Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Replication

This topic provides a summary of the commands for Oracle ACFS snapshot-based replication.

Table 16-30 lists the Oracle ACFS snapshot-based replication commands with brief descriptions. For an overview of Oracle ACFS replication, refer to Oracle ACFS Replication.

For information about running Oracle ACFS acfsutil commands, refer to About Using Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools.

Table 16-30 Summary of commands for Oracle ACFS replication

Command Description

acfsutil repl bg

Starts, stops, or displays information about the Oracle ACFS replication background processes.

acfsutil repl compare

Verifies that files have been replicated on an Oracle ACFS storage location.

acfsutil repl info

Displays information about replication processing on an Oracle ACFS storage location.

acfsutil repl init

Initiates replication on files in an Oracle ACFS storage location.

acfsutil repl pause

Pauses replication on an Oracle ACFS storage location.

acfsutil repl resume

Resumes replication on an Oracle ACFS storage location.

acfsutil repl reverse

Reverses the roles of the replication primary and standby storage location.

acfsutil repl sync

Synchronizes primary and standby storage locations.

acfsutil repl terminate

Stops all replication activity on the Oracle ACFS storage location.

acfsutil repl trace

Specifies the trace level for replication information.

acfsutil repl update

Updates replication information while replication is running.

acfsutil repl upgrade

Upgrades an active, existing replication installation to use snapshot-based replication.

acfsutil repl bg


Starts, stops, or displays information about the Oracle ACFS replication background processes.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl bg -h
acfsutil repl bg {start | stop | info} [snap_shot@]mount_point

acfsutil repl bg -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl bg command.

Table 16-31 Options for the acfsutil repl bg command

Option Description


Starts the replication background processing.


Stops the replication background processing


Displays information about the replication background process through the associated clusterware resource. If the resource is ONLINE on a node in the primary cluster, the process is running. Otherwise, the process is not running.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary file system.

Oracle ACFS replication uses a background process on the primary cluster to transport file system changes to the standby location, either a file system or snapshot. This process must be running for replication to function. When replication is started with the acfsutil repl init command, the process is started and registered with Oracle Clusterware, enabling an automatic restart after a reboot or system crash. This process is clusterwide.

To determine if the Oracle ACFS replication background process is running at the primary site, you can run the acfsutil repl bg info command on the primary cluster. For examples of the use of the command, refer to Example 16-27.


A primary file system containing a location participating in replication can always be unmounted, even if its replication background process is running. The umountcommand (the acfsdismount command on Windows) stops the background process if it is necessary to enable the unmount to proceed. Any in-progress replication operation is interrupted. When a primary file system containing a location participating in replication is remounted, replication automatically restarts and the background process is restarted.

A standby file system containing a location participating in replication can be unmounted only if a replication operation is not currently in progress on it. If a replication operation is in progress, then an attempt to unmount the file system fails with an indication that the file system is busy.


Example 16-27 shows the use of the acfsutil repl bg command to display information about replication processes.

Example 16-27 Using the acfsutil repl bg command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl bg info /acfsmounts/acfs1
Resource:      ora.repl.dupd.crsdg1.crsdg1vol1.acfs
Target State:  ONLINE             
Current State: ONLINE on primnode1 

acfsutil repl compare


Verifies that files have been replicated on an Oracle ACFS storage location.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl compare -h 
acfsutil repl compare [-v] [ -a [-s] | -t { all | tagname, ...} [-s] ]           
[snap_shot@]primary_mount_point [snap_shot@]standby_mount_point

acfsutil repl compare -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl compare command.

Table 16-32 Options for the acfsutil repl compare command

Option Description


Compares all files and their extended attribute names.

-t { all | tagname, ... }

Compares files with all or some tag names specified in the acfsutil repl init operation. The all option specifies all tag names supplied in the acfsutil repl init operation. A comma-delimited list of tag names must only use tag names specified during the acfsutil repl init operation.


Skips comparisons on symlinks for extended attributes and tags when using the -a or -t option. The symlinks are still checked for everything else, such as permissions and ownership.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary file system.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted standby file system.

The acfsutil repl compare command verifies all or part of the primary location has been replicated to the standby location. The standby location must be mounted locally for comparison. Best results are obtained when the primary location is changing as little as possible. The command always checks all files on the primary location against those on the standby location.

The -a option is typically used when no tag names were specified during the acfsutil repl init operation. The -a option compares all files on the primary location against those on the standby location. The -a option also enables tests for extra files on the standby location that do not exist on the primary. When testing for extra files, the command also attempts to check extended attributes. However, if NFS is used to mount the standby location locally, the standby cannot be checked for matching extended attributes due to limitations in the NFS protocol.

The -t option is used when tags were specified during the acfsutil repl init operation. The -t operation locates all file names on the primary location with the specified tag names and compares them to the corresponding files on the standby. The -t option takes as arguments either all option or a comma-delimited list of tag names. If the -t option is used with the all argument, then all tag names supplied during the acfsutil repl init operation are selected. Otherwise, any specified tag names must exactly match a tag name supplied during the acfsutil repl init operation. The -t option also tests for extra files on the standby location that do not have an associated tag name that was specified during the acfsutil repl init operation. If NFS is used to mount the standby location locally, the standby cannot be checked for matching tag names and extended attributes due to limitations in the NFS protocol.

You can use the acfsutil repl info -c option to determine which tags were specified during the acfsutil repl init operation.

The -a and -t options cannot both be specified at that same time. When -a or -t is provided, the —s option can also be specified to skip extended attribute comparisons for symlinks. If neither the -a nor -t option is provided, a primary to standby file comparison is done without testing tag names nor extended attributes.

The -v option may be specified to output the name of each file after the file is compared.


Example 16-28 shows the use of the acfsutil repl compare command.

Example 16-28 Using the acfsutil repl compare command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl compare /acfsmounts/acfs1 /nfs_mounted_standby

acfsutil repl info


Displays information about replication processing on an Oracle ACFS storage location.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl info -h 

acfsutil repl info -c [-v] {[snap_shot@]mount_point}                    

acfsutil repl info -c -u user [-o sshStrictKey=yn_value] standby_host [standby_host]...]

acfsutil repl info -s [-v][-l] [-n number{m|h|d|w|y}] 
                   {-f eventlog | [snap_shot@]mount_point}}
acfsutil repl info [-a|-e|-t] [-v][-l]
                   {-f eventlog | [snap_shot@]mount_point }

acfsutil repl info -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl info command.

Table 16-33 Options for the acfsutil repl info command

Option Description


Displays only apply records from the replication event log. An apply record contains the date and time that the set of replicated changes were captured on the primary location and the date and time that they were applied on the standby location.


Displays configuration information.


Displays only error records from the replication event log.

-f eventlog

Specifies the absolute path to the replication event log to be used as the source of the information. The default location is: mount_point/.ACFS/repl/logs/ReplicationEventsLog


Displays help text.


Displays last event only.

-n number{m|h|d|w|y}

Specifies the interval to display information. number specifies the number of minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), or years (y). For example: -n 5d

The statistics are summarized in the units of time specified.


Validates the host and user keys currently configured between the current host and each standby host specified with a standby argument, using user as the user for which access is validated.

-o sshStrictKey=yn_value

Specifies whether ssh should use strict host-key checking. A value starting with y enables this checking, which is the default setting. A value starting with n disables the checking.


Displays statistical information. It is important that the primary and standby nodes are running a network time service to ensure that the statistics are meaningful.


Displays only transport records from the replication event log.


Displays verbose output.


Specifies a hostname or IP address for one of the standby hosts to be processed when the -u option is specified.


Specifies a location participating in replication, either a directory or a snapshot where the primary file system is mounted.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary or standby file system.

To display information about replication configuration, use acfsutil repl info with the -c option. The configuration information includes a Applied primary as of timestamp that identifies the point in time on the primary location that the standby location represents. You can use this timestamp to set back a database to this point in time if it is necessary to keep the data in Oracle ACFS location synchronized with the database data replicated with Oracle Data Guard.

When specifying the —u option, the command should be run as root (or local SYSTEM) on each host of the primary cluster to confirm that ssh, as used by snapshot-based replication, can connect to all standby hosts and log in as user on each host. The user specified should be the same as the repluser specified in the acsfutil repl init command. Each standby_host string specifies a hostname or host IP address for a standby node. The specified [snap_shot@]primary_mount_point should be the active Oracle ACFS location in the primary cluster that is to be used for replication. If strict host-key checking was or is to be disabled for this use of acsfutil repl init primary using -o sshStrictKey=no, then the option should be specified here also to skip host-key validation. acfsutil repl info -c -u can be run at any time, whether or not replication is currently active on the [snap_shot@]primary_mount_point.

To display information about replication statistics, use acfsutil repl info with the -s option.

To display information about all replication events, use acfsutil repl info with no options. To display information about a specific kind of event, use acfsutil repl info with the -a, -e, or -t option.


Example 16-29 shows the use of the acfsutil repl info command.

Example 16-29 Using the acfsutil repl info command

The validation command has the following format:

# /sbin/acfsutil repl info -c -u repluser standby-addr1 [standby-addr2 …] my_primary_mountpoint

The command confirms that user repluser can use ssh to connect to each standby-addr given in the same way as replication does when initializing. The my_primary_mountpoint given should be the active Oracle ACFS mount point that is to be used for replication.

If you have two standby nodes named standby1 and standby2, and also have a VIP named standby12_vip that can designate either node, then you can validate the key setup for the standby1 /standby2 cluster by running the following command on each node of the primary cluster:

# /sbin/acfsutil repl info -c -u repluser standby1 standby2 my_primary_mountpoint

The same command would be used for validation using the VIP standby12_vip to connect to the cluster.

If you plan to disable strict host key checking, you can skip this checking by adding the -o sshStrictKey=no option to the command line.

Additional commands for displaying statistics and apply records are the following:

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -s -n 5d /acfsmounts/acfs1

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -a -v /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil repl init


Initiates replication on all the files in an Oracle ACFS storage location or only those files with a specified list of tags.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl init -h

acfsutil repl init standby -u repluser [-d trace_level] [snap_shot@]standby_mount_point

acfsutil repl init primary -s repluser@netname { -C | -M | -i interval} [tag_name...]
                           [-m [snap_shot@]standby_mount_point] [-d trace_level] [-z {on | off}] 
                           [-o sshCmdPath=pathname] [-o sshStrictKey=ynvalue] 
                           [-o sshCipher=ciphername]

acfsutil repl init -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl init command.

Table 16-34 Options for the acfsutil repl init command

Option Description


Specifies replication of the primary location.


Specifies replication of the standby location.


Specifies a standard ssh connection string for the primary site to contact the standby site.

The repluser in the connection string is the user that ssh logs in as on the standby node. Choose a minimally-privileged user identity. The user should have Oracle ASM administrator privileges and should belong to the Oracle DBA group.


The same user and group identities (including all uids and gids) must be specified for the replication user on both your primary cluster and your standby cluster.

The netname in the connection string specifies a network endpoint, such as a host name, VIP name, or IP address.


Specifies replication in constant mode. Snapshots are continuously generated and replicated to the standby site. As soon as the replication of each snapshot completes, the generation of a new snapshot is started.


Specifies replication in manual mode. After the initial replication operation is performed, no further replication occurs until requested manually by running acfsutil repl sync.


Specifies replication in interval (scheduled) mode. A new snapshot is taken and replicated with the frequency specified, if possible. A suffix must be given to specify the units in which interval is measured. The suffix must be either s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), or w (weeks). For example, 30m is thirty minutes and 2h is two hours.


Specifies one or more tag names to be used in restricting replication. When tag names are specified, only files that are tagged with at least one of the those tag names are replicated. For information about Oracle ACFS tags, refer Oracle ACFS Tagging.

-m [snap_shot@]standby_mount_point

Specifies the standby storage location, if it is different than the primary location.

-d trace_level

Specifies the trace level setting [0..6].

-z on|off

Turns on or off compression of the replication data stream sent from primary to standby.

-o sshCmdPath=pathname

Specifies the pathname to the ssh command.

-o sshStrictKey=ynvalue

Specifies whether ssh should use strict host-key checking. A value starting with y enables this checking, which is the default setting. A value starting with n disables the checking.

-o sshCipher=ciphername

Specifies the cipher that is passed to ssh to encrypt its sessions.


Specifies the repluser.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted standby file system.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary file system.

The acfsutil repl init primary and standby commands initiate replication between a specified primary site and a specified standby site. The acfsutil repl init standby command must be run first. Next, run the acfsutil repl init primary command.

When the acfsutil repl init primary command completes successfully, processing begins to replicate initial copies of all specified files to the standby location. In addition, any changes to these files and any new files subsequently created in the primary storage location are captured and transported to the standby location. However, successful completion of the command does not indicate that the specified files have been copied in full to the standby location. To monitor the progress of the initial replication of all specified files to the standby location, users can run the acfsutil repl info -c command.

The initial replication operation is based on a snapshot of the primary location, which is transferred to the standby location in its entirety. Each subsequent replication operation uses a later snapshot of the primary location, and only the differences between that snapshot and the last previous snapshot are transferred to the standby location.

All directories in the primary location are always replicated to the standby, even if tags are specified.

Symbolic link files are replicated as is. If the symbolic link resolves to an absolute path name, and that path name does not exist on the standby location, then referencing the symbolic link results in errors.

On platforms that support named sockets, character device files or block device files, these file types are not replicated.

The file system containing a primary or standby storage location can be mounted on only one mount point in its cluster. The file system does not have to be mounted on all of the nodes in a cluster, but if it is mounted, it must be mounted on the mount point specified with the acfsutil repl init command.  In addition, no other file system can be mounted on that mount point on other nodes.

A single Oracle ACFS location cannot be configured both as a primary and a standby location. If replication is configured on the same host or within the same cluster, then the primary and standby locations cannot use the same named mount point.

If either site hosting the primary or standby location is running on Windows, then both sites must be running on Windows. Replication is allowed between sites running any combination of the Linux, Solaris or AIX operating systems.


Example 16-30 shows the use of the acfsutil repl init to initiate snapshot-based replication from the primary to standby site.

Example 16-30 Using the acfsutil repl init command

# /sbin/acfsutil repl init standby -u my_repluser /my_standby/repl_data

# /sbin/acfsutil repl init primary -s my_repluser@my_host -i 2h
                                   -m /my_standby/repl_data /my_primary/repl_data

acfsutil repl pause


Pauses replication on an Oracle ACFS primary location.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl pause -h
acfsutil repl pause [snap_shot@]mount_point

acfsutil repl pause -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl pause command.

Table 16-35 Options for the acfsutil repl pause command

Option Description


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary file system.

The acfsutil repl pause command is issued at the primary replication site only. To continue replication operations, acfsutil repl resume should be run at a later time on the same primary site.

acfsutil repl pause stops the operation of the replication daemon temporarily. Subsequent running of acfsutil repl resume resumes the operation of the daemon.

If acfsutil repl pause is run while a replication operation is active, then the active replication operation completes regardless of the pause action. The pause operation is not effective in this case, and the command does not return, until the current data stream has been applied on the standby. After that, operations are not performed for this replication until the acfsutil repl resume is issued.


Example 16-31 shows the use of the acfsutil repl pause command.

Example 16-31 Using the acfsutil repl pause command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl pause /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil repl resume


Resumes replication on an Oracle ACFS location where replication has been paused.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl resume -h
acfsutil repl resume [snap_shot@]mount_point

acfsutil repl resume -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl resume command.

Table 16-36 Options for the acfsutil repl resume command

Option Description


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary file system.

The acfsutil repl resume command resumes the replication process after the acfsutil repl pause command has been run. This command should be run on the same primary site soon after replication has been paused with the acfsutil repl pause command.


Example 16-32 shows the use of the acfsutil repl resume command.

Example 16-32 Using the acfsutil repl resume command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl resume /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil repl reverse


Reverses the roles of the replication primary and standby locations.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl reverse -h
acfsutil repl reverse primary [snap_shot@]mount_point
acfsutil repl reverse standby [-o sshCmdPath=path_name] [snap_shot@]mount_point

acfsutil repl reverse -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl reverse command.

Table 16-37 Options for the acfsutil repl reverse command

Option Description


Specifies the primary location.


Specifies the standby location.

-o sshCmdPath=path_name

Specifies the path_name to the ssh command on the current standby location.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted file system.

The acfsutil repl reverse command reverses the roles of a replication primary and standby location without requiring replication to be terminated and restarted. First, complete the necessary configuration for role reversal replication that is described in Configuring Oracle ACFS Snapshot-Based Replication. After the configuration is completed, perform the following steps for role reversal of the primary and standby:

  1. To begin the role reversal, run the acfsutil repl reverse primary operation in the primary cluster. This step ensures that the primary replication location, standby replication location, and the backup snapshot of the standby are all identical, and then converts the current primary to be a standby. Replication is now suspended until the final step is completed.

  2. To complete the role reversal, run the acfsutil repl reverse standby operation in the standby cluster. This step converts the current standby replication location to be a primary location, then resumes replication from the new primary to the new standby.

You should quiesce application updates to the current primary before running acfsutil repl reverse primary. Any updates attempted to the current primary after its conversion to a standby fail, just as updates would to any other standby. When application updates are resumed, they must be directed to the new primary.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl reverse command.

Example 16-33 Using the acfsutil repl reverse command

acfsutil repl reverse primary /my_primary/repl_data
acfsutil repl reverse standby /my_standby/repl_data

acfsutil repl sync


Synchronizes primary and standby locations.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl sync -h
acfsutil repl sync [apply] [snap_shot@]mount_point 

acfsutil repl sync -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl sync command.

Table 16-38 Options for the acfsutil repl sync command

Option Description


Specifies that all changes be applied to the standby location. Currently has no effect on the operation of the command.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary file system.

The acfsutil repl sync command can be used to synchronize the state of the primary site and the standby site. This command can only be run on the primary site. Users should first quiesce their applications and issue a sync(1) call to ensure that the synchronized state is known and meaningful to the user. Running acfsutil repl sync then ensures all outstanding replication data is shipped from the primary site to the standby site. Specifically, the command enables any in-progress replication operation to complete, and then performs replication one final time to ensure that all changes on the primary have been replicated.

The command completes successfully when all of the changes have been successfully applied to the replication location on the standby site. At this point, unless an unmount of the last node on the primary site cluster is about to occur, applications may be restarted.

Successfully unmounting a replicated location on the primary site does not guarantee that all changes made prior to the unmount have been successfully sent to the standby site or applied to the standby location. If the primary location is on a file system that is unmounted on one primary site node, but remains mounted on one or more primary site nodes, changes to the location made before the unmount continue to be transported to the standby site from the other nodes after the unmount. However, if you are in the process of unmounting the primary location on the last primary site node where it is mounted, and if you want to know that all file system changes on the primary location up to that point have been successfully applied to the standby location, then you should perform the following operations to ensure that the standby location is up to date.

  • Quiesce applications on the primary site which modify the replication location.

  • Run acfsutil repl sync.

After acfsutil repl sync has returned successfully, you can unmount the file system which contains the participating replication location. Unmounting the file system stops the replication background process for that location.


Example 16-34 shows the use of the acfsutil repl sync command.

Example 16-34 Using the acfsutil repl sync command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl sync /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil repl terminate


Stops all replication activity on the Oracle ACFS location at the site where it is run.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl terminate -h
acfsutil repl terminate primary [-d trace_level] [snap_shot@]mount_point 
acfsutil repl terminate standby [remote] [immediate] [-k] [-d trace_level] [snap_shot@]mount_point

acfsutil repl terminate -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl terminate command.

Table 16-39 Options for the acfsutil repl terminate command

Option Description


Stops replication on the primary location.


Stops replication on the standby location.


Stops replication processing on the primary location before stopping the processing on the standby location.


Stops replication processing immediately on the standby location.


Specifies to keep any backup snapshot that is present for the standby. However, this option does not ensure that a backup snapshot exists, and the absence of such a backup snapshot is not an error.

If this option is not specified, then any backup snapshot present is deleted.

-d trace_level

Specifies the trace level setting [0..6].


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted file system.

The acfsutil repl terminate command stops all replication processing. When terminating replication, you should terminate replication for the primary location first, and then the standby location. If you want to ensure all changes are sent to the standby location before terminating the primary site, ensure that all applications are quiesced and run the acfsutil repl sync command. The terminate command must be run on both sites if both sites hosting the locations are available.

After acfsutil repl terminate standby has been run, you can use the standby location in read-write mode. If you want to restart replication after running acfsutil repl terminate, then you must restart replication from the beginning with the acfsutil repl init command.

The repl terminate standby command waits until replication data at the standby location has been applied. If you want to terminate replication immediately without applying all the replication data, use the immediate option. However, this option can leave some files at the standby location in an indeterminate state.

To momentarily stop Oracle ACFS replication, you can use the acfsutil repl pause command, followed soon after by the acfsutil repl resume command.


Running acfsutil repl terminate standby with the remote option fails:
  • If the primary location is paused.

  • While the primary location is converting to a standby.

    For example, if acfsutil repl reverse primary has been invoked on the primary location.


Example 16-35 shows the use of the acfsutil repl terminate command.

Example 16-35 Using the acfsutil repl terminate command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl terminate /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil repl trace


Sets the replication trace level for gathering trace information on an Oracle ACFS location.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl trace -h
acfsutil repl trace level [snap_shot@]mount_point

acfsutil repl trace -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl trace command.

Table 16-40 Options for the acfsutil repl trace command

Option Description


Specifies the trace level setting [0..6]. The default level is 2.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted file system.

Increasing the trace level can have a performance impact and should be done at the recommendation of Oracle support services.

Trace files for Oracle ACFS replication are stored in the following location:


In the location above, GRID_BASE specifies the ORACLE_BASE of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home.


Example 16-36 shows the use of the acfsutil repl trace command.

Example 16-36 Using the acfsutil repl trace command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl trace 5 /acfsmounts/acfs1

acfsutil repl update


Updates replication information after replication has started and is running on an Oracle ACFS location.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl update -h

acfsutil repl update  [-s repluser@netname] [-C | -i interval] 
                      [-d trace_level] [-z {on | off}] 
                      [-o sshCmdPath=pathname] [-o sshStrictKey=ynvalue] [-o sshCipher=ciphername]
acfsutil repl update [-u repluser] [-d trace_level] [snap_shot@]standby_mount_point

acfsutil repl update -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl update command.

Table 16-41 Options for the acfsutil repl update command

Option Description


Specifies a standard ssh connection string for the primary site to contact the standby site.

The repluser in the connection string is the user that ssh logs in as on the standby node. Choose a minimally-privileged user identity. The user should have Oracle ASM administrator privileges and should belong to the Oracle DBA group.

The netname in the connection string specifies a network endpoint, such as a host name, VIP name, or IP address.


Specifies replication in constant mode. Snapshots are continuously generated and replicated to the standby site. As soon as the replication of each snapshot completes, the generation of a new snapshot is started.


Specifies replication in interval (scheduled) mode. A new snapshot is taken and replicated with the frequency specified, if possible. A suffix must be given to specify the units in which interval is measured. The suffix must be either s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), or w (weeks). For example, 30m is thirty minutes and 2h is two hours.

-d trace_level

Specifies the trace level setting [0..6].

-z on|off

Turns on or off compression of the replication data stream sent from primary to standby.

-o sshCmdPath=pathname

Specifies the pathname to the ssh command.

-o sshStrictKey=ynvalue

Specifies whether ssh should use strict host-key checking. A value starting with y enables this checking, which is the default setting. A value starting with n disables the checking.

-o sshCipher=ciphername

Specifies the cipher that is passed to ssh to encrypt its sessions.


Specifies the repluser.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted primary file system.


Specifies a location being replicated, either the mount point or a snapshot of a mounted standby file system.

The acfsutil repl update command updates replication information and configuration after replication has been started. For example, a system administrator can change the network interface that is currently being used by replication to connect to the remote site. Issuing the acfsutil repl update command to update the configuration in this situation enables replication to continue running uninterrupted.

If acfsutil repl update is run on the primary site, the command can be used to alter the use rname and network interface name (hostname or VIP name) that is used to connect to the standby site. The command can also be used to change the replication interval or tracing level, change the cipher used by or the pathname used for ssh, and turn compression on or off.

If acfsutil repl update is run on the standby site, the command can be used to alter either the tracing level or the user name used by the primary site to connect to the standby site.

At least one of the options must be specified when issuing this command; the command cannot be run with only the required location.

The acfsutil repl update command returns success when the updated information has been accepted on the local site. To change the user name, the command must be run on both the primary and the standby sites. If the replication interval is changed with the -C or -i option, a replication operation occurs at the point when acfsutil repl update is run. The next replication operation occurs based on the newly-specified interval.


Example 16-37 shows the use of the acfsutil repl update command.

Example 16-37 Using the acfsutil repl update command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl update -i 1h /my_primary/repl_data

acfsutil repl upgrade


Upgrades an existing replication installation to snapshot-based replication.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl upgrade -h

acfsutil repl upgrade prepare -s {repluser@netname | -u} primary_mount_point

acfsutil repl upgrade standby standby_mount_point

acfsutil repl upgrade primary {-C | -M | -i interval}
                              [-d trace_level] [-z {on | off}]
                              [-o sshCmdPath=pathname] [-o sshStrictKey=ynvalue] 
                              [-o sshCipher=ciphername]

acfsutil repl upgrade -h displays help text and exits.

The following table contains the options available with the acfsutil repl upgrade command.

Table 16-42 Options for the acfsutil repl upgrade command

Option Description


Prepares an existing replication installation for upgrade to snapshot-based replication.


Specifies a standard ssh connection string for the primary site to contact the standby site.

The repluser in the connection string is the user that ssh logs in as on the standby node. Choose a minimally-privileged user identity. The user should have Oracle ASM administrator privileges and should belong to the Oracle DBA group.

The netname in the connection string specifies a network endpoint, such as a host name, VIP name, or IP address.

-u (prepare option)

Undoes a completed acfsutil repl upgrade prepare operation.

This action restores the primary_mount_point to its state before the previously completed acfsutil repl upgrade prepare operation.


Specifies replication of the standby file system.


Specifies the directory where the standby file system is mounted.


Specifies replication of the primary file system.


Specifies replication in constant mode. Snapshots are continuously generated and replicated to the standby site. As soon as the replication of each snapshot completes, the generation of a new snapshot is started.


Specifies replication in manual mode. After a single replication operation is performed, no further replication occurs until requested manually by running acfsutil repl sync.


Specifies replication in interval (scheduled) mode. A new snapshot is taken and replicated with the frequency specified, if possible. A suffix must be given to specify the units in which interval is measured. The suffix must be either s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), or w (weeks). For example, 30m is thirty minutes and 2h is two hours.

-d trace_level

Specifies the trace level setting (0..6).

-z on|off

Turns on or off compression of the replication data stream sent from primary to standby.

-o sshCmdPath=pathname

Specifies the pathname to the ssh command.

-o sshStrictKey=ynvalue

Specifies whether ssh should use strict host-key checking. A value starting with y enables this checking, which is the default setting. A value starting with n disables the checking.

-o sshCipher=ciphername

Specifies the cipher that is passed to ssh to encrypt its sessions.


Specifies the directory where the primary file system is mounted.

The acfsutil repl upgrade command provides support for upgrading an active, existing replication relationship to use snapshot-based replication. The intent of the upgrade process is to provide an active snapshot-based replication relationship between the current primary and standby file systems without terminating or reinitiating replication and without losing any data in the replicating process.

Before you start the upgrade procedure, you must ensure that the primary file system is mounted on only one node of its cluster. You should quiesce any application activity targeting the primary or standby file system to ensure an optimal upgrade; however, the upgrade proceeds if this recommendation is ignored.


After the upgrade has been started, the process must be completed. The acfsutil repl upgrade prepare operation can be undone using the -u option. However, after the acfsutil repl upgrade standby operation has been started, the entire upgrade process must be completed. From that point forward, there is no provision for stopping or undoing the upgrade.

To begin the upgrade process, first run the acfsutil repl upgrade prepare command on the primary cluster. This command specifies the user and host or interface name, as well as the primary mount point, that is used for snapshot-based replication. The user and host names are given with the —s option, the same as with the acfsutil repl init primary command option for snapshot-based replication.

Next, upgrade the standby site. On the standby, run the acfsutil repl upgrade standby command. This command specifies the standby mount point that is used for snapshot-based replication.

After this command has been issued, the upgrade must be completed by issuing the acfsutil repl upgrade primary command.

After the acfsutil repl upgrade standby command has been run on the standby site, the acfsutil repl upgrade primary command must be run on the primary site to complete the upgrade to snapshot-based replication. This command automatically terminates the original replication process and initiates snapshot-based replication. acfsutil repl upgrade primary accepts any of the command-line options accepted by the acfsutil repl init primary command for snapshot-based replication, except for the -m option, -s option, and tag names. The necessary information for the -m and -s options has been obtained from other sources. Any tag names that were specified for the original replication relationship are automatically transferred to the new relationship. For information about Oracle ACFS tags, refer to Oracle ACFS Tagging.

On platforms supporting named sockets, character device files or block device files, snapshot-based replication does not replicate these file types. However, the acfsutil repl upgrade process preserves any files of these types that already exist on the standby file system. They are not further updated, but are not deleted as part of the upgrade.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl upgrade command.

Example 16-38 Using the acfsutil repl upgrade command

# /sbin/acfsutil repl upgrade prepare -s my_repluser@my_host /my_primary/repl_data

# /sbin/acfsutil repl upgrade standby /my_standby/repl_data

# /sbin/acfsutil repl upgrade primary -i 2h /my_primary/repl_data