Apache Tomcat 7.0.37

Class DefaultServerSocketFactory

  extended by org.apache.tomcat.util.net.DefaultServerSocketFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultServerSocketFactory
extends Object
implements ServerSocketFactory

Default server socket factory. Doesn't do much except give us plain old server sockets.

db@eng.sun.com, Harish Prabandham

Constructor Summary
DefaultServerSocketFactory(AbstractEndpoint endpoint)
Method Summary
 Socket acceptSocket(ServerSocket socket)
          Wrapper function for accept().
 ServerSocket createSocket(int port)
          Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, and is bound to a the specified port.
 ServerSocket createSocket(int port, int backlog)
          Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog.
 ServerSocket createSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress ifAddress)
          Returns a server socket which uses only the specified network interface on the local host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog.
 void handshake(Socket sock)
          Triggers the SSL handshake.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultServerSocketFactory(AbstractEndpoint endpoint)
endpoint - Unused in this implementation.
Method Detail


public ServerSocket createSocket(int port)
                          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, and is bound to a the specified port. The socket is configured with the socket options (such as accept timeout) given to this factory.

Specified by:
createSocket in interface ServerSocketFactory
port - the port to listen to
IOException - for networking errors


public ServerSocket createSocket(int port,
                                 int backlog)
                          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog. The socket is configured with the socket options (such as accept timeout) given to this factory.

Specified by:
createSocket in interface ServerSocketFactory
port - the port to listen to
backlog - how many connections are queued
IOException - for networking errors


public ServerSocket createSocket(int port,
                                 int backlog,
                                 InetAddress ifAddress)
                          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
Returns a server socket which uses only the specified network interface on the local host, is bound to a the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog. The socket is configured with the socket options (such as accept timeout) given to this factory.

Specified by:
createSocket in interface ServerSocketFactory
port - the port to listen to
backlog - how many connections are queued
ifAddress - the network interface address to use
IOException - for networking errors


public Socket acceptSocket(ServerSocket socket)
                    throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
Wrapper function for accept(). This allows us to trap and translate exceptions if necessary.

Specified by:
acceptSocket in interface ServerSocketFactory


public void handshake(Socket sock)
               throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ServerSocketFactory
Triggers the SSL handshake. This will be a no-op for non-SSL sockets.

Specified by:
handshake in interface ServerSocketFactory

Apache Tomcat 7.0.37

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