请参阅: 说明
接口 | 说明 |
InputSampler.Sampler<K,V> |
Interface to sample using an
InputFormat . |
类 | 说明 |
BinaryPartitioner<V> |
BinaryComparable keys using a configurable part of
the bytes array returned by BinaryComparable.getBytes() . |
ChainMapper |
The ChainMapper class allows to use multiple Mapper classes within a single
Map task.
ChainReducer |
The ChainReducer class allows to chain multiple Mapper classes after a
Reducer within the Reducer task.
CombineFileInputFormat<K,V> |
An abstract
InputFormat that returns CombineFileSplit 's
in InputFormat.getSplits(JobConf, int) method. |
CombineFileRecordReader<K,V> |
A generic RecordReader that can hand out different recordReaders
for each chunk in a
CombineFileSplit . |
CombineFileSplit |
A sub-collection of input files.
DelegatingInputFormat<K,V> |
InputFormat that delegates behaviour of paths to multiple other
InputFormats. |
DelegatingMapper<K1,V1,K2,V2> |
Mapper that delegates behaviour of paths to multiple other
mappers. |
FieldSelectionMapReduce<K,V> |
This class implements a mapper/reducer class that can be used to perform
field selections in a manner similar to unix cut.
HashPartitioner<K2,V2> |
Partition keys by their
Object.hashCode() . |
IdentityMapper<K,V> |
Implements the identity function, mapping inputs directly to outputs.
IdentityReducer<K,V> |
Performs no reduction, writing all input values directly to the output.
InputSampler<K,V> |
Utility for collecting samples and writing a partition file for
TotalOrderPartitioner . |
InputSampler.IntervalSampler<K,V> |
Sample from s splits at regular intervals.
InputSampler.RandomSampler<K,V> |
Sample from random points in the input.
InputSampler.SplitSampler<K,V> |
Samples the first n records from s splits.
InverseMapper<K,V> |
Mapper that swaps keys and values. |
KeyFieldBasedComparator<K,V> |
This comparator implementation provides a subset of the features provided
by the Unix/GNU Sort.
KeyFieldBasedPartitioner<K2,V2> |
Defines a way to partition keys based on certain key fields (also see
KeyFieldBasedComparator . |
LongSumReducer<K> |
Reducer that sums long values. |
MultipleInputs |
This class supports MapReduce jobs that have multiple input paths with
a different
InputFormat and Mapper for each path |
MultipleOutputFormat<K,V> |
This abstract class extends the FileOutputFormat, allowing to write the
output data to different output files.
MultipleOutputs |
The MultipleOutputs class simplifies writting to additional outputs other
than the job default output via the
OutputCollector passed to
the map() and reduce() methods of the
Mapper and Reducer implementations. |
MultipleSequenceFileOutputFormat<K,V> |
This class extends the MultipleOutputFormat, allowing to write the output data
to different output files in sequence file output format.
MultipleTextOutputFormat<K,V> |
This class extends the MultipleOutputFormat, allowing to write the output
data to different output files in Text output format.
MultithreadedMapRunner<K1,V1,K2,V2> |
Multithreaded implementation for @link org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapRunnable.
NLineInputFormat |
NLineInputFormat which splits N lines of input as one split.
NullOutputFormat<K,V> |
Consume all outputs and put them in /dev/null.
RegexMapper<K> |
Mapper that extracts text matching a regular expression. |
TokenCountMapper<K> |
Mapper that maps text values into |
TotalOrderPartitioner<K extends WritableComparable,V> |
Partitioner effecting a total order by reading split points from
an externally generated source.
Library of generally useful mappers, reducers, and partitioners.
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