Apache Tomcat 7.0.37

Class RemoteAddrFilter

  extended by org.apache.catalina.filters.FilterBase
      extended by org.apache.catalina.filters.RequestFilter
          extended by org.apache.catalina.filters.RemoteAddrFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Filter, CometFilter

public final class RemoteAddrFilter
extends RequestFilter

Concrete implementation of RequestFilter that filters based on the string representation of the remote client's IP address.

Craig R. McClanahan

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.catalina.filters.RequestFilter
allow, deny, denyStatus
Fields inherited from class org.apache.catalina.filters.FilterBase
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
          Extract the desired request property, and pass it (along with the specified request and response objects and associated filter chain) to the protected process() method to perform the actual filtering.
 void doFilterEvent(CometEvent event, CometFilterChain chain)
          Extract the desired request property, and pass it (along with the comet event and filter chain) to the protected process() method to perform the actual filtering.
protected  Log getLogger()
Methods inherited from class org.apache.catalina.filters.RequestFilter
getAllow, getDeny, getDenyStatus, isConfigProblemFatal, process, processCometEvent, setAllow, setDeny, setDenyStatus
Methods inherited from class org.apache.catalina.filters.FilterBase
destroy, init
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javax.servlet.Filter
destroy, init

Constructor Detail


public RemoteAddrFilter()
Method Detail


public void doFilter(ServletRequest request,
                     ServletResponse response,
                     FilterChain chain)
              throws IOException,
Extract the desired request property, and pass it (along with the specified request and response objects and associated filter chain) to the protected process() method to perform the actual filtering.

Specified by:
doFilter in interface Filter
Specified by:
doFilter in class RequestFilter
request - The servlet request to be processed
response - The servlet response to be created
chain - The filter chain for this request
IOException - if an input/output error occurs
ServletException - if a servlet error occurs


public void doFilterEvent(CometEvent event,
                          CometFilterChain chain)
                   throws IOException,
Extract the desired request property, and pass it (along with the comet event and filter chain) to the protected process() method to perform the actual filtering.

event - The comet event to be processed
chain - The filter chain for this event
IOException - if an input/output error occurs
ServletException - if a servlet error occurs


protected Log getLogger()
Specified by:
getLogger in class FilterBase

Apache Tomcat 7.0.37

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