17.5. HBase Monitoring

17.5.1. Overview

The following metrics are arguably the most important to monitor for each RegionServer for "macro monitoring", preferably with a system like OpenTSDB. If your cluster is having performance issues it's likely that you'll see something unusual with this group.


  • IO Wait

  • User CPU


  • GC

For more information on HBase metrics, see Section 17.4, “HBase Metrics”.

17.5.2. Slow Query Log

The HBase slow query log consists of parseable JSON structures describing the properties of those client operations (Gets, Puts, Deletes, etc.) that either took too long to run, or produced too much output. The thresholds for "too long to run" and "too much output" are configurable, as described below. The output is produced inline in the main region server logs so that it is easy to discover further details from context with other logged events. It is also prepended with identifying tags (responseTooSlow), (responseTooLarge), (operationTooSlow), and (operationTooLarge) in order to enable easy filtering with grep, in case the user desires to see only slow queries. Configuration

There are two configuration knobs that can be used to adjust the thresholds for when queries are logged.

  • hbase.ipc.warn.response.time Maximum number of milliseconds that a query can be run without being logged. Defaults to 10000, or 10 seconds. Can be set to -1 to disable logging by time.

  • hbase.ipc.warn.response.size Maximum byte size of response that a query can return without being logged. Defaults to 100 megabytes. Can be set to -1 to disable logging by size. Metrics

The slow query log exposes to metrics to JMX.

  • hadoop.regionserver_rpc_slowResponse a global metric reflecting the durations of all responses that triggered logging.

  • hadoop.regionserver_rpc_methodName.aboveOneSec A metric reflecting the durations of all responses that lasted for more than one second. Output

The output is tagged with operation e.g. (operationTooSlow) if the call was a client operation, such as a Put, Get, or Delete, which we expose detailed fingerprint information for. If not, it is tagged (responseTooSlow) and still produces parseable JSON output, but with less verbose information solely regarding its duration and size in the RPC itself. TooLarge is substituted for TooSlow if the response size triggered the logging, with TooLarge appearing even in the case that both size and duration triggered logging. Example

2011-09-08 10:01:25,824 WARN org.apache.hadoop.ipc.HBaseServer: (operationTooSlow): {"tables":{"riley2":{"puts":[{"totalColumns":11,"families":{"actions":[{"timestamp":1315501284459,"qualifier":"0","vlen":9667580},{"timestamp":1315501284459,"qualifier":"1","vlen":10122412},{"timestamp":1315501284459,"qualifier":"2","vlen":11104617},{"timestamp":1315501284459,"qualifier":"3","vlen":13430635}]},"row":"cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da:0"}],"families":["actions"]}},"processingtimems":956,"client":"","starttimems":1315501284456,"queuetimems":0,"totalPuts":1,"class":"HRegionServer","responsesize":0,"method":"multiPut"}

Note that everything inside the "tables" structure is output produced by MultiPut's fingerprint, while the rest of the information is RPC-specific, such as processing time and client IP/port. Other client operations follow the same pattern and the same general structure, with necessary differences due to the nature of the individual operations. In the case that the call is not a client operation, that detailed fingerprint information will be completely absent.

This particular example, for example, would indicate that the likely cause of slowness is simply a very large (on the order of 100MB) multiput, as we can tell by the "vlen," or value length, fields of each put in the multiPut.

17.5.3. Block Cache Monitoring

Starting with HBase 0.98, the HBase Web UI includes the ability to monitor and report on the performance of the block cache. To view the block cache reports, click TasksShow Non-RPC TasksBlock Cache. Following are a few examples of the reporting capabilities.

Figure 17.1. Basic Info

Basic Info

Shows the cache implementation

Figure 17.2. Config


Shows all cache configuration options.

Figure 17.3. Stats


Shows statistics about the performance of the cache.

Figure 17.4. L1 and L2

L1 and L2

Shows information about the L1 and L2 caches.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the screens and reports available. Have a look in the Web UI.

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