GIT-SHORTLOG(1)                  Git Manual                  GIT-SHORTLOG(1)

NAME         top

       git-shortlog - Summarize 'git log' output

SYNOPSIS         top

       git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<options>]
       git shortlog [<options>] [<revision range>] [[--] <path>...]

DESCRIPTION         top

       Summarizes git log output in a format suitable for inclusion in
       release announcements. Each commit will be grouped by author and
       Additionally, "[PATCH]" will be stripped from the commit description.
       If no revisions are passed on the command line and either standard
       input is not a terminal or there is no current branch, git shortlog
       will output a summary of the log read from standard input, without
       reference to the current repository.

OPTIONS         top

       -n, --numbered
           Sort output according to the number of commits per author instead
           of author alphabetic order.
       -s, --summary
           Suppress commit description and provide a commit count summary
       -e, --email
           Show the email address of each author.
           Instead of the commit subject, use some other information to
           describe each commit.  <format> can be any string accepted by the
           --format option of git log, such as * [%h] %s. (See the "PRETTY
           FORMATS" section of git-log(1).)
               Each pretty-printed commit will be rewrapped before it is shown.
       -c, --committer
           Collect and show committer identities instead of authors.
           Linewrap the output by wrapping each line at width. The first
           line of each entry is indented by indent1 spaces, and the second
           and subsequent lines are indented by indent2 spaces.  width,
           indent1, and indent2 default to 76, 6 and 9 respectively.
           If width is 0 (zero) then indent the lines of the output without
           wrapping them.
       <revision range>
           Show only commits in the specified revision range. When no
           <revision range> is specified, it defaults to HEAD (i.e. the
           whole history leading to the current commit).  origin..HEAD
           specifies all the commits reachable from the current commit (i.e.
           HEAD), but not from origin. For a complete list of ways to spell
           <revision range>, see the "Specifying Ranges" section of
       [--] <path>...
           Consider only commits that are enough to explain how the files
           that match the specified paths came to be.
           Paths may need to be prefixed with "-- " to separate them from
           options or the revision range, when confusion arises.


       The .mailmap feature is used to coalesce together commits by the same
       person in the shortlog, where their name and/or email address was
       spelled differently.
       If the file .mailmap exists at the toplevel of the repository, or at
       the location pointed to by the mailmap.file or mailmap.blob
       configuration options, it is used to map author and committer names
       and email addresses to canonical real names and email addresses.
       In the simple form, each line in the file consists of the canonical
       real name of an author, whitespace, and an email address used in the
       commit (enclosed by < and >) to map to the name. For example:
           Proper Name <commit@email.xx>
       The more complex forms are:
           <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
       which allows mailmap to replace only the email part of a commit, and:
           Proper Name <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
       which allows mailmap to replace both the name and the email of a
       commit matching the specified commit email address, and:
           Proper Name <proper@email.xx> Commit Name <commit@email.xx>
       which allows mailmap to replace both the name and the email of a
       commit matching both the specified commit name and email address.
       Example 1: Your history contains commits by two authors, Jane and
       Joe, whose names appear in the repository under several forms:
           Joe Developer <>
           Joe R. Developer <>
           Jane Doe <>
           Jane Doe <jane@laptop.(none)>
           Jane D. <jane@desktop.(none)>
       Now suppose that Joe wants his middle name initial used, and Jane
       prefers her family name fully spelled out. A proper .mailmap file
       would look like:
           Jane Doe         <jane@desktop.(none)>
           Joe R. Developer <>
       Note how there is no need for an entry for <jane@laptop.(none)>,
       because the real name of that author is already correct.
       Example 2: Your repository contains commits from the following
           nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
           nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
           nick2 <nick2@company.xx>
           santa <me@company.xx>
           claus <me@company.xx>
           CTO <cto@coompany.xx>
       Then you might want a .mailmap file that looks like:
           <cto@company.xx>                       <cto@coompany.xx>
           Some Dude <some@dude.xx>         nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
           Other Author <other@author.xx>   nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
           Other Author <other@author.xx>         <nick2@company.xx>
           Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx> <me@company.xx>
       Use hash # for comments that are either on their own line, or after
       the email address.

GIT         top

       Part of the git(1) suite

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the git (Git distributed version control system)
       project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual page,
       see ⟨⟩.  This page was obtained from the
       project's upstream Git repository ⟨⟩ on
       2017-07-05.  If you discover any rendering problems in this HTML ver‐
       sion of the page, or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date
       source for the page, or you have corrections or improvements to the
       information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original man‐
       ual page), send a mail to
Git 2.12.0.rc2                   02/18/2017                  GIT-SHORTLOG(1)

Pages that refer to this page: git(1)git-config(1)git-diff-tree(1)git-log(1)git-rev-list(1)git-show(1)