Single-Machine Scheduler

The default Dask scheduler provides parallelism on a single machine by using either threads or processes. It is the default choice used by Dask because it requires no setup. You don’t need to make any choices or set anything up to use this scheduler. However, you do have a choice between threads and processes:

  1. Threads: Use multiple threads in the same process. This option is good for numeric code that releases the GIL (like NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Numba, …) because data is free to share. This is the default scheduler for dask.array, dask.dataframe, and dask.delayed

  2. Processes: Send data to separate processes for processing. This option is good when operating on pure Python objects like strings or JSON-like dictionary data that holds onto the GIL, but not very good when operating on numeric data like Pandas DataFrames or NumPy arrays. Using processes avoids GIL issues, but can also result in a lot of inter-process communication, which can be slow. This is the default scheduler for dask.bag, and it is sometimes useful with dask.dataframe

    Note that the dask.distributed scheduler is often a better choice when working with GIL-bound code. See dask.distributed on a single machine

  3. Single-threaded: Execute computations in a single thread. This option provides no parallelism, but is useful when debugging or profiling. Turning your parallel execution into a sequential one can be a convenient option in many situations where you want to better understand what is going on

Selecting Threads, Processes, or Single Threaded

You can select between these options by specifying one of the following three values to the scheduler= keyword:

  • "threads": Uses a ThreadPool in the local process

  • "processes": Uses a ProcessPool to spread work between processes

  • "single-threaded": Uses a for-loop in the current thread

You can specify these options in any of the following ways:

  • When calling .compute()

  • With a context manager

    with dask.config.set(scheduler='threads'):
  • As a global setting


Use the Distributed Scheduler

Dask’s newer distributed scheduler also works well on a single machine and offers more features and diagnostics. See this page for more information.