Description of the illustration cncpt345.eps
This graphic depicts a CDB as a cylinder. Inside the CDB is a box labeled "Root (CDB$ROOT)." Plugged into the box is the Seed (CDB$SEED), hrpdb, and salespdb. A box labeled "Sales Application" points to salespdb. A box labeled "HR Application" points to hrpdb. To the right of the cylinder is an icon of a person labeled "CDB Administrator." To the left of the cylinder is a person icon labeled "PDB Administrator for hrpdb." An arrow points from this icon to hrpdb. Beneath the hrpdb administrator is a person icon labeled "PDB Administrator for salespdb." This icon points to the salespdb icon. Beneath the cylinder is a horizontal dotted line. Above the line is the text "Logical." Below the line is the text "Physical." A dotted line labeled "Database" contains Data Files icons, Control Files icons, and Online Redo Log icons. Outside the Database box are Archived Redo Log icons and Flashback Log icons.