Specification ============= Dask is a specification to encode a graph -- specifically, a directed acyclic graph of tasks with data dependencies -- using ordinary Python data structures, namely dicts, tuples, functions, and arbitrary Python values. Definitions ----------- A **Dask graph** is a dictionary mapping **keys** to **computations**: .. code-block:: python {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': (add, 'x', 'y'), 'w': (sum, ['x', 'y', 'z']), 'v': [(sum, ['w', 'z']), 2]} A **key** is any hashable value that is not a **task**: .. code-block:: python 'x' ('x', 2, 3) A **task** is a tuple with a callable first element. Tasks represent atomic units of work meant to be run by a single worker. Example: .. code-block:: python (add, 'x', 'y') We represent a task as a tuple such that the *first element is a callable function* (like ``add``), and the succeeding elements are *arguments* for that function. An *argument* may be any valid **computation**. A **computation** may be one of the following: 1. Any **key** present in the Dask graph like ``'x'`` 2. Any other value like ``1``, to be interpreted literally 3. A **task** like ``(inc, 'x')`` (see below) 4. A list of **computations**, like ``[1, 'x', (inc, 'x')]`` So all of the following are valid **computations**: .. code-block:: python np.array([...]) (add, 1, 2) (add, 'x', 2) (add, (inc, 'x'), 2) (sum, [1, 2]) (sum, ['x', (inc, 'x')]) (np.dot, np.array([...]), np.array([...])) [(sum, ['x', 'y']), 'z'] To encode keyword arguments, we recommend the use of ``functools.partial`` or ``toolz.curry``. What functions should expect ---------------------------- In cases like ``(add, 'x', 'y')``, functions like ``add`` receive concrete values instead of keys. A Dask scheduler replaces keys (like ``'x'`` and ``'y'``) with their computed values (like ``1``, and ``2``) *before* calling the ``add`` function. Entry Point - The ``get`` function ---------------------------------- The ``get`` function serves as entry point to computation for all :doc:`schedulers `. This function gets the value associated to the given key. That key may refer to stored data, as is the case with ``'x'``, or to a task, as is the case with ``'z'``. In the latter case, ``get`` should perform all necessary computation to retrieve the computed value. .. _scheduler: scheduler-overview.rst .. code-block:: python >>> from dask.threaded import get >>> from operator import add >>> dsk = {'x': 1, ... 'y': 2, ... 'z': (add, 'x', 'y'), ... 'w': (sum, ['x', 'y', 'z'])} .. code-block:: python >>> get(dsk, 'x') 1 >>> get(dsk, 'z') 3 >>> get(dsk, 'w') 6 Additionally, if given a ``list``, get should simultaneously acquire values for multiple keys: .. code-block:: python >>> get(dsk, ['x', 'y', 'z']) [1, 2, 3] Because we accept lists of keys as keys, we support nested lists: .. code-block:: python >>> get(dsk, [['x', 'y'], ['z', 'w']]) [[1, 2], [3, 6]] Internally ``get`` can be arbitrarily complex, calling out to distributed computing, using caches, and so on. Why use tuples -------------- With ``(add, 'x', 'y')``, we wish to encode the result of calling ``add`` on the values corresponding to the keys ``'x'`` and ``'y'``. We intend the following meaning: .. code-block:: python add('x', 'y') # after x and y have been replaced But this will err because Python executes the function immediately before we know values for ``'x'`` and ``'y'``. We delay the execution by moving the opening parenthesis one term to the left, creating a tuple: .. code:: Before: add( 'x', 'y') After: (add, 'x', 'y') This lets us store the desired computation as data that we can analyze using other Python code, rather than cause immediate execution. LISP users will identify this as an s-expression, or as a rudimentary form of quoting.