Many programmers will never need to implement their own Collection
s classes. You can go pretty far using the implementations described in the preceding sections of this chapter. However, someday you might want to write your own implementation. It is fairly easy to do this with the aid of the abstract implementations provided by the Java platform. Before we discuss how to write an implementation, let's discuss why you might want to write one.
The following list illustrates the sort of custom Collection
s you might want to implement. It is not intended to be exhaustive:
implementations reside in main memory and vanish when the program exits. If you want a collection that will still be present the next time the program starts, you can implement it by building a veneer over an external database. Such a collection might be concurrently accessible by multiple programs.Map
containing real-time telemetry data. The keys could represent locations, and the values could be read from sensors at these locations in response to the get
containing long runs of identical element values. Such lists, which occur frequently in text processing, can be run-length encoded — runs can be represented as a single object containing the repeated element and the number of consecutive repetitions. This example is interesting because it trades off two aspects of performance: It requires less space but more time than an ArrayList
that offers constant-time containment checks while allowing duplicate elements. It's reasonably straightforward to implement such a collection atop a HashMap
instances representing a contiguous range of Integer
s.Writing a custom implementation is surprisingly easy. The Java Collections Framework provides abstract implementations designed expressly to facilitate custom implementations. We'll start with the following example of an implementation of
public static <T> List<T> asList(T[] a) { return new MyArrayList<T>(a); } private static class MyArrayList<T> extends AbstractList<T> { private final T[] a; MyArrayList(T[] array) { a = array; } public T get(int index) { return a[index]; } public T set(int index, T element) { T oldValue = a[index]; a[index] = element; return oldValue; } public int size() { return a.length; } }
Believe it or not, this is very close to the implementation that is contained in java.util.Arrays
. It's that simple! You provide a constructor and the get
, set
, and size
methods, and AbstractList
does all the rest. You get the ListIterator
, bulk operations, search operations, hash code computation, comparison, and string representation for free.
Suppose you want to make the implementation a bit faster. The API documentation for abstract implementations describes precisely how each method is implemented, so you'll know which methods to override to get the performance you want. The preceding implementation's performance is fine, but it can be improved a bit. In particular, the toArray
method iterates over the List
, copying one element at a time. Given the internal representation, it's a lot faster and more sensible just to clone the array.
public Object[] toArray() { return (Object[]) a.clone(); }
With the addition of this override and a few more like it, this implementation is exactly the one found in java.util.Arrays
. In the interest of full disclosure, it's a bit tougher to use the other abstract implementations because you will have to write your own iterator, but it's still not that difficult.
The following list summarizes the abstract implementations:
— a Collection
that is neither a Set
nor a List
. At a minimum, you must provide the iterator
and the size
— a Set
; use is identical to AbstractCollection
— a List
backed up by a random-access data store, such as an array. At a minimum, you must provide the positional access
methods (get
and, optionally, set
, remove
, and add
) and the size
method. The abstract class takes care of listIterator
(and iterator
— a List
backed up by a sequential-access data store, such as a linked list. At a minimum, you must provide the listIterator
and size
methods. The abstract class takes care of the positional access methods. (This is the opposite of AbstractList
— at a minimum, you must provide the offer
, peek
, poll
, and size
methods and an iterator
supporting remove
— a Map
. At a minimum you must provide the entrySet
view. This is typically implemented with the AbstractSet
class. If the Map
is modifiable, you must also provide the put
method.The process of writing a custom implementation follows: