public class BinaryLogisticRegressionSummaryImpl extends LogisticRegressionSummaryImpl implements BinaryLogisticRegressionSummary
param: predictions dataframe output by the model's transform
param: probabilityCol field in "predictions" which gives the probability of
each class as a vector.
param: predictionCol field in "predictions" which gives the prediction of
each class as a double.
param: labelCol field in "predictions" which gives the true label of each instance.
param: featuresCol field in "predictions" which gives the features of each instance as a vector.
Constructor and Description |
BinaryLogisticRegressionSummaryImpl(Dataset<Row> predictions,
String probabilityCol,
String predictionCol,
String labelCol,
String featuresCol) |
featuresCol, labelCol, predictionCol, predictions, probabilityCol
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
areaUnderROC, binaryMetrics, fMeasureByThreshold, pr, precisionByThreshold, recallByThreshold, roc, sparkSession
accuracy, asBinary, falsePositiveRateByLabel, featuresCol, fMeasureByLabel, fMeasureByLabel, labelCol, labels, multiclassMetrics, precisionByLabel, predictionCol, predictions, probabilityCol, recallByLabel, truePositiveRateByLabel, weightedFalsePositiveRate, weightedFMeasure, weightedFMeasure, weightedPrecision, weightedRecall, weightedTruePositiveRate