Interface FormulaParsingWorkbook

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseXSSFEvaluationWorkbook, HSSFEvaluationWorkbook, SXSSFEvaluationWorkbook, XSSFEvaluationWorkbook

public interface FormulaParsingWorkbook

Abstracts a workbook for the purpose of formula parsing.
For POI internal use only

Josh Micich

Method Summary
 Ptg get3DReferencePtg(AreaReference area, SheetIdentifier sheet)
          Produce the appropriate Ptg for a 3d area reference
 Ptg get3DReferencePtg(CellReference cell, SheetIdentifier sheet)
          Produce the appropriate Ptg for a 3d cell reference
 int getExternalSheetIndex(java.lang.String sheetName)
          gets the externSheet index for a sheet from this workbook
 int getExternalSheetIndex(java.lang.String workbookName, java.lang.String sheetName)
          gets the externSheet index for a sheet from an external workbook
 EvaluationName getName(java.lang.String name, int sheetIndex)
          named range name matching is case insensitive
 Ptg getNameXPtg(java.lang.String name, SheetIdentifier sheet)
 SpreadsheetVersion getSpreadsheetVersion()
          Returns an enum holding spreadhseet properties specific to an Excel version ( max column and row numbers, max arguments to a function, etc.)

Method Detail


EvaluationName getName(java.lang.String name,
                       int sheetIndex)
named range name matching is case insensitive


Ptg getNameXPtg(java.lang.String name,
                SheetIdentifier sheet)


Ptg get3DReferencePtg(CellReference cell,
                      SheetIdentifier sheet)
Produce the appropriate Ptg for a 3d cell reference


Ptg get3DReferencePtg(AreaReference area,
                      SheetIdentifier sheet)
Produce the appropriate Ptg for a 3d area reference


int getExternalSheetIndex(java.lang.String sheetName)
gets the externSheet index for a sheet from this workbook


int getExternalSheetIndex(java.lang.String workbookName,
                          java.lang.String sheetName)
gets the externSheet index for a sheet from an external workbook

workbookName - e.g. "Budget.xls"
sheetName - a name of a sheet in that workbook


SpreadsheetVersion getSpreadsheetVersion()
Returns an enum holding spreadhseet properties specific to an Excel version ( max column and row numbers, max arguments to a function, etc.)

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