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mod_perl 1.0 API

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Embedding Perl in HTML with Mason

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Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C

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Here is the documentation for the whole API provided with the mod_perl distribution, ie. of various Apache:: modules you will need to use.

Part I: Access to the Apache API
-Apache - Perl interface to the Apache server API
This module provides a Perl interface the Apache API. It is here mainly for mod_perl, but may be used for other Apache modules that wish to embed a Perl interpreter. We suggest that you also consult the description of the Apache C API at .
-Apache::Constants - Constants defined in apache header files
Server constants used by apache modules are defined in httpd.h and other header files, this module gives Perl access to those constants.
-Apache::Options - OPT_* defines from httpd_core.h
The Apache::Options module will export the following bitmask constants:
-Apache::Table - Perl interface to the Apache table structure
This module provides tied interfaces to Apache data structures.
-Apache::File - advanced functions for manipulating files at the server side
Apache::File does two things: it provides an object-oriented interface to filehandles similar to Perl's standard IO::File class. While the Apache::File module does not provide all the functionality of IO::File, its methods are approximately twice as fast as the equivalent IO::File methods. Secondly, when you use Apache::File, it adds several new methods to the Apache class which provide support for handling files under the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
-Apache::Log - Interface to Apache logging
The Apache::Log module provides an interface to Apache's ap_log_error and ap_log_rerror routines.
-Apache::URI - URI component parsing and unparsing
This module provides an interface to the Apache util_uri module and the uri_components structure.
-Apache::Util - Interface to Apache C util functions
This module provides a Perl interface to some of the C utility functions available in Apache. The same functionality is avaliable in libwww-perl, but the C versions are faster:
-Apache::Include - Utilities for mod_perl/mod_include integration
The Apache::Include module provides a handler, making it simple to include Apache::Registry scripts with the mod_include perl directive.
Part II: Run CGI scripts under mod_perl
-Apache::Registry - Run unaltered CGI scrips under mod_perl
Apache::Registry is the Apache module allowing you to run CGI scripts very fast under mod_perl, by compiling all scripts once and then caching them in memory.
-Apache::PerlRun - Run unaltered CGI scripts under mod_perl
This module's handler emulates the CGI environment, allowing programmers to write scripts that run under CGI or mod_perl without change. Unlike Apache::Registry, the Apache::PerlRun handler does not cache the script inside of a subroutine. Scripts will be "compiled" every request. After the script has run, it's namespace is flushed of all variables and subroutines.
-Apache::RegistryLoader - Compile Apache::Registry scripts at server startup
This modules allows compilation of Apache::Registry scripts at server startup.
Part III: Development/Debugging help
-Apache::StatINC - Reload %INC files when updated on disk
When Perl pulls a file via require, it stores the filename in the global hash %INC. The next time Perl tries to require the same file, it sees the file in %INC and does not reload from disk. This module's handler iterates over %INC and reloads the file if it has changed on disk.
-Apache::test - Facilitates testing of Apache::* modules
This module helps authors of Apache::* modules write test suites that can query an actual running Apache server with mod_perl and their modules loaded into it.
-Apache::Symdump - Symbol table snapshots
Apache::Symdump will record snapshots of the Perl symbol table for you to look at later.
-Apache::src - Methods for locating and parsing bits of Apache source code
This module provides methods for locating and parsing bits of Apache source code.
-Apache::Leak - Module for tracking memory leaks in mod_perl code
Apache::Leak is a module built to track memory leaks in mod_perl code.
-Apache::FakeRequest - fake request object for debugging
Apache::FakeRequest is used to set up an empty Apache request object that can be used for debugging.
-Apache::Debug - Utilities for debugging embedded perl code
This module sends what may be helpful debugging info to the client rather that the error log.
-Apache::Symbol - Things for symbol things
Apache::Symbol helps mod_perl users avoid Perl warnings related with redefined constant functions.
-Apache::SIG - Override apache signal handlers with Perl's
When a client drops a connection and apache is in the middle of a write, a timeout will occur and httpd sends a SIGPIPE. When apache's SIGPIPE handler is used, Perl may be left in the middle of it's eval context, causing bizarre errors during subsequent requests are handled by that child. When Apache::SIG is used, it installs a different SIGPIPE handler which rewinds the context to make sure Perl is back to normal state, preventing these bizarre errors.
Part IV: Apache configuration
-Apache::PerlSections - Utilities for work with Perl sections
It is possible to configure you server entirely in Perl using <Perl> sections in httpd.conf. This module is here to help you with such a task.
-Apache::httpd_conf - Generate an httpd.conf file
The Apache::httpd_conf module will generate a tiny httpd.conf file, which pulls itself back in via a <Perl> section.
-Apache::Status - Embedded interpreter status information
The Apache::Status module provides some information about the status of the Perl interpreter embedded in the server.
Part V: Server Maintenance
-Apache::Resource - Limit resources used by httpd children
Apache::Resource uses the BSD::Resource module, which uses the C function setrlimit to set limits on system resources such as memory and cpu usage.
-Apache::SizeLimit - Because size does matter.
This module allows you to kill off Apache httpd processes if they grow too large.

See for documentation of the rest of the Apache:: modules

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