Scheduler Plugins ================= .. autoclass:: distributed.diagnostics.plugin.SchedulerPlugin :members: RabbitMQ Example ---------------- RabbitMQ is a distributed messaging queue that we can use to post updates about task transitions. By posting transitions to RabbitMQ, we allow other machines to do the processing of transitions and keep scheduler processing to a minimum. See the `RabbitMQ tutorial `_ for more information on RabbitMQ and how to consume the messages. .. code-block:: python import json from distributed.diagnostics.plugin import SchedulerPlugin import pika class RabbitMQPlugin(SchedulerPlugin): def __init__(self): # Update host to be your RabbitMQ host self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection( pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost')) ='dask_task_status', durable=True) def transition(self, key, start, finish, *args, **kwargs): message = dict( key=key, start=start, finish=finish, ) exchange='', routing_key='dask_task_status', body=json.dumps(message), properties=pika.BasicProperties( delivery_mode=2, # make message persistent )) @click.command() def dask_setup(scheduler): plugin = RabbitMQPlugin() scheduler.add_plugin(plugin) Run with: ``dask-scheduler --preload `` Accessing Full Task State ------------------------- If you would like to access the full :class:`distributed.scheduler.TaskState` stored in the scheduler you can do this by passing and storing a reference to the scheduler as so: .. code-block:: python from distributed.diagnostics.plugin import SchedulerPlugin class MyPlugin(SchedulerPlugin): def __init__(self, scheduler): self.scheduler = scheduler def transition(self, key, start, finish, *args, **kwargs): # Get full TaskState ts = self.scheduler.tasks[key] @click.command() def dask_setup(scheduler): plugin = MyPlugin(scheduler) scheduler.add_plugin(plugin) Worker Plugins ================= .. autoclass:: distributed.diagnostics.plugin.WorkerPlugin :members: