about the operation is stored in the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_HIST view. The STATUS column shows either EXECUTED or PURGED for each recovery operation.


To run the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure, both databases must be Oracle Database 10g Release 2 or later databases.

See Also:


Recovery Scenario

This section contains a scenario in which the MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS procedure stops because it encounters an error. Assume that the following procedure encountered an error when it was run at the capture database:

    schema_names                 => 'hr',
    source_directory_object      => 'SOURCE_DIRECTORY',
    destination_directory_object => 'DEST_DIRECTORY',
    source_database              => '',
    destination_database         => '',
    perform_actions              => TRUE,
    dump_file_name               => 'export_hr.dmp',
    capture_queue_table          => 'rep_capture_queue_table',
    capture_queue_name           => 'rep_capture_queue',
    capture_queue_user           => NULL,
    apply_queue_table            => 'rep_dest_queue_table',
    apply_queue_name             => 'rep_dest_queue',
    apply_queue_user             => NULL,
    capture_name                 => 'capture_hr',
    propagation_name             => 'prop_hr',
    apply_name                   => 'apply_hr',
    log_file                     => 'export_hr.clg',
    bi_directional               => FALSE,
    include_ddl                  => TRUE,
    instantiation                => DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA);

Complete the following steps to diagnose the problem and recover the operation:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connect to the capture database as the Oracle Streams administrator.

    See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for instructions about connecting to a database in SQL*Plus.

  2. Determine the SCRIPT_ID value for the operation by running the following query:


    This query assumes that the most recent configuration operation is the one that encountered errors. Therefore, if more than one SCRIPT_ID is returned by the query, then use the first SCRIPT_ID in the list.

  3. Query the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS data dictionary view to determine the error and specify the SCRIPT_ID returned in Step 2 in the WHERE clause.

    For example, if the SCRIPT_ID is F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424, then run the following query:

    COLUMN BLOCK_NUM     HEADING 'Block|Number' FORMAT 999999
      WHERE SCRIPT_ID = 'F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424';

    The query returns the following output:

    Number Error Message
    ------- ---------------------------------
         12 ORA-39001: invalid argument value
  4. Query the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS data dictionary view for the script ID returned in Step 2 and block number returned in Step 3 for information about the block in which the error occurred.

    For example, if the script ID is F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424 and the block number is 12, run the following query:

    COLUMN FORWARD_BLOCK        HEADING 'Forward Block'               FORMAT A50
    COLUMN STATUS               HEADING 'Status'                      FORMAT A12
    SET LONG 10000
      WHERE SCRIPT_ID = 'F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424' AND
            BLOCK_NUM = 12;

    The output contains the following information:

    • The FORWARD_BLOCK column contains detailed information about the actions performed by the procedure in the specified block. If necessary, spool the output into a file. In this scenario, the FORWARD_BLOCK column for block 12 contains the code for the Data Pump export.

    • The FORWARD_BLOCK_DBLINK column shows the database where the block is executed. In this scenario, the FORWARD_BLOCK_DBLINK column for block 12 shows DBS1.EXAMPLE.COM because the Data Pump export was being performed on DBS1.EXAMPLE.COM when the error occurred.

    • The STATUS column shows the status of the block execution. In this scenario, the STATUS column for block 12 shows ERROR.

  5. Optionally, run the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure operation at the capture database with SET SERVEROUTPUT ON to display more information about the errors:

        script_id       => 'F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424',
        operation_mode  => 'FORWARD');

    With server output on, the actions that caused the error run again, and the actions and the resulting errors are displayed.

  6. Interpret the output from the previous steps and diagnose the problem. The output returned in Step 3 provides the following information:

    • The unique identifier for the configuration operation is F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424. This value is the RAW value returned in the SCRIPT_ID field.

    • Only one Oracle Streams configuration procedure is in the process of running because only one row was returned by the query. If multiple rows were returned by the query, then query the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT and DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS views to determine which script ID applies to the configuration operation.

    • The cause in Oracle Database Error Messages for the ORA-39001 error is the following: The user specified API parameters were of the wrong type or value range. Subsequent messages supplied by DBMS_DATAPUMP.GET_STATUS will further describe the error.

    • The query on the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS view shows that the error occurred during Data Pump export.

    The output from the queries shows that the MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS procedure encountered a Data Pump error. Notice that the instantiation parameter in the MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS procedure was set to DBMS_STREAMS_ADM.INSTANTIATION_SCHEMA. This setting means that the MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS procedure performs the instantiation using a Data Pump export and import. A Data Pump export dump file is generated to complete the export/import.

    Data Pump errors usually are caused by one of the following conditions:

    • One or more of the directory objects used to store the export dump file do not exist.

    • The user running the procedure does not have access to specified directory objects.

    • An export dump file with the same name as the one generated by the procedure already exists in a directory specified in the source_directory_object or destination_directory_object parameter.

  7. Query the DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS data dictionary view at the capture database to determine the names of the directory objects specified when the MAINTAIN_SCHEMAS procedure was run:

           WHERE SCRIPT_ID = 'F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424';

    The query returns the following output:

    Parameter                      Value
    ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------
    CAPTURE_NAME                   CAPTURE_HR
    APPLY_NAME                     APPLY_HR
    PROPAGATION_NAME               PROP_HR
    BI_DIRECTIONAL                 TRUE
    INCLUDE_DDL                    TRUE
    LOG_FILE                       export_hr.clg
    DUMP_FILE_NAME                 export_hr.dmp
    SCHEMA_NAMES                   HR
  8. Ensure that the directory object specified for the source_directory_object parameter exists at the source database, and ensure that the directory object specified for the destination_directory_object parameter exists at the destination database. Check for these directory objects by querying the DBA_DIRECTORIES data dictionary view.

    For this scenario, assume that the SOURCE_DIRECTORY directory object does not exist at the source database, and the DEST_DIRECTORY directory object does not exist at the destination database. The Data Pump error occurred because the directory objects used for the export dump file did not exist.

  9. Create the required directory objects at the source and destination databases using the SQL statement CREATE DIRECTORY. See "Creating the Required Directory Objects" for instructions.

  10. Run the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure at the capture database:

        script_id       => 'F73ED2C9E96B27B0E030578CB10B2424',
        operation_mode  => 'FORWARD');

    Notice that the script_id parameter is set to the value determined in Step 3, and the operation_mode parameter is set to FORWARD to complete the configuration. Also, the RECOVER_OPERATION procedure must be run at the database where the configuration procedure was run.

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