NDIFF(1)                        User Commands                       NDIFF(1)

NAME         top

       ndiff - Utility to compare the results of Nmap scans

SYNOPSIS         top

       ndiff [options] {a.xml} {b.xml}

DESCRIPTION         top

       Ndiff is a tool to aid in the comparison of Nmap scans. It takes two
       Nmap XML output files and prints the differences between them. The
       differences observed are:
       ·   Host states (e.g. up to down)
       ·   Port states (e.g. open to closed)
       ·   Service versions (from -sV)
       ·   OS matches (from -O)
       ·   Script output
       Ndiff, like the standard diff utility, compares two scans at a time.


       -h, --help
           Show a help message and exit.
       -v, --verbose
           Include all hosts and ports in the output, not only those that
           have changed.
           Write output in human-readable text format.
           Write output in machine-readable XML format. The document
           structure is defined in the file ndiff.dtd included in the
       Any other arguments are taken to be the names of Nmap XML output
       files. There must be exactly two.

EXAMPLE         top

       Let's use Ndiff to compare the output of two Nmap scans that use
       different options. In the first, we'll do a fast scan (-F), which
       scans fewer ports for speed. In the second, we'll scan the larger
       default set of ports, and run an NSE script.
           # nmap -F -oX scanme-1.xml
           # nmap --script=html-title -oX scanme-2.xml
           $ ndiff -v scanme-1.xml scanme-2.xml
           -Nmap 5.35DC1 at 2010-07-16 12:09
           +Nmap 5.35DC1 at 2010-07-16 12:13
            Host is up.
           -Not shown: 95 filtered ports
           +Not shown: 993 filtered ports
            22/tcp    open   ssh
            25/tcp    closed smtp
            53/tcp    open   domain
           +70/tcp    closed gopher
            80/tcp    open   http
           +|_ html-title: Go ahead and ScanMe!
            113/tcp   closed auth
           +31337/tcp closed Elite
       Changes are marked by a - or + at the beginning of a line. We can see
       from the output that the scan without the -F fast scan option found
       two additional ports: 70 and 31337. The html-title script produced
       some additional output for port 80. From the port counts, we may
       infer that the fast scan scanned 100 ports (95 filtered, 3 open, and
       2 closed), while the normal scan scanned 1000 (993 filtered, 3 open,
       and 4 closed).
       The -v (or --verbose) option to Ndiff made it show even the ports
       that didn't change, like 22 and 25. Without -v, they would not have
       been shown.

OUTPUT         top

       There are two output modes: text and XML. Text output is the default,
       and can also be selected with the --text option. Text output
       resembles a unified diff of Nmap's normal terminal output. Each line
       is preceded by a character indicating whether and how it changed.  -
       means that the line was in the first scan but not in the second; +
       means it was in the second but not the first. A line that changed is
       represented by a - line followed by a + line. Lines that did not
       change are preceded by a blank space.
       Example 1 is an example of text output. Here, port 80 on the host gained a service version (lighttpd
       1.5.0). The host at changed its reverse DNS name. The
       host at was completely absent in the first scan but
       came up in the second.
       Example 1. Ndiff text output
           -Nmap 4.85BETA3 at 2009-03-15 11:00
           +Nmap 4.85BETA4 at 2009-03-18 11:00
            Host is up.
            Not shown: 99 filtered ports
           -80/tcp open  http
           +80/tcp open  http    lighttpd 1.5.0
            Host is up.
            Not shown: 100 filtered ports
           +Host is up.
           +Not shown: 98 filtered ports
           +80/tcp  open  http     Apache httpd 1.3.41.fb1
           +443/tcp open  ssl/http Apache httpd 1.3.41.fb1
       XML output, intended to be processed by other programs, is selected
       with the --xml option. It is based on Nmap's XML output, with a few
       additional elements to indicate differences. The XML document is
       enclosed in nmapdiff and scandiff elements. Host differences are
       enclosed in hostdiff tags and port differences are enclosed in
       portdiff tags. Inside a hostdiff or portdiff, a and b tags show the
       state of the host or port in the first scan (a) or the second scan
       Example 2 shows the XML diff of the same scans shown above in
       Example 1. Notice how port 80 of is
       enclosed in portdiff tags. For, the old hostname is in a
       tags and the new is in b. For the new host, there is a
       b in the hostdiff without a corresponding a, indicating that there
       was no information for the host in the first scan.
       Example 2. Ndiff XML output
           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <nmapdiff version="1">
                   <status state="up"/>
                   <address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
                     <hostname name=""/>
                     <extraports count="99" state="filtered"/>
                       <port portid="80" protocol="tcp">
                         <state state="open"/>
                           <service name="http"/>
                           <service name="http" product="lighttpd" version="1.5.0"/>
                   <status state="up"/>
                   <address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
                       <hostname name=""/>
                       <hostname name=""/>
                     <extraports count="100" state="filtered"/>
                     <status state="up"/>
                     <address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
                       <extraports count="98" state="filtered"/>
                       <port portid="80" protocol="tcp">
                         <state state="open"/>
                         <service name="http" product="Apache httpd"
                       <port portid="443" protocol="tcp">
                         <state state="open"/>
                         <service name="http" product="Apache httpd" tunnel="ssl"

PERIODIC DIFFS         top

       Using Nmap, Ndiff, cron, and a shell script, it's possible to scan a
       network daily and get email reports of the state of the network and
       changes since the previous scan.  Example 3 shows the script that
       ties it together.
       Example 3. Scanning a network periodically with Ndiff and cron
           OPTIONS="-v -T4 -F -sV"
           date=`date +%F`
           cd /root/scans
           nmap $OPTIONS $TARGETS -oA scan-$date > /dev/null
           if [ -e scan-prev.xml ]; then
                   ndiff scan-prev.xml scan-$date.xml > diff-$date
                   echo "*** NDIFF RESULTS ***"
                   cat diff-$date
           echo "*** NMAP RESULTS ***"
           cat scan-$date.nmap
           ln -sf scan-$date.xml scan-prev.xml
       If the script is saved as /root/, add the following line
       to root's crontab:
           0 12 * * * /root/

EXIT CODE         top

       The exit code indicates whether the scans are equal.
       ·   0 means that the scans are the same in all the aspects Ndiff
           knows about.
       ·   1 means that the scans differ.
       ·   2 indicates a runtime error, such as the failure to open a file.

BUGS         top

       Report bugs to the nmap-dev mailing list at <>.

HISTORY         top

       Ndiff started as a project by Michael Pattrick during the 2008 Google
       Summer of Code. Michael designed the program and led the discussion
       of its output formats. He wrote versions of the program in Perl and
       C++, but the summer ended shortly after it was decided to rewrite the
       program in Python for the sake of Windows (and Zenmap) compatibility.
       This Python version was written by David Fifield. James Levine
       released[1] a Perl script named Ndiff with similar functionality in

AUTHORS         top

       David Fifield <>
       Michael Pattrick <>

WEB SITE         top 

NOTES         top

        1. released

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the nmap (a network scanner) project.
       Information about the project can be found at ⟨⟩.  If
       you have a bug report for this manual page, send it to
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Subversion reposi‐
       tory ⟨⟩ on 2017-07-05.  If you discover any
       rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe
       there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
Ndiff                            06/13/2017                         NDIFF(1)