Task 2: Generate a Transportable Tablespace Set

After ensuring that you have a self-contained set of tablespaces that you want to transport, generate a transportable tablespace set.

To generate a transportable tablespace set:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database as an administrator or as a user who has either the ALTER TABLESPACE or MANAGE TABLESPACE system privilege.
  2. Make all tablespaces in the set read-only.
  3. Run the Data Pump export utility as a user with DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE role and specify the tablespaces in the transportable set.
    $ expdp user_name dumpfile=expdat.dmp directory=data_pump_dir 
            transport_tablespaces=sales_1,sales_2 logfile=tts_export.log
    Password: password

    You must always specify TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES, which specifies that the transportable option is used. This example specifies the following additional Data Pump parameters:

    • The DUMPFILE parameter specifies the name of the structural information export dump file to be created, expdat.dmp.

    • The DIRECTORY parameter specifies the directory object that points to the operating system or Oracle Automatic Storage Management location of the dump file. You must create the DIRECTORY object before invoking Data Pump, and you must grant the READ and WRITE object privileges on the directory to the user running the Export utility.

      In a non-CDB, the directory object DATA_PUMP_DIR is created automatically. Read and write access to this directory is automatically granted to the DBA role, and thus to users SYS and SYSTEM.

      However, the directory object DATA_PUMP_DIR is not created automatically in a PDB. Therefore, when importing into a PDB, create a directory object in the PDB and specify the directory object when you run Data Pump.

    • The LOGFILE parameter specifies the log file to create for the export utility. In this example, the log file is created in the same directory as the dump file, but you can specify any other directory for storing the log file.

    • Triggers and indexes are included in the export operation by default.

    To perform a transport tablespace operation with a strict containment check, use the TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK parameter, as shown in the following example:

    expdp use_name dumpfile=expdat.dmp directory=data_pump_dir
          transport_tablespaces=sales_1,sales_2 transport_full_check=y

    In this case, the Data Pump export utility verifies that there are no dependencies between the objects inside the transportable set and objects outside the transportable set. If the tablespace set being transported is not self-contained, then the export fails and indicates that the transportable set is not self-contained. You must resolve these violations and then run this task again.


    In this example, the Data Pump utility is used to export only data dictionary structural information (metadata) for the tablespaces. No actual data is unloaded, so this operation goes relatively quickly even for large tablespace sets.

  4. The expdp utility displays the names and paths of the dump file and the data files on the command line as shown in the following example. These are the files that you need to transport to the target database. Also, check the log file for any errors.
    Dump file set for SYSTEM.SYS_EXPORT_TRANSPORTABLE_01 is:
    Datafiles required for transportable tablespace SALES_1:
    Datafiles required for transportable tablespace SALES_2:
  5. When the Data Pump export operation is completed, exit the expdp utility to return to SQL*Plus:
    $ EXIT

    See Also: