
formula package contains binary PTG structures used in Formulas


Interface Summary
AreaI Common interface for AreaPtg and Area3DPtg, and their child classes.
Pxg An XSSF only special kind of Ptg, which stores the sheet / book reference in string form.
Pxg3D An XSSF only special kind of Ptg, which stores a range of sheet / book references in string form.

Class Summary
AbstractFunctionPtg This class provides the base functionality for Excel sheet functions There are two kinds of function Ptgs - tFunc and tFuncVar Therefore, this class will have ONLY two subclasses
AddPtg Addition operator PTG the "+" binomial operator.
Area2DPtgBase Common superclass of 2-D area refs
Area3DPtg Title: Area 3D Ptg - 3D reference (Sheet + Area)
Area3DPxg Title: XSSF Area 3D Reference (Sheet + Area)
AreaErrPtg AreaErr - handles deleted cell area references.
AreaNPtg Specifies a rectangular area of cells A1:A4 for instance.
AreaPtg Specifies a rectangular area of cells A1:A4 for instance.
AreaPtgBase Specifies a rectangular area of cells A1:A4 for instance.
ArrayPtg ArrayPtg - handles arrays The ArrayPtg is a little weird, the size of the Ptg when parsing initially only includes the Ptg sid and the reserved bytes.
AttrPtg "Special Attributes" This seems to be a Misc Stuff and Junk record.
BoolPtg Boolean (boolean) Stores a (java) boolean value in a formula.
ControlPtg Common superclass for tExp tTbl tParen tNlr tAttr tSheet tEndSheet
Deleted3DPxg An XSSF only representation of a reference to a deleted area
DeletedArea3DPtg Title: Deleted Area 3D Ptg - 3D referecnce (Sheet + Area)
DeletedRef3DPtg Title: Deleted Reference 3D Ptg
DividePtg This PTG implements the standard binomial divide "/"
GreaterEqualPtg PTG class to implement greater or equal to
GreaterThanPtg Greater than operator PTG ">"
IntPtg Integer (unsigned short integer) Stores an unsigned short value (java int) in a formula
LessEqualPtg Ptg class to implement less than or equal
LessThanPtg Less than operator PTG "<".
MissingArgPtg Missing Function Arguments Avik Sengupta <avik at>
MultiplyPtg Implements the standard mathmatical multiplication - *
NameXPtg A Name, be that a Named Range or a Function / User Defined Function, addressed in the HSSF External Sheet style.
NameXPxg A Name, be that a Named Range or a Function / User Defined Function, addressed in the HSSF External Sheet style.
NotEqualPtg Ptg class to implement not equal
NumberPtg Number Stores a floating point value in a formula value stored in a 8 byte field using IEEE notation
OperationPtg defines a Ptg that is an operation instead of an operand
ParenthesisPtg While formula tokens are stored in RPN order and thus do not need parenthesis for precedence reasons, Parenthesis tokens ARE written to ensure that user entered parenthesis are displayed as-is on reading back Avik Sengupta <> Andrew C.
PercentPtg Percent PTG.
Ptg Ptg represents a syntactic token in a formula.
Ref3DPtg Title: Reference 3D Ptg
Ref3DPxg Title: XSSF 3D Reference
RefErrorPtg RefError - handles deleted cell reference
RefNPtg RefNPtg
RefPtg ReferencePtg - handles references (such as A1, A2, IA4)
RefPtgBase ReferencePtgBase - handles references (such as A1, A2, IA4)
ScalarConstantPtg Common superclass of all Ptgs that represent simple constant values.
StringPtg String Stores a String value in a formula value stored in the format <length 2 bytes>char[]
TblPtg This ptg indicates a data table.
UnaryMinusPtg Unary Plus operator does not have any effect on the operand
UnaryPlusPtg Unary Plus operator does not have any effect on the operand
ValueOperatorPtg Common superclass of all value operators.

Package Description

formula package contains binary PTG structures used in Formulas

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see:

See Also:
org.apache.poi.hssf.record, FormulaRecord

Copyright 2015 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.