TRACE-CMD-SPLIT(1)                                        TRACE-CMD-SPLIT(1)

NAME         top

       trace-cmd-split - split a trace.dat file into smaller files

SYNOPSIS         top

       trace-cmd split [OPTIONS] [start-time [end-time]]

DESCRIPTION         top

       The trace-cmd(1) split is used to break up a trace.dat into small
       files. The start-time specifies where the new file will start at.
       Using trace-cmd-report(1) and copying the time stamp given at a
       particular event, can be used as input for either start-time or
       end-time. The split will stop creating files when it reaches an event
       after end-time. If only the end-time is needed, use 0.0 as the
       If start-time is left out, then the split will start at the beginning
       of the file. If end-time is left out, then split will continue to the
       end unless it meets one of the requirements specified by the options.

OPTIONS         top

       -i file
           If this option is not specified, then the split command will look
           for the file named trace.dat. This options will allow the reading
           of another file other than trace.dat.
       -o file
           By default, the split command will use the input file name as a
           basis of where to write the split files. The output file will be
           the input file with an attached '.#\' to the end: trace.dat.1,
           trace.dat.2, etc.
               This option will change the name of the base file used.
               -o file  will create file.1, file.2, etc.
       -s seconds
           This specifies how many seconds should be recorded before the new
           file should stop.
       -m milliseconds
           This specifies how many milliseconds should be recorded before
           the new file should stop.
       -u microseconds
           This specifies how many microseconds should be recorded before
           the new file should stop.
       -e events
           This specifies how many events should be recorded before the new
           file should stop.
       -p pages
           This specifies the number of pages that should be recorded before
           the new file should stop.
               Note: only one of *-p*, *-e*, *-u*, *-m*, *-s* may be specified at a time.
               If *-p* is specified, then *-c* is automatically set.
           This option causes the break up to repeat until end-time is
           reached (or end of the input if end-time is not specified).
               trace-cmd split -r -e 10000
               This will break up trace.dat into several smaller files, each with at most
               10,000 events in it.
           This option causes the above break up to be per CPU.
               trace-cmd split -c -p 10
               This will create a file that has 10 pages per each CPU from the input.
       -C cpu
           This option will split for a single CPU. Only the cpu named will
           be extracted from the file.
               trace-cmd split -C 1
               This will split out all the events for cpu 1 in the file.

SEE ALSO         top

       trace-cmd(1), trace-cmd-record(1), trace-cmd-report(1),
       trace-cmd-start(1), trace-cmd-stop(1), trace-cmd-extract(1),
       trace-cmd-reset(1), trace-cmd-list(1), trace-cmd-listen(1)

AUTHOR         top

       Written by Steven Rostedt, <[1]>

RESOURCES         top


COPYING         top

       Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. Free use of this software is granted
       under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL).

NOTES         top


COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the trace-cmd (a front-end for Ftrace) project.
       Information about the project can be found at [unknown -- if you
       know, please contact] If you have a bug report for
       this manual page, send it to Steven Rostedt <>.
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository 
       on 2017-07-05.  If you discover any rendering problems in this HTML
       version of the page, or you believe there is a better or more up-to-
       date source for the page, or you have corrections or improvements to
       the information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original
       manual page), send a mail to
                                 07/08/2014               TRACE-CMD-SPLIT(1)