Version: 3.0.3
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Detailed Description

Below are a number of convenience functions for getting input from the user or displaying messages.

Note that in these functions the last three parameters are optional. However, it is recommended to pass a parent frame parameter, or (in MS Windows or Motif) the wrong window frame may be brought to the front when the dialog box is popped up.


void wxAboutBox (const wxAboutDialogInfo &info, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
 This function shows the standard about dialog containing the information specified in info. More...
void wxGenericAboutBox (const wxAboutDialogInfo &info, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
 This function does the same thing as wxAboutBox() except that it always uses the generic wxWidgets version of the dialog instead of the native one. More...
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, const wxArrayString &aChoices, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT, int initialSelection=0)
 Same as wxGetSingleChoice() but returns the index representing the selected string. More...
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, int n, const wxString &choices[], wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT, int initialSelection=0)
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, const wxArrayString &choices, int initialSelection, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, int n, const wxString *choices, int initialSelection, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
wxString wxGetSingleChoice (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, const wxArrayString &aChoices, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT, int initialSelection=0)
 Pops up a dialog box containing a message, OK/Cancel buttons and a single-selection listbox. More...
wxString wxGetSingleChoice (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, int n, const wxString &choices[], wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT, int initialSelection=0)
wxString wxGetSingleChoice (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, const wxArrayString &choices, int initialSelection, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
wxString wxGetSingleChoice (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, int n, const wxString *choices, int initialSelection, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
wxString wxGetSingleChoiceData (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, const wxArrayString &aChoices, const wxString &client_data[], wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT, int initialSelection=0)
 Same as wxGetSingleChoice but takes an array of client data pointers corresponding to the strings, and returns one of these pointers or NULL if Cancel was pressed. More...
wxString wxGetSingleChoiceData (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, int n, const wxString &choices[], const wxString &client_data[], wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT, int initialSelection=0)
void * wxGetSingleChoiceData (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, const wxArrayString &choices, void **client_data, int initialSelection, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
void * wxGetSingleChoiceData (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, int n, const wxString *choices, void **client_data, int initialSelection, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
int wxGetSelectedChoices (wxArrayInt &selections, const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, const wxArrayString &aChoices, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT)
 Pops up a dialog box containing a message, OK/Cancel buttons and a multiple-selection listbox. More...
int wxGetSelectedChoices (wxArrayInt &selections, const wxString &message, const wxString &caption, int n, const wxString &choices[], wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true, int width=wxCHOICE_WIDTH, int height=wxCHOICE_HEIGHT)
wxColour wxGetColourFromUser (wxWindow *parent, const wxColour &colInit, const wxString &caption=wxEmptyString, wxColourData *data=NULL)
 Shows the colour selection dialog and returns the colour selected by user or invalid colour (use wxColour::IsOk() to test whether a colour is valid) if the dialog was cancelled. More...
wxString wxDirSelector (const wxString &message=wxDirSelectorPromptStr, const wxString &default_path=wxEmptyString, long style=0, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
 Pops up a directory selector dialog. More...
wxString wxFileSelector (const wxString &message, const wxString &default_path=wxEmptyString, const wxString &default_filename=wxEmptyString, const wxString &default_extension=wxEmptyString, const wxString &wildcard=wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr, int flags=0, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord)
 Pops up a file selector box. More...
wxString wxFileSelectorEx (const wxString &message=wxFileSelectorPromptStr, const wxString &default_path=wxEmptyString, const wxString &default_filename=wxEmptyString, int *indexDefaultExtension=NULL, const wxString &wildcard=wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr, int flags=0, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord)
 An extended version of wxFileSelector. More...
wxString wxLoadFileSelector (const wxString &what, const wxString &extension, const wxString &default_name=wxEmptyString, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
 Ask for filename to load. More...
wxString wxSaveFileSelector (const wxString &what, const wxString &extension, const wxString &default_name=wxEmptyString, wxWindow *parent=NULL)
 Ask for filename to save. More...
wxFont wxGetFontFromUser (wxWindow *parent, const wxFont &fontInit, const wxString &caption=wxEmptyString)
 Shows the font selection dialog and returns the font selected by user or invalid font (use wxFont::IsOk() to test whether a font is valid) if the dialog was cancelled. More...
int wxMessageBox (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption=wxMessageBoxCaptionStr, int style=wxOK|wxCENTRE, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord)
 Show a general purpose message dialog. More...
long wxGetNumberFromUser (const wxString &message, const wxString &prompt, const wxString &caption, long value, long min=0, long max=100, wxWindow *parent=NULL, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition)
 Shows a dialog asking the user for numeric input. More...
wxString wxGetTextFromUser (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption=wxGetTextFromUserPromptStr, const wxString &default_value=wxEmptyString, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true)
 Pop up a dialog box with title set to caption, message, and a default_value. More...
wxString wxGetPasswordFromUser (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption=wxGetPasswordFromUserPromptStr, const wxString &default_value=wxEmptyString, wxWindow *parent=NULL, int x=wxDefaultCoord, int y=wxDefaultCoord, bool centre=true)
 Similar to wxGetTextFromUser() but the text entered in the dialog is not shown on screen but replaced with stars. More...
wxTipProviderwxCreateFileTipProvider (const wxString &filename, size_t currentTip)
 This function creates a wxTipProvider which may be used with wxShowTip(). More...
bool wxShowTip (wxWindow *parent, wxTipProvider *tipProvider, bool showAtStartup=true)
 This function shows a "startup tip" to the user. More...
void wxBeginBusyCursor (const wxCursor *cursor=wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR)
 Changes the cursor to the given cursor for all windows in the application. More...
void wxEndBusyCursor ()
 Changes the cursor back to the original cursor, for all windows in the application. More...
bool wxIsBusy ()
 Returns true if between two wxBeginBusyCursor() and wxEndBusyCursor() calls. More...
void wxBell ()
 Ring the system bell. More...
void wxInfoMessageBox (wxWindow *parent)
 Shows a message box with the information about the wxWidgets build used, including its version, most important build parameters and the version of the underlying GUI toolkit. More...

Function Documentation

void wxAboutBox ( const wxAboutDialogInfo info,
wxWindow parent = NULL 

This function shows the standard about dialog containing the information specified in info.

If the current platform has a native about dialog which is capable of showing all the fields in info, the native dialog is used, otherwise the function falls back to the generic wxWidgets version of the dialog, i.e. does the same thing as wxGenericAboutBox.

Here is an example of how this function may be used:

1 void MyFrame::ShowSimpleAboutDialog(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
2 {
3  wxAboutDialogInfo info;
4  info.SetName(_("My Program"));
5  info.SetVersion(_("1.2.3 Beta"));
6  info.SetDescription(_("This program does something great."));
7  info.SetCopyright(wxT("(C) 2007 Me <>"));
9  wxAboutBox(info);
10 }

Please see the Dialogs Sample for more examples of using this function and wxAboutDialogInfo for the description of the information which can be shown in the about dialog.

Include file:

#include <wx/aboutdlg.h> 
void wxBeginBusyCursor ( const wxCursor cursor = wxHOURGLASS_CURSOR)

Changes the cursor to the given cursor for all windows in the application.

Use wxEndBusyCursor() to revert the cursor back to its previous state. These two calls can be nested, and a counter ensures that only the outer calls take effect.

See also
wxIsBusy(), wxBusyCursor

Include file:

#include <wx/utils.h> 
void wxBell ( )

Ring the system bell.

This function is categorized as a GUI one and so is not thread-safe.

Include file:

#include <wx/utils.h> 

Library:  wxCore
wxTipProvider* wxCreateFileTipProvider ( const wxString filename,
size_t  currentTip 

This function creates a wxTipProvider which may be used with wxShowTip().

filenameThe name of the file containing the tips, one per line.
currentTipThe index of the first tip to show. Normally this index is remembered between the 2 program runs.
See also
wxTipProvider Overview

Include file:

#include <wx/tipdlg.h> 
wxString wxDirSelector ( const wxString message = wxDirSelectorPromptStr,
const wxString default_path = wxEmptyString,
long  style = 0,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition,
wxWindow parent = NULL 

Pops up a directory selector dialog.

The arguments have the same meaning as those of wxDirDialog::wxDirDialog(). The message is displayed at the top, and the default_path, if specified, is set as the initial selection.

The application must check for an empty return value (if the user pressed Cancel). For example:

1 const wxString& dir = wxDirSelector("Choose a folder");
2 if ( !dir.empty() )
3 {
4  ...
5 }

Include file:

#include <wx/dirdlg.h> 
void wxEndBusyCursor ( )

Changes the cursor back to the original cursor, for all windows in the application.

Use with wxBeginBusyCursor().

See also
wxIsBusy(), wxBusyCursor

Include file:

#include <wx/utils.h> 
wxString wxFileSelector ( const wxString message,
const wxString default_path = wxEmptyString,
const wxString default_filename = wxEmptyString,
const wxString default_extension = wxEmptyString,
const wxString wildcard = wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr,
int  flags = 0,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord 

Pops up a file selector box.

In Windows, this is the common file selector dialog. In X, this is a file selector box with the same functionality. The path and filename are distinct elements of a full file pathname. If path is empty, the current directory will be used. If filename is empty, no default filename will be supplied. The wildcard determines what files are displayed in the file selector, and file extension supplies a type extension for the required filename. Flags may be a combination of wxFD_OPEN, wxFD_SAVE, wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT or wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST.

wxFD_MULTIPLE can only be used with wxFileDialog and not here since this function only returns a single file name.

Both the Unix and Windows versions implement a wildcard filter. Typing a filename containing wildcards (*, ?) in the filename text item, and clicking on Ok, will result in only those files matching the pattern being displayed.

The wildcard may be a specification for multiple types of file with a description for each, such as:

1 "BMP files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|GIF files (*.gif)|*.gif"

The application must check for an empty return value (the user pressed Cancel). For example:

1 wxString filename = wxFileSelector("Choose a file to open");
2 if ( !filename.empty() )
3 {
4  // work with the file
5  ...
6 }
7 //else: cancelled by user

Include file:

#include <wx/filedlg.h> 
wxString wxFileSelectorEx ( const wxString message = wxFileSelectorPromptStr,
const wxString default_path = wxEmptyString,
const wxString default_filename = wxEmptyString,
int *  indexDefaultExtension = NULL,
const wxString wildcard = wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr,
int  flags = 0,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord 

An extended version of wxFileSelector.

void wxGenericAboutBox ( const wxAboutDialogInfo info,
wxWindow parent = NULL 

This function does the same thing as wxAboutBox() except that it always uses the generic wxWidgets version of the dialog instead of the native one.

This is mainly useful if you need to customize the dialog by e.g. adding custom controls to it (customizing the native dialog is not currently supported).

See the Dialogs Sample for an example of about dialog customization.

See also

Include file:

#include <wx/aboutdlg.h> 
wxColour wxGetColourFromUser ( wxWindow parent,
const wxColour colInit,
const wxString caption = wxEmptyString,
wxColourData data = NULL 

Shows the colour selection dialog and returns the colour selected by user or invalid colour (use wxColour::IsOk() to test whether a colour is valid) if the dialog was cancelled.

parentThe parent window for the colour selection dialog.
colInitIf given, this will be the colour initially selected in the dialog.
captionIf given, this will be used for the dialog caption.
dataOptional object storing additional colour dialog settings, such as custom colours. If none is provided the same settings as the last time are used.

Include file:

#include <wx/colordlg.h> 
wxFont wxGetFontFromUser ( wxWindow parent,
const wxFont fontInit,
const wxString caption = wxEmptyString 

Shows the font selection dialog and returns the font selected by user or invalid font (use wxFont::IsOk() to test whether a font is valid) if the dialog was cancelled.

parentThe parent window for the font selection dialog.
fontInitIf given, this will be the font initially selected in the dialog.
captionIf given, this will be used for the dialog caption.

Include file:

#include <wx/fontdlg.h> 
long wxGetNumberFromUser ( const wxString message,
const wxString prompt,
const wxString caption,
long  value,
long  min = 0,
long  max = 100,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition 

Shows a dialog asking the user for numeric input.

The dialogs title is set to caption, it contains a (possibly) multiline message above the single line prompt and the zone for entering the number.

The number entered must be in the range min to max (both of which should be positive) and value is the initial value of it. If the user enters an invalid value, it is forced to fall into the specified range. If the user cancels the dialog, the function returns -1.

Dialog is centered on its parent unless an explicit position is given in pos.

Include file:

#include <wx/numdlg.h> 
wxString wxGetPasswordFromUser ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption = wxGetPasswordFromUserPromptStr,
const wxString default_value = wxEmptyString,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true 

Similar to wxGetTextFromUser() but the text entered in the dialog is not shown on screen but replaced with stars.

This is intended to be used for entering passwords as the function name implies.

Include file:

#include <wx/textdlg.h> 
int wxGetSelectedChoices ( wxArrayInt selections,
const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
const wxArrayString aChoices,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT 

Pops up a dialog box containing a message, OK/Cancel buttons and a multiple-selection listbox.

The user may choose an arbitrary (including 0) number of items in the listbox whose indices will be returned in selections array. The initial contents of this array will be used to select the items when the dialog is shown. If the user cancels the dialog, the function returns -1 and selections array is left unchanged.

You may pass the list of strings to choose from either using choices which is an array of n strings for the listbox or by using a single aChoices parameter of type wxArrayString.

If centre is true, the message text (which may include new line characters) is centred; if false, the message is left-justified.

Include file:

#include <wx/choicdlg.h> 

wxPerl Note: Use an array reference for the choices parameter. In wxPerl there is no selections parameter; the function returns an array containing the user selections.

int wxGetSelectedChoices ( wxArrayInt selections,
const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
int  n,
const wxString choices[],
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT 
wxString wxGetSingleChoice ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
const wxArrayString aChoices,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT,
int  initialSelection = 0 

Pops up a dialog box containing a message, OK/Cancel buttons and a single-selection listbox.

The user may choose an item and press OK to return a string or Cancel to return the empty string. Use wxGetSingleChoiceIndex() if empty string is a valid choice and if you want to be able to detect pressing Cancel reliably.

You may pass the list of strings to choose from either using choices which is an array of n strings for the listbox or by using a single aChoices parameter of type wxArrayString.

If centre is true, the message text (which may include new line characters) is centred; if false, the message is left-justified.

Include file:

#include <wx/choicdlg.h> 

wxPerl Note: Use an array reference for the choices parameter.

wxString wxGetSingleChoice ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
int  n,
const wxString choices[],
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT,
int  initialSelection = 0 
wxString wxGetSingleChoice ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
const wxArrayString choices,
int  initialSelection,
wxWindow parent = NULL 
wxString wxGetSingleChoice ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
int  n,
const wxString choices,
int  initialSelection,
wxWindow parent = NULL 
wxString wxGetSingleChoiceData ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
const wxArrayString aChoices,
const wxString client_data[],
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT,
int  initialSelection = 0 

Same as wxGetSingleChoice but takes an array of client data pointers corresponding to the strings, and returns one of these pointers or NULL if Cancel was pressed.

The client_data array must have the same number of elements as choices or aChoices!

Include file:

#include <wx/choicdlg.h> 

wxPerl Note: Use an array reference for the aChoices and client_data parameters.

wxString wxGetSingleChoiceData ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
int  n,
const wxString choices[],
const wxString client_data[],
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT,
int  initialSelection = 0 
void* wxGetSingleChoiceData ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
const wxArrayString choices,
void **  client_data,
int  initialSelection,
wxWindow parent = NULL 
void* wxGetSingleChoiceData ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
int  n,
const wxString choices,
void **  client_data,
int  initialSelection,
wxWindow parent = NULL 
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
const wxArrayString aChoices,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT,
int  initialSelection = 0 

Same as wxGetSingleChoice() but returns the index representing the selected string.

If the user pressed cancel, -1 is returned.

Include file:

#include <wx/choicdlg.h> 

wxPerl Note: Use an array reference for the aChoices parameter.

int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
int  n,
const wxString choices[],
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true,
int  width = wxCHOICE_WIDTH,
int  height = wxCHOICE_HEIGHT,
int  initialSelection = 0 
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
const wxArrayString choices,
int  initialSelection,
wxWindow parent = NULL 
int wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption,
int  n,
const wxString choices,
int  initialSelection,
wxWindow parent = NULL 
wxString wxGetTextFromUser ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption = wxGetTextFromUserPromptStr,
const wxString default_value = wxEmptyString,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord,
bool  centre = true 

Pop up a dialog box with title set to caption, message, and a default_value.

The user may type in text and press OK to return this text, or press Cancel to return the empty string.

If centre is true, the message text (which may include new line characters) is centred; if false, the message is left-justified.

This function is a wrapper around wxTextEntryDialog and while it is usually more convenient to use, using the dialog directly is more flexible, e.g. it allows you to specify the wxTE_MULTILINE to allow the user enter multiple lines of text while this function is limited to single line entry only.

Include file:

#include <wx/textdlg.h> 
void wxInfoMessageBox ( wxWindow parent)

Shows a message box with the information about the wxWidgets build used, including its version, most important build parameters and the version of the underlying GUI toolkit.

This is mainly used for diagnostic purposes and can be invoked by Ctrl-Alt-middle clicking on any wxWindow which doesn't otherwise handle this event.

See also

Include file:

#include <wx/utils.h> 
bool wxIsBusy ( )

Returns true if between two wxBeginBusyCursor() and wxEndBusyCursor() calls.

See also

Include file:

#include <wx/utils.h> 
wxString wxLoadFileSelector ( const wxString what,
const wxString extension,
const wxString default_name = wxEmptyString,
wxWindow parent = NULL 

Ask for filename to load.

int wxMessageBox ( const wxString message,
const wxString caption = wxMessageBoxCaptionStr,
int  style = wxOK|wxCENTRE,
wxWindow parent = NULL,
int  x = wxDefaultCoord,
int  y = wxDefaultCoord 

Show a general purpose message dialog.

This is a convenient function which is usually used instead of using wxMessageDialog directly. Notice however that some of the features, such as extended text and custom labels for the message box buttons, are not provided by this function but only by wxMessageDialog.

The return value is one of: wxYES, wxNO, wxCANCEL, wxOK or wxHELP (notice that this return value is different from the return value of wxMessageDialog::ShowModal()).

For example:

1 int answer = wxMessageBox("Quit program?", "Confirm",
2  wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL, main_frame);
3 if (answer == wxYES)
4  main_frame->Close();

message may contain newline characters, in which case the message will be split into separate lines, to cater for large messages.

messageMessage to show in the dialog.
captionThe dialog title.
parentParent window.
styleCombination of style flags described in wxMessageDialog documentation.
xHorizontal dialog position (ignored under MSW). Use wxDefaultCoord for x and y to let the system position the window.
yVertical dialog position (ignored under MSW).

Include file:

#include <wx/msgdlg.h> 
wxString wxSaveFileSelector ( const wxString what,
const wxString extension,
const wxString default_name = wxEmptyString,
wxWindow parent = NULL 

Ask for filename to save.

bool wxShowTip ( wxWindow parent,
wxTipProvider tipProvider,
bool  showAtStartup = true 

This function shows a "startup tip" to the user.

The return value is the state of the "Show tips at startup" checkbox.

parentThe parent window for the modal dialog.
tipProviderAn object which is used to get the text of the tips. It may be created with the wxCreateFileTipProvider() function.
showAtStartupShould be true if startup tips are shown, false otherwise. This is used as the initial value for "Show tips at startup" checkbox which is shown in the tips dialog.
See also
wxTipProvider Overview

Include file:

#include <wx/tipdlg.h>