
Symbols  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  


  • $ORACLE_HOME/ script 1


  • abnormal instance termination 1
  • ACMS
    • Atomic Controlfile to Memory Service 1
  • ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT initialization parameter 1
  • Active Session History
    • Oracle RAC 1
    • Top Cluster Events 1
    • Top Remote Instance 1
  • active sessions 1
  • adding nodes to an existing cluster 1
  • adding Oracle RAC to nodes on Linux and UNIX 1
  • adding Oracle RAC to nodes on Windows 1
  • ADDM
    • global monitoring 1
    • see Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor 1
  • ADDM for Oracle Real Application Clusters mode 1
  • administering
    • services 1
    • services with SRVCTL 1
  • administering instances
    • with Server Management 1
  • administering Oracle Enterprise Manager jobs 1
  • administering services
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
    • SRVCTL 1
  • administrative tools
    • overview and concepts 1
  • administrator-managed database 1
    • relocating services in 1
  • administrator-managed database instances
    • adding 1
  • administrator-managed databases 1, 2
    • AVAILABLE instances for services 1
    • converting to policy-managed 1
    • PREFERRED instances for services 1
    • ADR Command-Line Interpreter 1
  • Advanced Queuing
    • and FAN 1
  • Advisor Central in Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
  • affinity 1
  • aggregates
    • by instances 1
    • by services 1
    • by waits 1
  • alert administration
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
  • alert blackouts
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
  • alert logs 1
    • managing 1
    • INSTANCE option 1
    • global versus local 1
    • specifying an instance 1
    • terminating a session on a specific instance 1
    • quiescing a noncluster database 1
  • ALTER SYSTEM statement
    • CHECKPOINT clause 1
  • Application Continuity 1, 2
    • auto session state consistency 1
    • commit outcome 1
    • concepts 1
    • configuring 1
    • configuring service attributes 1
    • database request 1
    • delaying reconnection 1
    • described 1
    • dynamic session state consistency 1
    • establishing initial state 1
    • introduction to 1
    • mutable functions 1
    • potential side effects 1
    • protection-level statistics 1
    • recoverable error 1
    • restoring state settings 1
    • restrictions 1
    • running without 1
    • session state consistency 1
    • static session state consistency 1
    • using for planned maintenance 1
  • applications
    • consolidating multiple in a single database 1
    • highly available 1
    • scalability 1
    • spanning XA transactions across Oracle RAC instances 1
    • using pre-created database sessions 1
  • ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter 1
  • archived redo log files
    • applying in parallel 1
    • file format and destination 1
    • log sequence number 1
  • ARCHIVE LOG command
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • archive logs
    • destinations, converting to cluster database 1
  • archiver process
    • monitor 1
  • archiving mode
    • changing 1
  • ASH reports 1
  • ASM_PREFERRED_READ_FAILURE_GROUPS initialization parameter 1, 3
  • Atomic Controlfile to Memory Service (ACMS) 1
  • Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • analyzing AWR data 1
    • DBMS_ADDM PL/SQL package 1
    • DBMS_ADVISOR PL/SQL package 1
    • Global ADDM mode 1
    • Local ADDM mode 1
  • Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) 1
    • ADRCI command-line interpreter 1
  • automatic load balancing
    • configuring RMAN channels for multiple instances 1
  • AUTOMATIC management policy 1
  • Automatic Performance Diagnostics (AWR)
    • monitor performance statistics 1
  • automatic segment space management (ASSM) 1
    • tablespace use in Oracle RAC 1
  • automatic undo management
    • tablespace use in Oracle RAC 1
  • automatic workload management
    • concepts 1, 2
    • manual rebalancing 1
  • Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • monitoring performance 1
    • snapshots 1
  • AVAILABLE instances
    • for services 1
  • Average Active Sessions chart
    • performance monitoring 1
  • AWR
    • see Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) 1


  • background processes
    • Oracle RAC 1
    • SMON 1, 2
  • background thread trace files 1
  • backups
    • and converting to cluster database 1
    • server parameter file 1
  • bandwidth
    • interconnect 1
  • best practices
    • deploying Oracle RAC for high availability 1
  • blackouts
    • defining 1
  • block mode conversions
    • statistics for 1
  • blocks
    • associated with instance 1
  • buffer cache 1
    • instance recovery 1
  • buffer sizes
    • interprocess communication (IPC)
      • adjusting for Oracle RAC 1


  • cache coherency 1
  • Cache Fusion 1, 2
    • and e-commerce applications 1
    • overview 1
    • performance 1
    • transfers 1
  • callouts
    • how they are run 1
  • capacity
    • increasing 1
  • cardinality 1
  • catclustdb.sql script 1
  • CDBs 1, 2
  • changing the configuration of all services 1
  • channels
    • configure one RMAN channel for each Oracle RAC instance 1
    • configuring during crosscheck or restore operations 1
    • configuring for RMAN 1
  • charts
    • Average Active Sessions 1
    • Cluster Host Load Average 1
    • Database Throughput 1
    • Global Cache Block Access Latency 1
  • checking the interconnect 1
  • client connections with SCAN 1
  • client drivers
    • and FAN 1
  • clients
    • application environments and FAN 1
    • integrated for FAN events 1
    • JDBC/OCI 1
    • JDBC-thin driver 1
  • client-side load balancing 1, 2
  • 1
  • script
    • cloning parameters 1
    • environment variables 1
  • cloning 1, 2
    • deployment phase 1
    • log files 1
    • parameters passed to the script 1
    • preparation phase 1
    • running $ORACLE_HOME/ script 1
  • cluster
    • definition of 1
  • CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES initialization parameter 1, 2
  • CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter 1, 2
    • parameter 1
  • CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS initialization parameter 1, 2
  • cluster administrator 1
  • cluster cache coherency 1
  • cluster configuration policy 1
  • cluster configuration policy set 1
  • Cluster Database Performance page
    • Top Activity drill down menu 1
  • cluster databases
    • creating using DBCA 1
  • clustered Oracle ASM
    • converting a noncluster Oracle ASM 1
  • cluster file system
    • archiving parameter settings 1
    • archiving scenario 1
    • restore 1
    • storage in Oracle RAC 1
  • Cluster Host Load Average page
    • cluster database performance 1
  • cluster nodes name
    • in script 1
  • clusters
    • consolidating multiple databases in 1
    • policy-managed 1
  • Cluster Verification Utility
    • overview and concepts 1
  • clusterware management solution 1
  • cold backups 1
  • comma-delimited lists with SRVCTL 1
  • command-line interpreter
    • ADR Command-Line Interpreter (ADRCI) 1
  • committed data
    • instance failure 1
  • communication protocols
    • verifying settings for 1
  • compatibility
    • Oracle RAC and Oracle Database software 1
  • COMPATIBLE initialization parameter 1
  • configuring channels
    • during restore or crosscheck operations 1
  • configuring preferred mirror read disks in extended clusters 1
  • CONNECT command 1
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • connecting
    • to instances 1
  • connection load balancing
    • introduction to 1
    • long method 1
    • short method 1
  • connection pools
    • and FAN 1
  • connection tests 1
    • adding 1
    • disabling 1
    • enabling 1
    • removing 1
    • example of 1
  • consistent blocks 1
  • container databases
    • See: CDBs
  • CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter 1
  • converting
    • from single instance to Oracle RAC 1
    • from single-instance to Oracle Real Application Clusters 1
    • with rconfig 1
  • converting a database from Oracle RAC One Node to Oracle RAC 1
  • converting an Oracle RAC database with one instance to Oracle RAC One Node 1
  • convert to cluster database
    • from single-instance to Oracle Real Application Clusters 1
    • post-conversion 1
    • to Oracle RAC from single-instance databases 1
  • convert to Oracle RAC database
    • from non-cluster system 1
  • corrupted data blocks 1
    • FROM MEMORY clause 1
  • CREATE PFILE statement 1
    • FROM MEMORY clause 1
  • creating
    • server parameter files 1
    • services 1
    • SPFILE backups 1
  • crosschecking on multiple nodes
    • RMAN backups 1
  • crosscheck operations
    • configuring channels during 1
  • CRS resources
    • management of 1
  • current blocks 1
  • CVU
    • See: Cluster Verification Utility


  • database
    • administrative privilege
      • SYSDBA 1
    • draining 1
    • services
      • singleton 1
      • uniform 1
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • database cloud 1
  • Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
    • adding and deleting instances in interactive mode
      • on Windows 1
    • adding and deleting instances in silent mode
      • on Windows 1
    • adding instances in interactive mode
      • on Linux and UNIX 1
    • adding instances in silent mode
      • on Linux and UNIX 1
    • cloning Oracle RAC instances 1
    • creating views for Oracle Real Application Clusters 1
    • Database Storage page 1, 2
    • deleting instances in interactive mode
      • on Linux and UNIX 1
      • on Windows 1
    • deleting instances in silent mode
      • on Linux and UNIX 1
      • on Windows 1
    • Instance Management page 1, 2
    • List of Cluster Databases page 1, 2
    • running the catclustdb.sql script 1
    • Welcome page 1
  • database deployment
    • administrator-managed 1, 2
    • policy-managed 1, 2
  • database instances
    • administrator managed
      • deleting 1, 2
    • connecting to 1
  • database pools 1
  • database resource 1
  • Database Resource Manager 1
  • database role 1
  • databases
    • administrator managed 1
    • consolidating multiple in a cluster 1
    • controlling restarts 1
    • creating
      • Oracle RAC One Node 1
    • Oracle RAC One Node
      • services on 1
    • policy managed 1, 2
    • scalability 1
  • databases sessions
    • pre-created 1
  • Database Storage page 1, 2
  • Database Throughput page
    • performance monitoring 1
  • data-dependent routing 1
  • data dictionary
    • querying views 1
  • Data Recovery Advisor 1
  • data security
    • keystore 1
  • data warehouse
    • deploying applications for in Oracle RAC 1
  • data warehouse systems 1
  • DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter 1
  • DB_DOMAIN initialization parameter 1
  • DB_FILES initialization parameter 1
  • DB_NAME initialization parameter 1, 2
  • DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE initialization parameter 1
  • DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter 1, 2
  • DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter 1
  • DDL statements 1
  • default database service 1, 2, 3
  • degree of parallelism 1
  • deleting administrator-managed database instances 1, 2
  • dependencies
    • and services 1
  • deploying
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters environments 1, 2
  • design
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters environments 1, 2
  • diagnosing problems for Oracle RAC 1
  • diagnosing problems using ADR 1
  • diskgroup
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • DISPATCHERS initialization parameter 1
    • specifying a service with 1
  • Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) 1
    • See: DTP
  • distributed transactions 1
    • directing to a single instance in the cluster 1
    • services in Oracle RAC 1
    • XA transactions span instances 1
  • DML_LOCKS initialization parameter 1
  • draining database sessions 1
  • DTP 1
    • services
      • with Oracle RAC 1
      • XA affinity 1
      • XA transactions 1
  • DTP service. 1
  • dynamic database services
    • description 1
  • Dynamic Database Services
    • introduction to 1
  • dynamic performance views 1
    • creating 1
    • GV$ 1
    • V$ 1
  • dynamic resource allocation
    • overview 1
  • dynamic session state consistency 1


  • e-commerce
    • applications in Oracle RAC 1
  • edition
    • services attribute 1
  • Enterprise Manager
    • overview 1
  • environment variables
    • passed to the script 1
    • setting with SRVCTL 1
  • evaluating block transfers 1
  • event notification
    • enabling 1
  • extended distance cluster 1
    • Oracle ASM preferred mirror read 1
  • extended distance clusters
    • configuring preferred mirror read disks 1
  • extending Oracle database home
    • on shared storage
      • network-attached storage 1, 2
      • Oracle ACFS 1, 2
  • external transaction managers
    • OraMTS 1


  • failure
    • instance 1
    • multiple node 1
    • node 1
  • failure groups 1
  • FAN
    • See: Fast Application Notification (FAN)
  • Fast Application Notification (FAN) 1
    • and high availability events 1
    • callouts
      • definition 1
      • how to use 1
    • events
      • enabling for JDBC 1
      • enabling for JDBC-thin clients 1
      • enabling for OCI 1
      • enabling for ODP.NET 1
      • enabling ODP.NET clients 1
    • HA events 1
    • how events are published 1
    • introduction 1
    • overview 1
    • parameters and matching database signatures 1
    • uses 1
  • Fast Connection Failover (FCF)
    • enabling JDBC-thin clients 1
    • enabling with thin and thick clients 1
    • introduction to 1
  • Fast Recovery
    • and files managed by Oracle 1
  • fault diagnosability 1
  • FCF
    • See: Fast Connection Failover (FCF)
  • files
    • archived redo log files 1
    • redo log 1
  • FROM MEMORY clause


  • GC_SERVER_PROCESSES initialization parameter
    • specifying the number of LMSn processes 1
  • GCS_SERVER_PROCESSES initialization parameter 1
  • GCS protocol 1
  • Generic server pool 1
  • GES
    • See: global cache and enqueue service (GES)
  • GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES initialization parameter 1
  • global cache and enqueue service (GES) 1
  • Global Cache Block Access Latency chart
    • performance monitoring 1
  • Global Cache Service (GCS) 1, 2
  • Global Cache Service Process (LMS) 1
  • Global Cache Service Processes (LMSn)
    • reducing the number of 1
    • specifying the number of 1
  • Global Cache Service statistics 1, 2
  • GLOBAL clause
    • forcing a checkpoint 1
  • Global Enqueue Service (GES) 1
  • Global Enqueue Service Daemon (LMD) 1
  • Global Enqueue Service Monitor (LMON) 1
  • Global Enqueue Service statistics 1
  • global performance data
    • with ADDM 1
  • Global Resource Directory (GRD) 1
  • global service attributes
    • GDSCTL 1
  • global services 1, 2
  • Global Transaction Process (GTX0-j) 1
  • goals
    • and the load balancing advisory 1
    • for load balancing advisory 1
  • GTX0-j
    • Global Transaction Process 1
  • GV$ 1
  • GV$ view 1


  • Hang Manager 1
  • hash partitioning
    • with Oracle RAC 1
  • high availability
    • best practices 1
    • for Oracle RAC Databases 1
  • high availability framework
    • introduction to 1
  • home
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • HOST command 1
    • SQL*Plus 1


  • idempotence 1
  • idle wait class 1
  • IM column store
    • See: In-Memory Column Store
  • indexes
    • sequence-based 1
  • initialization parameters
      • recommendations for using 1
    • cluster database issues regarding 1
    • identical settings for on all instances 1
    • settings for instances 1
    • specific to Oracle RAC 1
    • that must be identical on all instances 1
    • that must be unique on all instances 1
  • In-Memory Column Store
    • Oracle RAC 1
    • overview 1
  • In-Memory FastStart 1
  • INST_ID column 1
  • installations
    • performing multiple simultaneous cluster 1
  • instance
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • INSTANCE_NAME initialization parameter 1
  • INSTANCE_NUMBER initialization parameter 1
  • INSTANCE_TYPE initialization parameter 1
  • instance discovery
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 1
  • Instance Enqueue Process (LCK0) 1
  • Instance Management page 1, 2
  • INSTANCE NAME initialization parameter 1
  • INSTANCE option 1
  • instance recovery 1
  • instances
    • aggregated for service performance 1
    • cloning Oracle RAC 1
    • effect of SQL*Plus commands on 1
    • failure 1
    • initialization parameter settings 1
    • maximum number for Oracle RAC 1
    • memory structures 1
    • parallel processes 1
    • private interconnect usage 1
    • recovery 1, 2
    • recovery, abnormal shutdown 1
    • recovery, multiple failures 1
    • Server Management 1
    • shutting down 1
    • starting and stopping 1
    • terminating session on 1
    • verifying 1
    • verifying running 1
  • instances failure
    • recovery from 1
  • instead of Statspack 1
  • interconnect
    • and performance 1
    • and the Oracle RAC architecture 1
    • defined 1
    • protocols for Oracle RAC 1
    • verifying settings for 1
  • interconnect bandwidth 1
    • latency 1
  • interconnect block transfer rates 1
  • interconnects
    • alternatives to the private network 1
    • private 1
  • interconnect settings
    • verifying 1
  • Interconnects page
    • monitoring clusterware with Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
    • monitoring Oracle Clusterware 1
  • interprocess communication (IPC)
    • buffer sizes
      • adjusting 1
  • IPC protocol 1, 2


  • Java-based tools and utilities
    • CVU 1
    • DBCA 1
    • DBUA 1
    • enabling tools for tracing 1
    • GSD 1
    • NETCA 1
    • SRVCTL 1
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) clients
    • Oracle Notification Service usage 1
  • JDBC
    • enabling Fast Application Notification events for 1
  • JDBC/OCI 1
  • JDBC-thin clients
    • enabling for Fast Connection Failover (FCF) 1
  • JDBC-thin driver 1
  • job administration
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager 1


  • keystore
    • data security 1
  • KILL SESSION clause
    • on the ALTER SYSTEM statement 1


  • LCK0
    • Instance Enqueue Process 1
  • level thresholds
    • services 1
  • LICENSE_MAX_USERS initialization parameter 1
  • listener
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • listeners
    • command to add to a node 1
    • command to remove 1
    • Oracle Net 1
  • List of Cluster Databases page 1, 2
  • LMD
    • Global Enqueue Service Daemon 1
  • LMON Global Enqueue Service Monitor 1
  • LMS
    • Global Cache Service Process 1
  • LMSn processes
    • reducing the number of 1
  • LMS processes
    • reducing the number of 1
  • load balancing 1
    • OCI runtime connection 1
    • server-side 1
  • load balancing advisory
    • and FAN events 1
    • configuring your environment for using 1
    • deployment 1
    • description of 1
    • events and FAN 1
    • introduction to 1
  • Load Balancing Advisory 1
  • LOCAL_NODE parameter
    • in script 1
  • local archiving scenario
    • RMAN 1
  • Local Area Network (LAN) 1
  • LOCAL clause
    • forcing a checkpoint 1
  • local file system
    • archiving parameter settings 1
    • restore 1
  • local instance
    • shutting down 1
    • starting 1
  • locally managed tablespaces 1
  • local node name
    • in script 1
  • local temporary tablespace 1
  • LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter 1
  • LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT parameter 1
  • log files
    • tracing 1
  • logical transaction ID 1
  • log sequence numbers 1
  • LXTID 1


  • maintenance
    • planned 1
  • mass deployment
    • cloning 1, 2
  • media failures
    • recovery from 1
  • Memory Guard 1
  • memory structures
    • in Oracle RAC 1
  • message request counters 1
  • migration
    • application 1
    • from single-instance 1
  • missing files 1
  • mission critical systems
    • considerations for Oracle RAC 1
  • modified data
    • instance recovery 1
  • monitoring
    • archiver process 1
    • overview and concepts 1
    • performance of global cache block access 1
  • monitoring host load average 1
  • mount all non-running instances of an Oracle RAC database 1
  • multiple cluster interconnects 1
  • multiple databases in a cluster 1
  • multiple instances
    • starting from a single SQL*Plus session 1
    • starting from one node 1
  • multiple node failures 1
  • multiple public networks 1
  • multiplexed redo log files 1
  • multitenant container database
    • See: CDBs
  • mutable functions 1
  • mutables
    • rules for grants 1


  • net service name 1
  • network
    • restricting service registration 1, 2
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • Network Attached Storage (NAS) 1
  • network file system 1
    • See also: NFS
  • network resources 1
  • NFS
    • server 1
  • node
    • failure and VIP addresses 1
  • node affinity awareness 1
  • nodeapps
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • node discovery
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 1
  • node evictions 1
  • nodes
    • affinity awareness 1
    • failure of 1
    • virtual IP addresses 1
  • node VIPs 1
  • noncluster databases
    • quiescing 1
  • noncluster Oracle ASM
    • converting to clustered Oracle ASM 1
  • non-transactional session state 1
  • noreplay keyword (terminating or disconnecting session) 1


  • object creation and deletion 1
  • objects
    • creation of and effect on performance 1
  • OCI
    • runtime connection load balancing 1
    • session pooling 1
    • session pools
      • optimizing 1
      • runtime connection load balancing 1
      • service metrics 1
  • OCRDUMP utility 1
    • and Fast Connection Failover 1
    • load balancing advisory events 1
  • OLTP environments 1
  • online database relocation
    • relocation feature 1
  • online recovery 1
  • online transaction processing (OLTP)
    • applications in Oracle RAC 1
  • ons
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • ONS
    • See: Oracle Notification Service
  • optimal execution plans 1
  • Oracle ACFS 1
  • Oracle ASM
    • disk group management 1
    • see Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) 1
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) 1
    • archiving scenario 1
    • converting noncluster Oracle ASM to clustered Oracle ASM 1
    • installation 1
    • instances
      • administering with SRVCTL 1
    • Oracle ASM preferred read failure groups 1
    • preferred mirror read disks 1
    • preferred read disks 1
    • storage solution 1
  • Oracle Call Interface
    • See: OCI
  • Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) 1, 2
  • Oracle Clusterware
    • cloning 1
    • controlling database restarts 1
    • control policies
      • AUTOMATIC 1
      • MANUAL 1
      • using SRVCTL to display and change 1
    • described 1
    • introduction 1
    • introduction and concepts of 1
    • managing Oracle processes 1
  • Oracle Database
    • session activity 1
  • Oracle Database QoS Management 1
  • Oracle Database Quality of Service Management
    • See: Oracle Database QoS Management
  • Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager
    • adding database instances to nodes
      • on Linux and UNIX 1
      • on Windows 1
    • alert administration 1
    • alert blackouts 1
    • Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) 1
    • Average Active Sessions chart 1
    • Cluster Database Home page 1
    • Cluster Database page 1
    • Cluster Database Performance page
      • performance statistics for an Oracle RAC database 1
    • configuring to recognize changes in database management 1
    • Database Throughput charts 1
    • deleting database instances from nodes 1, 2
    • Global Cache Block Access Latency chart 1
    • Interconnects page 1
    • job administration 1
    • monitoring load values for available nodes 1
    • overview and concepts 1
    • Top Activity drill down menu 1
    • using the Interconnects page to monitor Oracle Clusterware 1
    • using to administer Oracle RAC 1
    • using to administer services 1
    • using to back up the server parameter file 1
    • using to convert single-instance databases to Oracle Real Application Clusters 1
    • using to create DTP services 1
    • using to monitor Oracle Clusterware 1
    • using to monitor Oracle RAC 1
    • using to monitor Oracle RAC environments 1
    • using to restore SPFILE 1
    • using to schedule Automatic Workload Repository actions 1
    • using to set up a fast recovery area 1
    • using to start or stop a database 1
    • using with RMAN 1
  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
    • instance discovery 1
    • node discovery 1
  • Oracle Flex Clusters 1
  • Oracle GoldenGate 1
  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure 1
  • Oracle home
    • defined 1
  • Oracle homes
    • cloning
      • on Linux and UNIX 1
    • local
      • cloning on Windows 1
    • shared
      • cloning on Linux and UNIX 1
      • cloning on Windows 1
  • Oracle Interface Configuration (OIFCFG) 1
  • Oracle Managed Files 1
  • Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) 1
  • Oracle Multitenant 1
  • Oracle Net
    • listeners 1
  • Oracle Net connection failover 1
  • Oracle Net Services
    • and load balancing 1
    • and services 1
  • Oracle Notification Service 1
    • Java client
      • running in secure mode 1
    • SRVCTL object name 1
    • used by FAN 1
  • Oracle Notification Services
    • API 1
  • Oracle processes
    • managed by Oracle Clusterware 1
  • Oracle RAC
    • adding administrator-managed database instances 1, 2
    • adding policy-managed database instances 1, 2
    • adding to nodes in a cluster on Linux and UNIX 1
    • adding to nodes in a cluster on Windows 1
    • administrative privilege
      • SYSRAC 1
    • and e-commerce 1
    • background processes
      • ACMS 1
      • GTX0-j 1
      • LCK0 1
      • LMD 1
      • LMON 1
      • LMS 1
      • RSMN 1
    • benefits of cloning 1
    • cloning 1
      • size of the binaries 1
    • converting database from 1
    • converting database to 1
    • converting from non-cluster system 1
    • converting single instance to Oracle RAC One Node 1
    • copying the Oracle RAC home 1
    • databases
      • converting from single-instance Oracle databases 1
      • quiescing 1
    • deploying clone 1
    • diagnosing performance problems 1
    • diagnosing problems for 1
    • IM column store 1
    • installation overview 1
    • overview of administration 1
    • removing on Windows 1
    • removing the software from Linux and UNIX 1
    • security considerations 1
    • shutting down instances 1
    • software components 1
    • storage options
      • IBM GPFS 1
      • network file system (NFS) 1
      • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) 1
      • Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) 1
      • Oracle OCFS2 1
      • volume manager 1
    • using a fast recovery area in 1
  • Oracle RAC One Node 1
    • converting database from 1
    • converting database to 1
    • converting to Oracle RAC 1
    • creating databases 1
    • database
      • services on 1
    • online database relocation 1
    • relocating to another node 1
  • Oracle RAC Sharding 1
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters
    • See: Oracle RAC
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters One Node
    • See: Oracle RAC One Node
  • Oracle Resource Manager
    • and services 1
  • Oracle Services
    • using 1
  • Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
    • creating the OraMTS service 1
  • Oracle Universal Installer
    • database installation 1
    • Oracle Real Application Clusters installation 1
  • Oracle XA 1
  • oradebug ipc command 1
  • OraMTS
    • See: Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
    • external transaction manager 1
  • orapwd file 1
  • outages
    • unplanned 1


  • PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE initialization parameter 1
  • PARALLEL_FORCE_LOCAL initialization parameter 1
  • parallel execution 1
  • parallelism
    • in Oracle RAC 1
    • parallel-aware query optimization 1
  • parallel processes 1
  • parallel recovery 1
    • disabling 1
  • parameter file
    • overview 1
  • parameter file search order 1
  • parameters
    • that must be identical on all instances 1
    • that must be unique on all instances 1
  • password file-based authentication 1
  • PDBs 1, 2
    • managing 1
    • managing services on 1
  • performance 1
    • aggregates by services 1
    • comprehensive global data 1
    • monitoring activity by wait events, services, and instances 1
    • monitoring database throughput 1
    • monitoring global cache block access 1
    • monitoring potential problems in the database 1
    • primary components affecting 1
    • service aggregates by instances 1
    • service aggregates by waits 1
    • using ADDM 1
  • performance evaluation
    • overview and concepts 1
  • performance statistics 1
    • using with Oracle RAC 1
  • phases
    • cloning deployment 1
    • cloning preparation 1
  • planned maintenance
    • draining database sessions 1
    • managing 1
    • using Application Continuity 1
  • pluggable database
    • See: PDBs
  • PMON background process 1
  • policy-managed clusters 1
  • policy-managed database 1
  • policy-managed database instances
    • adding 1
  • policy-managed databases 1, 2, 3, 4
    • deleting on Linux and UNIX 1
    • deleting on Windows 1
    • deploying 1
    • managing 1
  • policy set 1
  • PREFERRED instances
    • for services 1
  • preferred read disks
    • Oracle ASM in an Oracle RAC extended distance cluster 1
  • private clouds 1
  • private interconnect 1
    • determining usage 1
  • private network
    • alternative interconnect 1
  • private network IP address 1
  • processes
    • managed by Oracle Clusterware 1
    • parallel 1
  • public and private interfaces
    • shown in Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
  • public network
    • defined 1


  • query optimizer 1
    • default cost model for 1
  • queue tables 1
  • quiesce database
    • in Oracle Real Application Clusters 1
  • quiesced databases 1
  • quiescing
    • noncluster database 1


  • rconfig 1
  • reader nodes 1
  • rebalancing
    • workloads 1
  • RECOVER command 1
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • recovery
    • after SHUTDOWN ABORT 1
    • from multiple node failure 1
    • from single-node failure 1
    • instance 1
    • media failures 1
    • online 1
    • parallel 1
  • redo log files
    • instance recovery 1
    • log sequence number 1
    • using 1
  • redo log groups 1
  • redo logs
    • format and destination specifications 1
  • redo thread 1
  • reducing contention 1
  • regions 1
  • REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE initialization parameter 1
  • remote Oracle Notification Service subscription 1
  • Remote Slave Monitor (RSMN) 1
  • replicated databases
    • and global services 1
  • request boundaries 1, 2
  • resource contention 1
  • resource manager 1
  • resource profiles
    • and service creation 1
  • resources
    • releasing 1
  • resources held by the session 1
  • restore scenarios
    • RMAN 1
  • restore scheme
    • cluster file system 1
    • local file system 1
  • RESULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE initialization parameter 1, 2
  • result cache 1
    • disabling 1
    • enabling 1
  • RMAN
    • CONFIGURE command 1
    • configuring channels 1
    • configuring channels to use automatic load balancing 1
    • configuring one channel for each instance 1
    • configuring snapshot control file locations 1
    • crosschecking on multiple nodes 1
    • local archiving scenario 1
    • restore scenarios 1
    • using to create SPFILE backups 1
  • RMSn
    • Oracle RAC management processes 1
  • rolling back
    • instance recovery 1
  • script
    • $ORACLE_HOME 1
  • RSMN
    • Remote Slave Monitor 1
  • runtime connection load balancing
    • defined 1
    • in OCI session pools 1
    • introduction to 1
  • Runtime Connection Load Balancing 1


  • scalability 1
    • Oracle RAC 1
  • scalable sequences 1
  • scan
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • SCAN 1
  • scan_listener
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • SCAN listener
    • and restricting service registration 1, 2
  • scripts
    • $ORACLE_HOME/ 1
  • security
    • keystore 1
  • sequence-based indexes 1
  • sequences
    • log sequence number 1
  • Server Control Utility
    • See: SRVCTL
  • server draining 1
  • Server Management
    • administration of instances 1
  • server parameter file
    • backing up 1
  • server parameter files
    • creating 1
  • server pool 1
  • server pools 1
    • creating for a policy-managed database 1
    • Generic 1
    • XML conversion files for 1
  • servers
    • relocating from another server pool 1
    • scalability 1
  • service
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • SERVICE_NAMES initialization parameter 1
    • setting for services 1
  • service-level agreements 1
  • service level objective
    • defining for Oracle RAC 1
  • service levels 1
  • service metrics
    • OCI runtime connection load balancing 1
    • runtime connection load balancing 1
  • services 1
    • activity levels aggregated by instances 1
    • activity levels aggregated by services 1
    • activity levels aggregated by waits 1
    • administering 1
    • administering with Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
    • administering with SRVCTL 1, 2
    • attributes
      • edition 1
    • basic concepts about 1
    • buffer cache access 1
    • co-location 1
    • configuring automatic workload management characteristics 1
    • default 1
    • defining database roles for 1
    • dependencies 1
    • enabling event notification 1
    • global 1
    • introduction to 1
    • level thresholds 1
    • management policy
      • automatic 1
      • manual 1
    • managing after planned maintenance 1
    • managing groups of 1
    • managing on PDBs 1
    • performance monitored by AWR 1
    • relocating 1, 2
    • relocating after planned maintenance 1
    • restricting registration with listeners 1, 2
    • SERVICE_NAMES parameter 1, 2
    • specifying a service 1
    • starting 1
    • starting after planned maintenance 1
    • stopping 1
    • stopping after planned maintenance 1
    • using 1
  • services for administrator-managed databases 1
    • load balancing advisory goal 1
  • sessions
    • terminating on a specific instance 1
  • session state consistency 1
    • auto 1
    • dynamic 1
    • static 1
  • setting instances 1, 2
  • shared everything 1
  • shared server configuration 1
  • SHOW INSTANCE command 1
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • SHOW PARAMETER command
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • SHOW PARAMETERS command 1
  • SHOW SGA command 1
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • SHUTDOWN command
    • ABORT option 1
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • shutting down
    • instances 1
  • shutting down an instance
    • abnormal shutdown 1
  • shutting down instances 1
  • sidalrt.log file 1
  • single client access name
    • See: SCAN
  • Single Client Access Name (SCAN)
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • single-instance database
    • convert to Oracle RAC database
      • administrative considerations 1
  • single-instance databases
    • converting 1
    • converting to Oracle RAC database 1
  • single system image 1
  • SMON process
    • instance recovery 1, 2
    • recovery after SHUTDOWN ABORT 1
  • snapshot control file 1
    • configuring locations 1
  • speed-up for data warehouse systems 1
    • backing up 1
    • backups
      • creating 1
    • changing parameter settings 1
    • corrupted 1
    • default names 1
    • location 1
    • naming convention for 1
    • recovering 1
    • restore with Oracle Enterprise Manager 1
    • restore with RMAN 1
    • setting values in 1
  • SPFILE initialization parameter 1, 2
  • SQL*Plus 1
    • commands
      • CONNECT 1
      • effect on instances 1
  • SQL statements
    • executing in parallel 1
    • instance-specific 1
    • administering Oracle ASM instances 1
    • administering services with 1
    • cluster database configuration tasks 1
    • cluster database tasks 1
    • command feedback 1
    • commands
      • add database 1
      • add instance 1
      • add listener 1
      • add network 1
      • add nodeapps 1
      • add ons 1
      • add scan 1
      • add scan_listener 1
      • add service 1
      • add srvpool 1
      • add vip 1
      • config database 1
      • config listener 1
      • config network 1
      • config nodeapps 1
      • config ons 1
      • config scan 1
      • config scan_listener 1
      • config service 1
      • config srvpool 1
      • config vip 1
      • config volume 1
      • convert database 1
      • disable database 1
      • disable diskgroup 1
      • disable instance 1
      • disable listener 1
      • disable nodeapps 1
      • disable ons 1
      • disable scan 1
      • disable scan_listener 1
      • disable service 1
      • disable vip 1
      • disable volume 1
      • downgrade database 1
      • enable database 1
      • enable diskgroup 1
      • enable instance 1
      • enable listener 1
      • enable nodeapps 1
      • enable ons 1
      • enable scan 1
      • enable scan_listener 1
      • enable service 1
      • enable vip 1
      • enable volume 1
      • -eval parameter 1
      • getenv database 1
      • getenv listener 1
      • getenv nodeapps 1, 2
      • help 1
      • modify database 1
      • modify instance 1
      • modify listener 1
      • modify network 1
      • modify nodeapps 1
      • modify ons 1
      • modify scan 1
      • modify scan_listener 1
      • modify service 1
      • modify srvpool 1
      • modify vip 1
      • predict database 1
      • predict diskgroup 1
      • predict listener 1
      • predict network 1
      • predict scan 1
      • predict scan_listener 1
      • predict service 1
      • predict vip 1
      • relocate database 1
      • relocate scan 1
      • relocate scan_listener 1
      • relocate server 1
      • relocate service 1
      • relocate vip 1
      • remove database 1
      • remove diskgroup 1
      • remove instance 1
      • remove listener 1
      • remove network 1
      • remove nodeapps 1
      • remove ons 1
      • remove scan 1
      • remove scan_listener 1
      • remove service 1
      • remove srvpool 1
      • remove vip 1
      • remove volume 1
      • setenv database 1, 2
      • setenv listener 1
      • setenv nodeapps 1
      • srvctl setenv 1
      • start database 1, 2
      • start diskgroup 1
      • start home 1
      • start instance 1, 2
      • start listener 1
      • start nodeapps 1
      • start ons 1
      • start scan 1
      • start scan_listener 1
      • start service 1
      • start vip 1
      • start volume 1
      • status database 1
      • status diskgroup 1
      • status home 1
      • status listener 1
      • status nodeapps 1
      • status ons 1
      • status scan 1
      • status scan_listener 1
      • status server 1
      • status service 1
      • status srvpool 1
      • status vip 1
      • status volume 1
      • stop database 1, 2
      • stop diskgroup 1
      • stop home 1
      • stop instance 1
      • stop listener 1
      • stop nodeapps 1
      • stop ons 1
      • stop scan 1
      • stop scan_listener 1
      • stop service 1
      • stop vip 1
      • stop volume 1
      • unsetenv database 1, 2
      • unsetenv listener 1
      • unsetenv nodeapps 1
      • update database 1
      • update instance 1
      • update listener 1
      • update scan_listener 1
      • upgrade database 1
    • command syntax 1
    • concurrent commands 1
    • deprecated commands and options 1
    • deprecated commands and parameters 1
    • difference between SRVCTL and CRSCTL 1
    • enabling event notification 1
    • node-level tasks 1
    • object name
      • database 1
      • diskgroup 1
      • home 1
      • instance 1
      • listener 1
      • network 1
      • node applications (nodeapps) 1
      • Oracle Notification Service 1
      • scan 1
      • scan_listener 1
      • service 1
      • srvpool 1
      • vip 1
      • volume 1
    • object names 1
    • overview 1
    • overview and concepts 1
    • single-character parameters 1
    • specifying a continuation of command line entries 1
    • stop or start cluster database 1
    • stopping active commands 1
    • using comma-delimited lists 1
  • SRVM_TRACE environment variable 1
  • srvpool
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • Standard Edition
    • installing Oracle ASM 1
  • starting administrator-managed databases 1
  • starting policy-managed databases 1
  • STARTUP command
    • SQL*Plus 1
  • static session state consistency 1
  • statistics
    • contents of 1
  • Statspack 1, 2
    • usage 1
  • stop database instances 1
  • storage
    • administering in Oracle RAC 1
    • cluster file system 1
    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) 1
  • subnet
    • configuring for virtual IP address 1
  • subnets 1
  • SYSASM privilege 1
  • SYSAUX tablespace
    • increasing size when adding nodes 1
    • reducing size when removing nodes 1
  • SYSDBA 1
  • SYSRAC connections to an Oracle ASM instance 1
  • system change 1
  • System Global Area (SGA) 1, 2
    • size requirements 1


  • tablespaces
    • automatic segment space management (ASSM) in Oracle RAC 1
    • automatic undo management in Oracle RAC 1
    • locally managed 1
    • use in Oracle RAC 1
  • TCP/IP 1
  • TCP network ports
    • Windows Firewall considerations 1
  • terminating a session on a specific instance 1
  • THREAD initialization parameter 1
  • threads
    • multiple application 1
  • timed statistics 1
  • tnsnames.ora file 1
  • Top Activity drill down menu
    • on the Cluster Database Performance page 1
  • Top Cluster Events 1
  • Top Cluster Events, ASH report 1
  • Top Remote Instance 1
  • Top Remote Instance, ASH report 1
  • TRACE_ENABLED initialization parameter 1
  • trace files 1
    • managing 1
    • sidalrt.log 1
  • trace files for background processes 1
  • tracing
    • enabling Java-based tools and utilities 1
    • SRVM_TRACE environment variable 1
    • writing to log files 1
  • transactional TAF 1
  • transaction failover 1
  • Transaction Guard 1
    • configuring JDBC-thin clients 1, 2
    • configuring OCI clients 1
    • configuring service attributes 1
    • configuring services for 1
    • introduction to 1
    • transaction history table 1
  • transaction history table 1
  • transaction idempotence 1
  • transactions
    • distributed SQL 1
    • DTP/XA 1
    • instance failure 1
    • rolling back 1, 2
    • waiting for recovery 1
  • Transparent Application Continuity 1
  • transparent application failover (TAF)
    • and services 1
  • Transparent Data Encryption
    • specifying the ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION parameter 1
    • with encrypted keystores and obfuscated keystores 1
  • tuning
    • overview 1
    • using ADDM 1


  • UNDO_MANAGEMENT initialization parameter 1
  • UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter 1
  • UNDO_TABLESPACE parameter 1
  • undo tablespace 1
  • upgrades
    • changing management policy for 1
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 1
  • user process trace files 1


  • V$ 1
  • V$ view 1
  • valid node checking 1, 2
  • vendor clusterware 1
  • verification
    • data files, online files 1
  • versions
    • compatibility for Oracle RAC and Oracle Database software 1
  • views
    • creating for Oracle Real Application Clusters 1
    • dynamic performance
      • for performance monitoring 1
      • GV$ 1
    • for performance monitoring 1
    • GV$SESSION 1
    • instance-specific 1
      • V$ views 1
  • VIP
    • SRVCTL object name 1
  • VIPs
    • node 1
  • Virtual Internet Protocol (VIP) address 1
  • virtual IP address
    • requirements 1
  • VNCR
    • See: valid node checking
  • volume
    • SRVCTL object name 1


  • wait events 1, 2
    • aggregated for service performance 1
    • block-related 1
    • contention-related 1
    • load-related 1
    • message-related 1
  • Welcome page 1
  • Windows Firewall 1
  • workload management
    • See: automatic workload management
  • workloads
    • and services 1
    • See Also automatic workload management 1


  • XA affinity 1
  • XA transactions 1
    • spanning Oracle RAC instances 1
    • using services with 1
  • XA Transactions 1