This is a list of existing documentation. It needs to be checked, prioritized, and migrated.
NOTE: Not everything on this page necessarily belongs under the "developer documentation" umbrella. The list will be vetted and pared down as appropriate over time. If you know of any content that should be on this list but isn't, please feel free to add it.
User:JesseW/Sandpit is a list originally consisting of the all 877 pages found by google on the mirror; it's been partially cleared of articles we've already migrated, and non-article pages; but if people want to help get it all checked, please do so...(Also, if anyone wants to move it somewhere else, feel free to do so.) JesseW 22:42, 10 February 2006 (PST)
After document migration
After you migrated a page, please do the following:
- Note the source URL of the document in the edit comments when saving the page
- Make sure that you have added category information to your newly created article, so that it also can be found! For example, if the article is about localization, you can add
at the end of the page. See the list of all categories]. - Add the MDC:Examples:Original Document Information information block to your document, correctly listing the original author(s) and contributors. You can find the last modification date in the page footer at the bottom of the original page on
- Edit this page. Add " -- migrated to name of new page" to the entry for the page you just migrated. Move it to the top of the Migrated list below (so nobody wastes its time by migrating it again).
- If you are migrating content from, add the original location and the new location to the Needs Redirect page, so we can get redirects set up at the old locations.
- If you are migrating content from another wiki, edit the external redirect of the page you migrated (by copying the url of the redirection page to the location bar, and add "?action=edit"):
- Change the REDIRECT statement to link to your new page, instead of to the external page.
- Remove all category information, and replace it by [[Category:Junk]].
- Click on the "What links here" link, and change every page which links to the redirection page to link to your new page instead.
Items to Migrate
- Handling Mozilla Security Bugs -- migrated to Handling Mozilla Security Bugs
- Same origin policy -- migrated to Same origin policy for JavaScript
- The Gecko BugAThon -- migrated to Gecko BugAThon
- NGLayout Project Glossary -- migrated to Gecko Glossary
- Gecko - Coding Help Wanted! -- migrated to Gecko Coding Help Wanted
- Block & Line Cheat Sheet -- migrated to Block and Line Layout Cheat Sheet
- Gecko Overview (slides) -- migrated to Introduction to Layout in Mozilla
- Notes on HTML Reflow -- migrated to Notes on HTML Reflow
- Mozilla Style System Documentation -- migrated to Mozilla Style System Documentation
- Style System Tech Talk (slides) -- migrated to Style System Overview
- Diving into the cellmap -- migrated to Table Cellmap
- Notes about the layout strategy in mozilla -- migrated to Table Layout Strategy
- Adding a new style property - layout cookbook -- migrated to Adding a new style property
- Space Manager Detailed Design -- migrated to Space Manager Detailed Design
- Debugging facilities in HTML-table code -- Debugging Table Reflow
- Debugging Frame Reflow HowTo (and its copy) -- migrated to Debugging Frame Reflow
- Space Manager High Level Design -- migrated to Space Manager High Level Design
- Layout Technical Documentation: Primary Index -- migrated to Gecko Documentation Primary Index
- Layout System Overview -- migrated to Layout System Overview
- Layout Documentation Overview -- migrated to Gecko Documentation Overview
- Table Regression Tests (and its copy) -- migrated to Table Layout Regression Tests
- Table Reflow Internals Tech Talk (slides) -- migrated to Table Reflow Internals
- What to do and what not to do in Bugzilla -- migrated to What to do and what not to do in Bugzilla
- Mozilla's Command Line Options -- migrated to Command Line Options
- Command Line Options -- migrated to Command Line Options
- Mozilla Release FAQ -- migrated to Mozilla Release FAQ
- Development tools -- migrated to Mozilla Development Tools
- Bonsai -- migrated to Bonsai
- No Proxy for -- migrated to No Proxy For configuration
- Autodial for Windows NT -- migrated to Autodial for Windows NT
- Networking Preferences -- migrated to Mozilla Networking Preferences
- XUL Template Primer - Bindings - Chris Waterson - migrated to XUL Template Primer - Bindings
- Fun with XBL and XPConnect - Scott MacGregor -- migrated to Fun With XBL and XPConnect
- Creating New Packages for Mozilla - Ian Oeschger -- migrated to Creating XPI Installer Modules
- XUL Runtime Environment Project Page (XRE) -- migrated to XULRunner
- Learn XPI Installer Scripting by Example - last updated Feb 2005 - Ian Oeschger -- migrated to Learn XPI Installer Scripting by Example
- Creating New Packages for Mozilla - last updated ??? - Ian Oeschger -- migrated to Creating XPI Installer Modules
- The Native Installers - last updated 2002 ? - Samir Gehani, Curt Patrick -- migrated to Install Wizards (aka: Stub Installers)
- Unix Stub Installer FAQ - Samir Gehani, Curt Patrick -- migrated to Install Wizards (aka: Stub Installers):Unix stub installer
- Mac Stub Installer FAQ - Samir Gehani, Curt Patrick -- migrated to Install Wizards (aka: Stub Installers):Mac stub installer
- Windows Stub Installer FAQ - Samir Gehani, Curt Patrick -- migrated to Install Wizards (aka: Stub Installers):Windows stub installer
- xptcall FAQ -- migrated to xptcall FAQ
- XML in Mozilla - Heikki Toivonen -- migrated to XML in Mozilla
- XML Extras - Heikki Toivonen -- migrated to XML Extras
- Using Web Standards in Your Web Pages - Mike Cowperthwaite, Marcio Galli, Jim Ley, Ian Oeschger, Simon Paquet, Gérard Talbot -- migrated to Using_Web_Standards_in_your_Web_Pages
- How to Embed the JS Engine -- migrated to How to embed the JavaScript engine
- RDF in 50 Words or Less - Chris Waterson -- migrated to RDF in Fifty Words or Less
- RDF FAQ - Chris Waterson, Myk Melez, Dan Brickley -- migrated to RDF in Mozilla FAQ
- Non-blocking IO in NSPR - last updated 1997 - Wan Teh Chang (wtc@) -- migrated to Nonblocking IO In NSPR
- Using IO Timeout and Interrupt on NT - last updated ??? - -- migrated to Using IO Timeout And Interrupt On NT
- Optimizing applications for NSPR - last updated ??? - -- migrated to Optimizing_Applications_For_NSPR
- Porting NSPR to Unix Platforms - last updated 1998 - -- migrated to Porting NSPR to Unix Platforms
- NSPR Poll Method - last updated ??? - Wan Teh Chang -- migrated to NSPR Poll Method
- About NSPR - Intro material, last updated 2000 - -- migrated to About NSPR
- NSPR Module Description - Intro material, last updated 1998 - Dawn Endico -- appears to be a duplicate of About NSPR
- Process forking in NSPR - last updated 1998 - Alan Freier -- migrated to Process Forking in NSPR
- NSPR's Position on abrupt thread termination - last updated 1998 - Alan Freier -- migrated to NSPR's Position On Abrupt Thread Termination
- Using addresses of automatic variables with NSPR - last updated ??? -, Wan Teh Chang -- migrated to Using Addresses Of Automatic Variables With NSPR
- Checkout and Build NSPR - last updated 2001 -, Wan Teh Chang -- migrated to Checkout and Build NSPR
- NSPR Release Engineering - last updated 2000 ? - -- migrated to NSPR Release Engineering Guide
- NSPR Doc Catalogue Page -- migrated to NSPR
- Why Embed Gecko? -- migrated to Why Embed Gecko
- The Mozilla Application Framework: for powerful, easy to develop cross-platform applications -- migrated to Mozilla Application Framework
- Why Support Mozilla? -- migrated to Why Support Mozilla
- Venkman JavaScript Debugger project page -- migrated to Venkman
- DOM Inspector -- migrated to DOM Inspector
- DOM Inspector FAQ -- migrated to DOM Inspector FAQ]
- application/http-index-format specification application/http-index-format specification
- Is Necko the right networking library for my application? -- migrated to Embedding Necko
- Network library FAQ -- migrated to Necko FAQ
- Integrated Authentication -- migrated to Integrated Authentication
- Necko Interfaces: an Overview -- migrated to Necko Interfaces Overview
- Multithreading in Necko -- migrated to Multithreading in Necko
- URIs and URLs -- migrated to URIs and URLs
- Mozilla Port Blocking -- migrated to Mozilla Port Blocking
- Proxies in Necko -- migrated to Proxies in Necko
- Triaging Networking Bugs -- migrated to Triaging Networking Bugs
- HTTP documentation -- migrated to HTTP Documentation
- Class Overview -- migrated to HTTP Class Overview
- Transaction Model -- migrated to HTTP Transaction Model
- HTTP/1.1 Pipelining FAQ -- migrated to HTTP Pipelining FAQ
- HTTP Caching FAQ -- migrated to HTTP Caching FAQ
- HTTP Debugging (Capturing a HTTP log) -- migrated to HTTP Logging
- Cookies in Mozilla -- migrated to Cookies in Mozilla
- Creating a Cookie Log -- migrated to Creating a Cookie Log
- Cookies Preferences in Mozilla -- migrated to Cookies Preferences in Mozilla
- Mozilla Doc - Core Modules & Libraries: Uriloader -- migrated to Uriloader
- Helper Apps (and a bit of Save As) -- migrated to Helper Apps (and a bit of Save As)
- DocShell Documentation -- migrated to DocShell
- Document Loading: From Load Start to Finding a Handler -- migrated to Document Loading - From Load Start to Finding a Handler
- Tutorial: Creating a Mozilla Extension -- migrated to Creating a Mozilla Extension
- Making A Hybrid CD -- migrated to Creating a hybrid CD
- The Life Of An HTML HTTP Request -- migrated to The life of an HTML HTTP request
- Code Review FAQ -- migrated to Code Review FAQ
- Development Strategies -- migrated to Mozilla Development Strategies
- Developing New Mozilla Features -- migrated to Developing New Mozilla Features
- Mozilla Modules and Module Ownership -- migrated to Mozilla Modules and Module Ownership
- Mozilla Coding Style Guide -- migrated to Mozilla Coding Style Guide
- C++ Portability Guide -- migrated to C++ Portability Guide
- Scripting Plugins in Mozilla and its clone -- migrated to Scripting Plugins in Mozilla
- Modularization Techniques -- migrated to Modularization Techniques
- Javascript Debugging -- migrated to Debugging JavaScript
- Mozilla Web Author FAQ -- migrated to Mozilla Web Developer FAQ
- Mozilla DOM Hacking Guide -- migrated to Mozilla DOM Hacking Guide
- Jar Packaging -- migrated to JAR Packaging
- Linux Cheat Sheet for Mac and Windows Programmers -- migrated to Linux Cheat Sheet for Mac and Windows Programmers
- Unix Detailed Build Instructions -- migrated to Unix Detailed Build Instructions
- So you want to add something... -- migrated to Adding_Files_to_the_Build
- Tagging A Mozilla Release -- migrated to Creating_a_Release_Tag
- Cross-Compiling Mozilla -- migrated to Cross-Compiling_Mozilla
- Mozilla Release Checklist -- migrated to Mozilla_Release_Checklist
- Building A Mozilla Distribution -- migrated to Building_a_Mozilla_Distribution
- Mozilla Release Build Notes -- migrated to Mozilla_Release_Build_Notes
- Mozilla Crypto FAQ -- migrated to Mozilla Crypto FAQ
- XUL Parser in Python -- migrated to XUL Parser in Python
- XPJS Components Proposal -- migrated to XPJS_Components_Proposal
- XUL and RDF: The Implementation of the Application Object Model -- migrated to XUL_and_RDF:_The_Implementation_of_the_Application_Object_Model
- JavaScript-DOM Prototypes in Mozilla -- migrated to JavaScript-DOM Prototypes in Mozilla
- Gecko FAQ -- migrated to Gecko_FAQ
- Array guide -- migrated to XPCOM array guide
- DOM Levels -- migrated to DOM Levels
- Embedded Dialog API (external) -- migrated to Embedded Dialog API
- Mozilla Security Group Members -- migrated to Mozilla Security Group
- New Security Model for Web Services -- migrated to New Security Model for Web Services
- XSL Transformations in Mozilla FAQ (external) -- migrated to XSL Transformations in Mozilla FAQ
- Overview of how downloads work -- migrated to Overview of how downloads work
- Using Web Standards in your Web Pages (external) -- migrated to Using Web Standards in your Web Pages
- How to embed the JavaScript engine (external) -- migrated to How to embed the JavaScript engine
- JavaScript Language Resources -- migrated to JavaScript Language Resources
- Link prefetching FAQ -- migrated to Link prefetching FAQ
- XPath Documentation draft - bug 205068 -- migrated to Introduction to using XPath in JavaScript
- Mozilla Application Framework in Detail -- migrated to Mozilla Application Framework in Detail
- Extension Versioning, Update and Compatibility (external) -- migrated to Extension Versioning, Update and Compatibility
- Roll your own browser - An embedding HowTo (external) -- migrated to Roll your own browser - An embedding HowTo
- DOM Implementation and Scriptability (presentation - do as a single-page article so it can be expanded upon and updated) -- migrated to DOM Implementation and Scriptability
How to add an installer module to the Windows installer (external)-- migrated to How to add an installer module to the Windows installerHow mozilla's build system works-- migrated to How mozilla's build system worksInstalling Plugins to Gecko Embedding Browsers on Windows (external)-- migrated to Installing plugins to Gecko embedding browsers on Windows- Atomized strings in XPCOM -- not migrated, empty page
- Memory Tools -- migrated to Debugging memory leaks
- Some COM Ownership Guideliness -- migrated to XPCOM ownership guidelines
- nsISupports Proxies -- migrated to nsISupports Proxies
- A Reference Implementation of QueryInterface -- migrated to Implementing QueryInterface
- XPCOM Plans -- migrated to XPCOM plans
- XPCOM Tasks -- migrated to XPCOM tasks
- Binary compatibility -- migrated to Binary compatibility
- The Console Service -- migrated to Console service
- File Locations -- migrated to Using nsIDirectoryService
- Generic Factory -- migrated to Generic factory
- IDL interface rules -- migrated to IDL interface rules
- mozIRegistry -- migrated to mozIRegistry
- The Complete nsCOMPtr User's Manual -- migrated to Using nsCOMPtr
- nsDirectoryService -- migrated to Using nsIDirectoryService
- nsIClassInfo Overview -- migrated to Using nsIClassInfo
- The New nsString Class Implementation -- migrated to The new nsString class implementation (1999)
- XPConnect 'Components' Object Reference -- migrated to Components object
- String Quick Reference -- migrated to String Quick Reference
- XPCOM Docs Style Guide -- not migrated, obsolete
- Using Logging facilities in Mozilla -- migrated to Console service
- nsIWeakReference -- migrated to Weak reference
- Standalone XPCOM -- migrated to Standalone XPCOM
- Debugging Mozilla on Linux FAQ - migrated to Debugging on Linux
- migrated to Using SSH to connect to CVS
- migrated to Mozilla Embedding FAQ to Source Code Directories Overview- Roadmap for Language-Agnostic Scripting Support migrated to
- Using XPCOM in JavaScript without leaking migrated to Using XPCOM in JavaScript without leaking
XSL Transformations in Mozilla FAQ (external)-- migrated to XSL Transformations in Mozilla FAQInstalling Plugins to Gecko Embedding Browsers on Windows (external)-- migrated to Installing plugins to Gecko embedding browsers on WindowsEmbedded Dialog API (external)-- migrated to Embedded Dialog APIUsing Web Standards in your Web Pages (external)-- migrated to Using Web Standards in your Web PagesHow to Embed JS Engine (external)-- migrated How to embed the JavaScript engineHow mozilla's build system works-- migrated to How mozilla's build system worksOverview of how downloads work-- migrated to Overview of how downloads workDOM Levels-- migrated to DOM LevelsDOM Implementation and Scriptability (presentation - do as a single-page article so it can be expanded upon and updated)-- migrated to DOM Implementation and Scriptability- Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM -- migrated to Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM
- Mozilla Embedding APIs -- migrated to Mozilla embedding APIs overview.
- XPCShell Reference -- migrated to XPCShell Reference.
Do Not Migrate Yet
- RDF API: Delegates (external) (
- RDF API: Interfaces (external) (
- Using XPCOM in JavaScript without leaking (external)
Working List
- SpiderMonkey (JavaScript-C) Engine Project Page - Robert Ginda
- Rhino - JavaScript for Java Project Page - Norris Boyd - this is mostly a ref page
- SpiderMonkey Release Notes - Phil Schwartau (
Mozilla Hacking
- Mozilla Hacker's Guide (is this something we would want to move to Devmo?) - Dawn Endico, Kai Kai Engert, Myk Melez, David Baron, Marcia Knous, Asa, Brendan, many others...
- NSPR Reference - last updated May 18, 2001 -,
- NSPR Contributor's Guide - last updated Sept 20, 2000 -- - migrated to NSPR Contributor Guide
- NSPR Release Notes (all) - last updated 2003 - various
- Using Threads with NSPR (PowerPoint presentation) - last updated ???
- NSPR 2.0 I/O Layering Sample - last updated 1998 - (copyright to Netscape)
- NSPR 2.0 Thread Synchronization Sample - last updated 1998 -
- NSPR Project Page
none of the existing RDF docs should be used as is, they need BAD review/rewrite, consider them deprecated (AxelHecht)
- Mozilla RDF Docs Page -,,,
- RDF Back-end Architecture - Chris Waterson
- Using RDF with Mozilla Examples - Chris Waterson
- RDF DataSource Howto - Chris Waterson
- How RDF Works with NGLayout - Chris Waterson
- Mozilla Security Home
- Component Security
- Best practices, security reviews, same origin, signed script, CAPS
Web Services
- Web Services - Harish Dhurvasula, Marcio Galli
All other html files in the projects/xpcom
directory have been migrated. (Note - some migrated pages are waiting to be redirected and cvs remove
All other html files in the scriptable
- Scriptable Components (XPConnect)
- Interface Directory Entry proposal
- XPConnect interface plans
- XPCOM Interface Rules We Break
- JavaScript Call Stack Dumper
- JavaScript XPCOM Components Status
- Roadmap for XPCOM, XPConnect, XPTCall, and XPIDL
- XPConnect Scriptable proposal
- XPCOM Type Library File Format, Version 1.1r1 - plus older version 1.0 and draft versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
- Tools for Typelibs - xpt_dump & xpt_link
- A zero-ASM proposal for XPCOMConnect
- A zero generated code XPConnect proposal
- XPInstall API Reference is part of DevEdge -
- XPInstall API Reference, PDF version
- XPInstall QA, Getting Started - last updated 2003 - David Epstein, Jimmy Lee, Grace Bush
- XPInstall Trigger Page (utility)
- Simple Signed XPI Testcases (utilities)
- XPInstall Project Page
- XSLT in Mozilla Project Page - Axel Hecht
- Other stuff added as External Redirects
- removed items added as External Redirects
- XUL Notes - Ian Oeschger
- New Widget Cheatset (outdated; up to date examples are at XulPlanet) - REMOVE or UPDATE
- XUL Template Primer - Chris Waterson - probably superseded by XUL:Template_Guide
- XUL Template Primer - Multiple Rules - Chris Waterson
- XUL Template Primer - Nested Content - Chris Waterson
- XUL Template Primer - Outliner - Chris Waterson
- XPToolkit Architecture (this could be chopped up and reorganized maybe) - David Hyatt
- XPToolkit Architecture - Scott Collins
- XUL 1.0 Specification (incomplete) - David Hyatt, Ben Goodger, Ian Hickson, Chris Waterson
- XUL <template> Reference - David Hyatt, Robert Churchill, Chris Waterson - now migrating to XUL_template_Tag_Reference
- DOM Samples - need to be added to /samples
- API For Setting CSSP Properties From JavaScript - should be archived, not migrated imo --15:52, 27 September 2007 (PDT)
- Code Generator for Setting CSS1 Properties from JavaScript - same --Nickolay 15:52, 27 September 2007 (PDT)
- XPCOM Programmer's Guide -- no content to migrate
- Mapping DOM Objects to C++ classes - we should look into autogenerating at least parts of this.
- Gecko Embedding API Reference (external)
- The Document Object Model in Mozilla (external)
Obsolete pages
Please list pages that are completely obsolete here, so nobody wastes time migrating them.
- How to add an installer module to the Windows installer - deleted after migration
- Old Necko homepage (and its copy) - the newer architecture document is here
- Networking History
- Writing A Mozilla Protocol Handler
- All files under the old netlib documentation
- All files under the JavaScript Debugging - last updated in 1998; currently known as Venkman
- NGLayout design documents from 1998
- More on NGLayout: 1998 or so
- files under
- files under
- files under
- files under - dup of and removed from the trunk (bug 121881)
- files under
- files under