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Release Notes

Boost 1.65 Release
Boost 1.64 Release
Boost 1.63 Release
Boost 1.62 Release
Boost 1.61 Release
Boost 1.60 Release
Boost 1.59 Release
Boost 1.58 Release
Boost 1.57 Release
Boost 1.56 Release
Boost 1.55 Release
Boost 1.54 Release
Boost 1.53 Release
Boost 1.52 Release
Boost 1.51 Release
Boost 1.50 Release
Boost 1.49 Release
Boost 1.48 Release

  • Added experimental static_vector class, based on Andrew Hundt's and Adam Wulkiewicz's high performance varray class.
  • Speed improvements in vector constructors/copy/move/swap, dispatching to memcpy when possible.
  • Support for BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS #7227.
  • Fixed bugs #7921, #7969, #8118, #8294, #8553, #8724.
  • Fixed bug #7650.
  • Improved vector's insertion performance.
  • Changed again experimental multiallocation interface for better performance (still experimental).
  • Added no exception support for those willing to disable exceptions in their compilers.
  • Fixed GCC -Wshadow warnings.
  • Replaced deprecated BOOST_NO_XXXX with newer BOOST_NO_CXX11_XXX macros.
  • Improved stable_vector's template code bloat and type safety.
  • Changed typedefs and reordered functions of sequence containers to improve doxygen documentation.
  • Fixed bugs #6615, #7139, #7215, #7232, #7269, #7439.
  • Implemented LWG Issue #149 (range insertion now returns an iterator) & cleaned up insertion code in most containers
  • Corrected aliasing errors.
  • First release. Container code from Boost.Interprocess was deleted and redirected to Boost.Container via using directives.
