Hello World
load_module modules/ngx_http_js_module.so; events {} http { js_include hello_world.js; server { listen 8000; location / { js_content hello; } } }
function hello(r) { r.return(200, "Hello world!"); }
URL Decoding
js_include urldecode.js; js_set $decoded_foo decoded_foo;
function decoded_foo(r) { return decodeURIComponent(r.args.foo); }
URL Encoding
js_include urlencode.js; js_set $encoded_foo encoded_foo; ... location / { proxy_pass http://example.com?foo=$encoded_foo; }
function encoded_foo(r) { return encodeURIComponent('foo & bar?'); }
Internal Redirect
js_include redirect.js; location /redirect { js_content redirect; } location @named { return 200 named; }
function redirect(r) { r.internalRedirect('@named'); }
Returning Fastest Response from Proxy
js_include fastresponse.js; location /start { js_content content; } location /foo { proxy_pass http://backend1; } location /bar { proxy_pass http://backend2; }
function content(r) { var n = 0; function done(res) { if (n++ == 0) { r.return(res.status, res.responseBody); } } r.subrequest('/foo', r.variables.args, done); r.subrequest('/bar', r.variables.args, done); }
Creating HS JWT
js_include hs_jwt.js; js_set $jwt jwt;
function create_hs256_jwt(claims, key, valid) { var header = { "typ" : "JWT", "alg" : "HS256", "exp" : Date.now() + valid }; var s = JSON.stringify(header).toBytes().toString('base64url') + '.' + JSON.stringify(claims).toBytes().toString('base64url'); var h = require('crypto').createHmac('sha256', key); return s + '.' + h.update(s).digest().toString('base64url'); } function jwt(r) { var claims = { "iss" : "nginx", "sub" : "alice", "foo" : 123, "bar" : "qq", "zyx" : false }; return create_hs256_jwt(claims, 'foo', 600); }
Accessing API from a Subrequest
js_include subrequest.js; keyval_zone zone=foo:10m; ... location /keyval { js_content set_keyval; } location /version { js_content version; } location /api { api write=on; }
function set_keyval(r) { r.subrequest('/api/3/http/keyvals/foo', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ foo: 789, bar: "ss dd 00" })}, function(res) { if (res.status >= 300) { r.return(res.status, res.responseBody); return; } r.return(500); }); } function version(r) { r.subrequest('/api/3/nginx', { method: 'GET' }, function(res) { if (res.status != 200) { r.return(res.status); return; } var json = JSON.parse(res.responseBody); r.return(200, json.version); }); }
Creating secure_link Hash
js_include hash.js; js_set $new_foo create_secure_link; ... location / { secure_link $cookie_foo; secure_link_md5 "$uri mykey"; ... } location @login { add_header Set-Cookie "foo=$new_foo; Max-Age=60"; return 302 /; }
function create_secure_link(r) { return require('crypto').createHash('md5') .update(r.uri).update(" mykey") .digest('base64url'); }
Legacy Examples
Injecting HTTP header using stream proxy
Starting from njs 0.2.4, stream configuration example has been changed. For njs 0.2.3 and earlier, use this configuration example:
load_module modules/ngx_stream_js_module.so; ... stream { js_include stream.js; js_set $foo foo; js_set $bar bar; server { listen 12345; js_preread qux; return $foo; } server { listen 12346; js_access xyz; proxy_pass; js_filter baz; } } http { server { listen 8000; location / { return 200 $http_foo\n; } } }
The stream.js
var req = ''; var matched = 0; var line = ''; function qux(s) { var n = s.buffer.indexOf('\n'); if (n == -1) { return s.AGAIN; } line = s.buffer.substr(0, n); } function foo(s) { return line; } function bar(s) { var v = s.variables; s.log("hello from bar() handler!"); return "foo-var" + v.remote_port + "; pid=" + v.pid; } // The filter processes one buffer per call. // The buffer is available in s.buffer both for // reading and writing. Called for both directions. function baz(s) { if (s.fromUpstream || matched) { return; } // Disable certain addresses. if (s.remoteAddress.match('^192.*')) { return s.ERROR; } // Read HTTP request line. // Collect bytes in 'req' until request // line is read. Clear current buffer to // disable output. req = req + s.buffer; s.buffer = ''; var n = req.search('\n'); if (n != -1) { // Inject a new HTTP header. var rest = req.substr(n + 1); req = req.substr(0, n + 1); var addr = s.remoteAddress; s.log('req:' + req); s.log('rest:' + rest); // Output the result and skip further // processing. s.buffer = req + 'Foo: addr_' + addr + '\r\n' + rest; matched = 1; } } function xyz(s) { if (s.remoteAddress.match('^192.*')) { return s.ABORT; } }