Downgrading Oracle Restart

Use this procedure to deconfigure and downgrade Oracle Restart, or to troubleshoot Oracle Restart if you receive an error during installation.

To downgrade Oracle Restart, you must first downgrade Oracle Database, deconfigure Oracle Restart, and then reconfigure Oracle Restart.

Also, running with the command flags -deconfig -force enables you to deconfigure Oracle Restart without removing the installed binaries. This feature is useful if you encounter an error during an Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server installation. For example, when you run the command, you find a missing operating system package. By running -deconfig -force, you can deconfigure Oracle Restart, correct the cause of the error, and then run again.


Stop all databases, services, and listeners that are running before you deconfigure or downgrade Oracle Restart.
  1. Create a backup of PFILE as the oracle user:
    CREATE PFILE='/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/dbs/test_init.ora'
    FROM SPFILE='/u01/oracle/dbs/test_spfile.ora';
  2. Log in as the root user.
  3. Downgrade Oracle Database.
  4. Downgrade the Oracle Restart resources:
    # srvctl downgrade database -d db_unique_name -o $ORACLE_HOME -t to_version
  5. Go to the Grid_home/crs/install directory:
    # cd /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/grid/crs/install
  6. Run with the -deconfig -force flags to deconfigure Oracle Restart.
    # -deconfig -force
  7. Deinstall Oracle Restart using the deinstall command as the grid user:
    $ cd /u01/app/19.0.0/grid/deinstall/
    $ ./deinstall
    The deinstall tool detaches the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home, updates the OraInventory, and cleans up the directories.
  8. Run manually, as the root user, in the earlier release Oracle Restart home to configure Oracle Restart.
    If you do not have an earlier release Oracle Restart on your system, then perform an Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server installation for the respective release to install Oracle Restart.
  9. Add the components back to Oracle Restart as the grid user.
    1. Add Oracle Database to the Oracle Restart configuration:
      $ srvctl add database -db db_unique_name -o $ORACLE_HOME
    2. Add the listener to the Oracle Restart configuration:
      $ srvctl add listener -l listener_name -o $ORACLE_HOME
    3. Add each service to the database, using the srvctl add service command. For example:
      $ srvctl add service -db mydb -service myservice
  10. Attach the Oracle home to the Oracle Restart configuration:
    $ ./runInstaller -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -attachHome ORACLE_HOME="/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="Ora19c_home"