125 PRGZ-01000 to PRGZ-03137
- PRGZ-01000: inaccessible file "{0}" for user "{1}"
Cause: An attempt to upgrade a database with zero downtime failed because the specified file was inaccessible for the indicated user.
- PRGZ-01001: Query of the V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS view for database "{0}" failed.\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to upgrade a database with zero downtime failed because a query of the V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS view failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01002: The '{0}' property has to be set if the '{1}' property is set in the response file {2} and vice versa.
Cause: Only one of the indicated parameters was set in the response file.
- PRGZ-01004: The directory "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: An attempt to upgrade a database with zero downtime failed because the specified directory did not exist.
- PRGZ-01008: failed to execute the statement to convert the database "{0}" to snapshot standby database
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of the statement to convert the specified database as SNAPSHOT STANDBY failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01009: No Oracle home is found for Oracle SID {0} on node {1}.
Cause: The specified Oracle system identifier (SID) was not found in the oratab file on the specified node.
- PRGZ-01012: mandatory parameters "{0}" not set
Cause: Either one or all of the indicated parameters was not set in the response file.
- PRGZ-01013: The path "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the specified path did not exist.
- PRGZ-01015: The specified phase "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The requested operation failed because the specified phase did not exist.
- PRGZ-01016: ZDLRA is not supported for given Oracle Cloud type "{0}".
Cause: The attempted operation was rejected because it was not supported for the indicated Oracle Cloud type.
- PRGZ-01017: Failure occurred during the creation of Oracle wallets on node "{0}".
Cause: An attempt to upgrade a database with zero downtime failed because the creation of Oracle wallets on the indicated node failed.
- PRGZ-01100: The path "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the specified path did not exist.
- PRGZ-01101: The source database "{0}" is a multitenant container database.
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the specified source database was a CDB.
- PRGZ-01102: The target database "{0}" is not a multitenant container database.
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the specified target database was not a CDB that could have the converted PDB plugged in.
- PRGZ-01103: The source database "{0}" is a pluggable database existing in the multitenant container database "{1}".
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the specified source database was a PDB existing in the indicated CDB.
- PRGZ-01104: The database "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the specified source database was not present.
- PRGZ-01105: The database "{0}" is not running.
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the specified source database was not running.
- PRGZ-01106: Stored procedure to create the PDB description file for database "{0}" failed.\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) failed because the stored procedure to create the PDB description file for the specified database failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01107: Stored procedure to check the plug compatibility for database "{0}" failed.\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the stored procedure to check the plug compatibility for the specified database failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01108: The source database "{0}" is not compatible with the multitenant container database "{1}".
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) was rejected because the specified source database was not compatible with the indicated CDB as a PDB.
- PRGZ-01109: The PDB description file for source database "{0}" is missing.
Cause: An internal error occurred.
- PRGZ-01110: SQL statement to show compatibility violations for source database "{0}" failed.\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) failed because the statement to show compatibility violations for the specified source database failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01111: SQL statement to create the pluggable database "{0}" failed.\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) failed because the statement to create the specified PDB failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01112: SQL statement to open the pluggable database "{0}" failed.\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) failed because the statement to open the specified PDB failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01113: SQL statements to convert database "{0}" to a PDB failed.\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to convert a nonmultitenant container database (CDB) to a pluggable database (PDB) failed because statements to convert the specified database to a PDB failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-01114: unable to find a free port ranging from {0} to {1}
Cause: An attempt to upgrade a database with zero downtime failed because an attempt to find a free port within the indicated range failed.
- PRGZ-01115: parameter "{0}" not supported
Cause: Either one or all of the indicated parameters was set in the response file and not supported.
- PRGZ-01116: Database {0} is currently being migrated part of job {1}.
Cause: An attempt to start migrating specified database was rejected because of an ongoing migrate operation.
- PRGZ-01117: incorrect value specified for parameters "{0}"
Cause: The indicated parameters were set with incorrect value in the response file.
- PRGZ-03100: SQL statement to disable block change tracking for database "{0}" failed.
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the statment to disable block change tracking failed for the specified database. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03102: keystore open failed for database "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the operation to open the keystore failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03103: keystore close failed for database "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the operation to close the keystore failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03104: unable to get Oracle base for home "{0}"
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the operation to retrieve the Oracle base for the specified home failed.
- PRGZ-03105: restoration of database files failed\n{0}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the database files coult not be restored. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03106: database files recovery failed\n{0}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the database files could not be recovered. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03107: restoration of database control files failed\n{0}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the database control files could not be restored. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03108: Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore is not set up for database "{0}".
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime was rejected because the Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore was not set up for the specified database.
- PRGZ-03110: failed to open Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore directory location "{0}" for database "{1}"\n{2}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the indicated Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore directory could not be opened. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03111: Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore password not specified for database "{0}".
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because a password-based Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore was detected but the keystore password was not specified.
- PRGZ-03112: Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore master key is not configured for database "{0}".
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore master key was not detected.
- PRGZ-03113: Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore is of type LOCAL_AUTOLOGIN for database "{0}".
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) keystore of type LOCAL_AUTOLOGIN was detected.
- PRGZ-03114: failed to duplicate database "{0}" to physical standby database
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of the statement to duplicate the database from backup as PHYSICAL STANDBY failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03115: failed to remove database "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to remove the database that was already configured failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03116: failed to start instance for database "{0}".\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of the statement to start database instance from SPFILE failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03117: failed to execute SQL statement.\n{0}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of the SQL statement failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03120: failed to clone target database '{0}' from ZDLRA '{1}'\n{2}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of Recovery Manager (RMAN) procedure to duplicate database from Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) failed. Accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03122: failed to add instance for database "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of "srvctl add instance" failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03124: failed to add server pool for database "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of "srvctl add serverpool" as database owner failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03125: failed to obtain configuration of resource "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the resource configuration could not be obtained. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03126: Target database unique name specified is identical to the source database unique name, and they must be different.
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime was rejected because the target database unique name was the same as the source database unique name, and the target must be given a different database unique name.
- PRGZ-03127: Target database unique name was not specified.
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime was rejected because the target database unique name was not specified.
- PRGZ-03128: failed to change owner to "{0}" for file "{1}"\n{2}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the ownership of the indicated file could not be changed as indicated.
- PRGZ-03129: failed to copy file "{0}" to "{1}"\n{2}
Cause: An attempt to copy the indicated file to the indicated node failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03130: failed to establish connection to target listener from nodes {0}\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the source node couldn't reach the target node using 'tnsping'.
- PRGZ-03131: failed to establish connection to target listener from nodes {0} with the specified SSH tunnel port\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the source node couldn't reach the target node using 'tnsping' with the specified target SSH tunnel port.
- PRGZ-03132: failed to start database "{0}".\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the execution of the statement to start database failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03133: failed to query the snapshot control file location for database "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the operation to query the indicated parameter from the indicated view for the specified database failed. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03134: failed to validate path "{0}"\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the specified path is incorrect or lacks permission to write.
- PRGZ-03135: SQL statement to save pdb state for database "{0}" failed\n{1}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the query to save pdb state failed for the specified database. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03136: SQL statement to open pdb "{1}" with "{2}" mode for database "{0}" failed\n{3}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because the query to open indicated pluggable databases failed for the specified database. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.
- PRGZ-03137: RMAN crosscheck for database "{0}" failed\n{3}
Cause: An attempt to migrate a database with zero downtime failed because RMAN crosscheck failed for the specified database. The accompanying messages provide detailed failure information.