6 Using the Flume Handler

Learn how to use the Flume Handler to stream change capture data to a Flume source database.


6.1 Overview

The Flume Handler is designed to stream change capture data from an Oracle GoldenGate trail to a Flume source. Apache Flume is an open source application for which the primary purpose is streaming data into Big Data applications. The Flume architecture contains three main components, sources, channels, and sinks that collectively make a pipeline for data.
  • A Flume source publishes the data to a Flume channel.

  • A Flume sink retrieves the data out of a Flume channel and streams the data to different targets.

  • A Flume Agent is a container process that owns and manages a source, channel and sink.

A single Flume installation can host many agent processes. The Flume Handler can stream data from a trail file to Avro or Thrift RPC Flume sources.

6.2 Setting Up and Running the Flume Handler

Instructions for configuring the Flume Handler components and running the handler are described in this section.

To run the Flume Handler, a Flume Agent configured with an Avro or Thrift Flume source must be up and running. Oracle GoldenGate can be collocated with Flume or located on a different machine. If located on a different machine, the host and port of the Flume source must be reachable with a network connection. For instructions on how to configure and start a Flume Agent process, see the Flume User Guide https://flume.apache.org/releases/content/1.6.0/FlumeUserGuide.pdf.


6.2.1 Classpath Configuration

For the Flume Handler to connect to the Flume source and run, the Flume Agent configuration file and the Flume client jars must be configured in gg.classpathconfiguration variable. The Flume Handler uses the contents of the Flume Agent configuration file to resolve the host, port, and source type for the connection to Flume source. The Flume client libraries do not ship with Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data. The Flume client library versions must match the version of Flume to which the Flume Handler is connecting. For a list of the required Flume client JAR files by version, see Flume Handler Client Dependencies.

The Oracle GoldenGate property, gg.classpath variable must be set to include the following default locations:

  • The default location of the core-site.xml file is Flume_Home/conf.

  • The default location of the Flume client JARS is Flume_Home/lib/*.

The gg.classpath must be configured exactly as shown here. The path to the Flume Agent configuration file must contain the path with no wild card appended. The inclusion of the wildcard in the path to the Flume Agent configuration file will make the file inaccessible. Conversely, pathing to the dependency jars must include the * wildcard character in order to include all of the JAR files in that directory in the associated classpath. Do not use *.jar. The following is an example of a correctly configured gg.classpath variable:


If the Flume Handler and Flume are not collocated, then the Flume Agent configuration file and the Flume client libraries must be copied to the machine hosting the Flume Handler process.

6.2.2 Flume Handler Configuration

The following are the configurable values for the Flume Handler. These properties are located in the Java Adapter properties file (not in the Replicat properties file).

To enable the selection of the Flume Handler, you must first configure the handler type by specifying gg.handler.jdbc.type=flume and the other Flume properties as follows:

Property Name Property Value Required / Optional Default Description


flumehandler (choice of any name)



List of handlers. Only one is allowed with grouping properties ON.





Type of handler to use.


Formatter class or short code


Defaults to delimitedtext

The formatter to be used. Can be one of the following:

  • avro_row

  • avro_op

  • delimitedtext

  • xml

  • json

  • json_row

You can also write a custom formatter and include the fully qualified class name here.


Any choice of filename

No. Defaults to default-flume-rpc.properties


Either the default default-flume-rpc.properties or a specified custom RPC client properties file must exist in the classpath.



No. Defaults to op


Operation mode (op) or Transaction Mode (tx). Java Adapter grouping options can be used only in tx mode.


A custom implementation fully qualified class name

No. Defaults to DefaultFlumeEventHeader


Class to be used to define what header properties are to be added to a flume event.



No. Defaults to op


Defines whether each flume event represents an operation or a transaction. If handler mode = op, EventMapsTo will always be op.



No. Defaults to false


When set to true, the Flume handler publishes schema events.



No. Defaults to false


When set to true, includes token data from the source trail files in the output. When set to false, to excludes the token data from the source trail files in the output.

6.2.3 Review a Sample Configuration

gg.handlerlist = flumehandler
gg.handler.flumehandler.type = flume
gg.handler.flumehandler.format =avro_op
gg.handler.flumehandler.mode =tx
gg.handler.flumehandler.PropagateSchema =true

6.3 Data Mapping of Operations to Flume Events

This section explains how operation data from the Oracle GoldenGate trail file is mapped by the Flume Handler into Flume Events based on different configurations. A Flume Event is a unit of data that flows through a Flume agent. The event flows from source to channel to sink and is represented by an implementation of the event interface. An event carries a payload (byte array) that is accompanied by an optional set of headers (string attributes).


6.3.1 Operation Mode

The configuration for the Flume Handler in the Oracle GoldenGate Java configuration file is as follows:


The data for each operation from an Oracle GoldenGate trail file maps into a single Flume Event. Each event is immediately flushed to Flume. Each Flume Event has the following headers:

  • TABLE_NAME: The table name for the operation

  • SCHEMA_NAME: The catalog name (if available) and the schema name of the operation

  • SCHEMA_HASH: The hash code of the Avro schema (only applicable for Avro Row and Avro Operation formatters)

6.3.2 Transaction Mode and EventMapsTo Operation

The configuration for the Flume Handler in the Oracle GoldenGate Java configuration file is as follows:


The data for each operation from Oracle GoldenGate trail file maps into a single Flume Event. Events are flushed to Flume when the transaction is committed. Each Flume Event has the following headers:

  • TABLE_NAME: The table name for the operation

  • SCHEMA_NAME: The catalog name (if available) and the schema name of the operation

  • SCHEMA_HASH: The hash code of the Avro schema (only applicable for Avro Row and Avro Operation formatters)

We recommend that you use this mode when formatting data as Avro or delimited text. It is important to understand that configuring Replicat batching functionality increases the number of operations that are processed in a transaction.

6.3.3 Transaction Mode and EventMapsTo Transaction

The configuration for the Flume Handler in the Oracle GoldenGate Java configuration file is as follows.


The data for all operations for a transaction from the source trail file are concatenated and mapped into a single Flume Event. The event is flushed when the transaction is committed. Each Flume Event has the following headers:

  • GG_TRANID: The transaction ID of the transaction

  • OP_COUNT: The number of operations contained in this Flume payload event

We recommend that you use this mode only when using self describing formats such as JSON or XML. In is important to understand that configuring Replicat batching functionality increases the number of operations that are processed in a transaction.

6.4 Performance Considerations

Consider the following options for enhanced performance:

  • Set Replicat-based grouping

  • Set the transaction mode with gg.handler.flume_handler_name. EventMapsTo=tx

  • Increase the maximum heap size of the JVM in Oracle GoldenGate Java properties file (the maximum heap size of the Flume Handler may affect performance)

6.5 Metadata Change Events

The Flume Handler is adaptive to metadata change events.  To handle metadata change events, the source trail files must have metadata in the trail file. However, this functionality depends on the source replicated database and the upstream Oracle GoldenGate Capture process to capture and replicate DDL events. This feature is not available for all database implementations in Oracle GoldenGate. To determine whether DDL replication is supported, see the Oracle GoldenGate installation and configuration guide for the appropriate database.

Whenever a metadata change occurs at the source, the Flume Handler notifies the associated formatter of the metadata change event. Any cached schema that the formatter is holding for that table will be deleted. The next time that the associated formatter encounters an operation for that table the schema is regenerated.

6.6 Example Flume Source Configuration


6.6.1 Avro Flume Source

The following is a sample configuration for an Avro Flume source from the Flume Agent configuration file:

client.type = default
hosts = h1
hosts.h1 = host_ip:host_port
batch-size = 100
connect-timeout = 20000
request-timeout = 20000

6.6.2 Thrift Flume Source

The following is a sample configuration for an Avro Flume source from the Flume Agent configuration file:

client.type = thrift
hosts = h1
hosts.h1 = host_ip:host_port

6.7 Advanced Features

You may choose to implement the following advanced features of the Flume Handler:


6.7.1 Schema Propagation

The Flume Handler can propagate schemas to Flume. This feature is currently only supported for the Avro Row and Operation formatters. To enable this feature, set the following property:


The Avro Row or Operation Formatters generate Avro schemas on a just-in-time basis. Avro schemas are generated the first time an operation for a table is encountered. A metadata change event results in the schema reference being for a table being cleared, and a new schema is generated the next time an operation is encountered for that table.

When schema propagation is enabled, the Flume Handler propagates schemas in an Avro Event when they are encountered.

Default Flume Schema Event headers for Avro include the following information:

  • SCHEMA_EVENT: true

  • GENERIC_WRAPPER: true or false

  • TABLE_NAME: The table name as seen in the trail

  • SCHEMA_NAME: The catalog name (if available) and the schema name

  • SCHEMA_HASH: The hash code of the Avro schema

6.7.2 Security

Kerberos authentication for the Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data Flume Handler connection to the Flume source is possible. This feature is supported only in Flume 1.6.0 and later using the Thrift Flume source. You can enable it by changing the configuration of the Flume source in the Flume Agent configuration file.

The following is an example of the Flume source configuration from the Flume Agent configuration file that shows how to enable Kerberos authentication. You must provide Kerberos principal name of the client and the server. The path to a Kerberos keytab file must be provided so that the password of the client principal can be resolved at runtime. For information on how to administer Kerberos, on Kerberos principals and their associated passwords, and about the creation of a Kerberos keytab file, see the Kerberos documentation.

client.type = thrift
hosts = h1
hosts.h1 =host_ip:host_port

6.7.3 Fail Over Functionality

It is possible to configure the Flume Handler so that it fails over when the primary Flume source becomes unavailable. This feature is currently supported only in Flume 1.6.0 and later using the Avro Flume source. It is enabled with Flume source configuration in the Flume Agent configuration file. The following is a sample configuration for enabling fail over functionality:

hosts=h1 h2 h3
max-attempts = 3
batch-size = 100
connect-timeout = 20000
request-timeout = 20000

6.7.4 Load Balancing Functionality

You can configure the Flume Handler so that produced Flume events are load-balanced across multiple Flume sources. This feature is currently supported only in Flume 1.6.0 and later using the Avro Flume source. You can enable it by changing the Flume source configuration in the Flume Agent configuration file. The following is a sample configuration for enabling load balancing functionality:

client.type = default_loadbalance
hosts = h1 h2 h3
hosts.h1 = host_ip1:host_port1
hosts.h2 = host_ip2:host_port2
hosts.h3 = host_ip3:host_port3
backoff = false
maxBackoff = 0
host-selector = round_robin
batch-size = 100
connect-timeout = 20000
request-timeout = 20000

6.8 Troubleshooting the Flume Handler


6.8.1 Java Classpath

Issues with the Java classpath are common. A ClassNotFoundException in the Oracle GoldenGate Java log4j log file indicates a classpath problem. You can use the Java log4j log file to troubleshoot this issue. Setting the log level to DEBUG allows for logging of each of the JARs referenced in the gg.classpath object to be logged to the log file. This way, you can make sure that all of the required dependency JARs are resolved. For more information, see Classpath Configuration.

6.8.2 Flume Flow Control Issues

In some situations, the Flume Handler may write to the Flume source faster than the Flume sink can dispatch messages. When this happens, the Flume Handler works for a while, but when Flume can no longer accept messages, it will abend. The cause that is logged in the Oracle GoldenGate Java log file may probably be an EventDeliveryException, indicating that the Flume Handler was unable to send an event. Check the Flume log for the exact cause of the problem. You may be able to re-configure the Flume channel to increase capacity or increase the Java heap size if the Flume Agent is experiencing an OutOfMemoryException. This may not solve the problem. If the Flume Handler can push data to the Flume source faster than messages are dispatched by the Flume sink, then any change may only extend the period the Flume Handler can run before failing.

6.8.3 Flume Agent Configuration File Not Found

If the Flume Agent configuration file is not in the classpath,, Flume Handler abends at startup. The result is usually a ConfigException that reports the issue as an error loading the Flume producer properties. Check the gg.handler.name. RpcClientProperites configuration file to make sure that the naming of the Flume Agent properties file is correct. Check the Oracle GoldenGate gg.classpath properties to make sure that the classpath contains the directory containing the Flume Agent properties file. Also, check the classpath to ensure that the path to the Flume Agent properties file does not end with a wildcard (*) character.

6.8.4 Flume Connection Exception

The Flume Handler terminates abnormally at start up if it cannot connect to the Flume source. The root cause of this problem may probably be reported as an IOExeption in the Oracle GoldenGate Java log4j, file indicating a problem connecting to Flume at a given host and port. Make sure that the following are both true:

  • The Flume Agent process is running

  • The Flume agent configuration file that the Flume Handler is accessing contains the correct host and port.

6.8.5 Other Failures

Review the contents of the Oracle GoldenGate Java log4j file to identify any other issues.