Find BLAS library

This module finds an installed fortran library that implements the BLAS linear-algebra interface (see The list of libraries searched for is taken from the autoconf macro file, acx_blas.m4 (distributed at

This module sets the following variables:

BLAS_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the BLAS interface
  is found
BLAS_LINKER_FLAGS - uncached list of required linker flags (excluding -l
  and -L).
BLAS_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name) to
  link against to use BLAS
BLAS95_LIBRARIES - uncached list of libraries (using full path name)
  to link against to use BLAS95 interface
BLAS95_FOUND - set to true if a library implementing the BLAS f95 interface
  is found
BLA_STATIC  if set on this determines what kind of linkage we do (static)
BLA_VENDOR  if set checks only the specified vendor, if not set checks
   all the possibilities
BLA_F95     if set on tries to find the f95 interfaces for BLAS/LAPACK

List of vendors (BLA_VENDOR) valid in this module:

  • Goto
  • OpenBLAS
  • CXML
  • DXML
  • SunPerf
  • SCSL
  • Intel10_32 (intel mkl v10 32 bit)
  • Intel10_64lp (intel mkl v10 64 bit, lp thread model, lp64 model)
  • Intel10_64lp_seq (intel mkl v10 64 bit, sequential code, lp64 model)
  • Intel (older versions of mkl 32 and 64 bit)
  • ACML
  • Apple
  • NAS
  • Generic


C/CXX should be enabled to use Intel mkl