This page maps sections in the Java Tutorials to topics covered in the Update to Java SE 7 Programmer exam. This exam is associated with the "Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer" certificate. The topics covered in this exam are:
Item 1: Use String in switch statement.
Item 2: Use binary literals, numeric literals with underscores.
Item 3: Use try-with-resources.
Item 4: Use multi-catch in exception statements.
Item 5: Use diamond syntax with generic declarations.
Item 6: Use more precise rethrow in exceptions.
The Java Tutorials do not cover Design Patterns topics. The following references cover design patterns using the Java programming language:
Item 1: Design a class using the Singleton design pattern.
Item 2: Identify when and how to use composition to solve business problems.
Item 3: Write code to implement the DAO pattern.
Item 4: Design a class that uses the Factory design pattern.
Item 1: Describe the JDBC API.
Item 2: Identify the Java statements required to connect to a database using JDBC.
Item 3: Use the JDBC 4.1 RowSetProvider, RowSetFactory, and new RowSet interfaces.
Item 4: Use JDBC transactions.
Item 5: Use the proper JDBC API to submit queries and read results from the database.
Item 6: Use JDBC PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.
Item 1: Identify potential threading problems.
Item 2: Use java.util.concurrent collections.
Item 3: Use atomic variables and locks.
Item 4: Use Executors and ThreadPools.
Item 5: Use the parallel Fork/Join framework.
Item 1: Describe the advantages of localizing an application.
Item 2: Define what a locale represents.
Item 3: Read and set the locale by using the Locale object.
Item 4: Build a resource bundle for each locale.
Item 5: Call a resource bundle from an application.
Item 6: Select a resource bundle based on locale.
Item 7: Format text for localization by using NumberFormat and DateFormat.
Item 1: Use the Path class to operate on file and directory paths.
Item 2: Use the Files class to check, delete, copy, or move a file or directory.
Item 3: Read and change file and directory attributes.
Item 4: Recursively access a directory tree.
Item 5: Find a file by using the PathMatcher class.
Item 6: Watch a directory for changes by using WatchService.