
Symbols  Numerics  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Z  


  • .NET
    • PromotableTransaction deprecated 1


  • 32-bit to 64-bit conversion
    • See: word size


  • access control lists (ACLs)
    • granting access to network utility packages 1
    • XDB ACLs migrated 1
  • ACFS-9427: Failed to unload ADVM/ACFS drivers 1
  • ACFS-9428 Failed to load ADVM/ACFS drivers 1
  • ACLs
    • See: access control lists (ACLs)
  • adding ACLs for network utility packages 1
  • addnode.bat
    • deprecated 1
    • deprecated 1
  • adjusting after manual upgrades 1
  • amd_exists 1
  • apex_upgrade_msg 1
  • application code
    • not changing after upgrade 1
  • applications
    • checking package dependencies 1
    • compatibility 1
    • linked and upgrading 1
    • linking with newer libraries 1
    • running against older server 1
    • upgrading 1
      • client/server configurations 1
      • compatibility rules 1
      • options 1
      • relinking rules 1
  • apxrelod.sql file
    • reloading after downgrade 1
  • ArchiveLogTarget deprecated 1
  • ARGUMENTS user views
    • changes to 1
  • asmcmd pwcreate deprecated 1
  • attributes
    • xdb defaultTableSchema (deprecated) 1
    • xdb maintainOrder (deprecated) 1
    • xdb mapUnboundedStringToLob (deprecated) 1
    • xdb maxOccurs (deprecated) 1
    • xdb SQLCollSchema (deprecated) 1
    • xdb SQLSchema (deprecated) 1
    • xdb srclang (deprecated) 1
    • xdb storeVarrayAsTable (deprecated) 1
    • xdb translate (deprecated) 1
  • auditing
    • about transferring audit records after upgrade 1
    • transferring unified audit records after upgrade 1
    • unified auditing migration
      • about 1
      • audit options 1
      • documentation references for non-unified auditing 1
      • managing earlier audit records after migration 1
      • procedure 1
      • removing unified auditing 1
  • Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) 1
  • automatic undo management
    • migrating to 1
  • Autoupgrade
    • and error Bad version number in .class file 1
    • Java 8 and later Java releases 1
    • jobid 1
  • AutoUpgrade 1
  • AutoupgradeOracle Database 11g Releease 2 and earlier releases 1


  • backing up the database 1
  • backup 1
  • backups
    • after upgrading 1
    • before downgrading 1
    • Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance restriction 1
  • benchmarks 1
  • benefits of options for upgrading precompiler and Oracle Call Interface (OCI) applications 1
    • migrating to 1
  • BLOB
    • migrating to 1
  • BP (bundle patches) 1, 2
    • See also: patch set updates
  • broker configuration
    • exporting 1


  • capturing and replaying database workload 1
  • case sensitivity
    • for passwords 1
  • catcon
    • and downgrades 1
    • running SQL commands with 1
  • 1, 2, 3, 4
    • using to check PDBs 1
  • 1, 2, 3
    • running shell commands to start 1
  • catdwgrd.sql 1
  • catdwgrd.sql script 1
  • catnoamd.sql 1
  • catnoexf.sql 1
  • catrelod.sql 1
  • CATRELOD.SQL script 1, 2
  • catupgrd.log files
    • for CDBs and PDBs 1
    • for Non-CDBs 1
  • catupgrd.sql
    • replaced by 1
  • CATUPGRD.SQL script
    • See: CATCTL.PL script
    • desupported.
      • See: CATCTL.PL script
  • catuppst.sql 1
  • CDBs 1
    • log files 1
    • downgrading 1
    • rerunning the upgrade for CDB and PDBs 1
    • rerunning upgrades 1
    • restarting from a failed phase 1
    • restarting upgrades 1
    • upgrade scenarios 1
    • upgrading 1
    • using catcon with 1
  • change passwords
    • for Oracle-supplied accounts 1
  • changing PDB upgrade priority 1
  • changing scripts to use new features 1
  • client and server
    • configurations and upgrading 1
  • client-server configurations 1
  • client-side dynamic library 1
  • client software
    • upgrading 1
  • CLOB
    • migrating to 1
    • deprecated 1
  • CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter 1, 2
  • command-line upgrade
    • See: manual upgrade
  • commands
    • orabase 1
    • orabasehome 1
    • oracle_home 1
  • compatibility
    • applications 1
    • between Oracle releases 1
    • checking for incompatibilities 1
    • COMPATIBLE initialization parameter 1
    • downgrading 1
    • overview for Oracle Database 1
  • COMPATIBLE initialization parameter 1, 2
    • and PDB compatibility 1
    • checking the level of 1
    • considerations for downgrading 1
    • default 1
    • initial Java delay 1
    • Oracle recommendation 1
    • setting 1
    • values 1
  • component status 1
  • compression
    • sqlnet.ora file parameters and 1
  • compression scheme 1
  • configuration files
    • copying 1
  • continuous_mine option desupported 1
  • copying configuration files 1
  • CREATE pfile FROM spfile 1
  • crsuser deprecated 1
  • cursor cache, SMB 1


  • Database Links 1
  • Database Replay
    • database workloads before upgrading 1
  • databases
    • downgrading 1
    • downgrading and Oracle Internet Directory registration 1
    • downgrading manually 1
    • upgrading the client software 1
  • Database Upgrade Assistant
    • Oracle Data Guard rolling upgrades 1
  • Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA)
    • advantages 1
    • and multitenant architecture upgrades 1
    • CDBs and 1
    • command-line options for 1
    • -executePrereqs option 1
    • guaranteed restore points 1
    • non-CDBs and 1
    • noninteractive (silent) command-line syntax 1
    • Pause and Continue 1
    • PDBs and 1
    • registering the database in the listener.ora file 1
    • removed features 1
    • running 1
    • silent mode 1
    • standalone prerequisite checks 1
    • starting 1, 2
  • Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) new features 1
  • Database XE 1
  • data copying
    • using Export/Import 1
  • data definition language (DDL) 1
  • data dictionary
    • about changes that affect applications 1
    • checking the state of 1
  • DataGuardSyncLatency deprecated 1
  • Data Pump Export/Import
    • advantages of using 1
    • recommendations 1
    • versus Original Export/Import 1
    • when to use 1
    • with subsets of production database 1
  • datatypes 1
    • desupported 1
  • DBA_REGISTRY view 1
  • dbdowngrade utility 1
  • DbFileNameConvert deprecated 1
    • deprecated 1
  • DBMS_DST package 1
  • DBMS_DST PL/SQL package
    • ORA-01822 time zone region not found 1
  • DBMS_LDAP.init parameter 1
  • DBMS_LDAP package 1
    • deprecated 1
  • DBMS_STATS package
    • upgrading statistics tables 1
  • DBMS_XMLQUERY, deprecated 1
  • DBT error messages 1
  • DBUA
    • See: Database Upgrade Assistant
  • dbupgdiag.sql 1
  • dbupgrade 1, 2, 3
    • manual upgrade and 1
  • dbupgrade.cmd 1, 2
  • dbupgrade shell command
    • arguments for 1
  • defaultTableSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • demo
    • replace in read-only Oracle homes 1
  • deprecated features in 18c 1
  • deprecated initialization parameters 1
  • deprecated parameters
    • identifying 1, 2
  • deprecated parameters and desupported parameters display 1
  • desupported initialization parameters 1
  • desupported parameters
    • identifying 1, 2
  • developer applications
    • upgrading forms and 1
  • DGMGRL 1
  • diagnostic data 1
  • direct upgrade 1
  • disk group compatibility 1
  • disks
    • specifying preferred read failure groups 1
  • downgrades
    • Oracle Data Guard broker configuration file backup 1
    • reapplying patches after 1
  • downgrading
    • and gathering dictionary statistics 1
    • backing up your database 1
    • CATRELOD.SQL 1, 2
    • checking for incompatibilities 1
    • database links 1
    • location of downgrade log files 1
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager and 1
    • ORADIM and 1
    • patchset releases 1
    • regathering fixed object statistics 1
    • regathering stale statistics 1
    • scripts 1, 2
      • rerunning 1
  • downstream capture
    • Oracle Streams 1
    • deprecated 1
    • deprecated 1
    • deprecated 1
  • dvsys.dbms_macadm.enable_dv() 1


  • em_present 1
  • emca -restore command 1
  • emdwgrd 1
  • emdwgrd utility 1
  • emremove.sql 1
  • emulation 1
  • enforcing case-sensitivity for passwords 1
  • environment variables
    • required for upgrading 1, 2
  • exafusion_enabled desupported 1
  • exclusion lists
    • about 1
    • and PDB upgrades 1
    • resume 1
  • export/import
    • advantages and disadvantages 1
    • benefits 1
    • effects on upgraded databases 1
    • recommendations 1
    • time requirements 1
  • exporting
    • broker configuration 1
  • Export utility 1
    • data copying 1
  • extended datatype support
    • deprecated 1
  • extended distance cluster configurations
    • preferred read disks 1
  • extents
    • reading from secondary 1
  • externally authenticated SSL users 1
  • extusrupgrade script 1


  • failed phases 1
  • Fast Recovery Area 1
  • fine-grained access control
    • network utility packages 1
  • Flex Cluster architecture deprecated 1
  • Forms
    • upgrading Oracle Forms applications 1
  • Full Transportable Export/Import 1


  • GET_MODEL views
    • deprecated 1


  • Hardware Assisted Resilient Data (HARD)
    • upgrading systems 1
  • HttpUriType type 1


  • IFILE (include file) 1
    • See also: text initialization parameter file (PFILE)
    • editing entry 1
  • image
    • install 1, 2, 3
  • Import utility 1
    • data copying 1
  • inclusion list 1
  • inclusion lists
    • about 1
  • incompatibilities
    • checking for 1
  • init.ora
    • and SGA permissions 1
  • initialization parameters 1
    • See also: server parameter file (SPFILE)
    • adjusting 1, 2
    • COMPATIBLE 1, 2
  • installation
    • Oracle Database software 1, 2
  • install logs
    • component upgrade script 1
  • instances
    • starting after a downgrade 1
  • Intelligent Data Placement (IDC)
    • deprecated 1
  • interim upgrade 1
  • intermediate releases
    • interim upgrading 1
  • interoperability 1
  • invalid objects
    • and utlrp.sql 1
    • recompiling 1
    • utlrp.sql script and 1, 2, 3, 4
  • INVALID objects 1, 2
  • Invalid objects after downgrades 1
  • INVALID status
    • component status 1
  • ISO 8601 standard 1


  • knowledge base 1


  • listener.ora file 1
    • modifying 1
  • listeners 1
    • and Oracle RAC upgrades 1
    • modifying with Oracle Net Configuration Assistant 1
  • load
    • level of concurrent demand when upgrading 1
  • load testing 1
  • log_archive_dest max_connections attribute deprecated 1
  • LOG_ARCHIVE_LOCAL_FIRST desupported 1
  • LogArchiveFormat deprecated 1
  • LogArchiveMaxProcesses deprecated 1
  • LogArchiveMinSucceedDest deprecated 1
  • LogArchiveTrace deprecated 1
  • LogFileNameConvert deprecated 1
  • logical standby databases
    • rolling upgrades 1
  • LogMiner
    • CONTINUOUS_MINE deprecated 1
  • lsinventory command 1
  • lsnrctl command
    • Oracle Grid Infrastructure home and 1


  • maintainOrder attribute (deprecated) 1
  • manual fixups
    • examples 1
  • manual upgrade 1, 2
    • advantages 1
    • backing up the database 1
    • OCR configuration 1
  • manual upgrade and 1
  • manual upgrade example 1
  • manual upgrades
    • rerunning or restarting 1
  • mapUnboundedStringToLob attribute (deprecated) 1
  • matches Oracle XQuery function (deprecated) 1
  • matches XQuery function 1
  • max_connections desupported 1
  • maxOccurs attribute in xdb namespace (deprecated) 1
  • migrating
    • defined 1
  • migrating data 1
    • to a different operating system 1
  • migrating listener from Oracle home with lsnrctl command 1
  • moving data with Data Pump Export/Import 1
  • Mulitenant
    • restarting upgrades 1
  • Multiple Oracle Homes Support
    • advantages 1
  • multitenant
    • transferring unified audit records after upgrade 1
  • multitenant architecture
    • parallel upgrade of 1
  • multitenant architecture databases
    • upgrade scenarios 1
  • Multitenant architecture databases
    • and PDB COMPATIBILITY parameter setting 1
  • multitenant container database 1
  • multitenant databases
    • setting upgrade priorities with lists 1
  • multiversioning 1
  • mv_refresh 1
  • My Oracle Support
    • knowledge base 1


    • migrating to 1
  • network names and listeners 1
  • networks
    • granting ACL access to network utility packages 1
  • new features
    • adding after upgrade 1
    • changing scripts to use and 1
  • new features, learning about 1
  • NO AUTHENTICATION status accounts 1, 2
  • non-CDB architecture
    • deprecated 1
  • non-CDBs 1
    • upgrade options 1
  • Non-CDBs
    • log files 1
  • NO SCRIPT status 1
  • not relinking upgraded application 1
  • NVARCHAR2 datatype
    • EXTENDED 1


  • OCI applications
    • changing 1
    • changing to use new features 1
    • dynamically-linked 1
    • statically-linked 1
    • upgrade and linking 1
    • upgrading 1
    • upgrading options 1
  • OCR 1
  • OFA 1, 2
    • See also: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • olspreupgrade.sql 1
  • OPatch lsinventory command 1
  • operating system
    • migrating data to 1
  • operating system requirements 1
  • Optimal Flexible Architecture
    • See: OFA
    • about 1
  • optimizer statistics
    • regathering after downgrade 1
  • OPTION OFF status 1
  • options for upgrading precompiler and Oracle Call Interface (OCI) applications 1
    • unsetting after downgrade 1
  • ORA-00336 log file size xxxx blocks error 1
  • ORA-00401 value for parameter compatible error 1
  • ORA-00600: Internal Error Code
    • and Oracle Data Pump 1
  • ORA-00600 Internal Error 1
  • ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure 1
  • ORA-00904 "TZ_VERSION" invalid identifier error 1
  • ORA-00942 table or view does not exist error 1
  • ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced 1
  • ORA-01562 failed to extend rollback segment number error 1
  • ORA-01650: unable to extend rollback segment 1
  • ORA-01651: unable to extend save undo segment 1
  • ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment 1
  • ORA-01653: unable to extend table 1
  • ORA-01654: unable to extend index 1
  • ORA-01655: unable to extend cluster 1
  • ORA-01722 1
  • ORA-01722: invalid number 1
  • ORA-01722 invalid number error 1
  • ORA-01822 time zone region not found error 1
  • ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported. 1
  • ORA-04031 unable to allocate nnn bytes of shared memory error 1
  • ORA-06512: at line 1
  • ORA-1017 invalid username/password 1
  • ORA-15153 1
  • ora-15163 1
  • ORA-16000: database open for read-only access 1
  • ORA-17500: ODM err:Operation not permitted 1
  • ORA-19815 WARNING db_recovery_file_dest_size error 1
  • ORA-20001: Downgrade cannot proceed 1
  • ORA-24247
    • network access denied by access control list (ACL) error 1
  • ORA-24247: network access denied by access control list (ACL) 1, 2
  • ORA-26656 1
  • ORA-27248: sys.dra_reevaluate_open_failures is running 1
  • ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol 1
  • ORA-28040 "No matching authentication protocol 1, 2
  • ORA-28040 No matching authentication protocol. 1
  • ORA-28365 1
  • ORA-28365: wallet is not open 1
  • ORA-29283: Invalid File Option 1
  • ORA-32004: obsolete or deprecated parameters 1, 2
  • ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option 1
  • ORA-39701 database must be mounted EXCLUSIVE error 1
  • ORA-39709: Incomplete component downgrade 1, 2
  • ORA-39709: incomplete component downgrade; string downgrade aborted 1
  • oracle.dbc.OracleConnection
    • deprecated 1
  • oracle.jdbc.rowset
    • deprecated 1
  • Oracle ACFS Encryption
    • deprecated on Oracle Solaris and Microsoft Windows 1
  • Oracle ACFS Replication protocol REPV1
    • deprecated 1
  • Oracle Administration Assistant tool 1
  • Oracle Application Express
    • apexrelod.sql file 1
    • update 1
  • Oracle Application Express configuration 1
  • Oracle ASM
    • change in Oracle home location 1
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management
    • disk group compatibility 1
    • password file (PWFILE) 1
    • preferred read failure groups 1
    • rolling upgrades and 1
  • Oracle base 1
  • Oracle Call Interface (OCI
    • upgrading applications and 1
  • Oracle Change Data Capture
    • See: Oracle GoldenGate
  • Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR)
    • upgrading manually 1
  • Oracle Database clients
    • backup restrictions 1
  • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
    • converting from Enterprise Edition to Standard Edition 1
  • Oracle Database Express Edition 1
    • recommended tasks after upgrade 1
    • upgrading to Oracle Database 1
  • Oracle Database Standard Edition
    • converting to Enterprise Edition 1
  • Oracle Database Vault 1, 2, 3
    • enable after upgrade 1
    • upgrading 1
  • Oracle Database XE 1
    • upgrading to Oracle Database 1
  • Oracle Data Guard
    • change in properties storage 1
    • rolling upgrades 1
    • rolling upgrades with DBUA 1
  • Oracle Data Mining
    • Model Details views 1
  • Oracle Data Provider for .NET
    • desupport of Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll 1
  • Oracle Data Pump 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
    • upgrading with 1
  • Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning 1
  • Oracle FPP 1
  • Oracle GoldenGate 1
    • upgrading with 1
  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure
    • file locations for OCR and voting disks 1
  • Oracle home
    • copying configuration files from 1
    • multiple 1
    • ORACLE_HOME database directory on Windows 1
    • ORACLE_HOME dbs directory on Linux or UNIX 1
    • out-of-place requirement 1
  • Oracle Home User 1
  • Oracle Label Security 1, 2
  • Oracle Layered File System 1
  • Oracle Multimedia Java APIs
    • deprecated 1
  • Oracle Multitenant
    • upgrade errors 1
  • Oracle Multitenant upgrades 1, 2
  • Oracle Names support 1
  • Oracle Net Configuration Assistant 1
  • Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture
    • See: Optimal Flexible Architecture
  • Oracle Optimizer
    • and DBMS_STATS 1
  • Oracle RAC
    • desupported on Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 (SE2) 1
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters 1
  • Oracle release numbers 1
  • Oracle RMAN
    • backing up the database 1
    • running 1
  • Oracle Streams
    • downstream capture 1
    • terminal release of 1
  • Oracle-supplied accounts
    • change passwords 1
  • Oracle Text
    • Upgrading 1
    • widened token columns 1
  • Oracle Text-supplied knowledge bases
    • upgrading and 1
  • Oracle Universal Installer 1, 2, 3
  • Oracle update batching size disabled 1
  • Oracle wallet
    • preupgrade step for 1
    • upgrading 1
  • ORADIM 1
    • downgrading and 1
    • upgrading and 1, 2
  • ORADIM utility 1
  • orapwSID password file 1
  • Original Export/Import
    • versus Data Pump Export/Import 1
  • OUI
    • See: Oracle Universal Installer


  • PARALLEL_IO_CAP_ENABLED desupported 1
  • PARALLEL_SERVER desupported 1
  • Parallel Upgrade Utility 1, 2
    • about 1
    • and ability to upgrade schema-based tablespaces 1
    • and data dictionary 1
    • manual upgrade and 1
    • rerunning upgrades 1
    • restarting 1
    • resume option 1
    • running on specified CDBs 1
    • See Also, dbupgrade, dbupgrade.cmd 1
    • setting tablespaces to READ ONLY 1
  • parameter file
    • and permissions to read and write the SGA 1
    • backing up 1
  • passwords
    • 10G password version, finding and resetting 1
    • case sensitive 1
  • password verifiers 1
  • password versions 1
  • patchset releases
    • downgrading 1
  • patch set updates 1, 2
  • Pause and Continue 1
  • PDB
    • COMPATIBILITY parameter and CDB 1
    • counted as one PDB during upgrades 1
  • PDBs 1
    • catupgrd.log files 1
    • downgrading 1
    • pluggable upgrades of 1
    • priority-based PDB upgrades 1
    • rerunning upgrades 1
    • restarting from a failed phase 1
    • restarting upgrades 1
    • setting upgrade priorities with lists 1
    • upgrade errors 1
    • upgrade scenarios 1
    • upgrades of 1
    • upgrading 1
    • upgrading individually 1
    • upgrading using priority lists 1
  • PDB upgrades after CDB upgrade 1
  • performance
    • unified audit trail 1
    • See: text initialization parameter file (PFILE)
  • physical standby database
    • rolling upgrades 1
  • PL/SQL packages
    • checking 1
  • placement on shared storage deprecated 1
  • Pluggable Databases
    • unified auditing migration and 1
  • postupgrade_fixups.sql 1, 2, 3
    • depend_usr_tables 1
    • example 1
    • old_time_zones_exist 1
    • post_dictionary 1
  • postupgrade status tool
    • warning 1
  • Post-Upgrade Status Tool 1
    • rerunning upgrades 1
  • precompiler application
    • changing to use new features 1
  • precompiler applications
    • upgrading and 1
  • precompilers
    • applications
      • changing 1
      • upgrading options 1
    • upgrading applications 1
  • preferred read failure groups
    • setting up 1
  • preprocessing script
    • OLS and DV 1
  • preupgrade_fixups.sql 1, 2, 3
    • about 1
    • postupgrade_fixups.sql
      • about 1
  • preupgrade.jar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • See: Pre-Upgrade Information Tool
    • and PDBs 1
    • command syntax for 1
    • setting user environment variables for 1
  • preupgrade.log 1, 2
  • preupgrade directory 1
  • Pre-Upgrade Information Tool 1
    • See also: preupgrade.jar
    • and postupgrade_fixups.sql 1
    • command syntax for 1
    • deprecated parameters and desupported parameters display 1
    • example on Windows 1
    • warnings and actions to take 1
    • working with 1
  • preupgrade steps 1
  • preupgrd.jar 1
  • preupgrd.sql 1
    • obsolete in 12.2 1
  • priority lists 1
    • about 1
    • test upgrades using 1
  • PRKH-1014 error 1, 2
  • Pro*C/C++ applications 1
    • deprecated 1
  • proxy PDBs
    • upgrades 1
  • PSU 1, 2
    • See also: patch set updates


  • Rapid Home Provisioning 1
    • upgrades using 1
  • RAW datatype
    • EXTENDED 1
  • raw devices
    • desupported 1, 2
    • OCFS
      • desupported on Windows 1
  • RDBMS DST patch 1
  • read-only Oracle home 1
  • read-only Oracle homes
    • replace demo directory 1
  • read-only tablespaces 1
  • recompiling invalid objects 1, 2, 3
    • on a CDB 1
    • on a non-CDB 1
  • recovery catalog
    • upgrading 1
  • release numbers 1
  • releases
    • definition 1
    • multiple 1
    • upgrade paths 1
  • Release Update (Update 1, 2
  • release update (Update) 1
  • release update revision (Revision) 1
  • Release Update Revision (Revision) 1, 2
  • REMOVED status 1
  • replace Oracle XQuery function (deprecated) 1
  • replace XQuery function 1
  • rerunning upgrades
    • multitenant database architecture 1
  • reserved words
    • additions and applications 1
  • resuming upgrades 1
  • RMAN
    • See: Oracle RMAN
  • rollback segments
    • migrating to automatic undo management 1
  • rolling upgrades
    • Oracle Clusterware and 1
    • physical standby database 1
    • rolling upgrades
      • with SQL Apply and logical standby databases 1
    • SQL Apply
      • rolling upgrades 1
    • summary of methods 1
  • Rolling Upgrade Using Active Data Guard 1
  • script 1, 2
  • rpath option for linking 1
  • RPM-based database installation 1
  • rpm –ivh 1
  • running multiple Oracle releases 1
  • run-time library search path 1


  • schema-only accounts 1, 2
  • scripts
    • checking the Oracle Data Dictionary state 1
    • downgrading 1, 2
    • manual upgrade and 1, 2
  • security
    • case-sensitive passwords 1
  • server
    • compatibility rules 1
  • server parameter file (SPFILE) 1
    • migrating to 1
    • upgrading systems with HARD-compliant storage 1
  • services
    • migrating 1
  • Single Client Access Names (SCAN) 1
  • SP2-0152: ORACLE may not be functioning properly 1
  • SP2-1503: Unable to initialize Oracle call interface 1
  • SP2-1540 "Oracle Database cannot startup in an Edition session" error 1
    • See: server parameter file (SPFILE)
  • spool upgrade results to a log file 1
  • SQL_92_SECURITY default change 1
  • SQL/MM still image standard support 1
  • SQL*Plus
    • product-level security deprecated 1
    • scripts
      • upgrading 1
  • SQLCollSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • SQL execution plans 1
  • SQLJ
    • client-side support only 1
    • deprecation in server 1
  • SQL Management Base (SMB) 1
    • cursor cache 1
  • sqlnet.ora file
    • compression and 1
  • SQL Performance Analyzer 1
  • SQL plan baselines
    • unpacking 1
  • SQL plan management 1
    • SQL Management Base and 1
  • SQL queries
    • testing 1
  • SQLSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • SQL workload 1
  • srclang attribute (deprecated) 1
  • SSL external users conversion 1
  • staging table
    • creating 1
  • Standard Edition
    • Export utility 1
    • starter database 1
  • standard operating environment 1
  • StandbyFileManagement deprecated 1
  • STARTUP UPGRADE command 1
  • statically linked Oracle client-side library code 1
  • statistics tables
    • upgrading 1
  • status
    • INVALID 1
    • NO SCRIPT 1
    • OPTION OFF 1
    • REMOVED 1
    • UPGRADED 1, 2
    • VALID 1
  • status INVALID
    • component status 1
  • storeVarrayAsTable attribute (deprecated) 1
  • support
    • See: My Oracle Support
  • support note 1227443., Database PSU/BP/Update/Revision - Known Issues Master Note 1, 2
  • support note 472937.1, Information On Installed Database Components 1
  • support note 730365.1, Oracle Database Upgrade Path Reference List 1, 2
  • support note 753041.1, How to Diagnose Components with NON VALID Status 1
  • support note 854428.1, Patch Set Updates for Oracle Products 1, 2
  • support note ID 412160.1, for RDBMS DST patches 1
  • symbolic link
    • Oracle Universal Installer and 1
  • syntax check
    • application code 1
  • SYS.LINK$ table 1
  • system global area
    • permissions to read and write 1


  • tablespaces
    • read-only 1
  • testing
    • applications for upgrade 1, 2
    • developing a plan 1
    • functional for upgrade 1
    • high availability for upgrade 1
    • integration for upgrade 1
    • minimal for upgrade 1
    • multitenant architecture upgrades 1
    • performance for upgrade 1
    • upgraded test databases 1
    • using Database Replay 1
    • using priority list emulation 1
    • volume/load stress for upgrade 1
  • testing the upgrade process 1
  • text initialization parameter file (PFILE) 1
  • timestamp errors 1
  • time zone file
    • how to resolve a mismatch 1
    • unsetting after downgrade 1
    • version mismatch 1
  • tnsnames.ora
    • adjusting after manual upgrades 1
  • token limitations 1
  • training, where to find 1
  • translate attribute (deprecated) 1
  • Transparent Data Encryption
    • and upgrading wallets 1
  • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
    • and Oracle wallet upgrades 1
  • Transportable Export/Import 1
  • trgowner_no_admndbtrg 1
  • troubleshooting
    • and using resume 1
    • authentication protocol errors 1, 2
    • Autoupgrade utility 1
    • bringing up tablespaces after catastrophic upgrade failures 1
    • catupgrd.sql deprecation error 1
    • CDB_JAVA_POLICY errors 1
    • datapatch failures 1
    • EDITION session error 1
    • Flash Recovery Area 1
    • INVALID objects 1, 2
    • ORA-00600 during Oracle Data Pump exports 1
    • ORA-00600 error with database link passwords 1
    • ORA-00942 table or view does not exist 1
    • ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported. 1
    • ORA-1017 invalid username/password 1
    • ORA-15153 Cluster not in rolling upgrade 1
    • ORA-15163 Cluster not in rolling downgrade 1
    • ORA-20000 1
    • ORA-26656: supplemental logging version error 1
    • ORA-31011: XML parsing failed 1
    • ORA-39709 1
    • ORA-45415 1
    • ORA-65394 runtime error 1
    • Oracle Database Vault downgrades 1
    • Oracle Internet Directory
      • and downgrades to earlier releases 1
    • PDB upgrades 1
    • PLS-1919 compile time error 1
    • restore scripts and Oracle Internet Directory registration 1
    • rollback segments/undo tablespace 1
    • running out of resources 1
    • services running in old Oracle home after upgrade 1
    • shared memory 1
    • starting database in upgrade mode 1
    • SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces 1
    • timestamp errors 1
    • upgrades 1
    • upgrade termination
      • due to ORA-00904 1
      • due to ORA-01722 1
  • Troubleshooting
    • ORA-32004: obsolete or deprecated parameter 1, 2
    • ORA-39709 1
  • troubleshooting the upgrade
    • termination due to ORA_00942 1
  • type of software upgrade 1


  • UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter 1
  • unicode collation algorithm 6.1
    • deprecated 1
  • unified auditing
    • See: auditing
    • about transferring audit records after upgrade 1
    • transferring unified audit records after upgrade 1
  • unified audit trail
    • performance improvement 1
  • upg_summary.rpt 1
  • upgrade
    • manual upgrade example 1
  • upgrade.xml not found error 1
  • UPGRADED status 1
  • upgraded test databases 1
  • upgrade methods
    • choosing 1
    • Database Upgrade Assistant 1
    • Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) 1
    • Data Pump Export/Import 1
    • emulation 1
    • manual 1
    • silent mode 1
  • upgrade path
    • determining 1
    • table 1
  • upgrade procedures
    • error messages 1
    • summary of major steps 1
  • upgrade process testing 1
    • and utlrp.sql 1
  • upgrade summary report
    • location of 1
  • upgrading
    • applications 1
      • compatibility rules 1
      • options 1
      • relinking 1
    • defined 1
    • initialization parameters 1
    • new administrative procedures 1
    • Oracle Application Express 1
    • Oracle Forms applications 1
    • ORADIM and 1, 2
    • post upgrade actions 1
    • preparation 1
    • recovery catalog 1
    • scripts and manual upgrade 1, 2
    • SQL*Plus scripts 1
    • statistics tables 1
    • testing 1
    • troubleshooting 1
    • using the Database Upgrade Assistant 1
    • where to find information about 1
  • upgrading a cluster database
    • setting the CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter 1
  • upgrading and plugging into a CDB 1
  • UTL_FILE 1
  • UTL_FILE_DIR deprecated 1
  • UTL_INADDR package 1
  • UTL_MAIL package 1
  • UTL_SMTP package 1
  • UTL_TCP package 1
  • utlrp.sql 1, 2, 3
    • on a CDB 1
    • on a non-CDB 1
  • utlrp.sql script
    • for recompiling invalid objects 1, 2, 3
  • utluptabdata.sql 1
  • utlusts.sql 1, 2, 3, 4


  • V$OPTION view 1
    • desupported 1
    • desupported 1
  • VARCHAR2 datatype
    • EXTENDED 1
    • deprecated 1
    • deprecated 1
  • views
    • desupported 1
  • volume
    • amount of data upgraded 1
  • voting disk files
    • placement on shared storage deprecated 1


  • wallets
    • procedure to migrate 1
  • warning XDB now invalid error 1
  • Windows
    • and ORADIM utility 1
    • and virtual accounts 1
    • manual upgrade 1, 2, 3
    • remote upgrades deprecated 1
    • using ORADIM with 1
  • word size
    • 64-bit software 1
  • workloads
    • capturing and replaying 1


  • xdb defaultTableSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb maintainOrder attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb mapUnboundedStringToLob attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb maxOccurs attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb SQLCollSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb SQLSchema attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb srclang attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb storeVarrayAsTable attribute (deprecated) 1
  • xdb translate attribute (deprecated) 1
  • XE 1
  • XML DB
    • desupported functions and procedures 1
  • XQuery language
    • functions 1
      • matches 1
      • matches (deprecated, Oracle) 1
      • replace (deprecated, Oracle) 1


  • Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance
    • backup restriction 1
  • Zero Downtime upgrades 1