
A  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  


  • Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) 1
  • Automatic Memory Management 1
    • about 1
  • automatic undo management 1


  • candidate disks 1
  • CDBs 1, 2
    • character sets 1
  • changing host names 1
  • character sets 1
  • cluster database
    • installed configuration 1
  • Cluster Manager
    • ports, ranges and protocol 1
  • Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS)
    • ports, ranges and protocol 1
  • Cluster Verification Utility
    • DBCA database creation stage readiness check 1
  • components
    • created when using DBCA 1
  • connect descriptors 1
  • connection load balancing 1
  • Connection Manager
    • See: Oracle Connection Manager
  • control files
    • described 1
  • converting
    • to Oracle Real Application Clusters from single-instance Oracle databases 1
  • copying demo directory 1
  • create database
    • using scripts 1
  • creating
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters database
      • with Database Configuration Assistant 1
  • cron jobs 1


  • database
    • components, created when using DBCA 1
    • services 1
  • Database Agent
    • and listeners 1
  • Database Agent process 1, 2
  • Database Configuration Assistant
    • components created by 1
    • control files 1
    • creating Oracle Real Application Clusters database
      • after installation 1
    • data files 1
    • deleting Oracle Real Application Clusters databases 1
    • initialization parameter files 1
    • Initialization Parameters page 1
    • List of Cluster Databases page 1
    • Oracle ASM Disk Groups page 1
    • rollback segments 1
    • running in silent mode 1
    • Summary dialog 1
    • tablespaces 1
    • Welcome page 1
  • database creation using scripts 1
  • data files
    • and DBCA 1
    • described 1
  • DBCA
    • See: Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).
    • configuring Automatic memory Management 1
    • delete database 1
    • loading SSH keys into memory to start 1
  • dbca.rsp file 1
  • DBSNMP user
    • password requirements 1
  • dedicated servers 1
  • deinstall 1, 2
    • See: removing Oracle software
  • deinstallation 1
    • examples 1
  • deinstall command 1
    • example 1
  • delete database with DBCA 1
  • demo directory 1
  • deprecated features
    • service management 1
  • directory structure 1


  • Easy Connect Naming 1
  • enterprise.rsp file 1
  • error messages
    • ORA-00845 1
    • ORA-01078 1
  • executeConfigTools 1


  • failover
    • and service registration 1
  • file paths 1
  • files
    • dbca.rsp 1
    • enterprise.rsp 1
    • response files 1
  • Free server pool 1
    • described 1


  • generic server pool
    • described 1
  • Generic server pool 1
  • global database names
    • selecting 1
  • globalization 1


  • high availability
    • SCAN listeners 1
  • host names
    • changing 1
  • HP-UX user
    • setting ownership 1


  • image
    • install 1
  • initialization parameter files 1
    • listeners
      • parameters 1, 2
  • initialization parameters
  • installation
    • directory structure 1
    • listener.ora file 1
    • non-interactive 1
    • of additional products after installation is completed 1
    • response files 1
      • preparing 1, 2
      • templates 1
    • silent mode 1
    • tnsnames.ora file 1
  • installation option
    • Automatic Memory Management 1
  • installer screen
    • Select Configuration Option 1
  • invalid objects
    • recompiling 1


  • licensing 1
  • listener
    • automatic migration from 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, or 18c to 19c 1
  • listeners
    • default configuration of listener.ora 1
    • files
      • listener.ora 1, 3
      • sqlnet.ora 1
    • parameters
    • registration 1, 2
    • service registration 1
  • List of Cluster Databases page 1
  • load balancing
    • and service registration 1
  • local listeners 1, 2
  • log file
    • how to see the log file during installation 1
  • LREG process
    • and listener registration 1, 2
    • discovery routine 1, 2


  • Memory Size (SGA and PGA) 1
  • multitenant container database
    • character sets 1
  • multitenant container databases
    • See: CDBs


  • naming methods 1
    • Easy Connect Naming 1
  • netca.rsp file 1
  • Net Configuration Assistant (NetCA)
    • response files 1
    • running at command prompt 1
  • net service names 1
  • network configuration files
    • tnsnames.ora 1
  • networks
    • configuration files 1
      • sqlnet.ora 1
  • noninteractive mode
    • See: response file mode
  • NTS operating system authentication 1


  • operating system authentication
    • to Oracle ASM 1
    • to Oracle Database 1
  • orabasehome 1
  • orabasetab 1
  • ORACLE_BASE environment variable
    • setting 1
  • ORACLE_HOME environment variable
    • setting 1
  • ORACLE_SID environment variable
    • setting 1
  • Oracle ASM
    • and candidate disks 1
    • Change disk discovery path 1
    • response files 1
  • Oracle base config 1
  • Oracle base home 1
  • Oracle Cluster Registry port 1
  • Oracle Clusterware
    • ports, ranges and protocol 1
  • Oracle Connection Manager
    • ports, ranges and protocol 1
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant 1
    • response file 1
  • Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
    • no longer sets LOCAL_LISTENER and REMOTE_LISTENER 1
    • redo log files 1
  • Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant 1
  • Oracle Data Guard
    • ports, ranges and protocol 1
  • Oracle DBCA 1
  • Oracle Event Manager
    • ports, ranges and protocol 1
  • Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning
    • about 1
  • Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Client 1
  • Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server 1
  • Oracle FPP 1
  • Oracle Label Security
    • configuring after installation 1
  • Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    • response file 1
  • Oracle Net Listener
    • ports
      • ranges and protocol 1
  • Oracle ORAchk
    • and Upgrade Readiness Assessment 1
  • Oracle RAC
    • software-only install 1
  • Oracle RAC deployment 1
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
    • databases, deleting 1
    • overview 1, 2
    • ports
      • ranges and protocol 1
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node
    • databases, creating 1
    • databases, deleting 1
  • Oracle Universal Installer
    • response files
      • list of 1
  • Oracle XML DB
    • ports
      • ranges and protocol 1
  • oratab file 1
  • OSASM 1
  • OSDBA 1
  • OSDBA for ASM 1
  • OSOPER 1
  • OSOPER for ASM 1
  • other changes 1


  • parallel query server pool 1
  • pass phrase 1
    • for SSH 1
  • passwords 1
  • patch updates 1
  • PDBs 1, 2
  • PGA 1
    • and memory management 1
  • pluggable databases
    • See: PDBs
  • policy-managed 1
  • portlist.ini
    • location of 1
  • ports
    • Cluster Manager, ranges and protocol 1
    • Cluster Synchronization Services, ranges and protocol 1
    • how to find 1
    • Oracle Cluster Registry 1
    • Oracle Clusterware, ranges and protocol 1
    • Oracle Connection Manager, ranges and protocol 1
    • Oracle Data Guard, ranges and protocol 1
    • Oracle Event Manager, ranges and protocol 1
    • Oracle Net Listener
      • ranges and protocol 1
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters
      • ranges and protocol 1
    • Oracle XML DB
      • ranges and protocol 1
  • postinstallation
    • user accounts setup 1
  • postinstallation configToolAllCommands script 1
  • postinstallation -executeConfigTools option 1
  • proxy realm 1


  • read/write oracle home 1
  • reader nodes 1
  • read only Oracle home 1
  • read-only oracle home 1, 2, 3
  • read-only Oracle home 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • recompiling invalid objects
    • on a non-CDB 1
  • redo log files
    • described 1
    • installed configuration 1
  • release update revisions 1
  • release updates 1
  • removing Oracle software 1, 2
    • examples 1
  • response file 1
  • response file installation
    • preparing 1
    • response files
      • templates 1
    • silent mode 1
  • response file mode 1
    • See also: response files, silent mode
    • about 1
    • reasons for using 1
  • response files 1, 2
    • See also: silent mode.
    • about 1
    • creating with template 1
    • dbca.rsp 1
    • enterprise.rsp 1
    • for Oracle ASM 1
    • general procedure 1
    • netca.rsp 1
    • Net Configuration Assistant 1
    • passing values at command line 1
    • specifying with Oracle Universal Installer 1
  • rollback segments
    • described 1
  • roohctl -enable 1
  • 1
  • 1


  • SCAN VIP 1
  • scripts to create an Oracle Real Application Clusters database 1
  • seamless patching 1
  • security 1
    • selecting passwords 1
  • server hardware 1
  • server parameter files 1
  • server pools
    • configuration 1
    • described 1
    • Free 1
    • Generic 1
  • service registration 1, 2
    • about 1
    • configuring 1
  • SGA 1
    • and memory management 1
  • shared servers 1
  • SID
    • See: system identifiers (SID)
  • silent mode
    • about 1
    • reasons for using 1
  • silent mode installation 1
  • sqlnet.ora files 1
  • SSH 1
  • Summary dialog 1
  • sysasm privilege
    • storage tasks requiring 1
  • system identifier (SID)
    • selecting 1
  • system privileges
    • understanding 1
  • SYSTEM tablespace
    • description 1
  • SYSTEM user
    • password requirements 1
  • SYS user
    • password requirements 1


  • tablespaces
    • and DBCA 1
    • expanding for large sorts 1
    • SYSTEM 1
    • TEMP 1
  • TEMP tablespace
    • described 1
    • and the listener.ora file 1, 2
    • setting a path for 1
  • tnsnames.ora file 1
    • default configuration 1
  • tnsnames.ora files
    • and VIP addresses 1
  • troubleshooting
    • cron jobs and installation 1
    • log file 1
  • typographic conventions 1


  • undo management 1
  • uninstall
    • See: removing Oracle software
  • upgrade
    • of existing Oracle Databases 1
    • of listener 1
  • upgrades
    • and SCANs 1
  • upgrading
    • and Oracle ORAchk Upgrade Readiness Assessment 1
  • upgrading Oracle RAC 1
  • user accounts
    • postinstallation setup 1
  • user authentication 1
  • utlrp.sql 1
    • on a non-CDB 1


  • VIP addresses 1