SD_BUS_MESSAGE_APPEND(3)    sd_bus_message_append   SD_BUS_MESSAGE_APPEND(3)

NAME         top

       sd_bus_message_append, sd_bus_message_appendv - Attach fields to a
       D-Bus message based on a type string

SYNOPSIS         top

       #include <systemd/sd-bus.h>
       int sd_bus_message_append(sd_bus_message *m, const char *types, ...);
       int sd_bus_message_appendv(sd_bus_message *m, const char *types,
                                  va_list ap);

DESCRIPTION         top

       The sd_bus_message_append() function appends a sequence of fields to
       the D-Bus message object m. The type string types describes the types
       of the field arguments that follow. For each type specified in the
       type string, one or more arguments need to be specified, in the same
       order as declared in the type string.
       The type string is composed of the elements shown in the table below.
       It contains zero or more single "complete types". Each complete type
       may be one of the basic types or a fully described container type. A
       container type may be a structure with the contained types, a
       variant, an array with its element type, or a dictionary entry with
       the contained types. The type string is NUL-terminated.
       In case of a basic type, one argument of the corresponding type is
       A structure is denoted by a sequence of complete types between "("
       and ")". This sequence cannot be empty — it must contain at least one
       type. Arguments corresponding to this nested sequence follow the same
       rules as if they were not nested.
       A variant is denoted by "v". Corresponding arguments must begin with
       a type string denoting a complete type, and following that, arguments
       corresponding to the specified type.
       An array is denoted by "a" followed by a complete type. Corresponding
       arguments must begin with the number of entries in the array,
       followed by the entries themselves, matching the element type of the
       A dictionary is an array of dictionary entries, denoted by "a"
       followed by a pair of complete types between "{" and "}". The first
       of those types must be a basic type. Corresponding arguments must
       begin with the number of dictionary entries, followed by a pair of
       values for each entry matching the element type of the dictionary
       The sd_bus_message_appendv() is equivalent to the function
       sd_bus_message_append(), except that it is called with a "va_list"
       instead of a variable number of arguments. This function does not
       call the va_end() macro. Because it invokes the va_arg() macro, the
       value of ap is undefined after the call.
       For further details on the D-Bus type system, please consult the
       D-Bus Specification[1].
       Table 1. Item type specifiers
       │Specifier Constant                     Description    Size          Expected C    │
       │          │                              │                │               │ Type          │
       │"y"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_BYTE             │ unsigned       │ 1 byte        │ uint8_t       │
       │          │                              │ integer        │               │               │
       │"b"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN          │ boolean        │ 4 bytes       │ int           │
       │"n"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_INT16            │ signed         │ 2 bytes       │ int16_t       │
       │          │                              │ integer        │               │               │
       │"q"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_UINT16           │ unsigned       │ 2 bytes       │ uint16_t      │
       │          │                              │ integer        │               │               │
       │"i"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_INT32            │ signed         │ 4 bytes       │ int32_t       │
       │          │                              │ integer        │               │               │
       │"u"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_UINT32           │ unsigned       │ 4 bytes       │ uint32_t      │
       │          │                              │ integer        │               │               │
       │"x"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_INT64            │ signed         │ 8 bytes       │ int64_t       │
       │          │                              │ integer        │               │               │
       │"t"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_UINT64           │ unsigned       │ 8 bytes       │ uint64_t      │
       │          │                              │ integer        │               │               │
       │"d"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_DOUBLE           │ floating-point │ 8 bytes       │ double        │
       │"s"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_STRING           │ Unicode string │ variable      │ char[]        │
       │"o"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH      │ object path    │ variable      │ char[]        │
       │"g"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_SIGNATURE        │ signature      │ variable      │ char[]        │
       │"h"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD          │ UNIX file      │ 4 bytes       │ int           │
       │          │                              │ descriptor     │               │               │
       │"a"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_ARRAY            │ array          │ determined by │ int, followed │
       │          │                              │                │ array type    │ by array      │
       │          │                              │                │ and size      │ contents      │
       │"v"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_VARIANT          │ variant        │ determined by │ signature     │
       │          │                              │                │ the type      │ string,       │
       │          │                              │                │ argument      │ followed by   │
       │          │                              │                │               │ variant       │
       │          │                              │                │               │ contents      │
       │"("       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_STRUCT_BEGIN     │ array start    │ determined by │ structure     │
       ├──────────┼──────────────────────────────┼────────────────┤ the nested    │ contents      │
       │")"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_STRUCT_END       │ array end      │ types         │               │
       │"{"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY_BEGIN │ dictionary     │               │               │
       │          │                              │ entry start    │ determined by │ dictionary    │
       ├──────────┼──────────────────────────────┼────────────────┤ the nested    │ contents      │
       │"}"       │ SD_BUS_TYPE_DICT_ENTRY_END   │ dictionary     │ types         │               │
       │          │                              │ entry end      │               │               │
       For types "s" and "g" (unicode string or signature), the pointer may
       be NULL, which is equivalent to an empty string. See
       sd_bus_message_append_basic(3) for the precise interpretation of
       those and other types.


           types ::= complete_type*
           complete_type ::= basic_type | variant | structure | array | dictionary
           basic_type ::= "y" | "n" | "q" | "u" | "i" | "x" | "t" | "d" |
                          "b" | "h" |
                          "s" | "o" | "g"
           variant ::= "v"
           structure ::= "(" complete_type+ ")"
           array ::= "a" complete_type
           dictionary ::= "a" "{" basic_type complete_type "}"

EXAMPLES         top

       Append a single basic type (the string "a string"):
           sd_bus_message *m;
           sd_bus_message_append(m, "s", "a string");
       Append all types of integers:
           uint8_t y = 1;
           int16_t n = 2;
           uint16_t q = 3;
           int32_t i = 4;
           uint32_t u = 5;
           int32_t x = 6;
           uint32_t t = 7;
           double d = 8.0;
           sd_bus_message_append(m, "ynqiuxtd", y, n, q, i, u, x, t, d);
       Append a structure composed of a string and a D-Bus path:
           sd_bus_message_append(m, "(so)", "a string", "/a/path");
       Append an array of UNIX file descriptors:
           sd_bus_message_append(m, "ah", 3, STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO);
       Append a variant, with the real type "g" (signature), and value
           sd_bus_message_append(m, "v", "g", "sdbusisgood");
       Append a dictionary containing the mapping {1=>"a", 2=>"b", 3=>""}:
           sd_bus_message_append(m, "a{is}", 3, 1, "a", 2, "b", 3, NULL);

RETURN VALUE         top

       On success, these functions return 0 or a positive integer. On
       failure, these functions return a negative errno-style error code.

ERRORS         top

       Returned errors may indicate the following problems:
           Specified parameter is invalid.
           Message has been sealed.
           Message is in invalid state.
           Message cannot be appended to.
           Memory allocation failed.

NOTES         top

       sd_bus_open_user() and other functions described here are available
       as a shared library, which can be compiled and linked to with the
       libsystemd-bus pkg-config(1) file.

SEE ALSO         top

       systemd(1), sd-bus(3), sd_bus_message_append_basic(3),

NOTES         top

        1. D-Bus Specification

COLOPHON         top

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       project.  Information about the project can be found at 
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       report for this manual page, see 
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       page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository 
       ⟨⟩ on 2017-07-05.  If you dis‐
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systemd 234                                         SD_BUS_MESSAGE_APPEND(3)

Pages that refer to this page: sd-bus(3)sd_bus_message_append_array(3)sd_bus_message_append_basic(3)sd_bus_message_append_strv(3)systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)