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Media Coverage
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- 32
Bits Online Magazine, a magazine covering various operating
systems, including Linux.
- Brave
GNU World, a monthly colum from the GNU Project.
- LinuxFocus,
a free multilingual online magazine for the Linux community.
- Linux
Book Reviews and the Linux
Bibliography, list Linux books.
- LinuxFormat, a newsstand Linux magazine with a busy online community, forums, articles and more.
- LinuxNetMag, a free e-zine
with articles about software, hardware, games, applications,
tools, tips & tricks, configuration, kernel, booting and more.
- Linux
Today, a bi-monthly Linux E-Zine.
- LinuxWorld.
- The New Penguin Times:
A New Linux Online Magazine.
- Andreessen
Sees Mozilla-Linux Upset Of Windows, a recent article in TechWeb.
- Australian
Personal Computer has a number of Linux-related articles in
the November 1997 edition.
- Be
a Linux-based ISP, a tutorial article with information about setting up a Linux-based PPP server.
- Bonk!
A New Windows Security Hole, a recent article in Wired,
cites Linux's and FreeBSD's open development as the reason for quick
releases of reliable security patches.
- An article in the Chronicle
of Higher Education, about Linux Beowolf clusters.
- Corel
readies NCs, a recent article in InfoWorld, mentions that
Corel is using Linux as the OS for it's new network computers.
- Corel
Embraces Open Source, a recent article in Wired.
- Cryptozilla
Thwarts Feds Crypto Ban, a recent article in Wired, reports
on the release of a crypto-powered browser for Linux (and others).
- Dissension
in the Closed Source Software Community, a TechSightings
- Do-It-Youself
Supercomputers, a recent article in Wired, about the Los
Alamos National Laboratories Linux cluster.
- Escape
From Windows!, an article on ZDNet about alternatives to
Windows, also has a poll on which OS could overtake it. Linux is in
the lead by a long way.
- Freed
Software Winning Support, Making Waves, a recent article in Wired
reports on the Free Software revolution.
- First
Monday, has several interesting articles in a recent issue.
- The
Greatest OS That (N)ever Was, an article in WIRED 5.08.
- How
Linux got so dang hot and Linux
Inside: Free OS gains support of users & vendors, two recent
pro-Linux articles.
- How
Secure is Your E-commerce?, a recent article in Computer Currents.
- Bad news about the upcoming
Bus for PCs at Wired Magazine.
- Informix,
Oracle Linux Ports On Tap from ZDNET.
- IS
SURVIVAL GUIDE, a recent article in InfoWorld praises Linux
and offers an interesting look at Linux and NT.
- Linus
Torvalds talks economics and operating systems, a recent article
in InfoWorld.
- Linux
and Decentralized Development, a paper about the decentralized
nature of the Linux community.
- Linux
in a Gray Flannel Suit, an article in Byte Magazine about
Linux in a commercial setting.
- Linux
Helps Bring "Titanic" to Life, an article in the Linux
- Linux
Log: Text Menus Eliminate a Major Objection to Linux, an article
in the March issue of Troubleshooting
Professional Magazine.
- Linux
News & Editorial, from Computer Currents Magazine,
lists some recent articles of interest.
- The Linux
User Community wins InfoWorld's 1997 Best Technical Support
Award and Red
Hat 5.0 wins 1997 Product of the Year in the Operating Systems
- A recent Linux
vs. NT article in Computer Currents.
- Mac
Developers Seek the Source, a Wired article that tells
about a group of developers asking Apple to free the Mac OS source
- The May
1998 issue of Troubleshooting Professional Magazine has many article
on free software, and the November
1998 issue is dedicated entirely to Linux.
- Open
Source Code Feature Index, in CMPnet.
- An
OS for the people, an article in Lantimes Online mentions
Linux and other Unices.
- OS
Holy Wars, a recent article in InternetWeek tests web server
platforms, including Linux.
- Red
Hat Linux 5.0, gets a favorable review in PC Magazine Online.
- Microsoft
Windows NT Server 4.0 versus UNIX, a recent performance comparison
and analysis by consultant John Kirch.
- The
Penguin, the Press, and the Marketplace, an opinion on the viability
of Linux as a mainstream operating system.
- "Reboot! How Linux and
open-source development could change
the way we get things done", by Nicholas Thompson, an editor of
The Washington Monthly.
- The
reports of Unix's death are greatly exaggerated, a recent article
in Byte magazine, claims that "Linux is what's bringing new
hope to the Unix community".
- Slate
Does Linux, a series of Linux articles at Slate.
- Source
code for the masses, a recent article about Free and Open Source
Software at C|NET.
- The
Transmeta Enigma, a recent speculation about Transmeta in Salon
- Troubleshooting
Professional Magazine, Annual Linux Showcase (November 2000).
- Troubleshooting
Professional Magazine, a detailed Linux/Xerces-Java based XML programming tutorial
is featured.
- Unix
Split Personality: How to Virtual Host, a recent tutorial article
in UnixWorld Online, explains how to do virtual WWW hosting
with Red Hat and Apache.
- Why
is Microsoft worrying about Linux?.
- ECommerce Times
Linux news.
- FirstLinux Network News (FNN).
- freshmeat,
Linux and related news about software packages.
- GeekNews,
A site devoted to reporting Linux news for geeks everywhere.
- Kernel
Traffic, an index and summary of the traffic on the linux-kernel
mailing list.
- The Linux Insider,
Real-Time Linux News and Information from Around the World.
- Linux
Net News, an overview of Linux-related articles and news from
online news agencies and magazines. Includes indexes and archives.
- The Linux
Newsletter from Linux Mall.
If you want to subscribe to this newsletter, email with "subscribe" in the subject line.
- Linux
Today, features daily Linux news.
- Linux Weekly News (LWN).
- OS
News, has daily news for all the happenings on the OS front,
including Linux.
(News for Nerds on the Stuff that Matters), has a lot of general
technical/computer news, including a lot of Linux-related stories.
- LinuxExpo.Net encourages
growth and participation in the community by inviting Linux Expo
attendees to write summaries of their experiences and publish it
it on their site so that everyone can share in the knowledge
- The
Linux FUD FAQ, attempts to answer some of the fear, uncertainty
and doubt about Linux.
- The Linux
Myth Dispeller, answers many myths that might give Linux a bad
- The #LinuxOS
EFnet home page, has a lot of Linux links and information, including
Is Linux for You?,
a Linux advocacy page.
- Linux
PR, has some tips on how to write good press releases, and where
to send them.
Shows and Conferences (archive):
- 1998
Atlanta Linux Showcase, October 23 - 24, 1998 in Atlanta,
- AUUG98,
September 14 - 18, 1998 in Sydney, Australia.
- Encontro
Linux/OpenSource, September 8, 1998 in Lisbon, Portugal.
- exponet
+ INTERNET WELT WIEN 98, February 17 - 19, 1998, in Vienna,
Austria featured a Linux conference on February 18.
- The Linux conference
at exponet 99, February
11, 1999, in Vienna, Austria. A few pictures
are available too.
- Journ�es-rencontres
"Autour du Libre", January 25 - 27, 1999, in Brest, France.
- Journ�es
du Libre 2e Edition, March 26 - 27, 1999 in Strasbourg,
- Linux98,
May 16, 1998 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Linux
Expo Paris, June 17 - 18, 1999 in Paris, France.
- 1998
Linux-Kongress, June 3 - 5, 1998 in Cologne, Germany.
- LinuxTag
1998, June 27 - 28, 1998 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- LinuxTag
'99, June 26 - 27, 1999 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.
- Linux
& Open Source Software Conference, January 20, 1999
in London, UK.
- LinuxWorld
Conference & Expo, March 1 - 4, 1999 in San Jose, CA,
- LinuxWorld
Conference '99, March 18 - 19, 1999 in Tokyo, Japan.
- Open
Source Developer Day, August 21, 1998 in San Jose, CA, USA.
- The O'Reilly Perl Conference
- Pluto
Meeting 1997 December 5 - 8, 1997 in Perugia, Italy.
Meeting 1998/LiMe 1998, October 7 - 9, 1998, in Rome, Italy.
'98, November 18 - 20, 1998 in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- UK
Linux Conference, June 27 - 28, 1998 in Manchester, England.
1998 Annual Technical Conference, June 15 - 19, 1998 in
New Orleans, LA, USA. The conference featured a Freely Distributable
Software (FREENIX) Track.
Linux '99, June 25 -26, 1999 in Birmingham, England.