.. _backups: Backups ============== Since PipelineDB objects are represented by standard PostgreSQL objects, backups can be taken using PostgreSQL's `pg_dump`_ and `pg_dumpall`_ tools. Other PostgreSQL backup and restore tooling will work as well, since a PipelineDB database is just a regular PostgreSQL database. Exporting Specific Continuous Views ----------------------------------------- To export a single continuous view, both the continuous view and its associated materialization table must be explicitly dumped, like so: .. code-block:: bash pipeline-dump -t -t _mrel # <-- Note the "_mrel" suffix Restoring Continuous Views ------------------------------- To restore a backup taken with `pg_dump`_, simply pass its output to the :code:`psql` client: .. code-block:: bash pg_dump > backup.sql psql -f backup.sql .. _pg_dump: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-pgdump.html .. _pg_dumpall: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-pg-dumpall.html